Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/sequelize-cli/test/db/seed/undo/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/sequelize-cli/test/db/seed/undo/all.test.js |
const expect = require('expect.js'); const Support = require(__dirname + '/../../../support'); const helpers = require(__dirname + '/../../../support/helpers'); const gulp = require('gulp'); const _ = require('lodash'); [ 'db:seed:undo:all' ].forEach(flag => { const prepare = function (callback, options) { const _flag = options.flag || flag; const config = _.assign({}, helpers.getTestConfig(), options.config || {}); const pipeline = gulp .src(Support.resolveSupportPath('tmp')) .pipe(helpers.clearDirectory()) .pipe(helpers.runCli('init')) .pipe(helpers.copyMigration('createPerson.js')); if ( options.copySeeds ) { pipeline.pipe(helpers.copySeeder('seedPerson.js')) .pipe(helpers.copySeeder('seedPerson2.js')); } pipeline.pipe(helpers.overwriteFile(JSON.stringify(config), 'config/config.json')) .pipe(helpers.runCli('db:migrate')) .pipe(helpers.runCli(_flag, { pipeStdout: true })) .pipe(helpers.teardown(callback)); }; describe(Support.getTestDialectTeaser(flag), () => { it('stops execution if no seeders have been found', done => { prepare((err, output) => { expect(err).to.equal(null); expect(output).to.contain('No seeders found.'); done(); }, {copySeeds: false}); }); it('is correctly undoing all seeders if they have been done already', function (done) { const self = this; prepare(() => { helpers.countTable(self.sequelize, 'Person', res => { expect(res).to.have.length(1); expect(res[0].count).to.eql(2); gulp .src(Support.resolveSupportPath('tmp')) .pipe(helpers.runCli(flag, { pipeStdout: true })) .pipe(helpers.teardown(() => { helpers.countTable(self.sequelize, 'Person', res => { expect(res).to.have.length(1); expect(res[0].count).to.eql(0); done(); }); })); }); }, {flag: 'db:seed:all', copySeeds: true}); }); it('is correctly undoing all seeders when storage is none', function (done) { const self = this; prepare(() => { helpers.countTable(self.sequelize, 'Person', res => { expect(res).to.have.length(1); expect(res[0].count).to.eql(2); gulp .src(Support.resolveSupportPath('tmp')) .pipe(helpers.runCli(flag, { pipeStdout: true })) .pipe(helpers.teardown(() => { helpers.countTable(self.sequelize, 'Person', res => { expect(res).to.have.length(1); expect(res[0].count).to.eql(0); done(); }); })); }); }, { flag: 'db:seed:all', copySeeds: true, config: { seederStorage: 'none' } }); }); }); });