Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/email-templates/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/xoauth2/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/email-templates/node_modules/nodemailer/lib/xoauth2/index.js |
'use strict'; const Stream = require('stream').Stream; const fetch = require('../fetch'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const shared = require('../shared'); /** * XOAUTH2 access_token generator for Gmail. * Create client ID for web applications in Google API console to use it. * See Offline Access for receiving the needed refreshToken for an user * https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2WebServer#offline * * Usage for generating access tokens with a custom method using provisionCallback: * provisionCallback(user, renew, callback) * * user is the username to get the token for * * renew is a boolean that if true indicates that existing token failed and needs to be renewed * * callback is the callback to run with (error, accessToken [, expires]) * * accessToken is a string * * expires is an optional expire time in milliseconds * If provisionCallback is used, then Nodemailer does not try to attempt generating the token by itself * * @constructor * @param {Object} options Client information for token generation * @param {String} options.user User e-mail address * @param {String} options.clientId Client ID value * @param {String} options.clientSecret Client secret value * @param {String} options.refreshToken Refresh token for an user * @param {String} options.accessUrl Endpoint for token generation, defaults to 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token' * @param {String} options.accessToken An existing valid accessToken * @param {String} options.privateKey Private key for JSW * @param {Number} options.expires Optional Access Token expire time in ms * @param {Number} options.timeout Optional TTL for Access Token in seconds * @param {Function} options.provisionCallback Function to run when a new access token is required */ class XOAuth2 extends Stream { constructor(options, logger) { super(); this.options = options || {}; if (options && options.serviceClient) { if (!options.privateKey || !options.user) { setImmediate(() => this.emit('error', new Error('Options "privateKey" and "user" are required for service account!'))); return; } let serviceRequestTimeout = Math.min(Math.max(Number(this.options.serviceRequestTimeout) || 0, 0), 3600); this.options.serviceRequestTimeout = serviceRequestTimeout || 5 * 60; } this.logger = shared.getLogger( { logger }, { component: this.options.component || 'OAuth2' } ); this.provisionCallback = typeof this.options.provisionCallback === 'function' ? this.options.provisionCallback : false; this.options.accessUrl = this.options.accessUrl || 'https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token'; this.options.customHeaders = this.options.customHeaders || {}; this.options.customParams = this.options.customParams || {}; this.accessToken = this.options.accessToken || false; if (this.options.expires && Number(this.options.expires)) { this.expires = this.options.expires; } else { let timeout = Math.max(Number(this.options.timeout) || 0, 0); this.expires = (timeout && Date.now() + timeout * 1000) || 0; } } /** * Returns or generates (if previous has expired) a XOAuth2 token * * @param {Boolean} renew If false then use cached access token (if available) * @param {Function} callback Callback function with error object and token string */ getToken(renew, callback) { if (!renew && this.accessToken && (!this.expires || this.expires > Date.now())) { return callback(null, this.accessToken); } let generateCallback = (...args) => { if (args[0]) { this.logger.error( { err: args[0], tnx: 'OAUTH2', user: this.options.user, action: 'renew' }, 'Failed generating new Access Token for %s', this.options.user ); } else { this.logger.info( { tnx: 'OAUTH2', user: this.options.user, action: 'renew' }, 'Generated new Access Token for %s', this.options.user ); } callback(...args); }; if (this.provisionCallback) { this.provisionCallback(this.options.user, !!renew, (err, accessToken, expires) => { if (!err && accessToken) { this.accessToken = accessToken; this.expires = expires || 0; } generateCallback(err, accessToken); }); } else { this.generateToken(generateCallback); } } /** * Updates token values * * @param {String} accessToken New access token * @param {Number} timeout Access token lifetime in seconds * * Emits 'token': { user: User email-address, accessToken: the new accessToken, timeout: TTL in seconds} */ updateToken(accessToken, timeout) { this.accessToken = accessToken; timeout = Math.max(Number(timeout) || 0, 0); this.expires = (timeout && Date.now() + timeout * 1000) || 0; this.emit('token', { user: this.options.user, accessToken: accessToken || '', expires: this.expires }); } /** * Generates a new XOAuth2 token with the credentials provided at initialization * * @param {Function} callback Callback function with error object and token string */ generateToken(callback) { let urlOptions; let loggedUrlOptions; if (this.options.serviceClient) { // service account - https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2ServiceAccount let iat = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); // unix time let tokenData = { iss: this.options.serviceClient, scope: this.options.scope || 'https://mail.google.com/', sub: this.options.user, aud: this.options.accessUrl, iat, exp: iat + this.options.serviceRequestTimeout }; let token = this.jwtSignRS256(tokenData); urlOptions = { grant_type: 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer', assertion: token }; loggedUrlOptions = { grant_type: 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer', assertion: tokenData }; } else { if (!this.options.refreshToken) { return callback(new Error('Can\x27t create new access token for user')); } // web app - https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2WebServer urlOptions = { client_id: this.options.clientId || '', client_secret: this.options.clientSecret || '', refresh_token: this.options.refreshToken, grant_type: 'refresh_token' }; loggedUrlOptions = { client_id: this.options.clientId || '', client_secret: (this.options.clientSecret || '').substr(0, 6) + '...', refresh_token: (this.options.refreshToken || '').substr(0, 6) + '...', grant_type: 'refresh_token' }; } Object.keys(this.options.customParams).forEach(key => { urlOptions[key] = this.options.customParams[key]; loggedUrlOptions[key] = this.options.customParams[key]; }); this.logger.debug( { tnx: 'OAUTH2', user: this.options.user, action: 'generate' }, 'Requesting token using: %s', JSON.stringify(loggedUrlOptions) ); this.postRequest(this.options.accessUrl, urlOptions, this.options, (error, body) => { let data; if (error) { return callback(error); } try { data = JSON.parse(body.toString()); } catch (E) { return callback(E); } if (!data || typeof data !== 'object') { this.logger.debug( { tnx: 'OAUTH2', user: this.options.user, action: 'post' }, 'Response: %s', (body || '').toString() ); return callback(new Error('Invalid authentication response')); } let logData = {}; Object.keys(data).forEach(key => { if (key !== 'access_token') { logData[key] = data[key]; } else { logData[key] = (data[key] || '').toString().substr(0, 6) + '...'; } }); this.logger.debug( { tnx: 'OAUTH2', user: this.options.user, action: 'post' }, 'Response: %s', JSON.stringify(logData) ); if (data.error) { return callback(new Error(data.error)); } if (data.access_token) { this.updateToken(data.access_token, data.expires_in); return callback(null, this.accessToken); } return callback(new Error('No access token')); }); } /** * Converts an access_token and user id into a base64 encoded XOAuth2 token * * @param {String} [accessToken] Access token string * @return {String} Base64 encoded token for IMAP or SMTP login */ buildXOAuth2Token(accessToken) { let authData = ['user=' + (this.options.user || ''), 'auth=Bearer ' + (accessToken || this.accessToken), '', '']; return Buffer.from(authData.join('\x01'), 'utf-8').toString('base64'); } /** * Custom POST request handler. * This is only needed to keep paths short in Windows – usually this module * is a dependency of a dependency and if it tries to require something * like the request module the paths get way too long to handle for Windows. * As we do only a simple POST request we do not actually require complicated * logic support (no redirects, no nothing) anyway. * * @param {String} url Url to POST to * @param {String|Buffer} payload Payload to POST * @param {Function} callback Callback function with (err, buff) */ postRequest(url, payload, params, callback) { let returned = false; let chunks = []; let chunklen = 0; let req = fetch(url, { method: 'post', headers: params.customHeaders, body: payload, allowErrorResponse: true }); req.on('readable', () => { let chunk; while ((chunk = req.read()) !== null) { chunks.push(chunk); chunklen += chunk.length; } }); req.once('error', err => { if (returned) { return; } returned = true; return callback(err); }); req.once('end', () => { if (returned) { return; } returned = true; return callback(null, Buffer.concat(chunks, chunklen)); }); } /** * Encodes a buffer or a string into Base64url format * * @param {Buffer|String} data The data to convert * @return {String} The encoded string */ toBase64URL(data) { if (typeof data === 'string') { data = Buffer.from(data); } return data .toString('base64') .replace(/[=]+/g, '') // remove '='s .replace(/\+/g, '-') // '+' → '-' .replace(/\//g, '_'); // '/' → '_' } /** * Creates a JSON Web Token signed with RS256 (SHA256 + RSA) * * @param {Object} payload The payload to include in the generated token * @return {String} The generated and signed token */ jwtSignRS256(payload) { payload = ['{"alg":"RS256","typ":"JWT"}', JSON.stringify(payload)].map(val => this.toBase64URL(val)).join('.'); let signature = crypto .createSign('RSA-SHA256') .update(payload) .sign(this.options.privateKey); return payload + '.' + this.toBase64URL(signature); } } module.exports = XOAuth2;