Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/sequelize-cli/test/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/sequelize-cli/test/url.test.js |
const expect = require('expect.js'); const Support = require(__dirname + '/support'); const helpers = require(__dirname + '/support/helpers'); const gulp = require('gulp'); [ '--url' ].forEach(flag => { const prepare = function (callback) { gulp .src(Support.resolveSupportPath('tmp')) .pipe(helpers.clearDirectory()) .pipe(helpers.runCli('init')) .pipe(helpers.copyMigration('createPerson.js')) .pipe(helpers.overwriteFile(JSON.stringify(helpers.getTestConfig()), 'config/config.json')) .pipe(helpers.runCli('db:migrate ' + flag + '=' + helpers.getTestUrl(), { pipeStdout: true })) .pipe(helpers.teardown(callback)); }; describe(Support.getTestDialectTeaser(flag), () => { beforeEach(function (done) { prepare((err, stdout) => { this.stdout = stdout; done(); }); }); it('creates a SequelizeMeta table', function (done) { helpers.readTables(this.sequelize, tables => { expect(tables).to.have.length(2); expect(tables).to.contain('SequelizeMeta'); done(); }); }); it('creates the respective table via url', function (done) { helpers.readTables(this.sequelize, tables => { expect(tables).to.have.length(2); expect(tables).to.contain('Person'); done(); }); }); it('prints the parsed URL', function () { expect(this.stdout).to.contain('Parsed url'); }); it('filters the password', function () { const config = helpers.getTestConfig(); if (Support.getTestDialect() === 'sqlite') { return; } expect(this.stdout).to.contain( config.dialect + '://' + config.username + ':*****@' + config.host + ':' + config.port + '/' + config.database ); }); }); });