Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/pug-lexer/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/pug-lexer/index.js |
'use strict'; var assert = require('assert'); var isExpression = require('is-expression'); var characterParser = require('character-parser'); var error = require('pug-error'); module.exports = lex; module.exports.Lexer = Lexer; function lex(str, options) { var lexer = new Lexer(str, options); return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(lexer.getTokens())); } /** * Initialize `Lexer` with the given `str`. * * @param {String} str * @param {String} filename * @api private */ function Lexer(str, options) { options = options || {}; if (typeof str !== 'string') { throw new Error('Expected source code to be a string but got "' + (typeof str) + '"') } if (typeof options !== 'object') { throw new Error('Expected "options" to be an object but got "' + (typeof options) + '"') } //Strip any UTF-8 BOM off of the start of `str`, if it exists. str = str.replace(/^\uFEFF/, ''); this.input = str.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, '\n'); this.originalInput = this.input; this.filename = options.filename; this.interpolated = options.interpolated || false; this.lineno = options.startingLine || 1; this.colno = options.startingColumn || 1; this.plugins = options.plugins || []; this.indentStack = [0]; this.indentRe = null; // If #{}, !{} or #[] syntax is allowed when adding text this.interpolationAllowed = true; this.whitespaceRe = /[ \n\t]/; this.tokens = []; this.ended = false; }; /** * Lexer prototype. */ Lexer.prototype = { constructor: Lexer, error: function (code, message) { var err = error(code, message, {line: this.lineno, column: this.colno, filename: this.filename, src: this.originalInput}); throw err; }, assert: function (value, message) { if (!value) this.error('ASSERT_FAILED', message); }, isExpression: function (exp) { return isExpression(exp, { throw: true }); }, assertExpression: function (exp, noThrow) { //this verifies that a JavaScript expression is valid try { this.callLexerFunction('isExpression', exp); return true; } catch (ex) { if (noThrow) return false; // not coming from acorn if (!ex.loc) throw ex; this.incrementLine(ex.loc.line - 1); this.incrementColumn(ex.loc.column); var msg = 'Syntax Error: ' + ex.message.replace(/ \([0-9]+:[0-9]+\)$/, ''); this.error('SYNTAX_ERROR', msg); } }, assertNestingCorrect: function (exp) { //this verifies that code is properly nested, but allows //invalid JavaScript such as the contents of `attributes` var res = characterParser(exp) if (res.isNesting()) { this.error('INCORRECT_NESTING', 'Nesting must match on expression `' + exp + '`') } }, /** * Construct a token with the given `type` and `val`. * * @param {String} type * @param {String} val * @return {Object} * @api private */ tok: function(type, val){ var res = { type: type, loc: { start: { line: this.lineno, column: this.colno }, filename: this.filename } }; if (val !== undefined) res.val = val; return res; }, /** * Set the token's `loc.end` value. * * @param {Object} tok * @returns {Object} * @api private */ tokEnd: function(tok){ tok.loc.end = { line: this.lineno, column: this.colno }; return tok; }, /** * Increment `this.lineno` and reset `this.colno`. * * @param {Number} increment * @api private */ incrementLine: function(increment){ this.lineno += increment; if (increment) this.colno = 1; }, /** * Increment `this.colno`. * * @param {Number} increment * @api private */ incrementColumn: function(increment){ this.colno += increment }, /** * Consume the given `len` of input. * * @param {Number} len * @api private */ consume: function(len){ this.input = this.input.substr(len); }, /** * Scan for `type` with the given `regexp`. * * @param {String} type * @param {RegExp} regexp * @return {Object} * @api private */ scan: function(regexp, type){ var captures; if (captures = regexp.exec(this.input)) { var len = captures[0].length; var val = captures[1]; var diff = len - (val ? val.length : 0); var tok = this.tok(type, val); this.consume(len); this.incrementColumn(diff); return tok; } }, scanEndOfLine: function (regexp, type) { var captures; if (captures = regexp.exec(this.input)) { var whitespaceLength = 0; var whitespace; var tok; if (whitespace = /^([ ]+)([^ ]*)/.exec(captures[0])) { whitespaceLength = whitespace[1].length; this.incrementColumn(whitespaceLength); } var newInput = this.input.substr(captures[0].length); if (newInput[0] === ':') { this.input = newInput; tok = this.tok(type, captures[1]); this.incrementColumn(captures[0].length - whitespaceLength); return tok; } if (/^[ \t]*(\n|$)/.test(newInput)) { this.input = newInput.substr(/^[ \t]*/.exec(newInput)[0].length); tok = this.tok(type, captures[1]); this.incrementColumn(captures[0].length - whitespaceLength); return tok; } } }, /** * Return the indexOf `(` or `{` or `[` / `)` or `}` or `]` delimiters. * * Make sure that when calling this function, colno is at the character * immediately before the beginning. * * @return {Number} * @api private */ bracketExpression: function(skip){ skip = skip || 0; var start = this.input[skip]; assert(start === '(' || start === '{' || start === '[', 'The start character should be "(", "{" or "["'); var end = characterParser.BRACKETS[start]; var range; try { range = characterParser.parseUntil(this.input, end, {start: skip + 1}); } catch (ex) { if (ex.index !== undefined) { var idx = ex.index; // starting from this.input[skip] var tmp = this.input.substr(skip).indexOf('\n'); // starting from this.input[0] var nextNewline = tmp + skip; var ptr = 0; while (idx > nextNewline && tmp !== -1) { this.incrementLine(1); idx -= nextNewline + 1; ptr += nextNewline + 1; tmp = nextNewline = this.input.substr(ptr).indexOf('\n'); }; this.incrementColumn(idx); } if (ex.code === 'CHARACTER_PARSER:END_OF_STRING_REACHED') { this.error('NO_END_BRACKET', 'The end of the string reached with no closing bracket ' + end + ' found.'); } else if (ex.code === 'CHARACTER_PARSER:MISMATCHED_BRACKET') { this.error('BRACKET_MISMATCH', ex.message); } throw ex; } return range; }, scanIndentation: function() { var captures, re; // established regexp if (this.indentRe) { captures = this.indentRe.exec(this.input); // determine regexp } else { // tabs re = /^\n(\t*) */; captures = re.exec(this.input); // spaces if (captures && !captures[1].length) { re = /^\n( *)/; captures = re.exec(this.input); } // established if (captures && captures[1].length) this.indentRe = re; } return captures; }, /** * end-of-source. */ eos: function() { if (this.input.length) return; if (this.interpolated) { this.error('NO_END_BRACKET', 'End of line was reached with no closing bracket for interpolation.'); } for (var i = 0; this.indentStack[i]; i++) { this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(this.tok('outdent'))); } this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(this.tok('eos'))); this.ended = true; return true; }, /** * Blank line. */ blank: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^\n[ \t]*\n/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length - 1); this.incrementLine(1); return true; } }, /** * Comment. */ comment: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^\/\/(-)?([^\n]*)/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); var tok = this.tok('comment', captures[2]); tok.buffer = '-' != captures[1]; this.interpolationAllowed = tok.buffer; this.tokens.push(tok); this.incrementColumn(captures[0].length); this.tokEnd(tok); this.callLexerFunction('pipelessText'); return true; } }, /** * Interpolated tag. */ interpolation: function() { if (/^#\{/.test(this.input)) { var match = this.bracketExpression(1); this.consume(match.end + 1); var tok = this.tok('interpolation', match.src); this.tokens.push(tok); this.incrementColumn(2); // '#{' this.assertExpression(match.src); var splitted = match.src.split('\n'); var lines = splitted.length - 1; this.incrementLine(lines); this.incrementColumn(splitted[lines].length + 1); // + 1 → '}' this.tokEnd(tok); return true; } }, /** * Tag. */ tag: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(\w(?:[-:\w]*\w)?)/.exec(this.input)) { var tok, name = captures[1], len = captures[0].length; this.consume(len); tok = this.tok('tag', name); this.tokens.push(tok); this.incrementColumn(len); this.tokEnd(tok); return true; } }, /** * Filter. */ filter: function(opts) { var tok = this.scan(/^:([\w\-]+)/, 'filter'); var inInclude = opts && opts.inInclude; if (tok) { this.tokens.push(tok); this.incrementColumn(tok.val.length); this.tokEnd(tok); this.callLexerFunction('attrs'); if (!inInclude) { this.interpolationAllowed = false; this.callLexerFunction('pipelessText'); } return true; } }, /** * Doctype. */ doctype: function() { var node = this.scanEndOfLine(/^doctype *([^\n]*)/, 'doctype'); if (node) { this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(node)); return true; } }, /** * Id. */ id: function() { var tok = this.scan(/^#([\w-]+)/, 'id'); if (tok) { this.tokens.push(tok); this.incrementColumn(tok.val.length); this.tokEnd(tok); return true; } if (/^#/.test(this.input)) { this.error('INVALID_ID', '"' + /.[^ \t\(\#\.\:]*/.exec(this.input.substr(1))[0] + '" is not a valid ID.'); } }, /** * Class. */ className: function() { var tok = this.scan(/^\.([_a-z0-9\-]*[_a-z][_a-z0-9\-]*)/i, 'class'); if (tok) { this.tokens.push(tok); this.incrementColumn(tok.val.length); this.tokEnd(tok); return true; } if (/^\.[_a-z0-9\-]+/i.test(this.input)) { this.error('INVALID_CLASS_NAME', 'Class names must contain at least one letter or underscore.'); } if (/^\./.test(this.input)) { this.error('INVALID_CLASS_NAME', '"' + /.[^ \t\(\#\.\:]*/.exec(this.input.substr(1))[0] + '" is not a valid class name. Class names can only contain "_", "-", a-z and 0-9, and must contain at least one of "_", or a-z'); } }, /** * Text. */ endInterpolation: function () { if (this.interpolated && this.input[0] === ']') { this.input = this.input.substr(1); this.ended = true; return true; } }, addText: function (type, value, prefix, escaped) { var tok; if (value + prefix === '') return; prefix = prefix || ''; escaped = escaped || 0; var indexOfEnd = this.interpolated ? value.indexOf(']') : -1; var indexOfStart = this.interpolationAllowed ? value.indexOf('#[') : -1; var indexOfEscaped = this.interpolationAllowed ? value.indexOf('\\#[') : -1; var matchOfStringInterp = /(\\)?([#!]){((?:.|\n)*)$/.exec(value); var indexOfStringInterp = this.interpolationAllowed && matchOfStringInterp ? matchOfStringInterp.index : Infinity; if (indexOfEnd === -1) indexOfEnd = Infinity; if (indexOfStart === -1) indexOfStart = Infinity; if (indexOfEscaped === -1) indexOfEscaped = Infinity; if (indexOfEscaped !== Infinity && indexOfEscaped < indexOfEnd && indexOfEscaped < indexOfStart && indexOfEscaped < indexOfStringInterp) { prefix = prefix + value.substring(0, indexOfEscaped) + '#['; return this.addText(type, value.substring(indexOfEscaped + 3), prefix, escaped + 1); } if (indexOfStart !== Infinity && indexOfStart < indexOfEnd && indexOfStart < indexOfEscaped && indexOfStart < indexOfStringInterp) { tok = this.tok(type, prefix + value.substring(0, indexOfStart)); this.incrementColumn(prefix.length + indexOfStart + escaped); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); tok = this.tok('start-pug-interpolation'); this.incrementColumn(2); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); var child = new this.constructor(value.substr(indexOfStart + 2), { filename: this.filename, interpolated: true, startingLine: this.lineno, startingColumn: this.colno }); var interpolated; try { interpolated = child.getTokens(); } catch (ex) { if (ex.code && /^PUG:/.test(ex.code)) { this.colno = ex.column; this.error(ex.code.substr(4), ex.msg); } throw ex; } this.colno = child.colno; this.tokens = this.tokens.concat(interpolated); tok = this.tok('end-pug-interpolation'); this.incrementColumn(1); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); this.addText(type, child.input); return; } if (indexOfEnd !== Infinity && indexOfEnd < indexOfStart && indexOfEnd < indexOfEscaped && indexOfEnd < indexOfStringInterp) { if (prefix + value.substring(0, indexOfEnd)) { this.addText(type, value.substring(0, indexOfEnd), prefix); } this.ended = true; this.input = value.substr(value.indexOf(']') + 1) + this.input; return; } if (indexOfStringInterp !== Infinity) { if (matchOfStringInterp[1]) { prefix = prefix + value.substring(0, indexOfStringInterp) + '#{'; return this.addText(type, value.substring(indexOfStringInterp + 3), prefix, escaped + 1); } var before = value.substr(0, indexOfStringInterp); if (prefix || before) { before = prefix + before; tok = this.tok(type, before); this.incrementColumn(before.length + escaped); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); } var rest = matchOfStringInterp[3]; var range; tok = this.tok('interpolated-code'); this.incrementColumn(2); try { range = characterParser.parseUntil(rest, '}'); } catch (ex) { if (ex.index !== undefined) { this.incrementColumn(ex.index); } if (ex.code === 'CHARACTER_PARSER:END_OF_STRING_REACHED') { this.error('NO_END_BRACKET', 'End of line was reached with no closing bracket for interpolation.'); } else if (ex.code === 'CHARACTER_PARSER:MISMATCHED_BRACKET') { this.error('BRACKET_MISMATCH', ex.message); } else { throw ex; } } tok.mustEscape = matchOfStringInterp[2] === '#'; tok.buffer = true; tok.val = range.src; this.assertExpression(range.src); if (range.end + 1 < rest.length) { rest = rest.substr(range.end + 1); this.incrementColumn(range.end + 1); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); this.addText(type, rest); } else { this.incrementColumn(rest.length); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); } return; } value = prefix + value; tok = this.tok(type, value); this.incrementColumn(value.length + escaped); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); }, text: function() { var tok = this.scan(/^(?:\| ?| )([^\n]+)/, 'text') || this.scan(/^( )/, 'text') || this.scan(/^\|( ?)/, 'text'); if (tok) { this.addText('text', tok.val); return true; } }, textHtml: function () { var tok = this.scan(/^(<[^\n]*)/, 'text-html'); if (tok) { this.addText('text-html', tok.val); return true; } }, /** * Dot. */ dot: function() { var tok; if (tok = this.scanEndOfLine(/^\./, 'dot')) { this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); this.callLexerFunction('pipelessText'); return true; } }, /** * Extends. */ "extends": function() { var tok = this.scan(/^extends?(?= |$|\n)/, 'extends'); if (tok) { this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); if (!this.callLexerFunction('path')) { this.error('NO_EXTENDS_PATH', 'missing path for extends'); } return true; } if (this.scan(/^extends?\b/)) { this.error('MALFORMED_EXTENDS', 'malformed extends'); } }, /** * Block prepend. */ prepend: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(?:block +)?prepend +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { var name = captures[1].trim(); var comment = ''; if (name.indexOf('//') !== -1) { comment = '//' + name.split('//').slice(1).join('//'); name = name.split('//')[0].trim(); } if (!name) return; var tok = this.tok('block', name); var len = captures[0].length - comment.length; while(this.whitespaceRe.test(this.input.charAt(len - 1))) len--; this.incrementColumn(len); tok.mode = 'prepend'; this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); this.consume(captures[0].length - comment.length); this.incrementColumn(captures[0].length - comment.length - len); return true; } }, /** * Block append. */ append: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(?:block +)?append +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { var name = captures[1].trim(); var comment = ''; if (name.indexOf('//') !== -1) { comment = '//' + name.split('//').slice(1).join('//'); name = name.split('//')[0].trim(); } if (!name) return; var tok = this.tok('block', name); var len = captures[0].length - comment.length; while(this.whitespaceRe.test(this.input.charAt(len - 1))) len--; this.incrementColumn(len); tok.mode = 'append'; this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); this.consume(captures[0].length - comment.length); this.incrementColumn(captures[0].length - comment.length - len); return true; } }, /** * Block. */ block: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^block +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { var name = captures[1].trim(); var comment = ''; if (name.indexOf('//') !== -1) { comment = '//' + name.split('//').slice(1).join('//'); name = name.split('//')[0].trim(); } if (!name) return; var tok = this.tok('block', name); var len = captures[0].length - comment.length; while(this.whitespaceRe.test(this.input.charAt(len - 1))) len--; this.incrementColumn(len); tok.mode = 'replace'; this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); this.consume(captures[0].length - comment.length); this.incrementColumn(captures[0].length - comment.length - len); return true; } }, /** * Mixin Block. */ mixinBlock: function() { var tok; if (tok = this.scanEndOfLine(/^block/, 'mixin-block')) { this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); return true; } }, /** * Yield. */ 'yield': function() { var tok = this.scanEndOfLine(/^yield/, 'yield'); if (tok) { this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); return true; } }, /** * Include. */ include: function() { var tok = this.scan(/^include(?=:| |$|\n)/, 'include'); if (tok) { this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); while (this.callLexerFunction('filter', { inInclude: true })); if (!this.callLexerFunction('path')) { if (/^[^ \n]+/.test(this.input)) { // if there is more text this.fail(); } else { // if not this.error('NO_INCLUDE_PATH', 'missing path for include'); } } return true; } if (this.scan(/^include\b/)) { this.error('MALFORMED_INCLUDE', 'malformed include'); } }, /** * Path */ path: function() { var tok = this.scanEndOfLine(/^ ([^\n]+)/, 'path'); if (tok && (tok.val = tok.val.trim())) { this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); return true; } }, /** * Case. */ "case": function() { var tok = this.scanEndOfLine(/^case +([^\n]+)/, 'case'); if (tok) { this.incrementColumn(-tok.val.length); this.assertExpression(tok.val); this.incrementColumn(tok.val.length); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); return true; } if (this.scan(/^case\b/)) { this.error('NO_CASE_EXPRESSION', 'missing expression for case'); } }, /** * When. */ when: function() { var tok = this.scanEndOfLine(/^when +([^:\n]+)/, 'when'); if (tok) { var parser = characterParser(tok.val); while (parser.isNesting() || parser.isString()) { var rest = /:([^:\n]+)/.exec(this.input); if (!rest) break; tok.val += rest[0]; this.consume(rest[0].length); this.incrementColumn(rest[0].length); parser = characterParser(tok.val); } this.incrementColumn(-tok.val.length); this.assertExpression(tok.val); this.incrementColumn(tok.val.length); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); return true; } if (this.scan(/^when\b/)) { this.error('NO_WHEN_EXPRESSION', 'missing expression for when'); } }, /** * Default. */ "default": function() { var tok = this.scanEndOfLine(/^default/, 'default'); if (tok) { this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); return true; } if (this.scan(/^default\b/)) { this.error('DEFAULT_WITH_EXPRESSION', 'default should not have an expression'); } }, /** * Call mixin. */ call: function(){ var tok, captures, increment; if (captures = /^\+(\s*)(([-\w]+)|(#\{))/.exec(this.input)) { // try to consume simple or interpolated call if (captures[3]) { // simple call increment = captures[0].length; this.consume(increment); tok = this.tok('call', captures[3]); } else { // interpolated call var match = this.bracketExpression(2 + captures[1].length); increment = match.end + 1; this.consume(increment); this.assertExpression(match.src); tok = this.tok('call', '#{'+match.src+'}'); } this.incrementColumn(increment); tok.args = null; // Check for args (not attributes) if (captures = /^ *\(/.exec(this.input)) { var range = this.bracketExpression(captures[0].length - 1); if (!/^\s*[-\w]+ *=/.test(range.src)) { // not attributes this.incrementColumn(1); this.consume(range.end + 1); tok.args = range.src; this.assertExpression('[' + tok.args + ']'); for (var i = 0; i <= tok.args.length; i++) { if (tok.args[i] === '\n') { this.incrementLine(1); } else { this.incrementColumn(1); } } } } this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); return true; } }, /** * Mixin. */ mixin: function(){ var captures; if (captures = /^mixin +([-\w]+)(?: *\((.*)\))? */.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); var tok = this.tok('mixin', captures[1]); tok.args = captures[2] || null; this.incrementColumn(captures[0].length); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); return true; } }, /** * Conditional. */ conditional: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(if|unless|else if|else)\b([^\n]*)/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); var type = captures[1].replace(/ /g, '-'); var js = captures[2] && captures[2].trim(); // type can be "if", "else-if" and "else" var tok = this.tok(type, js); this.incrementColumn(captures[0].length - js.length); switch (type) { case 'if': case 'else-if': this.assertExpression(js); break; case 'unless': this.assertExpression(js); tok.val = '!(' + js + ')'; tok.type = 'if'; break; case 'else': if (js) { this.error( 'ELSE_CONDITION', '`else` cannot have a condition, perhaps you meant `else if`' ); } break; } this.incrementColumn(js.length); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); return true; } }, /** * While. */ "while": function() { var captures, tok; if (captures = /^while +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); this.assertExpression(captures[1]); tok = this.tok('while', captures[1]); this.incrementColumn(captures[0].length); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); return true; } if (this.scan(/^while\b/)) { this.error('NO_WHILE_EXPRESSION', 'missing expression for while'); } }, /** * Each. */ each: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(?:each|for) +([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*)(?: *, *([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*))? * in *([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { this.consume(captures[0].length); var tok = this.tok('each', captures[1]); tok.key = captures[2] || null; this.incrementColumn(captures[0].length - captures[3].length); this.assertExpression(captures[3]) tok.code = captures[3]; this.incrementColumn(captures[3].length); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); return true; } if (this.scan(/^(?:each|for)\b/)) { this.error('MALFORMED_EACH', 'malformed each'); } if (captures = /^- *(?:each|for) +([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*)(?: *, *([a-zA-Z_$][\w$]*))? +in +([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { this.error( 'MALFORMED_EACH', 'Pug each and for should no longer be prefixed with a dash ("-"). They are pug keywords and not part of JavaScript.' ); } }, /** * Code. */ code: function() { var captures; if (captures = /^(!?=|-)[ \t]*([^\n]+)/.exec(this.input)) { var flags = captures[1]; var code = captures[2]; var shortened = 0; if (this.interpolated) { var parsed; try { parsed = characterParser.parseUntil(code, ']'); } catch (err) { if (err.index !== undefined) { this.incrementColumn(captures[0].length - code.length + err.index); } if (err.code === 'CHARACTER_PARSER:END_OF_STRING_REACHED') { this.error('NO_END_BRACKET', 'End of line was reached with no closing bracket for interpolation.'); } else if (err.code === 'CHARACTER_PARSER:MISMATCHED_BRACKET') { this.error('BRACKET_MISMATCH', err.message); } else { throw err; } } shortened = code.length - parsed.end; code = parsed.src; } var consumed = captures[0].length - shortened; this.consume(consumed); var tok = this.tok('code', code); tok.mustEscape = flags.charAt(0) === '='; tok.buffer = flags.charAt(0) === '=' || flags.charAt(1) === '='; // p #[!= abc] hey // ^ original colno // -------------- captures[0] // -------- captures[2] // ------ captures[0] - captures[2] // ^ after colno // = abc // ^ original colno // ------- captures[0] // --- captures[2] // ---- captures[0] - captures[2] // ^ after colno this.incrementColumn(captures[0].length - captures[2].length); if (tok.buffer) this.assertExpression(code); this.tokens.push(tok); // p #[!= abc] hey // ^ original colno // ----- shortened // --- code // ^ after colno // = abc // ^ original colno // shortened // --- code // ^ after colno this.incrementColumn(code.length); this.tokEnd(tok); return true; } }, /** * Block code. */ blockCode: function() { var tok if (tok = this.scanEndOfLine(/^-/, 'blockcode')) { this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); this.interpolationAllowed = false; this.callLexerFunction('pipelessText'); return true; } }, /** * Attribute Name. */ attribute: function(str){ var quote = ''; var quoteRe = /['"]/; var key = ''; var i; // consume all whitespace before the key for(i = 0; i < str.length; i++){ if(!this.whitespaceRe.test(str[i])) break; if(str[i] === '\n'){ this.incrementLine(1); } else { this.incrementColumn(1); } } if(i === str.length){ return ''; } var tok = this.tok('attribute'); // quote? if(quoteRe.test(str[i])){ quote = str[i]; this.incrementColumn(1); i++; } // start looping through the key for (; i < str.length; i++) { if(quote){ if (str[i] === quote) { this.incrementColumn(1); i++; break; } } else { if(this.whitespaceRe.test(str[i]) || str[i] === '!' || str[i] === '=' || str[i] === ',') { break; } } key += str[i]; if (str[i] === '\n') { this.incrementLine(1); } else { this.incrementColumn(1); } } tok.name = key; var valueResponse = this.attributeValue(str.substr(i)); if (valueResponse.val) { tok.val = valueResponse.val; tok.mustEscape = valueResponse.mustEscape; } else { // was a boolean attribute (ex: `input(disabled)`) tok.val = true; tok.mustEscape = true; } str = valueResponse.remainingSource; this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); for(i = 0; i < str.length; i++){ if(!this.whitespaceRe.test(str[i])) { break; } if(str[i] === '\n'){ this.incrementLine(1); } else { this.incrementColumn(1); } } if(str[i] === ','){ this.incrementColumn(1); i++; } return str.substr(i); }, /** * Attribute Value. */ attributeValue: function(str){ var quoteRe = /['"]/; var val = ''; var done, i, x; var escapeAttr = true; var state = characterParser.defaultState(); var col = this.colno; var line = this.lineno; // consume all whitespace before the equals sign for(i = 0; i < str.length; i++){ if(!this.whitespaceRe.test(str[i])) break; if(str[i] === '\n'){ line++; col = 1; } else { col++; } } if(i === str.length){ return { remainingSource: str }; } if(str[i] === '!'){ escapeAttr = false; col++; i++; if (str[i] !== '=') this.error('INVALID_KEY_CHARACTER', 'Unexpected character ' + str[i] + ' expected `=`'); } if(str[i] !== '='){ // check for anti-pattern `div("foo"bar)` if (i === 0 && str && !this.whitespaceRe.test(str[0]) && str[0] !== ','){ this.error('INVALID_KEY_CHARACTER', 'Unexpected character ' + str[0] + ' expected `=`'); } else { return { remainingSource: str }; } } this.lineno = line; this.colno = col + 1; i++; // consume all whitespace before the value for(; i < str.length; i++){ if(!this.whitespaceRe.test(str[i])) break; if(str[i] === '\n'){ this.incrementLine(1); } else { this.incrementColumn(1); } } line = this.lineno; col = this.colno; // start looping through the value for (; i < str.length; i++) { // if the character is in a string or in parentheses/brackets/braces if (!(state.isNesting() || state.isString())){ if (this.whitespaceRe.test(str[i])) { done = false; // find the first non-whitespace character for (x = i; x < str.length; x++) { if (!this.whitespaceRe.test(str[x])) { // if it is a JavaScript punctuator, then assume that it is // a part of the value const isNotPunctuator = !characterParser.isPunctuator(str[x]) const isQuote = quoteRe.test(str[x]) const isColon = str[x] === ':' const isSpreadOperator = str[x] + str[x + 1] + str[x + 2] === '...' if ((isNotPunctuator || isQuote || isColon || isSpreadOperator) && this.assertExpression(val, true)) { done = true; } break; } } // if everything else is whitespace, return now so last attribute // does not include trailing whitespace if(done || x === str.length){ break; } } // if there's no whitespace and the character is not ',', the // attribute did not end. if(str[i] === ',' && this.assertExpression(val, true)){ break; } } state = characterParser.parseChar(str[i], state); val += str[i]; if (str[i] === '\n') { line++; col = 1; } else { col++; } } this.assertExpression(val); this.lineno = line; this.colno = col; return { val: val, mustEscape: escapeAttr, remainingSource: str.substr(i) }; }, /** * Attributes. */ attrs: function() { var tok; if ('(' == this.input.charAt(0)) { tok = this.tok('start-attributes'); var index = this.bracketExpression().end; var str = this.input.substr(1, index-1); this.incrementColumn(1); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); this.assertNestingCorrect(str); this.consume(index + 1); while(str){ str = this.attribute(str); } tok = this.tok('end-attributes'); this.incrementColumn(1); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); return true; } }, /** * &attributes block */ attributesBlock: function () { if (/^&attributes\b/.test(this.input)) { var consumed = 11; this.consume(consumed); var tok = this.tok('&attributes'); this.incrementColumn(consumed); var args = this.bracketExpression(); consumed = args.end + 1; this.consume(consumed); tok.val = args.src; this.incrementColumn(consumed); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); return true; } }, /** * Indent | Outdent | Newline. */ indent: function() { var captures = this.scanIndentation(); var tok; if (captures) { var indents = captures[1].length; this.incrementLine(1); this.consume(indents + 1); if (' ' == this.input[0] || '\t' == this.input[0]) { this.error('INVALID_INDENTATION', 'Invalid indentation, you can use tabs or spaces but not both'); } // blank line if ('\n' == this.input[0]) { this.interpolationAllowed = true; return this.tokEnd(this.tok('newline')); } // outdent if (indents < this.indentStack[0]) { var outdent_count = 0; while (this.indentStack[0] > indents) { if (this.indentStack[1] < indents) { this.error('INCONSISTENT_INDENTATION', 'Inconsistent indentation. Expecting either ' + this.indentStack[1] + ' or ' + this.indentStack[0] + ' spaces/tabs.'); } outdent_count++; this.indentStack.shift(); } while(outdent_count--){ this.colno = 1; tok = this.tok('outdent'); this.colno = this.indentStack[0] + 1; this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); } // indent } else if (indents && indents != this.indentStack[0]) { tok = this.tok('indent', indents); this.colno = 1 + indents; this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); this.indentStack.unshift(indents); // newline } else { tok = this.tok('newline'); this.colno = 1 + Math.min(this.indentStack[0] || 0, indents); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); } this.interpolationAllowed = true; return true; } }, pipelessText: function pipelessText(indents) { while (this.callLexerFunction('blank')); var captures = this.scanIndentation(); indents = indents || captures && captures[1].length; if (indents > this.indentStack[0]) { this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(this.tok('start-pipeless-text'))); var tokens = []; var token_indent = []; var isMatch; // Index in this.input. Can't use this.consume because we might need to // retry lexing the block. var stringPtr = 0; do { // text has `\n` as a prefix var i = this.input.substr(stringPtr + 1).indexOf('\n'); if (-1 == i) i = this.input.length - stringPtr - 1; var str = this.input.substr(stringPtr + 1, i); var lineCaptures = this.indentRe.exec('\n' + str); var lineIndents = lineCaptures && lineCaptures[1].length; isMatch = lineIndents >= indents; token_indent.push(isMatch); isMatch = isMatch || !str.trim(); if (isMatch) { // consume test along with `\n` prefix if match stringPtr += str.length + 1; tokens.push(str.substr(indents)); } else if (lineIndents > this.indentStack[0]) { // line is indented less than the first line but is still indented // need to retry lexing the text block this.tokens.pop(); return pipelessText.call(this, lineCaptures[1].length); } } while((this.input.length - stringPtr) && isMatch); this.consume(stringPtr); while (this.input.length === 0 && tokens[tokens.length - 1] === '') tokens.pop(); tokens.forEach(function (token, i) { var tok; this.incrementLine(1); if (i !== 0) tok = this.tok('newline'); if (token_indent[i]) this.incrementColumn(indents); if (tok) this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); this.addText('text', token); }.bind(this)); this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(this.tok('end-pipeless-text'))); return true; } }, /** * Slash. */ slash: function() { var tok = this.scan(/^\//, 'slash'); if (tok) { this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); return true; } }, /** * ':' */ colon: function() { var tok = this.scan(/^: +/, ':'); if (tok) { this.tokens.push(this.tokEnd(tok)); return true; } }, fail: function () { this.error('UNEXPECTED_TEXT', 'unexpected text "' + this.input.substr(0, 5) + '"'); }, callLexerFunction: function (func) { var rest = []; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { rest.push(arguments[i]); } var pluginArgs = [this].concat(rest); for (var i = 0; i < this.plugins.length; i++) { var plugin = this.plugins[i]; if (plugin[func] && plugin[func].apply(plugin, pluginArgs)) { return true; } } return this[func].apply(this, rest); }, /** * Move to the next token * * @api private */ advance: function() { return this.callLexerFunction('blank') || this.callLexerFunction('eos') || this.callLexerFunction('endInterpolation') || this.callLexerFunction('yield') || this.callLexerFunction('doctype') || this.callLexerFunction('interpolation') || this.callLexerFunction('case') || this.callLexerFunction('when') || this.callLexerFunction('default') || this.callLexerFunction('extends') || this.callLexerFunction('append') || this.callLexerFunction('prepend') || this.callLexerFunction('block') || this.callLexerFunction('mixinBlock') || this.callLexerFunction('include') || this.callLexerFunction('mixin') || this.callLexerFunction('call') || this.callLexerFunction('conditional') || this.callLexerFunction('each') || this.callLexerFunction('while') || this.callLexerFunction('tag') || this.callLexerFunction('filter') || this.callLexerFunction('blockCode') || this.callLexerFunction('code') || this.callLexerFunction('id') || this.callLexerFunction('dot') || this.callLexerFunction('className') || this.callLexerFunction('attrs') || this.callLexerFunction('attributesBlock') || this.callLexerFunction('indent') || this.callLexerFunction('text') || this.callLexerFunction('textHtml') || this.callLexerFunction('comment') || this.callLexerFunction('slash') || this.callLexerFunction('colon') || this.fail(); }, /** * Return an array of tokens for the current file * * @returns {Array.<Token>} * @api public */ getTokens: function () { while (!this.ended) { this.callLexerFunction('advance'); } return this.tokens; } };