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# node-html-pdf ## HTML to PDF converter that uses phantomjs  [Example Business Card](examples/businesscard.pdf) -> [and its Source file](examples/businesscard.html) [Example Receipt](http://imgr-static.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/order.pdf) ## Changelog Have a look at the releases page: https://github.com/marcbachmann/node-html-pdf/releases ## Installation Install the html-pdf utility via [npm](http://npmjs.org/): ``` $ npm install -g html-pdf ``` ## Command-line example ``` $ html-pdf test/businesscard.html businesscard.pdf ``` ## Code example ```javascript var fs = require('fs'); var pdf = require('html-pdf'); var html = fs.readFileSync('./test/businesscard.html', 'utf8'); var options = { format: 'Letter' }; pdf.create(html, options).toFile('./businesscard.pdf', function(err, res) { if (err) return console.log(err); console.log(res); // { filename: '/app/businesscard.pdf' } }); ``` ## API ```js var pdf = require('html-pdf'); pdf.create(html).toFile([filepath, ]function(err, res){ console.log(res.filename); }); pdf.create(html).toStream(function(err, stream){ stream.pipe(fs.createWriteStream('./foo.pdf')); }); pdf.create(html).toBuffer(function(err, buffer){ console.log('This is a buffer:', Buffer.isBuffer(buffer)); }); // for backwards compatibility // alias to pdf.create(html[, options]).toBuffer(callback) pdf.create(html [, options], function(err, buffer){}); ``` ### Footers and Headers `html-pdf` can read the header or footer either out of the `footer` and `header` config object or out of the html source. You can either set a default header & footer or overwrite that by appending a page number (1 based index) to the `id="pageHeader"` attribute of a html tag. You can use any combination of those tags. The library tries to find any element, that contains the `pageHeader` or `pageFooter` id prefix. ```html <div id="pageHeader">Default header</div> <div id="pageHeader-first">Header on first page</div> <div id="pageHeader-2">Header on second page</div> <div id="pageHeader-3">Header on third page</div> <div id="pageHeader-last">Header on last page</div> ... <div id="pageFooter">Default footer</div> <div id="pageFooter-first">Footer on first page</div> <div id="pageFooter-2">Footer on second page</div> <div id="pageFooter-last">Footer on last page</div> ``` ## Options ```javascript config = { // Export options "directory": "/tmp", // The directory the file gets written into if not using .toFile(filename, callback). default: '/tmp' // Papersize Options: http://phantomjs.org/api/webpage/property/paper-size.html "height": "10.5in", // allowed units: mm, cm, in, px "width": "8in", // allowed units: mm, cm, in, px - or - "format": "Letter", // allowed units: A3, A4, A5, Legal, Letter, Tabloid "orientation": "portrait", // portrait or landscape // Page options "border": "0", // default is 0, units: mm, cm, in, px - or - "border": { "top": "2in", // default is 0, units: mm, cm, in, px "right": "1in", "bottom": "2in", "left": "1.5in" }, paginationOffset: 1, // Override the initial pagination number "header": { "height": "45mm", "contents": '<div style="text-align: center;">Author: Marc Bachmann</div>' }, "footer": { "height": "28mm", "contents": { first: 'Cover page', 2: 'Second page', // Any page number is working. 1-based index default: '<span style="color: #444;">{{page}}</span>/<span>{{pages}}</span>', // fallback value last: 'Last Page' } }, // Rendering options "base": "file:///home/www/your-asset-path", // Base path that's used to load files (images, css, js) when they aren't referenced using a host // Zooming option, can be used to scale images if `options.type` is not pdf "zoomFactor": "1", // default is 1 // File options "type": "pdf", // allowed file types: png, jpeg, pdf "quality": "75", // only used for types png & jpeg // Script options "phantomPath": "./node_modules/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs", // PhantomJS binary which should get downloaded automatically "phantomArgs": [], // array of strings used as phantomjs args e.g. ["--ignore-ssl-errors=yes"] "script": '/url', // Absolute path to a custom phantomjs script, use the file in lib/scripts as example "timeout": 30000, // Timeout that will cancel phantomjs, in milliseconds // Time we should wait after window load // accepted values are 'manual', some delay in milliseconds or undefined to wait for a render event "renderDelay": 1000, // HTTP Headers that are used for requests "httpHeaders": { // e.g. "Authorization": "Bearer ACEFAD8C-4B4D-4042-AB30-6C735F5BAC8B" }, // To run Node application as Windows service "childProcessOptions": { "detached": true } // HTTP Cookies that are used for requests "httpCookies": [ // e.g. { "name": "Valid-Cookie-Name", // required "value": "Valid-Cookie-Value", // required "domain": "localhost", "path": "/foo", // required "httponly": true, "secure": false, "expires": (new Date()).getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60) // e.g. expires in 1 hour } ] } ``` The full options object gets converted to JSON and will get passed to the phantomjs script as third argument. There are more options concerning the paperSize, header & footer options inside the phantomjs script.