Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/snapdragon/lib/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/snapdragon/lib/parser.js |
'use strict'; var use = require('use'); var util = require('util'); var Cache = require('map-cache'); var define = require('define-property'); var debug = require('debug')('snapdragon:parser'); var Position = require('./position'); var utils = require('./utils'); /** * Create a new `Parser` with the given `input` and `options`. * @param {String} `input` * @param {Object} `options` * @api public */ function Parser(options) { debug('initializing', __filename); this.options = utils.extend({source: 'string'}, options); this.init(this.options); use(this); } /** * Prototype methods */ Parser.prototype = { constructor: Parser, init: function(options) { this.orig = ''; this.input = ''; this.parsed = ''; this.column = 1; this.line = 1; this.regex = new Cache(); this.errors = this.errors || []; this.parsers = this.parsers || {}; this.types = this.types || []; this.sets = this.sets || {}; this.fns = this.fns || []; this.currentType = 'root'; var pos = this.position(); this.bos = pos({type: 'bos', val: ''}); this.ast = { type: 'root', errors: this.errors, nodes: [this.bos] }; define(this.bos, 'parent', this.ast); this.nodes = [this.ast]; this.count = 0; this.setCount = 0; this.stack = []; }, /** * Throw a formatted error with the cursor column and `msg`. * @param {String} `msg` Message to use in the Error. */ error: function(msg, node) { var pos = node.position || {start: {column: 0, line: 0}}; var line = pos.start.line; var column = pos.start.column; var source = this.options.source; var message = source + ' <line:' + line + ' column:' + column + '>: ' + msg; var err = new Error(message); err.source = source; err.reason = msg; err.pos = pos; if (this.options.silent) { this.errors.push(err); } else { throw err; } }, /** * Define a non-enumberable property on the `Parser` instance. * * ```js * parser.define('foo', 'bar'); * ``` * @name .define * @param {String} `key` propery name * @param {any} `val` property value * @return {Object} Returns the Parser instance for chaining. * @api public */ define: function(key, val) { define(this, key, val); return this; }, /** * Mark position and patch `node.position`. */ position: function() { var start = { line: this.line, column: this.column }; var self = this; return function(node) { define(node, 'position', new Position(start, self)); return node; }; }, /** * Set parser `name` with the given `fn` * @param {String} `name` * @param {Function} `fn` * @api public */ set: function(type, fn) { if (this.types.indexOf(type) === -1) { this.types.push(type); } this.parsers[type] = fn.bind(this); return this; }, /** * Get parser `name` * @param {String} `name` * @api public */ get: function(name) { return this.parsers[name]; }, /** * Push a `token` onto the `type` stack. * * @param {String} `type` * @return {Object} `token` * @api public */ push: function(type, token) { this.sets[type] = this.sets[type] || []; this.count++; this.stack.push(token); return this.sets[type].push(token); }, /** * Pop a token off of the `type` stack * @param {String} `type` * @returns {Object} Returns a token * @api public */ pop: function(type) { this.sets[type] = this.sets[type] || []; this.count--; this.stack.pop(); return this.sets[type].pop(); }, /** * Return true if inside a `stack` node. Types are `braces`, `parens` or `brackets`. * * @param {String} `type` * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ isInside: function(type) { this.sets[type] = this.sets[type] || []; return this.sets[type].length > 0; }, /** * Return true if `node` is the given `type`. * * ```js * parser.isType(node, 'brace'); * ``` * @param {Object} `node` * @param {String} `type` * @return {Boolean} * @api public */ isType: function(node, type) { return node && node.type === type; }, /** * Get the previous AST node * @return {Object} */ prev: function(n) { return this.stack.length > 0 ? utils.last(this.stack, n) : utils.last(this.nodes, n); }, /** * Update line and column based on `str`. */ consume: function(len) { this.input = this.input.substr(len); }, /** * Update column based on `str`. */ updatePosition: function(str, len) { var lines = str.match(/\n/g); if (lines) this.line += lines.length; var i = str.lastIndexOf('\n'); this.column = ~i ? len - i : this.column + len; this.parsed += str; this.consume(len); }, /** * Match `regex`, return captures, and update the cursor position by `match[0]` length. * @param {RegExp} `regex` * @return {Object} */ match: function(regex) { var m = regex.exec(this.input); if (m) { this.updatePosition(m[0], m[0].length); return m; } }, /** * Capture `type` with the given regex. * @param {String} `type` * @param {RegExp} `regex` * @return {Function} */ capture: function(type, regex) { if (typeof regex === 'function') { return this.set.apply(this, arguments); } this.regex.set(type, regex); this.set(type, function() { var parsed = this.parsed; var pos = this.position(); var m = this.match(regex); if (!m || !m[0]) return; var prev = this.prev(); var node = pos({ type: type, val: m[0], parsed: parsed, rest: this.input }); if (m[1]) { node.inner = m[1]; } define(node, 'inside', this.stack.length > 0); define(node, 'parent', prev); prev.nodes.push(node); }.bind(this)); return this; }, /** * Create a parser with open and close for parens, * brackets or braces */ capturePair: function(type, openRegex, closeRegex, fn) { this.sets[type] = this.sets[type] || []; /** * Open */ this.set(type + '.open', function() { var parsed = this.parsed; var pos = this.position(); var m = this.match(openRegex); if (!m || !m[0]) return; var val = m[0]; this.setCount++; this.specialChars = true; var open = pos({ type: type + '.open', val: val, rest: this.input }); if (typeof m[1] !== 'undefined') { open.inner = m[1]; } var prev = this.prev(); var node = pos({ type: type, nodes: [open] }); define(node, 'rest', this.input); define(node, 'parsed', parsed); define(node, 'prefix', m[1]); define(node, 'parent', prev); define(open, 'parent', node); if (typeof fn === 'function') { fn.call(this, open, node); } this.push(type, node); prev.nodes.push(node); }); /** * Close */ this.set(type + '.close', function() { var pos = this.position(); var m = this.match(closeRegex); if (!m || !m[0]) return; var parent = this.pop(type); var node = pos({ type: type + '.close', rest: this.input, suffix: m[1], val: m[0] }); if (!this.isType(parent, type)) { if (this.options.strict) { throw new Error('missing opening "' + type + '"'); } this.setCount--; node.escaped = true; return node; } if (node.suffix === '\\') { parent.escaped = true; node.escaped = true; } parent.nodes.push(node); define(node, 'parent', parent); }); return this; }, /** * Capture end-of-string */ eos: function() { var pos = this.position(); if (this.input) return; var prev = this.prev(); while (prev.type !== 'root' && !prev.visited) { if (this.options.strict === true) { throw new SyntaxError('invalid syntax:' + util.inspect(prev, null, 2)); } if (!hasDelims(prev)) { prev.parent.escaped = true; prev.escaped = true; } visit(prev, function(node) { if (!hasDelims(node.parent)) { node.parent.escaped = true; node.escaped = true; } }); prev = prev.parent; } var tok = pos({ type: 'eos', val: this.append || '' }); define(tok, 'parent', this.ast); return tok; }, /** * Run parsers to advance the cursor position */ next: function() { var parsed = this.parsed; var len = this.types.length; var idx = -1; var tok; while (++idx < len) { if ((tok = this.parsers[this.types[idx]].call(this))) { define(tok, 'rest', this.input); define(tok, 'parsed', parsed); this.last = tok; return tok; } } }, /** * Parse the given string. * @return {Array} */ parse: function(input) { if (typeof input !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('expected a string'); } this.init(this.options); this.orig = input; this.input = input; var self = this; function parse() { // check input before calling `.next()` input = self.input; // get the next AST ndoe var node = self.next(); if (node) { var prev = self.prev(); if (prev) { define(node, 'parent', prev); if (prev.nodes) { prev.nodes.push(node); } } if (self.sets.hasOwnProperty(prev.type)) { self.currentType = prev.type; } } // if we got here but input is not changed, throw an error if (self.input && input === self.input) { throw new Error('no parsers registered for: "' + self.input.slice(0, 5) + '"'); } } while (this.input) parse(); if (this.stack.length && this.options.strict) { var node = this.stack.pop(); throw this.error('missing opening ' + node.type + ': "' + this.orig + '"'); } var eos = this.eos(); var tok = this.prev(); if (tok.type !== 'eos') { this.ast.nodes.push(eos); } return this.ast; } }; /** * Visit `node` with the given `fn` */ function visit(node, fn) { if (!node.visited) { define(node, 'visited', true); return node.nodes ? mapVisit(node.nodes, fn) : fn(node); } return node; } /** * Map visit over array of `nodes`. */ function mapVisit(nodes, fn) { var len = nodes.length; var idx = -1; while (++idx < len) { visit(nodes[idx], fn); } } function hasOpen(node) { return node.nodes && node.nodes[0].type === (node.type + '.open'); } function hasClose(node) { return node.nodes && utils.last(node.nodes).type === (node.type + '.close'); } function hasDelims(node) { return hasOpen(node) && hasClose(node); } /** * Expose `Parser` */ module.exports = Parser;