Mini Shell

Mini Shell

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Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/chai-http/lib/request.js

 * chai-http - request helper
 * Copyright(c) 2011-2012 Jake Luer <jake@alogicalparadox.com>
 * MIT Licensed

 * Module dependancies

var http = require('http')
  , https = require('https')
  , methods = require('methods')
  , superagent = require('superagent')
  , Agent = superagent.agent
  , Request = superagent.Request
  , util = require('util');

 * ## Integration Testing
 * Chai HTTP provides an interface for live integration
 * testing via [superagent](https://github.com/visionmedia/superagent).
 * To do this, you must first
 * construct a request to an application or url.
 * Upon construction you are provided a chainable api that
 * allows you to specify the http VERB request (get, post, etc)
 * that you wish to invoke.
 * #### Application / Server
 * You may use a function (such as an express or connect app)
 * or a node.js http(s) server as the foundation for your request.
 * If the server is not running, chai-http will find a suitable
 * port to listen on for a given test.
 * __Note:__ This feature is only supported on Node.js, not in web browsers.
 * ```js
 * chai.request(app)
 *   .get('/')
 * ```
 * #### URL
 * You may also use a base url as the foundation of your request.
 * ```js
 * chai.request('http://localhost:8080')
 *   .get('/')
 * ```
 * #### Setting up requests
 * Once a request is created with a given VERB, it can have headers, form data,
 * json, or even file attachments added to it, all with a simple API:
 * ```js
 * // Send some JSON
 * chai.request(app)
 *   .put('/user/me')
 *   .set('X-API-Key', 'foobar')
 *   .send({ password: '123', confirmPassword: '123' })
 * ```
 * ```js
 * // Send some Form Data
 * chai.request(app)
 *   .post('/user/me')
 *   .type('form')
 *   .send({'_method': 'put'})
 *   .send({'password': '123'})
 *   .send({'confirmPassword', '123'})
 * ```
 * ```js
 * // Attach a file
 * chai.request(app)
 *   .post('/user/avatar')
 *   .attach('imageField', fs.readFileSync('avatar.png'), 'avatar.png')
 * ```
 * ```js
 * // Authenticate with Basic authentication
 * chai.request(app)
 *   .get('/protected')
 *   .auth('user', 'pass')
 * ```
 * ```js
 * // Chain some GET query parameters
 * chai.request(app)
 *   .get('/search')
 *   .query({name: 'foo', limit: 10}) // /search?name=foo&limit=10
 * ```
 * #### Dealing with the response - traditional
 * To make the request and assert on its response, the `end` method can be used:
 * ```js
 * chai.request(app)
 *   .put('/user/me')
 *   .send({ password: '123', confirmPassword: '123' })
 *   .end(function (err, res) {
 *      expect(err).to.be.null;
 *      expect(res).to.have.status(200);
 *   });
 * ```
 * ##### Caveat
 * Because the `end` function is passed a callback, assertions are run
 * asynchronously. Therefore, a mechanism must be used to notify the testing
 * framework that the callback has completed. Otherwise, the test will pass before
 * the assertions are checked.
 * For example, in the [Mocha test framework](http://mochajs.org/), this is
 * accomplished using the
 * [`done` callback](https://mochajs.org/#asynchronous-code), which signal that the
 * callback has completed, and the assertions can be verified:
 * ```js
 * it('fails, as expected', function(done) { // <= Pass in done callback
 *   chai.request('http://localhost:8080')
 *   .get('/')
 *   .end(function(err, res) {
 *     expect(res).to.have.status(123);
 *     done();                               // <= Call done to signal callback end
 *   });
 * }) ;
 * it('succeeds silently!', function() {   // <= No done callback
 *   chai.request('http://localhost:8080')
 *   .get('/')
 *   .end(function(err, res) {
 *     expect(res).to.have.status(123);    // <= Test completes before this runs
 *   });
 * }) ;
 * ```
 * When `done` is passed in, Mocha will wait until the call to `done()`, or until
 * the [timeout](http://mochajs.org/#timeouts) expires. `done` also accepts an
 * error parameter when signaling completion.
 * #### Dealing with the response - Promises
 * If `Promise` is available, `request()` becomes a Promise capable library -
 * and chaining of `then`s becomes possible:
 * ```js
 * chai.request(app)
 *   .put('/user/me')
 *   .send({ password: '123', confirmPassword: '123' })
 *   .then(function (res) {
 *      expect(res).to.have.status(200);
 *   })
 *   .catch(function (err) {
 *      throw err;
 *   })
 * ```
 * __Note:__ Node.js version 0.10.x and some older web browsers do not have
 * native promise support. You can use any spec compliant library, such as:
 *  - [kriskowal/q](https://github.com/kriskowal/q)
 *  - [stefanpenner/es6-promise](https://github.com/stefanpenner/es6-promise)
 *  - [petkaantonov/bluebird](https://github.com/petkaantonov/bluebird)
 *  - [then/promise](https://github.com/then/promise)
 * You will need to set the library you use to `global.Promise`, before
 * requiring in chai-http. For example:
 * ```js
 * // Add promise support if this does not exist natively.
 * if (!global.Promise) {
 *   global.Promise = require('q');
 * }
 * var chai = require('chai');
 * chai.use(require('chai-http'));
 * ```
 * #### Retaining cookies with each request
 * Sometimes you need to keep cookies from one request, and send them with the
 * next. For this, `.request.agent()` is available:
 * ```js
 * // Log in
 * var agent = chai.request.agent(app)
 * agent
 *   .post('/session')
 *   .send({ username: 'me', password: '123' })
 *   .then(function (res) {
 *     expect(res).to.have.cookie('sessionid');
 *     // The `agent` now has the sessionid cookie saved, and will send it
 *     // back to the server in the next request:
 *     return agent.get('/user/me')
 *       .then(function (res) {
 *          expect(res).to.have.status(200);
 *       })
 *   })
 * ```

module.exports = function (app) {

   * @param {Mixed} function or server
   * @returns {Object} API

  var server = ('function' === typeof app)
      ? http.createServer(app)
      : app
    , obj = {};

  var keepOpen = false
  if (typeof server !== 'string' && server && server.listen && server.address) {
    if (!server.address()) {
      server = server.listen(0)
  obj.keepOpen = function() {
    keepOpen = true
    return this
  obj.close = function(callback) {
    if (server && server.close) {
    else if(callback) {
    return this
  methods.forEach(function (method) {
    obj[method] = function (path) {
      return new Test(server, method, path)
        .on('end', function() {
          if(keepOpen === false) {
  obj.del = obj.delete;
  return obj;

module.exports.Test = Test;
module.exports.Request = Test;
module.exports.agent = TestAgent;

 * Test
 * An extension of superagent.Request,
 * this provides the same chainable api
 * as superagent so all things can be modified.
 * @param {Object|String} server, app, or url
 * @param {String} method
 * @param {String} path
 * @api private

function Test (app, method, path) {
  Request.call(this, method, path);
  this.app = app;
  this.url = typeof app === 'string' ? app + path : serverAddress(app, path);
  this.ok(function() {
    return true;
util.inherits(Test, Request);

function serverAddress (app, path) {
  if ('string' === typeof app) {
    return app + path;
  var addr = app.address();
  if (!addr) {
    throw new Error('Server is not listening')
  var protocol = (app instanceof https.Server) ? 'https' : 'http';
  // If address is "unroutable" IPv4/6 address, then set to localhost
  if (addr.address === '' || addr.address === '::') {
    addr.address = '';
  return protocol + '://' + addr.address + ':' + addr.port + path;

 * agent
 * Follows the same API as superagent.Request,
 * but allows persisting of cookies between requests.
 * @param {Object|String} server, app, or url
 * @param {String} method
 * @param {String} path
 * @api private

function TestAgent(app) {
  if (!(this instanceof TestAgent)) return new TestAgent(app);
  if (typeof app === 'function') app = http.createServer(app);
  (Agent || Request).call(this);
  this.app = app;
  if (typeof app !== 'string' && app && app.listen && app.address && !app.address()) {
    this.app = app.listen(0)
util.inherits(TestAgent, Agent || Request);

TestAgent.prototype.close = function close(callback) {
  if (this.app && this.app.close) {
  return this
TestAgent.prototype.keepOpen = function keepOpen() {
  return this

// override HTTP verb methods
  TestAgent.prototype[method] = function(url){
    var req = new Test(this.app, method, url)
      , self = this;

    if (Agent) {
      // When running in Node, cookies are managed via
      // `Agent._saveCookies()` and `Agent._attachCookies()`.
      req.on('response', function (res) { self._saveCookies(res); });
      req.on('redirect', function (res) { self._saveCookies(res); });
      req.on('redirect', function () { self._attachCookies(req); });
    else {
      // When running in a web browser, cookies are managed via `Request.withCredentials()`.
      // The browser will attach cookies based on same-origin policy.
      // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6454#section-3

    return req;

TestAgent.prototype.del = TestAgent.prototype.delete;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0