Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/numeral/tests/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/numeral/tests/numeral.js |
// Node if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { var numeral = require('../numeral'); var expect = require('chai').expect; } describe('Numeral', function() { afterEach(function() { numeral.reset(); }); describe('Default', function() { it('should set a default format', function() { numeral.defaultFormat('0,0'); expect(numeral(10000).format()).to.equal('10,000'); }); }); describe('Types', function() { it('should return a value as correct type', function() { var tests = [ [1234.56,'number'], ['1234.56','number'], [0,'number'], [NaN,'object'], [null,'object'] ], i; for (i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { expect(typeof numeral(tests[i][0]).value()).to.equal(tests[i][1]); } }); }); describe('Value', function() { it('should return a value', function() { var tests = [ [1000, 1000], [0.5, 0.5], [null, null], ['1,000', 1000], ['not a number', null] ], num; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { num = numeral(tests[i][0]); expect(num.value()).to.equal(tests[i][1]); } }); }); describe('Set', function() { it('should set a value', function() { var tests = [ [1000,1000], [-0.25,-0.25] ], num; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { num = numeral().set(tests[i][0]); expect(num.value()).to.equal(tests[i][1]); } }); }); describe('Custom Zero', function() { it('should change zero value', function() { var tests = [ [0,null,'0','0'], [0,'N/A','0','N/A'], [0,'','',''] ]; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { numeral.zeroFormat(tests[i][1]); expect(numeral(tests[i][0]).format(tests[i][2])).to.equal(tests[i][3]); } }); }); describe('Custom Null', function() { it('should change null value', function() { var tests = [ [null,null,'0','0'], [null,'N/A','0','N/A'], [null,'','',''] ]; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { numeral.nullFormat(tests[i][1]); expect(numeral(tests[i][0]).format(tests[i][2])).to.equal(tests[i][3]); } }); }); describe('Clone', function() { it('should clone', function() { var a = numeral(1000), b = numeral(a), c = a.clone(), aVal = a.value(), aSet = a.set(2000).value(), bVal = b.value(), cVal = c.add(10).value(); expect(aVal).to.equal(1000); expect(aSet).to.equal(2000); expect(bVal).to.equal(1000); expect(cVal).to.equal(1010); }); }); describe('isNumeral', function() { it('should return boolean', function() { var tests = [ [numeral(),true], [1,false] ]; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { expect(numeral.isNumeral(tests[i][0])).to.equal(tests[i][1]); } }); }); describe('Format', function() { it('should format to a number', function() { var tests = [ [0, null, '0'], [0, '0.00', '0.00'], [null, null, '0'], [NaN, '0.0', '0.0'], [1.23,'0,0','1'], [10000,'0,0.0000','10,000.0000'], [10000.23,'0,0','10,000'], [-10000,'0,0.0','-10,000.0'], [10000.1234,'0.000','10000.123'], [10000,'0[.]00','10000'], [10000.1,'0[.]00','10000.10'], [10000.123,'0[.]00','10000.12'], [10000.456,'0[.]00','10000.46'], [10000.001,'0[.]00','10000'], [10000.45,'0[.]00[0]','10000.45'], [10000.456,'0[.]00[0]','10000.456'], [10000,'(0,0.0000)','10,000.0000'], [-10000,'(0,0.0000)','(10,000.0000)'], [-12300,'+0,0.0000','-12,300.0000'], [1230,'+0,0','+1,230'], [1230,'-0,0','1,230'], [-1230,'-0,0','-1,230'], [-1230.4,'0,0.0+','1,230.4-'], [-1230.4,'0,0.0-','1,230.4-'], [1230.4,'0,0.0-','1,230.4'], [100.78, '0', '101'], [100.28, '0', '100'], [1.932,'0.0','1.9'], [1.9687,'0','2'], [1.9687,'0.0','2.0'], [-0.23,'.00','-.23'], [-0.23,'(.00)','(.23)'], [0.23,'0.00000','0.23000'], [0.67,'0.0[0000]','0.67'], [3162.63,'0.0[00000000000000]','3162.63'], [1.99,'0.[0]','2'], [1.0501,'0.00[0]','1.05'], [1.005,'0.00','1.01'], // leading zero [0, '00.0', '00.0'], [0.23, '000.[00]', '000.23'], [4, '000', '004'], [10, '00000', '00010'], [1000, '000,0', '1,000'], [1000, '00000,0', '01,000'], [1000, '0000000,0', '0,001,000'], // abbreviations [2000000000,'0.0a','2.0b'], [1230974,'0.0a','1.2m'], [1460,'0a','1k'], [-104000,'0 a','-104 k'], [999950,'0.0a','1.0m'], [999999999,'0a','1b'], // forced abbreviations [-5444333222111, '0,0 ak', '-5,444,333,222 k'], [5444333222111, '0,0 am', '5,444,333 m'], [-5444333222111, '0,0 ab', '-5,444 b'], [-5444333222111, '0,0 at', '-5 t'], [123456, '0.0[0] ak', '123.46 k'], [150,'0.0 ak','0.2 k'] ], i, n, output; for (i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { n = numeral(tests[i][0]); output = n.format(tests[i][1]); expect(output).to.equal(tests[i][2]); expect(typeof output).to.equal('string'); } }); }); describe('Unformat', function() { before(function() { numeral.zeroFormat('N/A'); numeral.nullFormat('N/A'); }); after(function() { numeral.reset(); }); it('should unformat a number', function() { var tests = [ ['10,000.123', 10000.123], ['(0.12345)', -0.12345], ['((--0.12345))', 0.12345], ['1.23t', 1230000000000], ['N/A', 0], ['', null], // Pass Through for Numbers [0, 0], [1, 1], [1.1, 1.1], [-0, 0], [-1, -1], [-1.1, -1.1] ]; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { expect(numeral(tests[i][0]).value()).to.equal(tests[i][1]); } }); }); describe('Validate', function() { var locale = 'en'; describe('Numbers', function() { it('should validate numbers', function() { var tests = [ ['1000', true], ['1,000', true], ['10,0,0', true], ['10.123', true], ['1,000.123', true], ['1000,123.123', true], ['1000 ', true], [' 1000 ', true], [' 1000', true], [' 1000,100.123', true], ['1.0,00', false], ['1.0.00', false], ['1 000', false], ['1.000,123', false], ['1000.', false], ['1000,', false], ['10..00', false], ['10,,00', false], ['10, 00', false] ]; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { expect(numeral.validate(tests[i][0], locale)).to.equal(tests[i][1]); } }); }); describe('Currency', function() { it('should validate currency', function() { var tests = [ ['$1000', true], ['$1,000', true], ['$10,0,0', true], ['$10.123', true], ['$1,000.123', true], ['$1000 ', true], [' $1000 ', true], [' $1000', true], [' $1000,100.123', true], ['$100.123k', true], ['$100.123m', true], ['$100.123b', true], ['$100.123t', true], ['100,456.123k', true], [' 100,456.123t ', true], ['$1,00.123k', true], ['%100', false], [' %1.0.00', false], [' ^1 000 ', false], ['^1.000 ', false], ['$ 1000.', false], ['%1000', false], ['100,456.123z', false], ['$100$', false], ['$100,213.456l', false], ['aa100,213.456l', false], ['$100,213.456kk', false] ]; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { expect(numeral.validate(tests[i][0], locale)).to.equal(tests[i][1]); } }); }); }); describe('Manipulate', function() { describe('Add', function() { it('should add', function() { var tests = [ [1000,10,1010], [0.5,3,3.5], [-100,200,100], [0.1,0.2,0.3], [0.28,0.01,0.29], [0.289999,0.000001,0.29], [0.29,0.01,0.3] ], num; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { num = numeral(tests[i][0]); num.add(tests[i][1]); expect(num.value()).to.equal(tests[i][2]); } }); }); describe('Subtract', function() { it('should subtract', function() { var tests = [ [1000,10,990], [0.5,3,-2.5], [-100,200,-300], [0.3,0.1,0.2], [0.28,0.01,0.27], [0.29,0.01,0.28] ], num; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { num = numeral(tests[i][0]); num.subtract(tests[i][1]); expect(num.value()).to.equal(tests[i][2]); } }); }); describe('Add', function() { it('should add', function() { }); }); describe('Multiply', function() { it('should multiply', function() { var tests = [ [1000,10,10000], [0.5,3,1.5], [-100,200,-20000], [0.1,0.2,0.02], [0.28,0.01,0.0028], [0.29,0.01,0.0029], [0.00000231,10000000,23.1] ], num; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { num = numeral(tests[i][0]); num.multiply(tests[i][1]); expect(num.value()).to.equal(tests[i][2]); } }); }); describe('Divide', function() { it('should divide', function() { var tests = [ [1000,10,100], [0.5,3,0.16666666666666666], [-100,200,-0.5], [5.3,0.1,53], [0.28,0.01,28], [0.29,0.01,29] ], num; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { num = numeral(tests[i][0]); num.divide(tests[i][1]); expect(num.value()).to.equal(tests[i][2]); } }); }); describe('Difference', function() { it('should find a difference', function() { var tests = [ [1000,10,990], [0.5,3,2.5], [-100,200,300], [0.3,0.2,0.1], [0.28,0.01,0.27], [0.29,0.01,0.28] ], num; for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { num = numeral(tests[i][0]); expect(num.difference(tests[i][1])).to.equal(tests[i][2]); } }); }); describe('Rounding', function() { it('should format with rounding', function() { var tests = [ // value, format string, expected w/ floor, expected w/ ceil [2280002, '0.00a', '2.28m', '2.29m'], [10000.23,'0,0','10,000', '10,001'], [1000.234,'0,0.00','1,000.23', '1,000.24'], [0.97487823,'0.000','0.974','0.975'], [-0.433,'0.0','-0.5', '-0.4'] ], i; for (i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { // floor expect(numeral(tests[i][0]).format(tests[i][1], Math.floor)).to.equal(tests[i][2]); // ceil expect(numeral(tests[i][0]).format(tests[i][1], Math.ceil)).to.equal(tests[i][3]); } }); }); }); describe('Utilities', function() { describe('Insert', function() { it('should insert into string', function() { var tests = [ ['1000', '+', 0, '+1000'], ['1000', '-', 4, '1000-'] ], i; for (i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) { expect(numeral._.insert(tests[i][0], tests[i][1], tests[i][2])).to.equal(tests[i][3]); } }); }); }); });