Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt/lib/phantom/examples/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/phantomjs-prebuilt/lib/phantom/examples/page_events.js |
// The purpose of this is to show how and when events fire, considering 5 steps // happening as follows: // // 1. Load URL // 2. Load same URL, but adding an internal FRAGMENT to it // 3. Click on an internal Link, that points to another internal FRAGMENT // 4. Click on an external Link, that will send the page somewhere else // 5. Close page // // Take particular care when going through the output, to understand when // things happen (and in which order). Particularly, notice what DOESN'T // happen during step 3. // // If invoked with "-v" it will print out the Page Resources as they are // Requested and Received. // // NOTE.1: The "onConsoleMessage/onAlert/onPrompt/onConfirm" events are // registered but not used here. This is left for you to have fun with. // NOTE.2: This script is not here to teach you ANY JavaScript. It's aweful! // NOTE.3: Main audience for this are people new to PhantomJS. "use strict"; var sys = require("system"), page = require("webpage").create(), logResources = false, step1url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOM_events", step2url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOM_events#Event_flow"; if (sys.args.length > 1 && sys.args[1] === "-v") { logResources = true; } function printArgs() { var i, ilen; for (i = 0, ilen = arguments.length; i < ilen; ++i) { console.log(" arguments[" + i + "] = " + JSON.stringify(arguments[i])); } console.log(""); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// page.onInitialized = function() { console.log("page.onInitialized"); printArgs.apply(this, arguments); }; page.onLoadStarted = function() { console.log("page.onLoadStarted"); printArgs.apply(this, arguments); }; page.onLoadFinished = function() { console.log("page.onLoadFinished"); printArgs.apply(this, arguments); }; page.onUrlChanged = function() { console.log("page.onUrlChanged"); printArgs.apply(this, arguments); }; page.onNavigationRequested = function() { console.log("page.onNavigationRequested"); printArgs.apply(this, arguments); }; page.onRepaintRequested = function() { console.log("page.onRepaintRequested"); printArgs.apply(this, arguments); }; if (logResources === true) { page.onResourceRequested = function() { console.log("page.onResourceRequested"); printArgs.apply(this, arguments); }; page.onResourceReceived = function() { console.log("page.onResourceReceived"); printArgs.apply(this, arguments); }; } page.onClosing = function() { console.log("page.onClosing"); printArgs.apply(this, arguments); }; // window.console.log(msg); page.onConsoleMessage = function() { console.log("page.onConsoleMessage"); printArgs.apply(this, arguments); }; // window.alert(msg); page.onAlert = function() { console.log("page.onAlert"); printArgs.apply(this, arguments); }; // var confirmed = window.confirm(msg); page.onConfirm = function() { console.log("page.onConfirm"); printArgs.apply(this, arguments); }; // var user_value = window.prompt(msg, default_value); page.onPrompt = function() { console.log("page.onPrompt"); printArgs.apply(this, arguments); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// setTimeout(function() { console.log(""); console.log("### STEP 1: Load '" + step1url + "'"); page.open(step1url); }, 0); setTimeout(function() { console.log(""); console.log("### STEP 2: Load '" + step2url + "' (load same URL plus FRAGMENT)"); page.open(step2url); }, 5000); setTimeout(function() { console.log(""); console.log("### STEP 3: Click on page internal link (aka FRAGMENT)"); page.evaluate(function() { var ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); ev.initEvent("click", true, true); document.querySelector("a[href='#Event_object']").dispatchEvent(ev); }); }, 10000); setTimeout(function() { console.log(""); console.log("### STEP 4: Click on page external link"); page.evaluate(function() { var ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); ev.initEvent("click", true, true); document.querySelector("a[title='JavaScript']").dispatchEvent(ev); }); }, 15000); setTimeout(function() { console.log(""); console.log("### STEP 5: Close page and shutdown (with a delay)"); page.close(); setTimeout(function(){ phantom.exit(); }, 100); }, 20000);