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<p align="center"><img src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/jstransformers/jstransformer/2bb6dc6c410e8683a17a4af5f1b73bcbee95aada/logo.svg" width="300px" height="299px" /></p> <h1 align="center">JSTransformer</h1> <p align="center">Normalize the API of any jstransformer</p> <p align="center"><a href="https://travis-ci.org/jstransformers/jstransformer"><img src="https://img.shields.io/travis/jstransformers/jstransformer/master.svg" alt="Build Status"></a> <a href="https://david-dm.org/jstransformers/jstransformer"><img src="https://img.shields.io/david/jstransformers/jstransformer.svg" alt="Dependency Status"></a> <a href="https://david-dm.org/jstransformers/jstransformer#info=devDependencies"><img src="https://img.shields.io/david/dev/jstransformers/jstransformer.svg" alt="Developers' Dependency Status"></a> <a href="https://coveralls.io/r/jstransformers/jstransformer?branch=master"><img src="https://img.shields.io/coveralls/jstransformers/jstransformer/master.svg" alt="Coverage Status"></a> <a href="https://www.npmjs.org/package/jstransformer"><img src="https://img.shields.io/npm/v/jstransformer.svg" alt="NPM version"></a></p> ## Installation npm install jstransformer ## Usage ```js var transformer = require('jstransformer'); var marked = transformer(require('jstransformer-marked')); var options = {}; var res = marked.render('Some **markdown**', options); // => {body: 'Some <strong>markdown</strong>', dependencies: []} ``` This gives the same API regardless of the jstransformer passed in. ## API A transformer, once normalised using this module, will implement the following methods. Note that if the underlying transformer cannot be used to implement the functionality, it may ultimately just throw an error. ### Returned object from `.render*` ```js {body: String, dependencies: Array.<String>} ``` - `body` represents the result as a string - `dependencies` is an array of files that were read in as part of the render process (or an empty array if there were no dependencies) ### `.render` ```js transformer.render(str, options, locals); => {body: String, dependencies: Array.<String>} ``` _requires the underlying transform to implement `.render` or `.compile`_ Transform a string and return an object. ### `.renderAsync` ```js transformer.renderAsync(str[, options], locals, callback); ``` ```js transformer.renderAsync(str[, options], locals); => Promise({body: String, dependencies: Array.<String>}) ``` _requires the underlying transform to implement `.renderAsync` or `.render`_ Transform a string asynchronously. If a callback is provided, it is called as `callback(err, data)`, otherwise a Promise is returned. ### `.renderFile` ```js transformer.renderFile(filename, options, locals) => {body: String, dependencies: Array.<String>} ``` _requires the underlying transform to implement `.renderFile`, `.render`, `.compileFile`, or `.compile`_ Transform a file and return an object. ### `.renderFileAsync` ```js transformer.renderFileAsync(filename[, options], locals, callback); ``` ```js transformer.renderFileAsync(filename[, options], locals); => Promise({body: String, dependencies: Array.<String>}) ``` _requires the underlying transform to implement `.renderFileAsync`, `.renderFile`, `.renderAsync`, `.render`, `.compileFileAsync`, `.compileFile`, `.compileAsync`, or `.compileFile`_ Transform a file asynchronously. If a callback is provided, it is called as `callback(err, data)`, otherwise a Promise is returned. ### `.inputFormats` ```js var formats = transformer.inputFormats; => ['md', 'markdown'] ``` Returns an array of strings representing potential input formats for the transform. If not provided directly by the transform, results in an array containing the name of the transform. ### `.outputFormat` ```js var md = require('jstransformer')(require('jstransformer-markdown')) var outputFormat = md.outputFormat => 'html' ``` Returns a string representing the default output format the transform would be expected to return when calling `.render()`. ## License MIT