Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/sequelize-cli/test/db/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/sequelize-cli/test/db/db-create.test.js |
const expect = require('expect.js'); const Support = require(__dirname + '/../support'); const helpers = require(__dirname + '/../support/helpers'); const gulp = require('gulp'); const _ = require('lodash'); const prepare = function (flag, callback, options) { options = _.assign({ config: {} }, options || {}); const configPath = 'config/config.json'; const config = _.assign({}, helpers.getTestConfig(), options.config); const configContent = JSON.stringify(config); gulp .src(Support.resolveSupportPath('tmp')) .pipe(helpers.clearDirectory()) .pipe(helpers.runCli('init')) .pipe(helpers.removeFile(configPath)) .pipe(helpers.overwriteFile(configContent, configPath)) .pipe(helpers.runCli(flag, { pipeStdout: true })) .pipe(helpers.teardown(callback)); }; describe(Support.getTestDialectTeaser('db:create'), () => { if (Support.dialectIsPostgres()) { it('correctly creates database', function (done) { const databaseName = `my_test_db_${_.random(10000, 99999)}`; prepare( 'db:create', () => { this.sequelize.query(`SELECT 1 as exists FROM pg_database WHERE datname = '${databaseName}';`, { type: this.sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }).then(result => { expect(result[0].exists).to.eql(1); done(); }); }, { config: { database: databaseName } }); }); it('correctly creates database with hyphen #545', function (done) { const databaseName = `my_test-db_${_.random(10000, 99999)}`; prepare( 'db:create', () => { this.sequelize.query(`SELECT 1 as exists FROM pg_database WHERE datname = '${databaseName}';`, { type: this.sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }).then(result => { expect(result[0].exists).to.eql(1); done(); }); }, { config: { database: databaseName } }); }); it('correctly creates database with encoding, collate and template', function (done) { const databaseName = `my_test-db_${_.random(10000, 99999)}`; prepare( 'db:create --encoding UTF8 --collate zh_TW.UTF-8 --template template0', () => { this.sequelize.query(`SELECT 1 as exists, pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) as encoding, datcollate as collate, datctype as ctype FROM pg_database WHERE datname = '${databaseName}';`, { type: this.sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }).then(result => { expect(result[0].exists).to.eql(1); expect(result[0].encoding).to.eql('UTF8'); expect(result[0].collate).to.eql('zh_TW.UTF-8'); expect(result[0].ctype).to.eql('en_US.utf8'); done(); }); }, { config: { database: databaseName } }); }); it('correctly creates database with encoding, collate, ctype and template', function (done) { const databaseName = `my_test-db_${_.random(10000, 99999)}`; prepare( 'db:create --encoding UTF8 --collate zh_TW.UTF-8 --ctype zh_TW.UTF-8 --template template0', () => { this.sequelize.query(`SELECT 1 as exists, pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) as encoding, datcollate as collate, datctype as ctype FROM pg_database WHERE datname = '${databaseName}';`, { type: this.sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }).then(result => { expect(result[0].exists).to.eql(1); expect(result[0].encoding).to.eql('UTF8'); expect(result[0].collate).to.eql('zh_TW.UTF-8'); expect(result[0].ctype).to.eql('zh_TW.UTF-8'); done(); }); }, { config: { database: databaseName } }); }); } if (Support.dialectIsMySQL()) { it('correctly creates database', function (done) { const databaseName = `my_test_db_${_.random(10000, 99999)}`; prepare( 'db:create', () => { this.sequelize.query(`SELECT IF('${databaseName}' IN(SELECT SCHEMA_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA), 1, 0) AS found;`, { type: this.sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }).then(result => { expect(result[0].found).to.eql(1); done(); }); }, { config: { database: databaseName } }); }); it('correctly creates database with hyphen #545', function (done) { const databaseName = `my_test-db_${_.random(10000, 99999)}`; prepare( 'db:create', () => { this.sequelize.query(`SELECT IF('${databaseName}' IN(SELECT SCHEMA_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SCHEMATA), 1, 0) AS found;`, { type: this.sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }).then(result => { expect(result[0].found).to.eql(1); done(); }); }, { config: { database: databaseName } }); }); it('correctly creates database with charset', function (done) { const databaseName = `my_test-db_${_.random(10000, 99999)}`; prepare( 'db:create --charset utf8mb4', () => { this.sequelize.query(`SELECT DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME as charset, DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME as collation FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA WHERE schema_name = '${databaseName}';`, { type: this.sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }).then(result => { expect(result[0].charset).to.eql('utf8mb4'); expect(result[0].collation).to.eql('utf8mb4_general_ci'); done(); }); }, { config: { database: databaseName } }); }); it('correctly creates database with charset and collation', function (done) { const databaseName = `my_test-db_${_.random(10000, 99999)}`; prepare( 'db:create --charset utf8mb4 --collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci', () => { this.sequelize.query(`SELECT DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME as charset, DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME as collation FROM information_schema.SCHEMATA WHERE schema_name = '${databaseName}';`, { type: this.sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT }).then(result => { expect(result[0].charset).to.eql('utf8mb4'); expect(result[0].collation).to.eql('utf8mb4_unicode_ci'); done(); }); }, { config: { database: databaseName } }); }); } });