Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/sequelize-cli/src/helpers/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/sequelize-cli/src/helpers/config-helper.js |
import Bluebird from 'bluebird'; import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs'; import url from 'url'; import _ from 'lodash'; import helpers from './index'; import getYArgs from '../core/yargs'; const args = getYArgs().argv; const api = { config: undefined, rawConfig: undefined, error: undefined, init () { return Bluebird.resolve() .then(() => { let config; if (args.url) { config = api.parseDbUrl(args.url); } else { try { config = require(api.getConfigFile()); } catch (e) { api.error = e; } } return config; }) .then(config => { if (typeof config === 'object' || config === undefined) { return config; } else if (config.length === 1) { return Bluebird.promisify(config)(); } else { return config(); } }) .then(config => { api.rawConfig = config; }) .then(() => { // Always return the full config api return api; }); }, getConfigFile () { if (args.config) { return path.resolve(process.cwd(), args.config); } const defaultPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'config', 'config.json'); const alternativePath = defaultPath.replace('.json', '.js'); return helpers.path.existsSync(alternativePath) ? alternativePath : defaultPath; }, relativeConfigFile () { return path.relative(process.cwd(), api.getConfigFile()); }, configFileExists () { return helpers.path.existsSync(api.getConfigFile()); }, getDefaultConfig () { return JSON.stringify({ development: { username: 'root', password: null, database: 'database_development', host: '', dialect: 'mysql', operatorsAliases: false }, test: { username: 'root', password: null, database: 'database_test', host: '', dialect: 'mysql', operatorsAliases: false }, production: { username: 'root', password: null, database: 'database_production', host: '', dialect: 'mysql', operatorsAliases: false } }, undefined, 2) + '\n'; }, writeDefaultConfig () { const configPath = path.dirname(api.getConfigFile()); if (!helpers.path.existsSync(configPath)) { helpers.asset.mkdirp(configPath); } fs.writeFileSync(api.getConfigFile(), api.getDefaultConfig()); }, readConfig () { if (!api.config) { const env = helpers.generic.getEnvironment(); if (api.rawConfig === undefined) { throw new Error( 'Error reading "' + api.relativeConfigFile() + '". Error: ' + api.error ); } if (typeof api.rawConfig !== 'object') { throw new Error( 'Config must be an object or a promise for an object: ' + api.relativeConfigFile() ); } if (args.url) { helpers.view.log('Parsed url ' + api.filteredUrl(args.url, api.rawConfig)); } else { helpers.view.log('Loaded configuration file "' + api.relativeConfigFile() + '".'); } if (api.rawConfig[env]) { helpers.view.log('Using environment "' + env + '".'); api.rawConfig = api.rawConfig[env]; } // The Sequelize library needs a function passed in to its logging option if (api.rawConfig.logging && !_.isFunction(api.rawConfig.logging)) { api.rawConfig.logging = console.log; } // in case url is present - we overwrite the configuration if (api.rawConfig.url) { api.rawConfig = _.merge(api.rawConfig, api.parseDbUrl(api.rawConfig.url)); } else if (api.rawConfig.use_env_variable) { api.rawConfig = _.merge( api.rawConfig, api.parseDbUrl(process.env[api.rawConfig.use_env_variable]) ); } api.config = api.rawConfig; } return api.config; }, filteredUrl (uri, config) { const regExp = new RegExp(':?' + _.escapeRegExp(config.password) + '@'); return uri.replace(regExp, ':*****@'); }, urlStringToConfigHash (urlString) { try { const urlParts = url.parse(urlString); let result = { database: urlParts.pathname.replace(/^\//, ''), host: urlParts.hostname, port: urlParts.port, protocol: urlParts.protocol.replace(/:$/, ''), ssl: urlParts.query ? urlParts.query.indexOf('ssl=true') >= 0 : false }; if (urlParts.auth) { result = _.assign(result, { username: urlParts.auth.split(':')[0], password: urlParts.auth.split(':')[1] }); } return result; } catch (e) { throw new Error('Error parsing url: ' + urlString); } }, parseDbUrl (urlString) { let config = api.urlStringToConfigHash(urlString); config = _.assign(config, { dialect: config.protocol }); if (config.dialect === 'sqlite' && config.database.indexOf(':memory') !== 0) { config = _.assign(config, { storage: '/' + config.database }); } return config; } }; module.exports = api;