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'use strict';

const Utils = require('../../utils');
const util = require('util');
const DataTypes = require('../../data-types');
const AbstractQueryGenerator = require('../abstract/query-generator');
const semver = require('semver');
const _ = require('lodash');

const QueryGenerator = {
  __proto__: AbstractQueryGenerator,
  options: {},
  dialect: 'postgres',

  setSearchPath(searchPath) {
    return `SET search_path to ${searchPath};`;

  createSchema(schema) {
    const databaseVersion = _.get(this, 'sequelize.options.databaseVersion', 0);

    if (databaseVersion && semver.gte(databaseVersion, '9.2.0')) {
      return `CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS ${schema};`;

    return `CREATE SCHEMA ${schema};`;

  dropSchema(schema) {
    return `DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS ${schema} CASCADE;`;

  showSchemasQuery() {
    return "SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name <> 'information_schema' AND schema_name != 'public' AND schema_name !~ E'^pg_';";

  versionQuery() {

  createTableQuery(tableName, attributes, options) {
    options = _.extend({}, options || {});

    //Postgres 9.0 does not support CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS, 9.1 and above do
    const databaseVersion = _.get(this, 'sequelize.options.databaseVersion', 0);
    const attrStr = [];
    let comments = '';

    if (options.comment && _.isString(options.comment)) {
      comments += '; COMMENT ON TABLE <%= table %> IS ' + this.escape(options.comment);

    for (const attr in attributes) {
      const i = attributes[attr].indexOf('COMMENT');
      if (i !== -1) {
        // Move comment to a separate query
        comments += '; ' + attributes[attr].substring(i);
        attributes[attr] = attributes[attr].substring(0, i);

      const dataType = this.dataTypeMapping(tableName, attr, attributes[attr]);
      attrStr.push(this.quoteIdentifier(attr) + ' ' + dataType);

    const values = {
      table: this.quoteTable(tableName),
      attributes: attrStr.join(', '),
      comments: _.template(comments, this._templateSettings)({ table: this.quoteTable(tableName) })

    if (options.uniqueKeys) {
      _.each(options.uniqueKeys, columns => {
        if (columns.customIndex) {
          values.attributes += `, UNIQUE (${columns.fields.map(field => this.quoteIdentifier(field)).join(', ')})`;

    const pks = _.reduce(attributes, (acc, attribute, key) => {
      if (_.includes(attribute, 'PRIMARY KEY')) {
      return acc;
    }, []).join(',');

    if (pks.length > 0) {
      values.attributes += `, PRIMARY KEY (${pks})`;

    return `CREATE TABLE ${databaseVersion === 0 || semver.gte(databaseVersion, '9.1.0') ? 'IF NOT EXISTS ' : ''}${values.table} (${values.attributes})${values.comments};`;

  dropTableQuery(tableName, options) {
    options = options || {};
    return `DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${this.quoteTable(tableName)}${options.cascade ? ' CASCADE' : ''};`;

  showTablesQuery() {
    return "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_type LIKE '%TABLE' AND table_name != 'spatial_ref_sys';";

  describeTableQuery(tableName, schema) {
    if (!schema) {
      schema = 'public';
    return 'SELECT pk.constraint_type as "Constraint", c.column_name as "Field", ' +
              'c.column_default as "Default", c.is_nullable as "Null", ' +
              '(CASE WHEN c.udt_name = \'hstore\' THEN c.udt_name ELSE c.data_type END) || (CASE WHEN c.character_maximum_length IS NOT NULL THEN \'(\' || c.character_maximum_length || \')\' ELSE \'\' END) as "Type", ' +
              '(SELECT array_agg(e.enumlabel) ' +
              'FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t JOIN pg_catalog.pg_enum e ON t.oid=e.enumtypid ' +
              'WHERE t.typname=c.udt_name) AS "special" ' +
            'FROM information_schema.columns c ' +
            'LEFT JOIN (SELECT tc.table_schema, tc.table_name, ' +
              'cu.column_name, tc.constraint_type ' +
              'FROM information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS tc ' +
              'JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE  cu ' +
              'ON tc.table_schema=cu.table_schema and tc.table_name=cu.table_name ' +
                'and tc.constraint_name=cu.constraint_name ' +
                'and tc.constraint_type=\'PRIMARY KEY\') pk ' +
            'ON pk.table_schema=c.table_schema ' +
            'AND pk.table_name=c.table_name ' +
            'AND pk.column_name=c.column_name ' +
      `WHERE c.table_name = ${this.escape(tableName)} AND c.table_schema = ${this.escape(schema)} `;

   * Check whether the statmement is json function or simple path
   * @param   {String}  stmt  The statement to validate
   * @returns {Boolean}       true if the given statement is json function
   * @throws  {Error}         throw if the statement looks like json function but has invalid token
  _checkValidJsonStatement(stmt) {
    if (!_.isString(stmt)) {
      return false;

    // https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/functions-json.html
    const jsonFunctionRegex = /^\s*((?:[a-z]+_){0,2}jsonb?(?:_[a-z]+){0,2})\([^)]*\)/i;
    const jsonOperatorRegex = /^\s*(->>?|#>>?|@>|<@|\?[|&]?|\|{2}|#-)/i;
    const tokenCaptureRegex = /^\s*((?:([`"'])(?:(?!\2).|\2{2})*\2)|[\w\d\s]+|[().,;+-])/i;

    let currentIndex = 0;
    let openingBrackets = 0;
    let closingBrackets = 0;
    let hasJsonFunction = false;
    let hasInvalidToken = false;

    while (currentIndex < stmt.length) {
      const string = stmt.substr(currentIndex);
      const functionMatches = jsonFunctionRegex.exec(string);
      if (functionMatches) {
        currentIndex += functionMatches[0].indexOf('(');
        hasJsonFunction = true;

      const operatorMatches = jsonOperatorRegex.exec(string);
      if (operatorMatches) {
        currentIndex += operatorMatches[0].length;
        hasJsonFunction = true;

      const tokenMatches = tokenCaptureRegex.exec(string);
      if (tokenMatches) {
        const capturedToken = tokenMatches[1];
        if (capturedToken === '(') {
        } else if (capturedToken === ')') {
        } else if (capturedToken === ';') {
          hasInvalidToken = true;
        currentIndex += tokenMatches[0].length;


    // Check invalid json statement
    hasInvalidToken |= openingBrackets !== closingBrackets;
    if (hasJsonFunction && hasInvalidToken) {
      throw new Error('Invalid json statement: ' + stmt);

    // return true if the statement has valid json function
    return hasJsonFunction;

   * Generates an SQL query that extract JSON property of given path.
   * @param   {String}               column  The JSON column
   * @param   {String|Array<String>} [path]  The path to extract (optional)
   * @returns {String}                       The generated sql query
   * @private
  jsonPathExtractionQuery(column, path) {
    const paths = _.toPath(path);
    const pathStr = this.escape(`{${paths.join(',')}}`);
    const quotedColumn = this.isIdentifierQuoted(column) ? column : this.quoteIdentifier(column);
    return `(${quotedColumn}#>>${pathStr})`;

  handleSequelizeMethod(smth, tableName, factory, options, prepend) {
    if (smth instanceof Utils.Json) {
      // Parse nested object
      if (smth.conditions) {
        const conditions = _.map(this.parseConditionObject(smth.conditions), condition =>
          `${this.jsonPathExtractionQuery(_.first(condition.path), _.tail(condition.path))} = '${condition.value}'`

        return conditions.join(' AND ');
      } else if (smth.path) {
        let str;

        // Allow specifying conditions using the postgres json syntax
        if (this._checkValidJsonStatement(smth.path)) {
          str = smth.path;
        } else {
          // Also support json property accessors
          const paths = _.toPath(smth.path);
          const column = paths.shift();
          str = this.jsonPathExtractionQuery(column, paths);

        if (smth.value) {
          str += util.format(' = %s', this.escape(smth.value));

        return str;
    return AbstractQueryGenerator.handleSequelizeMethod.call(this, smth, tableName, factory, options, prepend);

  addColumnQuery(table, key, dataType) {

    const dbDataType = this.attributeToSQL(dataType, { context: 'addColumn' });
    const definition = this.dataTypeMapping(table, key, dbDataType);
    const quotedKey = this.quoteIdentifier(key);
    const quotedTable = this.quoteTable(this.extractTableDetails(table));

    let query = `ALTER TABLE ${quotedTable} ADD COLUMN ${quotedKey} ${definition};`;

    if (dataType.type && dataType.type instanceof DataTypes.ENUM || dataType instanceof DataTypes.ENUM) {
      query = this.pgEnum(table, key, dataType) + query;

    return query;

  removeColumnQuery(tableName, attributeName) {
    const quotedTableName = this.quoteTable(this.extractTableDetails(tableName));
    const quotedAttributeName = this.quoteIdentifier(attributeName);
    return `ALTER TABLE ${quotedTableName} DROP COLUMN ${quotedAttributeName};`;

  changeColumnQuery(tableName, attributes) {
    const query = 'ALTER TABLE <%= tableName %> ALTER COLUMN <%= query %>;';
    const sql = [];

    for (const attributeName in attributes) {
      let definition = this.dataTypeMapping(tableName, attributeName, attributes[attributeName]);
      let attrSql = '';

      if (definition.indexOf('NOT NULL') > 0) {
        attrSql += _.template(query, this._templateSettings)({
          tableName: this.quoteTable(tableName),
          query: this.quoteIdentifier(attributeName) + ' SET NOT NULL'

        definition = definition.replace('NOT NULL', '').trim();
      } else if (!definition.match(/REFERENCES/)) {
        attrSql += _.template(query, this._templateSettings)({
          tableName: this.quoteTable(tableName),
          query: this.quoteIdentifier(attributeName) + ' DROP NOT NULL'

      if (definition.indexOf('DEFAULT') > 0) {
        attrSql += _.template(query, this._templateSettings)({
          tableName: this.quoteTable(tableName),
          query: this.quoteIdentifier(attributeName) + ' SET DEFAULT ' + definition.match(/DEFAULT ([^;]+)/)[1]

        definition = definition.replace(/(DEFAULT[^;]+)/, '').trim();
      } else if (!definition.match(/REFERENCES/)) {
        attrSql += _.template(query, this._templateSettings)({
          tableName: this.quoteTable(tableName),
          query: this.quoteIdentifier(attributeName) + ' DROP DEFAULT'

      if (attributes[attributeName].match(/^ENUM\(/)) {
        attrSql += this.pgEnum(tableName, attributeName, attributes[attributeName]);
        definition = definition.replace(/^ENUM\(.+\)/, this.pgEnumName(tableName, attributeName, { schema: false }));
        definition += ' USING (' + this.quoteIdentifier(attributeName) + '::' + this.pgEnumName(tableName, attributeName) + ')';

      if (definition.match(/UNIQUE;*$/)) {
        definition = definition.replace(/UNIQUE;*$/, '');

        attrSql += _.template(query.replace('ALTER COLUMN', ''), this._templateSettings)({
          tableName: this.quoteTable(tableName),
          query: 'ADD CONSTRAINT ' + this.quoteIdentifier(attributeName + '_unique_idx') + ' UNIQUE (' + this.quoteIdentifier(attributeName) + ')'

      if (definition.match(/REFERENCES/)) {
        definition = definition.replace(/.+?(?=REFERENCES)/, '');
        attrSql += _.template(query.replace('ALTER COLUMN', ''), this._templateSettings)({
          tableName: this.quoteTable(tableName),
          query: 'ADD CONSTRAINT ' + this.quoteIdentifier(attributeName + '_foreign_idx') + ' FOREIGN KEY (' + this.quoteIdentifier(attributeName) + ') ' + definition
      } else {
        attrSql += _.template(query, this._templateSettings)({
          tableName: this.quoteTable(tableName),
          query: this.quoteIdentifier(attributeName) + ' TYPE ' + definition


    return sql.join('');

  renameColumnQuery(tableName, attrBefore, attributes) {

    const attrString = [];

    for (const attributeName in attributes) {
      attrString.push(_.template('<%= before %> TO <%= after %>', this._templateSettings)({
        before: this.quoteIdentifier(attrBefore),
        after: this.quoteIdentifier(attributeName)

    return `ALTER TABLE ${this.quoteTable(tableName)} RENAME COLUMN ${attrString.join(', ')};`;

  fn(fnName, tableName, parameters, body, returns, language) {
    fnName = fnName || 'testfunc';
    language = language || 'plpgsql';
    returns = returns ? `RETURNS ${returns}` : '';
    parameters = parameters || '';

    return `CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_temp.${fnName}(${parameters}) ${returns} AS $func$ BEGIN ${body} END; $func$ LANGUAGE ${language}; SELECT * FROM pg_temp.${fnName}();`;

  exceptionFn(fnName, tableName, parameters, main, then, when, returns, language) {
    when = when || 'unique_violation';

    const body = `${main} EXCEPTION WHEN ${when} THEN ${then};`;

    return this.fn(fnName, tableName, parameters, body, returns, language);

  upsertQuery(tableName, insertValues, updateValues, where, model, options) {
    const primaryField = this.quoteIdentifier(model.primaryKeyField);

    let insert = this.insertQuery(tableName, insertValues, model.rawAttributes, options);
    let update = this.updateQuery(tableName, updateValues, where, options, model.rawAttributes);

    insert = insert.replace('RETURNING *', `RETURNING ${primaryField} INTO primary_key`);
    update = update.replace('RETURNING *', `RETURNING ${primaryField} INTO primary_key`);

    return this.exceptionFn(
      'OUT created boolean, OUT primary_key text',
      `${insert} created := true;`,
      `${update}; created := false`

  deleteQuery(tableName, where, options, model) {
    let query;

    options = options || {};

    tableName = this.quoteTable(tableName);

    if (options.truncate === true) {
      query = 'TRUNCATE ' + tableName;

      if (options.restartIdentity) {
        query += ' RESTART IDENTITY';

      if (options.cascade) {
        query += ' CASCADE';

      return query;

    if (_.isUndefined(options.limit)) {
      options.limit = 1;

    const replacements = {
      table: tableName,
      where: this.getWhereConditions(where, null, model, options),
      limit: options.limit ? ' LIMIT ' + this.escape(options.limit) : ''

    if (options.limit) {
      if (!model) {
        throw new Error('Cannot LIMIT delete without a model.');

      const pks = _.map(_.values(model.primaryKeys), pk => this.quoteIdentifier(pk.field)).join(',');

      replacements.primaryKeys = model.primaryKeyAttributes.length > 1 ? '(' + pks + ')' : pks;
      replacements.primaryKeysSelection = pks;

      query = 'DELETE FROM <%= table %> WHERE <%= primaryKeys %> IN (SELECT <%= primaryKeysSelection %> FROM <%= table %><%= where %><%= limit %>)';
    } else {
      query = 'DELETE FROM <%= table %><%= where %>';

    if (replacements.where) {
      replacements.where = ' WHERE ' + replacements.where;

    return _.template(query, this._templateSettings)(replacements);

  showIndexesQuery(tableName) {
    let schemaJoin = '';
    let schemaWhere = '';
    if (!_.isString(tableName)) {
      schemaJoin = ', pg_namespace s';
      schemaWhere = ` AND s.oid = t.relnamespace AND s.nspname = '${tableName.schema}'`;
      tableName = tableName.tableName;

    // This is ARCANE!
    return 'SELECT i.relname AS name, ix.indisprimary AS primary, ix.indisunique AS unique, ix.indkey AS indkey, ' +
      'array_agg(a.attnum) as column_indexes, array_agg(a.attname) AS column_names, pg_get_indexdef(ix.indexrelid) ' +
      `AS definition FROM pg_class t, pg_class i, pg_index ix, pg_attribute a${schemaJoin} ` +
      'WHERE t.oid = ix.indrelid AND i.oid = ix.indexrelid AND a.attrelid = t.oid AND ' +
      `t.relkind = 'r' and t.relname = '${tableName}'${schemaWhere} ` +
      'GROUP BY i.relname, ix.indexrelid, ix.indisprimary, ix.indisunique, ix.indkey ORDER BY i.relname;';

  showConstraintsQuery(tableName) {
    //Postgres converts camelCased alias to lowercase unless quoted
    return [
      'SELECT constraint_catalog AS "constraintCatalog",',
      'constraint_schema AS "constraintSchema",',
      'constraint_name AS "constraintName",',
      'table_catalog AS "tableCatalog",',
      'table_schema AS "tableSchema",',
      'table_name AS "tableName",',
      'constraint_type AS "constraintType",',
      'is_deferrable AS "isDeferrable",',
      'initially_deferred AS "initiallyDeferred"',
      'from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.table_constraints',
      `WHERE table_name='${tableName}';`
    ].join(' ');

  removeIndexQuery(tableName, indexNameOrAttributes) {
    let indexName = indexNameOrAttributes;

    if (typeof indexName !== 'string') {
      indexName = Utils.underscore(tableName + '_' + indexNameOrAttributes.join('_'));

    return `DROP INDEX IF EXISTS ${this.quoteIdentifiers(indexName)}`;

  addLimitAndOffset(options) {
    let fragment = '';
    /* eslint-disable */
    if (options.limit != null) {
      fragment += ' LIMIT ' + this.escape(options.limit);
    if (options.offset != null) {
      fragment += ' OFFSET ' + this.escape(options.offset);
    /* eslint-enable */

    return fragment;

  attributeToSQL(attribute) {
    if (!_.isPlainObject(attribute)) {
      attribute = {
        type: attribute

    let type;
    if (
      attribute.type instanceof DataTypes.ENUM ||
      (attribute.type instanceof DataTypes.ARRAY && attribute.type.type instanceof DataTypes.ENUM)
    ) {
      const enumType = attribute.type.type || attribute.type;
      let values = attribute.values;

      if (enumType.values && !attribute.values) {
        values = enumType.values;

      if (Array.isArray(values) && values.length > 0) {
        type = 'ENUM(' + _.map(values, value => this.escape(value)).join(', ') + ')';

        if (attribute.type instanceof DataTypes.ARRAY) {
          type += '[]';

      } else {
        throw new Error("Values for ENUM haven't been defined.");

    if (!type) {
      type = attribute.type;

    let sql = type + '';

    if (attribute.hasOwnProperty('allowNull') && !attribute.allowNull) {
      sql += ' NOT NULL';

    if (attribute.autoIncrement) {
      sql += ' SERIAL';

    if (Utils.defaultValueSchemable(attribute.defaultValue)) {
      sql += ' DEFAULT ' + this.escape(attribute.defaultValue, attribute);

    if (attribute.unique === true) {
      sql += ' UNIQUE';

    if (attribute.primaryKey) {
      sql += ' PRIMARY KEY';

    if (attribute.references) {
      const referencesTable = this.quoteTable(attribute.references.model);
      let referencesKey;

      if (attribute.references.key) {
        referencesKey = this.quoteIdentifiers(attribute.references.key);
      } else {
        referencesKey = this.quoteIdentifier('id');

      sql += ` REFERENCES ${referencesTable} (${referencesKey})`;

      if (attribute.onDelete) {
        sql += ' ON DELETE ' + attribute.onDelete.toUpperCase();

      if (attribute.onUpdate) {
        sql += ' ON UPDATE ' + attribute.onUpdate.toUpperCase();

      if (attribute.references.deferrable) {
        sql += ' ' + attribute.references.deferrable.toString(this);

    return sql;

  deferConstraintsQuery(options) {
    return options.deferrable.toString(this);

  setConstraintQuery(columns, type) {
    let columnFragment = 'ALL';

    if (columns) {
      columnFragment = columns.map(column => this.quoteIdentifier(column)).join(', ');

    return 'SET CONSTRAINTS ' + columnFragment + ' ' + type;

  setDeferredQuery(columns) {
    return this.setConstraintQuery(columns, 'DEFERRED');

  setImmediateQuery(columns) {
    return this.setConstraintQuery(columns, 'IMMEDIATE');

  attributesToSQL(attributes, options) {
    const result = {};

    for (const key in attributes) {
      const attribute = attributes[key];
      result[attribute.field || key] = this.attributeToSQL(attribute, options);

    return result;

  createTrigger(tableName, triggerName, eventType, fireOnSpec, functionName, functionParams, optionsArray) {

    const decodedEventType = this.decodeTriggerEventType(eventType);
    const eventSpec = this.expandTriggerEventSpec(fireOnSpec);
    const expandedOptions = this.expandOptions(optionsArray);
    const paramList = this.expandFunctionParamList(functionParams);

    return `CREATE ${this.triggerEventTypeIsConstraint(eventType)}TRIGGER ${triggerName}\n`
      + `\t${decodedEventType} ${eventSpec}\n`
      + `\tON ${tableName}\n`
      + `\t${expandedOptions}\n`
      + `\tEXECUTE PROCEDURE ${functionName}(${paramList});`;

  dropTrigger(tableName, triggerName) {
    return `DROP TRIGGER ${triggerName} ON ${tableName} RESTRICT;`;

  renameTrigger(tableName, oldTriggerName, newTriggerName) {
    return `ALTER TRIGGER ${oldTriggerName} ON ${tableName} RENAME TO ${newTriggerName};`;

  createFunction(functionName, params, returnType, language, body, options) {
    if (!functionName || !returnType || !language || !body) throw new Error('createFunction missing some parameters. Did you pass functionName, returnType, language and body?');

    const paramList = this.expandFunctionParamList(params);
    const indentedBody = body.replace('\n', '\n\t');
    const expandedOptions = this.expandOptions(options);

    return `CREATE FUNCTION ${functionName}(${paramList})\n`
      + `RETURNS ${returnType} AS $func$\n`
      + 'BEGIN\n'
      + `\t${indentedBody}\n`
      + 'END;\n'
      + `$func$ language '${language}'${expandedOptions};`;

  dropFunction(functionName, params) {
    if (!functionName) throw new Error('requires functionName');
    // RESTRICT is (currently, as of 9.2) default but we'll be explicit
    const paramList = this.expandFunctionParamList(params);
    return `DROP FUNCTION ${functionName}(${paramList}) RESTRICT;`;

  renameFunction(oldFunctionName, params, newFunctionName) {
    const paramList = this.expandFunctionParamList(params);
    return `ALTER FUNCTION ${oldFunctionName}(${paramList}) RENAME TO ${newFunctionName};`;

  databaseConnectionUri(config) {
    let uri = config.protocol + '://' + config.user + ':' + config.password + '@' + config.host;
    if (config.port) {
      uri += ':' + config.port;
    uri += '/' + config.database;
    if (config.ssl) {
      uri += '?ssl=' + config.ssl;
    return uri;

  pgEscapeAndQuote(val) {
    return this.quoteIdentifier(Utils.removeTicks(this.escape(val), "'"));

  expandFunctionParamList(params) {
    if (_.isUndefined(params) || !_.isArray(params)) {
      throw new Error('expandFunctionParamList: function parameters array required, including an empty one for no arguments');

    const paramList = [];
    _.each(params, curParam => {
      const paramDef = [];
      if (_.has(curParam, 'type')) {
        if (_.has(curParam, 'direction')) { paramDef.push(curParam.direction); }
        if (_.has(curParam, 'name')) { paramDef.push(curParam.name); }
      } else {
        throw new Error('function or trigger used with a parameter without any type');

      const joined = paramDef.join(' ');
      if (joined) paramList.push(joined);


    return paramList.join(', ');

  expandOptions(options) {
    return _.isUndefined(options) || _.isEmpty(options) ?
      '' : '\n\t' + options.join('\n\t');

  decodeTriggerEventType(eventSpecifier) {
    const EVENT_DECODER = {
      'after': 'AFTER',
      'before': 'BEFORE',
      'instead_of': 'INSTEAD OF',
      'after_constraint': 'AFTER'

    if (!_.has(EVENT_DECODER, eventSpecifier)) {
      throw new Error('Invalid trigger event specified: ' + eventSpecifier);

    return EVENT_DECODER[eventSpecifier];

  triggerEventTypeIsConstraint(eventSpecifier) {
    return eventSpecifier === 'after_constraint' ? 'CONSTRAINT ' : '';

  expandTriggerEventSpec(fireOnSpec) {
    if (_.isEmpty(fireOnSpec)) {
      throw new Error('no table change events specified to trigger on');

    return _.map(fireOnSpec, (fireValue, fireKey) => {
      const EVENT_MAP = {
        'insert': 'INSERT',
        'update': 'UPDATE',
        'delete': 'DELETE',
        'truncate': 'TRUNCATE'

      if (!_.has(EVENT_MAP, fireValue)) {
        throw new Error('parseTriggerEventSpec: undefined trigger event ' + fireKey);

      let eventSpec = EVENT_MAP[fireValue];
      if (eventSpec === 'UPDATE') {
        if (_.isArray(fireValue) && fireValue.length > 0) {
          eventSpec += ' OF ' + fireValue.join(', ');

      return eventSpec;
    }).join(' OR ');

  pgEnumName(tableName, attr, options) {
    options = options || {};

    const tableDetails = this.extractTableDetails(tableName, options);
    let enumName = Utils.addTicks(Utils.generateEnumName(tableDetails.tableName, attr), '"');

    // pgListEnums requires the enum name only, without the schema
    if (options.schema !== false && tableDetails.schema) {
      enumName = this.quoteIdentifier(tableDetails.schema) + tableDetails.delimiter + enumName;

    return enumName;

  pgListEnums(tableName, attrName, options) {
    let enumName = '';
    const tableDetails = this.extractTableDetails(tableName, options);

    if (tableDetails.tableName && attrName) {
      enumName = ' AND t.typname=' + this.pgEnumName(tableDetails.tableName, attrName, { schema: false }).replace(/"/g, "'");

    return 'SELECT t.typname enum_name, array_agg(e.enumlabel ORDER BY enumsortorder) enum_value FROM pg_type t ' +
      'JOIN pg_enum e ON t.oid = e.enumtypid ' +
      'JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = t.typnamespace ' +
      `WHERE n.nspname = '${tableDetails.schema}'${enumName} GROUP BY 1`;

  pgEnum(tableName, attr, dataType, options) {
    const enumName = this.pgEnumName(tableName, attr, options);
    let values;

    if (dataType.values) {
      values = "ENUM('" + dataType.values.join("', '") + "')";
    } else {
      values = dataType.toString().match(/^ENUM\(.+\)/)[0];

    let sql = 'CREATE TYPE ' + enumName + ' AS ' + values + ';';
    if (!!options && options.force === true) {
      sql = this.pgEnumDrop(tableName, attr) + sql;
    return sql;

  pgEnumAdd(tableName, attr, value, options) {
    const enumName = this.pgEnumName(tableName, attr);
    let sql = 'ALTER TYPE ' + enumName + ' ADD VALUE ';

    if (semver.gte(this.sequelize.options.databaseVersion, '9.3.0')) {
      sql += 'IF NOT EXISTS ';
    sql += this.escape(value);

    if (options.before) {
      sql += ' BEFORE ' + this.escape(options.before);
    } else if (options.after) {
      sql += ' AFTER ' + this.escape(options.after);

    return sql;

  pgEnumDrop(tableName, attr, enumName) {
    enumName = enumName || this.pgEnumName(tableName, attr);
    return 'DROP TYPE IF EXISTS ' + enumName + '; ';

  fromArray(text) {
    text = text.replace(/^{/, '').replace(/}$/, '');
    let matches = text.match(/("(?:\\.|[^"\\\\])*"|[^,]*)(?:\s*,\s*|\s*$)/ig);

    if (matches.length < 1) {
      return [];

    matches = matches.map(m => m.replace(/",$/, '').replace(/,$/, '').replace(/(^"|"$)/, ''));

    return matches.slice(0, -1);

  padInt(i) {
    return i < 10 ? '0' + i.toString() : i.toString();

  dataTypeMapping(tableName, attr, dataType) {
    if (_.includes(dataType, 'PRIMARY KEY')) {
      dataType = dataType.replace(/PRIMARY KEY/, '');

    if (_.includes(dataType, 'SERIAL')) {
      if (_.includes(dataType, 'BIGINT')) {
        dataType = dataType.replace(/SERIAL/, 'BIGSERIAL');
        dataType = dataType.replace(/BIGINT/, '');
      } else if (_.includes(dataType, 'SMALLINT')) {
        dataType = dataType.replace(/SERIAL/, 'SMALLSERIAL');
        dataType = dataType.replace(/SMALLINT/, '');        
      } else {
        dataType = dataType.replace(/INTEGER/, '');
      dataType = dataType.replace(/NOT NULL/, '');

    if (dataType.match(/^ENUM\(/)) {
      dataType = dataType.replace(/^ENUM\(.+\)/, this.pgEnumName(tableName, attr));

    return dataType;

  quoteIdentifier(identifier, force) {
    if (identifier === '*') return identifier;
    if (!force && this.options && this.options.quoteIdentifiers === false && identifier.indexOf('.') === -1 && identifier.indexOf('->') === -1) { // default is `true`
      // In Postgres, if tables or attributes are created double-quoted,
      // they are also case sensitive. If they contain any uppercase
      // characters, they must always be double-quoted. This makes it
      // impossible to write queries in portable SQL if tables are created in
      // this way. Hence, we strip quotes if we don't want case sensitivity.
      return Utils.removeTicks(identifier, '"');
    } else {
      return Utils.addTicks(Utils.removeTicks(identifier, '"'), '"');

   * Generates an SQL query that returns all foreign keys of a table.
   * @param  {String} tableName  The name of the table.
   * @return {String}            The generated sql query.
   * @private
  getForeignKeysQuery(tableName) {
    return 'SELECT conname as constraint_name, pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(r.oid, true) as condef FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint r ' +
      `WHERE r.conrelid = (SELECT oid FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '${tableName}' LIMIT 1) AND r.contype = 'f' ORDER BY 1;`;

   * Generate common SQL prefix for getForeignKeyReferencesQuery.
   * @returns {String}
  _getForeignKeyReferencesQueryPrefix() {
    return 'SELECT ' +
        'DISTINCT tc.constraint_name as constraint_name, ' +
        'tc.constraint_schema as constraint_schema, ' +
        'tc.constraint_catalog as constraint_catalog, ' +
        'tc.table_name as table_name,' +
        'tc.table_schema as table_schema,' +
        'tc.table_catalog as table_catalog,' +
        'kcu.column_name as column_name,' +
        'ccu.table_schema  AS referenced_table_schema,' +
        'ccu.table_catalog  AS referenced_table_catalog,' +
        'ccu.table_name  AS referenced_table_name,' +
        'ccu.column_name AS referenced_column_name ' +
      'FROM information_schema.table_constraints AS tc ' +
        'JOIN information_schema.key_column_usage AS kcu ' +
          'ON tc.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name ' +
        'JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage AS ccu ' +
          'ON ccu.constraint_name = tc.constraint_name ';

   * Generates an SQL query that returns all foreign keys details of a table.
   * As for getForeignKeysQuery is not compatible with getForeignKeyReferencesQuery, so add a new function.
   * @param {String} tableName
   * @param {String} catalogName
   * @param {String} schemaName
  getForeignKeyReferencesQuery(tableName, catalogName, schemaName) {
    return this._getForeignKeyReferencesQueryPrefix() +
      `WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND tc.table_name = '${tableName}'` +
      (catalogName ? ` AND tc.table_catalog = '${catalogName}'` : '') +
      (schemaName ? ` AND tc.table_schema = '${schemaName}'` : '');

  getForeignKeyReferenceQuery(table, columnName) {
    const tableName = table.tableName || table;
    const schema = table.schema;
    return this._getForeignKeyReferencesQueryPrefix() +
      `WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' AND tc.table_name='${tableName}' AND  kcu.column_name = '${columnName}'` +
      (schema ? ` AND tc.table_schema = '${schema}'` : '');

   * Generates an SQL query that removes a foreign key from a table.
   * @param  {String} tableName  The name of the table.
   * @param  {String} foreignKey The name of the foreign key constraint.
   * @return {String}            The generated sql query.
   * @private
  dropForeignKeyQuery(tableName, foreignKey) {
    return 'ALTER TABLE ' + this.quoteTable(tableName) + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + this.quoteIdentifier(foreignKey) + ';';

  setAutocommitQuery(value, options) {
    if (options.parent) {

    // POSTGRES does not support setting AUTOCOMMIT = OFF as of 9.4.0
    // Additionally it does not support AUTOCOMMIT at all starting at v9.5
    // The assumption is that it won't be returning in future versions either
    // If you are on a Pg version that is not semver compliant e.g. '9.5.0beta2', which fails due to the 'beta' qualification, then you need to pass
    // the database version as "9.5.0" explicitly through the options param passed when creating the Sequelize instance under the key "databaseVersion"
    // otherwise Pg version "9.4.0" is assumed by default as per Sequelize 3.14.2.
    // For Pg versions that are semver compliant, this is auto-detected upon the first connection.
    if (!value || semver.gte(this.sequelize.options.databaseVersion, '9.4.0')) {

    return AbstractQueryGenerator.setAutocommitQuery.call(this, value, options);

module.exports = QueryGenerator;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0