Mini Shell

Mini Shell

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"use strict";

var convert = require("encoding").convert,
    addressparser = require("addressparser");

 * Folds a long line according to the RFC 5322 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#section-2.1.1
 * @param {String} str Mime string that might need folding
 * @param {Number} [maxLength=76] max length for a line
 * @param {Boolean} [foldAnywhere] If true, can fold at any location (ie. in base64)
 * @param {Boolean} [afterSpace] If true fold after the space (default is before)
 * @return {String} Folded string
module.exports.foldLine = function(str, maxLength, foldAnywhere, afterSpace, lineMargin) {
    if (foldAnywhere) {
        return addBase64SoftLinebreaks(str, maxLength || 76);
    return module.exports.mimeFunctions.foldLine(str, maxLength, !! afterSpace, lineMargin);

 * Encodes a string into mime encoded word format http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIME#Encoded-Word
 * @param {String} str String to be encoded
 * @param {String} encoding Encoding Q for quoted printable or B for base64
 * @param {String} [charset="UTF-8"] Charset to be used
 * @param {Number} [maxLength] If set, split on maxLength
 * @return {String} Mime word encoded string
module.exports.encodeMimeWord = function(str, encoding, charset, maxLength) {
    return module.exports.mimeFunctions.encodeMimeWord(str, encoding, maxLength || 0, charset);

 * Encodes need parts of a string to mime word format
 * @param {String} str String to be encoded
 * @param {String} encoding Encoding Q for quoted printable or B for base64
 * @param {Number} [maxLength] If set, split on maxLength
 * @param {String} [charset="UTF-8"] Charset to be used
 * @return {String} String with possible mime word encoded parts
module.exports.encodeMimeWords = function(str, encoding, maxLength, charset) {
    return module.exports.mimeFunctions.encodeMimeWords(str, encoding, maxLength || 0, charset);

 * Decodes a string from mime encoded word
 * @param {String} str Mime word encoded string
 * @return {String} Decoded string
module.exports.decodeMimeWord = function(str) {
    return module.exports.mimeFunctions.decodeMimeWord(str).toString("utf-8");

 * Decodes all mime words from a string to an unencoded string
 * @param {String} str String that may include mime words
 * @return {String} Unencoded string
module.exports.parseMimeWords = function(str) {
    return module.exports.mimeFunctions.decodeMimeWords(str).toString("utf-8");

 * Encodes a string into Quoted-printable format. Maximum line length for the
 * encoded string is always 76+2 bytes
 * @param {String} str String to be encoded into Quoted-printable
 * @param {Boolean} [mimeWord] legacy parameter, not used
 * @param {String} [charset="UTF-8"] Destination charset
 * @return {String} Quoted printable encoded string
module.exports.encodeQuotedPrintable = function(str, mimeWord, charset) {
    if (typeof mimeWord == "string" && !charset) {
        charset = mimeWord;
        mimeWord = undefined;
    return module.exports.mimeFunctions.encodeQuotedPrintable(str, charset);

 * Decodes a string from Quoted-printable format
 * @param {String} str String to be decoded from Quoted-printable
 * @param {Boolean} [mimeWord] legacy parameter, not used
 * @param {String} [charset="UTF-8"] Source charset
 * @return {String} Decoded string
module.exports.decodeQuotedPrintable = function(str, mimeWord, charset) {
    if (typeof mimeWord == "string" && !charset) {
        charset = mimeWord;
        mimeWord = undefined;
    charset = (charset || "").toString().toUpperCase().trim();
    var decodedString = module.exports.mimeFunctions.decodeQuotedPrintable(str, "utf-8", charset);
    return charset == "BINARY" ? decodedString : decodedString.toString("utf-8");

 * Encodes a string into Base64 format. Base64 is mime-word safe
 * @param {String} str String to be encoded into Base64
 * @param {String} [charset="UTF-8"] Destination charset
 * @return {String} Base64 encoded string
module.exports.encodeBase64 = function(str, charset) {
    return module.exports.mimeFunctions.encodeBase64(str, charset);

 * Decodes a string from Base64 format
 * @param {String} str String to be decoded from Base64
 * @param {String} [charset="UTF-8"] Source charset
 * @return {String} Decoded string
module.exports.decodeBase64 = function(str, charset) {
    return module.exports.mimeFunctions.decodeBase64(str, "utf-8", charset).toString("utf-8");

 * Parses names and addresses from a from, to, cc or bcc line
 * For example: 'Andris Reinman <andris@tr.ee>, someone@else.com'
 * will be parsed into: [{name:"Andris Reinman", address:"andris@tr.ee"}, {address: "someone@else.com"}]
 * @param {String|Array} addresses Address line string or an array of strings
 * @return {Array} An array of parsed e-mails addresses in the form of [{name, address}]
module.exports.parseAddresses = function(addresses) {
    return [].concat.apply([], [].concat(addresses).map(addressparser)).map(function(address) {
        address.name = module.exports.parseMimeWords(address.name);
        if (address.group) {
            address.group.forEach(function(groupAddress) {
                groupAddress.name = module.exports.parseMimeWords(groupAddress.name);
        return address;

 * Parses header lines into an array of objects. Output: {'x-header': ['value']}
 * @param {String} headers Full header part to be parsed
 * @return {Object} Parsed headers
module.exports.parseHeaders = function(headers) {
    return module.exports.mimeFunctions.parseHeaderLines(headers);

 * Parses a header line to search for additional parameters. For example
 *     parseHeaderLine('text/plain; charset=utf-8')
 * will be parsed into
 *     {defaultValue: 'text/plain', charset: 'utf-8'}
 * @param {String} line Single header value without key part to be parsed
 * @return {Object} Parsed value
module.exports.parseHeaderLine = function(line) {
    if (!line) {
        return {};

    var result = {}, parts = line.split(";"),

    for (var i = 0, len = parts.length; i < len; i++) {
        pos = parts[i].indexOf("=");
        if (pos < 0) {
            result[!i ? "defaultValue" : "i-" + i] = parts[i].trim();
        } else {
            result[parts[i].substr(0, pos).trim().toLowerCase()] = parts[i].substr(pos + 1).trim();
    return result;

module.exports.mimeFunctions = {

    mimeEncode: function(str, toCharset, fromCharset) {
        toCharset = toCharset || "UTF-8";
        fromCharset = fromCharset || "UTF-8";

        var buffer = convert(str || "", toCharset, fromCharset),
            ranges = [
                [0x23, 0x3C],
                [0x40, 0x5E],
                [0x60, 0x7E]
            result = "";

        for (var i = 0, len = buffer.length; i < len; i++) {
            if (checkRanges(buffer[i], ranges)) {
                result += String.fromCharCode(buffer[i]);
            result += "=" + (buffer[i] < 0x10 ? "0" : "") + buffer[i].toString(16).toUpperCase();

        return result;

    mimeDecode: function(str, toCharset, fromCharset) {
        str = (str || "").toString();
        toCharset = toCharset || "UTF-8";
        fromCharset = fromCharset || "UTF-8";

        var encodedBytesCount = (str.match(/\=[\da-fA-F]{2}/g) || []).length,
            bufferLength = str.length - encodedBytesCount * 2,
            chr, hex,
            buffer = new Buffer(bufferLength),
            bufferPos = 0;

        for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) {
            chr = str.charAt(i);
            if (chr == "=" && (hex = str.substr(i + 1, 2)) && /[\da-fA-F]{2}/.test(hex)) {
                buffer[bufferPos++] = parseInt(hex, 16);
                i += 2;
            buffer[bufferPos++] = chr.charCodeAt(0);

        if (fromCharset.toUpperCase().trim() == "BINARY") {
            return buffer;
        return convert(buffer, toCharset, fromCharset);

    encodeBase64: function(str, toCharset, fromCharset) {
        var buffer = convert(str || "", toCharset, fromCharset);
        return addSoftLinebreaks(buffer.toString("base64"), "base64");

    decodeBase64: function(str, toCharset, fromCharset) {
        var buffer = new Buffer((str || "").toString(), "base64");
        return convert(buffer, toCharset, fromCharset);

    decodeQuotedPrintable: function(str, toCharset, fromCharset) {
        str = (str || "").toString();
        str = str.replace(/\=(?:\r?\n|$)/g, "");
        return this.mimeDecode(str, toCharset, fromCharset);

    encodeQuotedPrintable: function(str, toCharset, fromCharset) {
        var mimeEncodedStr = this.mimeEncode(str, toCharset, fromCharset);

        // fix line breaks
        mimeEncodedStr = mimeEncodedStr.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, function() {
            return "\r\n";
        }).replace(/[\t ]+$/gm, function(spaces) {
            return spaces.replace(/ /g, "=20").replace(/\t/g, "=09");

        return addSoftLinebreaks(mimeEncodedStr, "qp");

    encodeMimeWord: function(str, encoding, maxLength, toCharset, fromCharset) {
        toCharset = (toCharset || "utf-8").toString().toUpperCase().trim();
        encoding = (encoding || "Q").toString().toUpperCase().trim().charAt(0);
        var encodedStr;

        if (maxLength && maxLength > 7 + toCharset.length) {
            maxLength -= (7 + toCharset.length);

        if (encoding == "Q") {
            encodedStr = this.mimeEncode(str, toCharset, fromCharset);
            encodedStr = encodedStr.replace(/[\r\n\t_]/g, function(chr) {
                var code = chr.charCodeAt(0);
                return "=" + (code < 0x10 ? "0" : "") + code.toString(16).toUpperCase();
            }).replace(/\s/g, "_");
        } else if (encoding == "B") {
            encodedStr = convert(str || "", toCharset, fromCharset).toString("base64").trim();

        if (maxLength && encodedStr.length > maxLength) {
            if (encoding == "Q") {
                encodedStr = this.splitEncodedString(encodedStr, maxLength).join("?= =?" + toCharset + "?" + encoding + "?");
            } else {
                encodedStr = encodedStr.replace(new RegExp(".{" + maxLength + "}", "g"), "$&?= =?" + toCharset + "?" + encoding + "?");
                if (encodedStr.substr(-(" =?" + toCharset + "?" + encoding + "?=").length) == " =?" + toCharset + "?" + encoding + "?=") {
                    encodedStr = encodedStr.substr(0, encodedStr.length - (" =?" + toCharset + "?" + encoding + "?=").length);
                if (encodedStr.substr(-(" =?" + toCharset + "?" + encoding + "?").length) == " =?" + toCharset + "?" + encoding + "?") {
                    encodedStr = encodedStr.substr(0, encodedStr.length - (" =?" + toCharset + "?" + encoding + "?").length);

        return "=?" + toCharset + "?" + encoding + "?" + encodedStr + (encodedStr.substr(-2) == "?=" ? "" : "?=");

    decodeMimeWord: function(str, toCharset) {
        str = (str || "").toString().trim();

        var fromCharset, encoding, match;

        match = str.match(/^\=\?([\w_\-]+)\?([QqBb])\?([^\?]*)\?\=$/i);
        if (!match) {
            return convert(str, toCharset);

        fromCharset = match[1];
        encoding = (match[2] || "Q").toString().toUpperCase();
        str = (match[3] || "").replace(/_/g, " ");

        if (encoding == "B") {
            return this.decodeBase64(str, toCharset, fromCharset);
        } else if (encoding == "Q") {
            return this.mimeDecode(str, toCharset, fromCharset);
        } else {
            return str;


    decodeMimeWords: function(str, toCharset) {
        var curCharset;

        str = (str || "").toString().
        replace(/(=\?[^?]+\?[QqBb]\?[^?]+\?=)\s+(?==\?[^?]+\?[QqBb]\?[^?]*\?=)/g, "$1").
        replace(/\=\?([\w_\-]+)\?([QqBb])\?[^\?]*\?\=/g, (function(mimeWord, charset, encoding) {
            curCharset = charset + encoding;
            return this.decodeMimeWord(mimeWord);

        return convert(str, toCharset);

    foldLine: function(str, lineLengthMax, afterSpace, lineMargin) {
        lineLengthMax = lineLengthMax || 76;
        lineMargin = lineMargin || Math.floor(lineLengthMax / 5);
        str = (str || "").toString().trim();

        var pos = 0,
            len = str.length,
            result = "",
            line, match;

        while (pos < len) {
            line = str.substr(pos, lineLengthMax);
            if (line.length < lineLengthMax) {
                result += line;
            if ((match = line.match(/^[^\n\r]*(\r?\n|\r)/))) {
                line = match[0];
                result += line;
                pos += line.length;
            } else if ((match = line.substr(-lineMargin).match(/(\s+)[^\s]*$/))) {
                line = line.substr(0, line.length - (match[0].length - ( !! afterSpace ? (match[1] || "").length : 0)));
            } else if ((match = str.substr(pos + line.length).match(/^[^\s]+(\s*)/))) {
                line = line + match[0].substr(0, match[0].length - (!afterSpace ? (match[1] || "").length : 0));
            result += line;
            pos += line.length;
            if (pos < len) {
                result += "\r\n";

        return result;

    encodeMimeWords: function(value, encoding, maxLength, toCharset, fromCharset) {
        var decodedValue = convert((value || ""), "utf-8", fromCharset).toString("utf-8"),

        encodedValue = decodedValue.replace(/([^\s\u0080-\uFFFF]*[\u0080-\uFFFF]+[^\s\u0080-\uFFFF]*(?:\s+[^\s\u0080-\uFFFF]*[\u0080-\uFFFF]+[^\s\u0080-\uFFFF]*\s*)?)+(?=\s|$)/g, (function(str) {
            return str.length ? this.encodeMimeWord(str, encoding || "Q", maxLength, toCharset) : "";

        return encodedValue;

    encodeHeaderLine: function(key, value, toCharset, fromCharset) {
        var encodedValue = this.encodeMimeWords(value, 52, toCharset, fromCharset);
        return this.foldLine(key + ": " + encodedValue, 76);

    parseHeaderLines: function(headers, toCharset) {
        var lines = headers.split(/\r?\n|\r/),
            headersObj = {},
            key, value,
            i, len;

        for (i = lines.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (i && lines[i].match(/^\s/)) {
                lines[i - 1] += "\r\n" + lines[i];
                lines.splice(i, 1);

        for (i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) {
            header = this.decodeHeaderLine(lines[i]);
            key = (header[0] || "").toString().toLowerCase().trim();
            value = header[1] || "";
            if (!toCharset || (toCharset || "").toString().trim().match(/^utf[\-_]?8$/i)) {
                value = value.toString("utf-8");
            if (!headersObj[key]) {
                headersObj[key] = [value];
            } else {

        return headersObj;

    decodeHeaderLine: function(header, toCharset) {
        var line = (header || "").toString().replace(/(?:\r?\n|\r)[ \t]*/g, " ").trim(),
            match = line.match(/^\s*([^:]+):(.*)$/),
            key = (match && match[1] || "").trim(),
            value = (match && match[2] || "").trim();

        value = this.decodeMimeWords(value, toCharset);
        return [key, value];

    splitEncodedString: function(str, maxlen) {
        var curLine, match, chr, done,
            lines = [];

        while (str.length) {
            curLine = str.substr(0, maxlen);

            // move incomplete escaped char back to main
            if ((match = curLine.match(/\=[0-9A-F]?$/i))) {
                curLine = curLine.substr(0, match.index);

            done = false;
            while (!done) {
                done = true;
                // check if not middle of a unicode char sequence
                if ((match = str.substr(curLine.length).match(/^\=([0-9A-F]{2})/i))) {
                    chr = parseInt(match[1], 16);
                    // invalid sequence, move one char back anc recheck
                    if (chr < 0xC2 && chr > 0x7F) {
                        curLine = curLine.substr(0, curLine.length - 3);
                        done = false;

            if (curLine.length) {
            str = str.substr(curLine.length);

        return lines;

    parseAddresses: addressparser


// Lines can't be longer that 76 + <CR><LF> = 78 bytes
// http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2045#section-6.7
function addSoftLinebreaks(str, encoding) {
    var lineLengthMax = 76;

    encoding = (encoding || "base64").toString().toLowerCase().trim();

    if (encoding == "qp") {
        return addQPSoftLinebreaks(str, lineLengthMax);
    } else {
        return addBase64SoftLinebreaks(str, lineLengthMax);

function addBase64SoftLinebreaks(base64EncodedStr, lineLengthMax) {
    base64EncodedStr = (base64EncodedStr || "").toString().trim();
    return base64EncodedStr.replace(new RegExp(".{" + lineLengthMax + "}", "g"), "$&\r\n").trim();

function addQPSoftLinebreaks(mimeEncodedStr, lineLengthMax) {
    var pos = 0,
        len = mimeEncodedStr.length,
        match, code, line,
        lineMargin = Math.floor(lineLengthMax / 3),
        result = "";

    // insert soft linebreaks where needed
    while (pos < len) {
        line = mimeEncodedStr.substr(pos, lineLengthMax);
        if ((match = line.match(/\r\n/))) {
            line = line.substr(0, match.index + match[0].length);
            result += line;
            pos += line.length;

        if (line.substr(-1) == "\n") {
            // nothing to change here
            result += line;
            pos += line.length;
        } else if ((match = line.substr(-lineMargin).match(/\n.*?$/))) {
            // truncate to nearest line break
            line = line.substr(0, line.length - (match[0].length - 1));
            result += line;
            pos += line.length;
        } else if (line.length > lineLengthMax - lineMargin && (match = line.substr(-lineMargin).match(/[ \t\.,!\?][^ \t\.,!\?]*$/))) {
            // truncate to nearest space
            line = line.substr(0, line.length - (match[0].length - 1));
        } else if (line.substr(-1) == "\r") {
            line = line.substr(0, line.length - 1);
        } else {
            if (line.match(/\=[\da-f]{0,2}$/i)) {

                // push incomplete encoding sequences to the next line
                if ((match = line.match(/\=[\da-f]{0,1}$/i))) {
                    line = line.substr(0, line.length - match[0].length);

                // ensure that utf-8 sequences are not split
                while (line.length > 3 && line.length < len - pos && !line.match(/^(?:=[\da-f]{2}){1,4}$/i) && (match = line.match(/\=[\da-f]{2}$/ig))) {
                    code = parseInt(match[0].substr(1, 2), 16);
                    if (code < 128) {

                    line = line.substr(0, line.length - 3);

                    if (code >= 0xC0) {


        if (pos + line.length < len && line.substr(-1) != "\n") {
            if (line.length == 76 && line.match(/\=[\da-f]{2}$/i)) {
                line = line.substr(0, line.length - 3);
            } else if (line.length == 76) {
                line = line.substr(0, line.length - 1);
            pos += line.length;
            line += "=\r\n";
        } else {
            pos += line.length;

        result += line;

    return result;

function checkRanges(nr, ranges) {
    for (var i = ranges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (!ranges[i].length) {
        if (ranges[i].length == 1 && nr == ranges[i][0]) {
            return true;
        if (ranges[i].length == 2 && nr >= ranges[i][0] && nr <= ranges[i][1]) {
            return true;
    return false;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0