Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/nanomatch/lib/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/nanomatch/lib/parsers.js |
'use strict'; var regexNot = require('regex-not'); var toRegex = require('to-regex'); /** * Characters to use in negation regex (we want to "not" match * characters that are matched by other parsers) */ var cached; var NOT_REGEX = '[\\[!*+?$^"\'.\\\\/]+'; var not = createTextRegex(NOT_REGEX); /** * Nanomatch parsers */ module.exports = function(nanomatch, options) { var parser = nanomatch.parser; var opts = parser.options; parser.state = { slashes: 0, paths: [] }; parser.ast.state = parser.state; parser /** * Beginning-of-string */ .capture('prefix', function() { if (this.parsed) return; var m = this.match(/^\.[\\/]/); if (!m) return; this.state.strictOpen = !!this.options.strictOpen; this.state.addPrefix = true; }) /** * Escape: "\\." */ .capture('escape', function() { if (this.isInside('bracket')) return; var pos = this.position(); var m = this.match(/^(?:\\(.)|([$^]))/); if (!m) return; return pos({ type: 'escape', val: m[2] || m[1] }); }) /** * Quoted strings */ .capture('quoted', function() { var pos = this.position(); var m = this.match(/^["']/); if (!m) return; var quote = m[0]; if (this.input.indexOf(quote) === -1) { return pos({ type: 'escape', val: quote }); } var tok = advanceTo(this.input, quote); this.consume(tok.len); return pos({ type: 'quoted', val: tok.esc }); }) /** * Negations: "!" */ .capture('not', function() { var parsed = this.parsed; var pos = this.position(); var m = this.match(this.notRegex || /^!+/); if (!m) return; var val = m[0]; var isNegated = (val.length % 2) === 1; if (parsed === '' && !isNegated) { val = ''; } // if nothing has been parsed, we know `!` is at the start, // so we need to wrap the result in a negation regex if (parsed === '' && isNegated && this.options.nonegate !== true) { this.bos.val = '(?!^(?:'; this.append = ')$).*'; val = ''; } return pos({ type: 'not', val: val }); }) /** * Dot: "." */ .capture('dot', function() { var parsed = this.parsed; var pos = this.position(); var m = this.match(/^\.+/); if (!m) return; var val = m[0]; this.state.dot = val === '.' && (parsed === '' || parsed.slice(-1) === '/'); return pos({ type: 'dot', dotfiles: this.state.dot, val: val }); }) /** * Plus: "+" */ .capture('plus', /^\+(?!\()/) /** * Question mark: "?" */ .capture('qmark', function() { var parsed = this.parsed; var pos = this.position(); var m = this.match(/^\?+(?!\()/); if (!m) return; this.state.metachar = true; this.state.qmark = true; return pos({ type: 'qmark', parsed: parsed, val: m[0] }); }) /** * Globstar: "**" */ .capture('globstar', function() { var parsed = this.parsed; var pos = this.position(); var m = this.match(/^\*{2}(?![*(])(?=[,)/]|$)/); if (!m) return; var type = opts.noglobstar !== true ? 'globstar' : 'star'; var node = pos({type: type, parsed: parsed}); this.state.metachar = true; while (this.input.slice(0, 4) === '/**/') { this.input = this.input.slice(3); } node.isInside = { brace: this.isInside('brace'), paren: this.isInside('paren') }; if (type === 'globstar') { this.state.globstar = true; node.val = '**'; } else { this.state.star = true; node.val = '*'; } return node; }) /** * Star: "*" */ .capture('star', function() { var pos = this.position(); var starRe = /^(?:\*(?![*(])|[*]{3,}(?!\()|[*]{2}(?![(/]|$)|\*(?=\*\())/; var m = this.match(starRe); if (!m) return; this.state.metachar = true; this.state.star = true; return pos({ type: 'star', val: m[0] }); }) /** * Slash: "/" */ .capture('slash', function() { var pos = this.position(); var m = this.match(/^\//); if (!m) return; this.state.slashes++; return pos({ type: 'slash', val: m[0] }); }) /** * Backslash: "\\" */ .capture('backslash', function() { var pos = this.position(); var m = this.match(/^\\(?![*+?(){}[\]'"])/); if (!m) return; var val = m[0]; if (this.isInside('bracket')) { val = '\\'; } else if (val.length > 1) { val = '\\\\'; } return pos({ type: 'backslash', val: val }); }) /** * Square: "[.]" */ .capture('square', function() { if (this.isInside('bracket')) return; var pos = this.position(); var m = this.match(/^\[([^!^\\])\]/); if (!m) return; return pos({ type: 'square', val: m[1] }); }) /** * Brackets: "[...]" (basic, this can be overridden by other parsers) */ .capture('bracket', function() { var pos = this.position(); var m = this.match(/^(?:\[([!^]?)([^\]]+|\]-)(\]|[^*+?]+)|\[)/); if (!m) return; var val = m[0]; var negated = m[1] ? '^' : ''; var inner = (m[2] || '').replace(/\\\\+/, '\\\\'); var close = m[3] || ''; if (m[2] && inner.length < m[2].length) { val = val.replace(/\\\\+/, '\\\\'); } var esc = this.input.slice(0, 2); if (inner === '' && esc === '\\]') { inner += esc; this.consume(2); var str = this.input; var idx = -1; var ch; while ((ch = str[++idx])) { this.consume(1); if (ch === ']') { close = ch; break; } inner += ch; } } return pos({ type: 'bracket', val: val, escaped: close !== ']', negated: negated, inner: inner, close: close }); }) /** * Text */ .capture('text', function() { if (this.isInside('bracket')) return; var pos = this.position(); var m = this.match(not); if (!m || !m[0]) return; return pos({ type: 'text', val: m[0] }); }); /** * Allow custom parsers to be passed on options */ if (options && typeof options.parsers === 'function') { options.parsers(nanomatch.parser); } }; /** * Advance to the next non-escaped character */ function advanceTo(input, endChar) { var ch = input.charAt(0); var tok = { len: 1, val: '', esc: '' }; var idx = 0; function advance() { if (ch !== '\\') { tok.esc += '\\' + ch; tok.val += ch; } ch = input.charAt(++idx); tok.len++; if (ch === '\\') { advance(); advance(); } } while (ch && ch !== endChar) { advance(); } return tok; } /** * Create text regex */ function createTextRegex(pattern) { if (cached) return cached; var opts = {contains: true, strictClose: false}; var not = regexNot.create(pattern, opts); var re = toRegex('^(?:[*]\\((?=.)|' + not + ')', opts); return (cached = re); } /** * Expose negation string */ module.exports.not = NOT_REGEX;