Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/toposort-class/benchmark/0.3.1/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/toposort-class/benchmark/0.3.1/toposort.js |
!function() { "use strict"; /** * Topological sort class. * Original by Marcel Klehr, contributed by Gustavo Henke. * * @class * @since 0.1.0 * @see https://github.com/marcelklehr/toposort * @author Marcel Klehr <mklehr@gmx.net> * * @see https://github.com/gustavohenke/toposort * @author Gustavo Henke <gustavo@injoin.com.br> */ function Toposort() { var self = this; var edges = []; /** * Adds dependency edges. * * @since 0.1.0 * @param {String} item An dependent name. Must be an string and not empty * @param {String[]|String} [deps] An dependency or array of dependencies * @returns {Toposort} The Toposort instance */ self.add = function( item, deps ) { if( typeof item !== "string" || !item ) { throw new TypeError( "Dependent name must be given as a not empty string" ); } deps = Array.isArray( deps ) ? deps.slice() : [deps]; if( deps.length ) { deps.forEach( function( dep ) { if( typeof dep !== "string" || !dep ) { throw new TypeError( "Dependency name must be given as a not empty string" ); } edges.push( [item, dep] ); } ); } else { edges.push( [item] ); } return self; }; /** * Runs the toposorting and return an ordered array of strings * * @since 0.1.0 * @returns {String[]} The list of items topologically sorted. */ self.sort = function() { var nodes = []; var sorted = []; edges.forEach( function( edge ) { edge.forEach( function( n ) { if( nodes.indexOf( n ) === -1 ) { nodes.push( n ); } } ); } ); function visit( node, predecessors, i ) { var index, predsCopy; predecessors = predecessors || []; if( predecessors.indexOf( node ) > -1 ) { throw new Error( "Cyclic dependency found. '" + node + "' is dependent of itself.\n" + "Dependency Chain: " + predecessors.join( " -> " ) + " => " + node ); } index = nodes.indexOf( node ); if( index === -1 ) { return i; } nodes.splice( index, 1 ); if( predecessors.length === 0 ) { i--; } predsCopy = predecessors.slice(); predsCopy.push( node ); edges.filter( function( e ) { return e[0] === node; } ).forEach( function( e ) { i = visit( e[1], predsCopy, i ); } ); sorted.unshift( node ); return i; } for( var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++ ) { i = visit( nodes[i], null, i ); } return sorted; }; } if( typeof module === "object" && module && typeof module.exports === "object" ) { // Expose toposort to CommonJS loaders (aka Node) module.exports = exports.Toposort = Toposort; } else { // Expose toposort to AMD loaders (aka Require.js) if( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) { define( function() { return Toposort; } ); } // Expose toposort as a browser global if( typeof window === "object" ) { window.Toposort = Toposort; } } }();