Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/directmail/lib/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/directmail/lib/mailer.js |
'use strict'; var createQueue = require('./queue'), simplesmtp = require('simplesmtp'), dns = require('dns'), net = require('net'), os = require('os'), packageData = require('../package.json'), EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; module.exports = function(options) { var mailer = new DirectMailer(options); mailer.version = packageData.version; return mailer; }; /** * Creates a new DirectMailer instance. Provides method 'send' to queue * outgoing e-mails. The queue is processed in the background. * * @constructor * @param {Object} [options] Optional options object */ function DirectMailer(options) { this._options = options || {}; this._queue = createQueue(); this._started = false; this._lastId = 0; } // Adds a dynamic property 'length' Object.defineProperty(DirectMailer.prototype, 'length', { get: function() { return this._queue._instantQueue.length + this._queue._sortedQueue.length; } }); /** * Adds an outgoing message to the queue. Recipient addresses are sorted * by the receiving domain and for every domain, a copy of the message is queued. * * If input is deemed invalid, an error is thrown, so be ready to catch these * when calling directmail.send(...) * * @param {Object} options E-mail options * @param {String} options.from Sender e-mail address * @param {Array|String} options.recipients A list of or a single recipient address * @param {String|Buffer} options.message RFC2822 formatted e-mail * @return {EventEmitter} Handler for receiving information about message sending status */ DirectMailer.prototype.send = function(options) { options = options || {}; var from = [].concat(options.from || []).shift() || '', recipients = [].concat(options.recipients || []), message = options.message || '', domainGroups = {}, emitter = new EventEmitter(); if (!from) { throw new Error('"From" address missing'); } if (!recipients.length) { throw new Error('"Recipients" addresses missing'); } if (!message) { throw new Error('Nothing to send, "message" empty'); } recipients.forEach(function(recipient) { recipient = (recipient || '').toString(); var domain = (recipient.split('@').pop() || '').toLowerCase().trim(); if (!domainGroups[domain]) { domainGroups[domain] = [recipient]; } else if (domainGroups[domain].indexOf(recipient) < 0) { domainGroups[domain].push(recipient); } }); Object.keys(domainGroups).forEach((function(domain) { var item = { from: from, to: domainGroups[domain], domain: domain, message: message, emitter: emitter, id: ++this._lastId }; this._formatMessage(item); this._queue.insert(item); if (this._options.debug) { console.log('Queued message #%s from %s, to %s', this._lastId, from, domainGroups[domain].join(', ')); } }).bind(this)); // start send loop if needed if (!this._started) { this._started = true; // do not start the loop before current execution context is finished if (typeof setImmediate == 'function') { setImmediate(this._loop.bind(this)); } else { process.nextTick(this._loop.bind(this)); } } return emitter; }; /** * Looping function to fetch a message from the queue and send it. */ DirectMailer.prototype._loop = function() { // callback is fired when a message is added to the queue this._queue.get((function(data) { if (this._options.debug) { console.log('Retrieved message #%s from the queue, resolving %s', data.id, data.domain); } // Resolve destination MX server this._resolveMx(data.domain, (function(err, list) { if (this._options.debug) { if (err) { console.log('Resolving %s for #%s failed', data.domain, data.id); console.log(err); } else if (!list || !list.length) { console.log('Could not resolve any MX servers for %s', data.domain); } } if (err || !list || !list.length) { data.emitter.emit('failed', { domain: data.domain, error: err }); if (typeof setImmediate == 'function') { setImmediate(this._loop.bind(this)); } else { process.nextTick(this._loop.bind(this)); } return; } // Sort MX list by priority field list.sort(function(a, b) { return (a && a.priority || 0) - (b && b.priority || 0); }); // Use the first server on the list var exchange = list[0] && list[0].exchange; if (this._options.debug) { console.log('%s resolved to %s for #%s', data.domain, exchange, data.id); } // Try to send the message this._process(exchange, data, (function(err, response) { if (this._options.debug) { if (err) { console.log('Failed processing message #%s', data.id); } else { console.log('Server responded for #%s:', data.id); console.log(response); } } if (err) { if (err.code && err.code >= 500) { data.emitter.emit('failed', { domain: data.domain, error: err }); } else { data.replies = (data.replies || 0) + 1; if (data.replies <= 5) { this._queue.insert(data, data.replies * 15 * 60 * 1000); if (this._options.debug) { console.log('Message #%s requeued for %s minutes', data.id, data.replies * 15); } data.emitter.emit('requeue', { domain: data.domain, error: err }); } else { data.emitter.emit('failed', { domain: data.domain, error: err }); } } } else { data.emitter.emit('sent', { domain: data.domain, response: response }); } if (typeof setImmediate == 'function') { setImmediate(this._loop.bind(this)); } else { process.nextTick(this._loop.bind(this)); } }).bind(this)); }).bind(this)); }).bind(this)); }; /** * Sends a message to provided MX server * * @param {String} exchange MX server * @param {Object} data Message object * @param {Function} callback Callback to run once the message is either sent or sending fails */ DirectMailer.prototype._process = function(exchange, data, callback) { if (this._options.debug) { console.log('Connecting to %s:%s for message #%s', exchange, this._options.port || 25, data.id); } var options = { ignoreTLS: true }; // Add options from DirectMailer options to simplesmtp client Object.keys(this._options).forEach((function(key) { options[key] = this._options[key]; }).bind(this)); var client = simplesmtp.connect(this._options.port || 25, exchange, options), response = {}, ready = false; // Once client is connected and an e-mail can be sent client.once('idle', function() { // Define MAIL FROM and RCTP TO values client.useEnvelope({ from: data.from, to: data.to }); }); // If recipient is not accepted, log it client.once('rcptFailed', (function(addresses) { if (this._options.debug) { console.log('The following addresses were rejected for #%s: %s', data.id, addresses.join(', ')); } }).bind(this)); // Envelope is set up and the server is waiting for DATA command client.once('message', (function() { if (this._options.debug) { console.log('Transmitting message #%s', data.id); } // Send the entire message at once client.end(data.message); }).bind(this)); // Message has been delivered to the server client.once('ready', function(success, message) { response.success = !! success; response.message = message; client.quit(); }); // Sending failed client.once('error', function(err) { if (ready) { return; } ready = true; callback(err); }); // Connection to the server is closed client.once('end', function() { var err; if (ready) { return; } ready = true; if (!response.success) { err = new Error('Sending failed with error ' + (response.message || '').substr(0, 3)); err.code = Number((response.message || '').substr(0, 3)) || 0; callback(err); } else { callback(null, response.message); } }); }; /** * Adds additional headers to the outgoing message */ DirectMailer.prototype._formatMessage = function(item) { var hostname = this._resolveHostname(this._options.name), headers = [ // Act like the message went through a SMTP relay 'Received: from localhost (\r\n by ' + hostname + ' with SMTP; ' + Date() ]; item.message = headers.join('\r\n') + '\r\n' + (item.message || ''); }; /** * Resolves MX server for a domain * * @param {String} domain Domain to resolve the MX to * @param {Function} callback Callback function to run */ DirectMailer.prototype._resolveMx = function(domain, callback) { // Do not try to resolve the domain name if it is an IP address if (net.isIP(domain)) { return callback(null, [{ 'priority': 10, 'exchange': domain }]); } dns.resolveMx(domain, callback); }; /** * Resolves current hostname. If resolved name is an IP address, uses 'localhost'. * * @param {String} [name] Preferred hostname * @return {String} Resolved hostname */ DirectMailer.prototype._resolveHostname = function(name) { if (!name || net.isIP(name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '').trim())) { name = (os.hostname && os.hostname()) || ''; } if (!name || net.isIP(name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '').trim())) { name = 'localhost'; } return name.toLowerCase(); };