Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/cheerio/lib/api/manipulation.js |
var parse = require('../parse'), $ = require('../static'), updateDOM = parse.update, evaluate = parse.evaluate, utils = require('../utils'), domEach = utils.domEach, cloneDom = utils.cloneDom, isHtml = utils.isHtml, slice = Array.prototype.slice, _ = { flatten: require('lodash.flatten'), bind: require('lodash.bind'), forEach: require('lodash.foreach') }; // Create an array of nodes, recursing into arrays and parsing strings if // necessary exports._makeDomArray = function makeDomArray(elem, clone) { if (elem == null) { return []; } else if (elem.cheerio) { return clone ? cloneDom(elem.get(), elem.options) : elem.get(); } else if (Array.isArray(elem)) { return _.flatten(elem.map(function(el) { return this._makeDomArray(el, clone); }, this)); } else if (typeof elem === 'string') { return evaluate(elem, this.options); } else { return clone ? cloneDom([elem]) : [elem]; } }; var _insert = function(concatenator) { return function() { var elems = slice.call(arguments), lastIdx = this.length - 1; return domEach(this, function(i, el) { var dom, domSrc; if (typeof elems[0] === 'function') { domSrc = elems[0].call(el, i, $.html(el.children)); } else { domSrc = elems; } dom = this._makeDomArray(domSrc, i < lastIdx); concatenator(dom, el.children, el); }); }; }; /* * Modify an array in-place, removing some number of elements and adding new * elements directly following them. * * @param {Array} array Target array to splice. * @param {Number} spliceIdx Index at which to begin changing the array. * @param {Number} spliceCount Number of elements to remove from the array. * @param {Array} newElems Elements to insert into the array. * * @api private */ var uniqueSplice = function(array, spliceIdx, spliceCount, newElems, parent) { var spliceArgs = [spliceIdx, spliceCount].concat(newElems), prev = array[spliceIdx - 1] || null, next = array[spliceIdx] || null; var idx, len, prevIdx, node, oldParent; // Before splicing in new elements, ensure they do not already appear in the // current array. for (idx = 0, len = newElems.length; idx < len; ++idx) { node = newElems[idx]; oldParent = node.parent || node.root; prevIdx = oldParent && oldParent.children.indexOf(newElems[idx]); if (oldParent && prevIdx > -1) { oldParent.children.splice(prevIdx, 1); if (parent === oldParent && spliceIdx > prevIdx) { spliceArgs[0]--; } } node.root = null; node.parent = parent; if (node.prev) { node.prev.next = node.next || null; } if (node.next) { node.next.prev = node.prev || null; } node.prev = newElems[idx - 1] || prev; node.next = newElems[idx + 1] || next; } if (prev) { prev.next = newElems[0]; } if (next) { next.prev = newElems[newElems.length - 1]; } return array.splice.apply(array, spliceArgs); }; exports.appendTo = function(target) { if (!target.cheerio) { target = this.constructor.call(this.constructor, target, null, this._originalRoot); } target.append(this); return this; }; exports.prependTo = function(target) { if (!target.cheerio) { target = this.constructor.call(this.constructor, target, null, this._originalRoot); } target.prepend(this); return this; }; exports.append = _insert(function(dom, children, parent) { uniqueSplice(children, children.length, 0, dom, parent); }); exports.prepend = _insert(function(dom, children, parent) { uniqueSplice(children, 0, 0, dom, parent); }); exports.wrap = function(wrapper) { var wrapperFn = typeof wrapper === 'function' && wrapper, lastIdx = this.length - 1; _.forEach(this, _.bind(function(el, i) { var parent = el.parent || el.root, siblings = parent.children, dom, index; if (!parent) { return; } if (wrapperFn) { wrapper = wrapperFn.call(el, i); } if (typeof wrapper === 'string' && !isHtml(wrapper)) { wrapper = this.parents().last().find(wrapper).clone(); } dom = this._makeDomArray(wrapper, i < lastIdx).slice(0, 1); index = siblings.indexOf(el); updateDOM([el], dom[0]); // The previous operation removed the current element from the `siblings` // array, so the `dom` array can be inserted without removing any // additional elements. uniqueSplice(siblings, index, 0, dom, parent); }, this)); return this; }; exports.after = function() { var elems = slice.call(arguments), lastIdx = this.length - 1; domEach(this, function(i, el) { var parent = el.parent || el.root; if (!parent) { return; } var siblings = parent.children, index = siblings.indexOf(el), domSrc, dom; // If not found, move on if (index < 0) return; if (typeof elems[0] === 'function') { domSrc = elems[0].call(el, i, $.html(el.children)); } else { domSrc = elems; } dom = this._makeDomArray(domSrc, i < lastIdx); // Add element after `this` element uniqueSplice(siblings, index + 1, 0, dom, parent); }); return this; }; exports.insertAfter = function(target) { var clones = [], self = this; if (typeof target === 'string') { target = this.constructor.call(this.constructor, target, null, this._originalRoot); } target = this._makeDomArray(target); self.remove(); domEach(target, function(i, el) { var clonedSelf = self._makeDomArray(self.clone()); var parent = el.parent || el.root; if (!parent) { return; } var siblings = parent.children, index = siblings.indexOf(el); // If not found, move on if (index < 0) return; // Add cloned `this` element(s) after target element uniqueSplice(siblings, index + 1, 0, clonedSelf, parent); clones.push(clonedSelf); }); return this.constructor.call(this.constructor, this._makeDomArray(clones)); }; exports.before = function() { var elems = slice.call(arguments), lastIdx = this.length - 1; domEach(this, function(i, el) { var parent = el.parent || el.root; if (!parent) { return; } var siblings = parent.children, index = siblings.indexOf(el), domSrc, dom; // If not found, move on if (index < 0) return; if (typeof elems[0] === 'function') { domSrc = elems[0].call(el, i, $.html(el.children)); } else { domSrc = elems; } dom = this._makeDomArray(domSrc, i < lastIdx); // Add element before `el` element uniqueSplice(siblings, index, 0, dom, parent); }); return this; }; exports.insertBefore = function(target) { var clones = [], self = this; if (typeof target === 'string') { target = this.constructor.call(this.constructor, target, null, this._originalRoot); } target = this._makeDomArray(target); self.remove(); domEach(target, function(i, el) { var clonedSelf = self._makeDomArray(self.clone()); var parent = el.parent || el.root; if (!parent) { return; } var siblings = parent.children, index = siblings.indexOf(el); // If not found, move on if (index < 0) return; // Add cloned `this` element(s) after target element uniqueSplice(siblings, index, 0, clonedSelf, parent); clones.push(clonedSelf); }); return this.constructor.call(this.constructor, this._makeDomArray(clones)); }; /* remove([selector]) */ exports.remove = function(selector) { var elems = this; // Filter if we have selector if (selector) elems = elems.filter(selector); domEach(elems, function(i, el) { var parent = el.parent || el.root; if (!parent) { return; } var siblings = parent.children, index = siblings.indexOf(el); if (index < 0) return; siblings.splice(index, 1); if (el.prev) { el.prev.next = el.next; } if (el.next) { el.next.prev = el.prev; } el.prev = el.next = el.parent = el.root = null; }); return this; }; exports.replaceWith = function(content) { var self = this; domEach(this, function(i, el) { var parent = el.parent || el.root; if (!parent) { return; } var siblings = parent.children, dom = self._makeDomArray(typeof content === 'function' ? content.call(el, i, el) : content), index; // In the case that `dom` contains nodes that already exist in other // structures, ensure those nodes are properly removed. updateDOM(dom, null); index = siblings.indexOf(el); // Completely remove old element uniqueSplice(siblings, index, 1, dom, parent); el.parent = el.prev = el.next = el.root = null; }); return this; }; exports.empty = function() { domEach(this, function(i, el) { _.forEach(el.children, function(el) { el.next = el.prev = el.parent = null; }); el.children.length = 0; }); return this; }; /** * Set/Get the HTML */ exports.html = function(str) { if (str === undefined) { if (!this[0] || !this[0].children) return null; return $.html(this[0].children, this.options); } var opts = this.options; domEach(this, function(i, el) { _.forEach(el.children, function(el) { el.next = el.prev = el.parent = null; }); var content = str.cheerio ? str.clone().get() : evaluate('' + str, opts); updateDOM(content, el); }); return this; }; exports.toString = function() { return $.html(this, this.options); }; exports.text = function(str) { // If `str` is undefined, act as a "getter" if (str === undefined) { return $.text(this); } else if (typeof str === 'function') { // Function support return domEach(this, function(i, el) { var $el = [el]; return exports.text.call($el, str.call(el, i, $.text($el))); }); } // Append text node to each selected elements domEach(this, function(i, el) { _.forEach(el.children, function(el) { el.next = el.prev = el.parent = null; }); var elem = { data: '' + str, type: 'text', parent: el, prev: null, next: null, children: [] }; updateDOM(elem, el); }); return this; }; exports.clone = function() { return this._make(cloneDom(this.get(), this.options)); };