Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/test/services/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/test/services/route53.spec.coffee |
helpers = require('../helpers') AWS = helpers.AWS describe 'AWS.Route53', -> service = null api = null beforeEach -> service = new AWS.Route53() api = service.api.apiVersion describe 'setEndpoint', -> it 'always enables SSL if no endpoint is set', -> service = new AWS.Route53(sslEnabled: false) expect(service.endpoint.protocol).toEqual('https:') it 'allows overriding SSL if custom endpoint is set', -> service = new AWS.Route53(endpoint: 'http://example.com') expect(service.endpoint.protocol).toEqual('http:') describe 'building requests', -> service = new AWS.Route53 it 'should fix hosted zone ID on input', -> req = service.getHostedZone(Id: '/hostedzone/ABCDEFG') req.emit('build', [req]) expect(req.httpRequest.path).toMatch('/hostedzone/ABCDEFG$') it 'should fix health check ID on input', -> req = service.getHealthCheck(HealthCheckId: '/healthcheck/ABCDEFG') req.emit('build', [req]) expect(req.httpRequest.path).toMatch('/healthcheck/ABCDEFG$') describe 'changeResourceRecordSets', -> it 'correctly builds the XML document', -> xml = """ <ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest xmlns="https://route53.amazonaws.com/doc/#{api}/"> <ChangeBatch> <Comment>comment</Comment> <Changes> <Change> <Action>CREATE</Action> <ResourceRecordSet> <Name>name</Name> <Type>type</Type> <ResourceRecords> <ResourceRecord> <Value>foo.com</Value> </ResourceRecord> </ResourceRecords> </ResourceRecordSet> </Change> </Changes> </ChangeBatch> </ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest> """ helpers.mockHttpResponse 200, {}, '' # params purposefully ordered differently than api to test ordering of # xml elements params = HostedZoneId: 'zone-id' ChangeBatch: Changes: [ { ResourceRecordSet: Name: 'name' Type: 'type' ResourceRecords: [ { Value: 'foo.com' } ] Action: 'CREATE', } ] Comment: 'comment' service.changeResourceRecordSets params, (err, data) -> helpers.matchXML(this.request.httpRequest.body, xml)