Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/messageformat/lib/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/messageformat/lib/utils.js |
"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.propname = propname; exports.funcname = funcname; exports.biDiMarkText = biDiMarkText; const reservedES3 = { break: true, continue: true, delete: true, else: true, for: true, function: true, if: true, in: true, new: true, return: true, this: true, typeof: true, var: true, void: true, while: true, with: true, case: true, catch: true, default: true, do: true, finally: true, instanceof: true, switch: true, throw: true, try: true }; const reservedES5 = { // in addition to reservedES3 debugger: true, class: true, enum: true, extends: true, super: true, const: true, export: true, import: true, null: true, true: true, false: true, implements: true, let: true, private: true, public: true, yield: true, interface: true, package: true, protected: true, static: true }; /** * Utility function for quoting an Object's key value if required * * Quotes the key if it contains invalid characters or is an * ECMAScript 3rd Edition reserved word (for IE8). * * @private */ function propname(key, obj) { if (/^[A-Z_$][0-9A-Z_$]*$/i.test(key) && !reservedES3[key]) { return obj ? `${obj}.${key}` : key; } else { const jkey = JSON.stringify(key); return obj ? obj + `[${jkey}]` : jkey; } } /** * Utility function for escaping a function name if required * * @private */ function funcname(key) { const fn = key.trim().replace(/\W+/g, '_'); return reservedES3[fn] || reservedES5[fn] || /^\d/.test(fn) ? '_' + fn : fn; } const rtlLanguages = ['ar', 'ckb', 'fa', 'he', 'ks($|[^bfh])', 'lrc', 'mzn', 'pa-Arab', 'ps', 'ug', 'ur', 'uz-Arab', 'yi']; const rtlRegExp = new RegExp('^' + rtlLanguages.join('|^')); /** * Utility formatter function for enforcing Bidi Structured Text by using UCC * * List inlined from data extracted from CLDR v27 & v28 * To verify/recreate, use the following: * * git clone https://github.com/unicode-cldr/cldr-misc-full.git * cd cldr-misc-full/main/ * grep characterOrder -r . | tr '"/' '\t' | cut -f2,6 | grep -C4 right-to-left * * @private */ function biDiMarkText(text, locale) { const isLocaleRTL = rtlRegExp.test(locale); const mark = JSON.stringify(isLocaleRTL ? '\u200F' : '\u200E'); return `${mark} + ${text} + ${mark}`; }