Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/mysql/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/sequelize/lib/dialects/mysql/query-interface.js |
'use strict'; /** Returns an object that treats MySQL's inabilities to do certain queries. @class QueryInterface @static @private */ const _ = require('lodash'); const UnknownConstraintError = require('../../errors').UnknownConstraintError; /** A wrapper that fixes MySQL's inability to cleanly remove columns from existing tables if they have a foreign key constraint. @method removeColumn @for QueryInterface @param {String} tableName The name of the table. @param {String} columnName The name of the attribute that we want to remove. @param {Object} options @private */ function removeColumn(tableName, columnName, options) { options = options || {}; return this.sequelize.query( this.QueryGenerator.getForeignKeyQuery(tableName.tableName ? tableName : { tableName, schema: this.sequelize.config.database }, columnName), _.assign({ raw: true }, options) ) .spread(results => { //Exclude primary key constraint if (!results.length || results[0].constraint_name === 'PRIMARY') { // No foreign key constraints found, so we can remove the column return; } return this.sequelize.Promise.map(results, constraint => this.sequelize.query( this.QueryGenerator.dropForeignKeyQuery(tableName, constraint.constraint_name), _.assign({ raw: true }, options) )); }) .then(() => this.sequelize.query( this.QueryGenerator.removeColumnQuery(tableName, columnName), _.assign({ raw: true }, options) )); } function removeConstraint(tableName, constraintName, options) { const sql = this.QueryGenerator.showConstraintsQuery(tableName.tableName ? tableName : { tableName, schema: this.sequelize.config.database }, constraintName); return this.sequelize.query(sql, Object.assign({}, options, { type: this.sequelize.QueryTypes.SHOWCONSTRAINTS })) .then(constraints => { const constraint = constraints[0]; let query; if (constraint && constraint.constraintType) { if (constraint.constraintType === 'FOREIGN KEY') { query = this.QueryGenerator.dropForeignKeyQuery(tableName, constraintName); } else { query = this.QueryGenerator.removeIndexQuery(constraint.tableName, constraint.constraintName); } } else { throw new UnknownConstraintError(`Constraint ${constraintName} on table ${tableName} does not exist`); } return this.sequelize.query(query, options); }); } exports.removeConstraint = removeConstraint; exports.removeColumn = removeColumn;