Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/retry-as-promised/test/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/retry-as-promised/test/bluebird.test.js |
var chai = require('chai') , expect = chai.expect , Promise = require('bluebird') , moment = require('moment') , sinon = require('sinon') , sinonChai = require('sinon-chai') , retry = require('../'); chai.use(require('chai-as-promised')); require('sinon-as-promised')(Promise); describe('bluebird', function () { var count , soRejected , soResolved; beforeEach(function () { count = 0; soRejected = Math.random().toString(); soResolved = Math.random().toString(); }); it('should reject immediately if max is 1 (using options)', function () { var callback = sinon.stub(); callback.resolves(soResolved); callback.onCall(0).rejects(soRejected); return expect(retry(callback, {max: 1, backoffBase: 0})).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(soRejected).then(function () { expect(callback.callCount).to.equal(1); }); }); it('should reject immediately if max is 1 (using integer)', function () { var callback = sinon.stub(); callback.resolves(soResolved); callback.onCall(0).rejects(soRejected); return expect(retry(callback, 1)).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(soRejected).then(function () { expect(callback.callCount).to.equal(1); }); }); it('should reject after all tries if still rejected', function () { var callback = sinon.stub(); callback.rejects(soRejected); return expect(retry(callback, {max: 3, backoffBase: 0})).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(soRejected).then(function () { expect(callback.firstCall.args).to.deep.equal([{ current: 1 }]); expect(callback.secondCall.args).to.deep.equal([{ current: 2 }]); expect(callback.thirdCall.args).to.deep.equal([{ current: 3 }]); expect(callback.callCount).to.equal(3); }); }); it('should resolve immediately if resolved on first try', function () { var callback = sinon.stub(); callback.resolves(soResolved); callback.onCall(0).resolves(soResolved); return expect(retry(callback, {max: 10, backoffBase: 0})).to.eventually.equal(soResolved).then(function () { expect(callback.callCount).to.equal(1); }); }); it('should resolve if resolved before hitting max', function () { var callback = sinon.stub(); callback.rejects(soRejected); callback.onCall(3).resolves(soResolved); return expect(retry(callback, {max: 10, backoffBase: 0})).to.eventually.equal(soResolved).then(function () { expect(callback.firstCall.args).to.deep.equal([{ current: 1 }]); expect(callback.secondCall.args).to.deep.equal([{ current: 2 }]); expect(callback.thirdCall.args).to.deep.equal([{ current: 3 }]); expect(callback.callCount).to.equal(4); }); }); describe('timeout', function () { it('should throw if reject on first attempt', function () { return expect(retry(function () { return Promise.delay(2000); }, { max: 1, backoffBase: 0, timeout: 1000 })).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(Promise.TimeoutError); }); it('should throw if reject on last attempt', function () { return expect(retry(function () { count++; if (count === 3) { return Promise.delay(3500); } return Promise.reject(); }, { max: 3, backoffBase: 0, timeout: 1500 })).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(Promise.TimeoutError).then(function () { expect(count).to.equal(3); }); }); }); describe('match', function () { it('should continue retry while error is equal to match string', function () { var callback = sinon.stub(); callback.rejects(soRejected); callback.onCall(3).resolves(soResolved); return expect(retry(callback, {max: 15, backoffBase: 0, match: 'Error: ' + soRejected})).to.eventually.equal(soResolved).then(function () { expect(callback.callCount).to.equal(4); }); }); it('should reject immediately if error is not equal to match string', function () { var callback = sinon.stub(); callback.rejects(soRejected); return expect(retry(callback, {max: 15, backoffBase: 0, match: 'A custom error string'})).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(soRejected).then(function () { expect(callback.callCount).to.equal(1); }); }); it('should continue retry while error is instanceof match', function () { var callback = sinon.stub(); callback.rejects(soRejected); callback.onCall(4).resolves(soResolved); return expect(retry(callback, {max: 15, backoffBase: 0, match: Error})).to.eventually.equal(soResolved).then(function () { expect(callback.callCount).to.equal(5); }); }); it('should reject immediately if error is not instanceof match', function () { var callback = sinon.stub(); callback.rejects(soRejected); return expect(retry(callback, {max: 15, backoffBase: 0, match: function foo(){}})).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(Error).then(function () { expect(callback.callCount).to.equal(1); }); }); it('should continue retry while error is equal to match string in array', function () { var callback = sinon.stub(); callback.rejects(soRejected); callback.onCall(4).resolves(soResolved); return expect(retry(callback, {max: 15, backoffBase: 0, match: ['Error: ' + (soRejected + 1), 'Error: ' + soRejected]})).to.eventually.equal(soResolved).then(function () { expect(callback.callCount).to.equal(5); }); }); it('should reject immediately if error is not equal to match string in array', function () { var callback = sinon.stub(); callback.rejects(soRejected); return expect(retry(callback, {max: 15, backoffBase: 0, match: ['Error: ' + (soRejected + 1), 'Error: ' + (soRejected + 2)]})).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(Error).then(function () { expect(callback.callCount).to.equal(1); }); }); it('should reject immediately if error is not instanceof match in array', function () { var callback = sinon.stub(); callback.rejects(soRejected); return expect(retry(callback, {max: 15, backoffBase: 0, match: ['Error: ' + (soRejected + 1), function foo(){}]})).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(Error).then(function () { expect(callback.callCount).to.equal(1); }); }); it('should continue retry while error is instanceof match in array', function () { var callback = sinon.stub(); callback.rejects(soRejected); callback.onCall(4).resolves(soResolved); return expect(retry(callback, {max: 15, backoffBase: 0, match: ['Error: ' + (soRejected + 1), Error]})).to.eventually.equal(soResolved).then(function () { expect(callback.callCount).to.equal(5); }); }); }); describe('backoff', function () { it('should resolve after 5 retries and an eventual delay over 1800ms using default backoff', function () { var startTime = moment(); var callback = sinon.stub(); callback.rejects(soRejected); callback.onCall(5).resolves(soResolved); return expect(retry(callback, {max: 15})).to.eventually.equal(soResolved).then(function () { expect(callback.callCount).to.equal(6); expect(moment().diff(startTime)).to.be.above(1800); expect(moment().diff(startTime)).to.be.below(3400); }); }); it('should resolve after 1 retry and initial delay equal to the backoffBase', function() { var initialDelay = 100; var callback = sinon.stub(); var startTime = moment(); callback.onCall(0).rejects(soRejected); callback.onCall(1).resolves(soResolved); return expect(retry(callback, { max: 2, backoffBase: initialDelay, backoffExponent: 3 })) .to.eventually.equal(soResolved) .then(function() { expect(callback.callCount).to.equal(2); expect(moment().diff(startTime)).to.be.within(initialDelay, initialDelay + 50); // allow for some overhead }); }); it('should throw TimeoutError and cancel backoff delay if timeout is reached', function () { return expect(retry(function () { return Promise.delay(2000); }, { max: 15, timeout: 1000 })).to.eventually.be.rejectedWith(Promise.TimeoutError); }); }); });