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helpers = require('./helpers')
AWS = helpers.AWS
Buffer = AWS.util.Buffer

describe 'AWS.ParamValidator', ->
  [members, input] = [{}, {}]

  validate = (params) ->
    r = input
    if r && !r.xml && !r.payload
      r = AWS.Model.Shape.create(input, {api: {}})
    new AWS.ParamValidator().validate(r, params)

  expectValid = (params) ->
    expect(validate(params)).toEqual true

  expectError = (message, params) ->
    if params == undefined
      [message, params] = [undefined, message]
    expect(-> validate(params)).toThrow(message)

  # empty input (nil or {}) means no arguments are accepted
  describe 'empty input', ->
    beforeEach ->
      input = type: 'structure'

    it 'accepts an empty hash when the input are an empty hash', ->
      expectValid {}

    it 'does not accept params in the given hash', ->
      expectError foo: 'bar'

  # Param (hash) keys can be given as strings or symbols, but
  # are case sensitive.
  describe 'param keys', ->
    beforeEach ->
      input =
          foo: {}, bar: type: 'string'

    it 'accepts string keys', ->
      expectValid foo: 'foo'
      expectValid bar: 'bar'

    it 'rejects keys that do not match case', ->
      expectError Bar: 'bar'
      expectError Foo: 'foo'

  # Params not described in the input are not accepted.
  describe 'unexpected params', ->
    beforeEach ->
      input =
          string1: {}
          string2: {}
            type: 'structure'
              good: {}

    it 'throws an ArgumentError for un-described params', ->
      expectError string3: 'xyz'

    it 'rejects nested params that are not described in the input', ->
      expectValid hash: good: 'abc'
      expectError hash: bad: 'abc'

  # Params that are hashes (structures) can specify that some or all
  # of their nested params are required.  When the parent param is
  # present, the required nested params must also be present or an
  # ArgumentError is raised.  If the parent param is optional and not
  # provided, then missing nested required params will not raise an error.
  describe 'required params', ->
    beforeEach ->
      input =
        required: ['req']
          req: type: 'string'
            type: 'structure'
            required: ['req']
            members: req: type: 'string'

    it 'throws an error if a top-level required param is omitted', ->
      expectError {}

    it 'throws an error if a top-level required param is null', ->
      expectError req: null

    it 'optional params can be omitted, even if they have required params', ->
      expectValid req: 'abc'

    it 'requires nested required params when the parent is present', ->
      expectError req: 'abc', opt: {}

    it 'accepts nested required params', ->
      expectValid req: 'abc', opt: req: 'xyz'

    it 'accepts empty strings in required params', ->
      expectValid req: ''

    it 'accepts 0 in required params', ->
      input.members.req.type = 'integer'
      expectValid req: 0

    it 'accepts false in required params', ->
      input.members.req.type = 'boolean'
      expectValid req: false

  # The root params is always a structure (hash) by default, but
  # you can also nest structures.
  describe 'structure', ->
    beforeEach ->
      input =
            type: 'structure'
              param1: {}
              param2: {}
                type: 'structure'
                required: ['param4']
                  param3: type: 'boolean'
                  param4: type: 'integer'

    it 'accepts hashes', ->
      expectValid hash1: {}

    it 'accepts hashes with params', ->
      expectValid hash1: param1: 'a', param2: 'b'

    it 'throws an error for non hashes', ->
      expectError hash1: 'oops'

    it 'throws an error for unknown hash members', ->
      expectError hash1: param3: 'c'

    it 'allows nesting structures', ->
      expectValid hash1: hash2: param3: true, param4: 123

    it 'rejects unknown members', ->
      expectError hash1: oops: 'abc'

    it 'does not check inherited properties on parameters', ->
      cls = -> this
      cls.prototype.otherKey = 'value'
      obj = new cls
      obj.hash1 = {}
      expectValid obj

  describe 'list', ->
    beforeEach ->
      members = {}
      input =
          array: type: 'list', member: members

    it 'accepts an array for list params', ->
      expectValid array: []

    it 'throws an error if list params are not arrays', ->
      expectError array: {}

    it 'supports nested structures', ->
      members.type = 'structure'
      members.members = name: {}
      expectValid array: [{name: 'abc'}, {name: 'mno'}, {name: 'xyz'}]
      expectError array: [{badKey: 'abc'}]

  describe 'map', ->
    beforeEach ->
      members = {}
      input =
          hash: type: 'map', value: members

    it 'accepts maps', ->
      expectValid hash: {}

    it 'accepts null', ->
      expectValid hash: null

    it 'rejects non-maps', ->
      expectError hash: 'oops'

    it 'accepts user-supplied maps keys', ->
      expectValid hash: a: '1', b: '2', c: '3'

    it 'supports nested params', ->
      members.type = 'structure'
      members.members =
        param1: type: 'list', member: type: 'string'
        param2: type: 'integer'
        param3: type: 'structure', members: param4: {}

      expectValid hash:
        foo: param1: ['a', 'b', 'c']
        bar: param2: 123
        yuck: param3: param4: 'xyz'
      expectError hash: foo: param4: 'abc'

  describe 'boolean', ->
    beforeEach ->
      input = members: param: type: 'boolean'

    it 'accepts true', ->
      expectValid param: true

    it 'accpets false', ->
      expectValid param: false

    it 'accepts null', ->
      expectValid param: null

    it 'rejects other values', ->
      expectError param: 'true'

  describe 'timestamp', ->
    beforeEach ->
      input = members: param: type: 'timestamp'

    it 'accepts Date objects', ->
      expectValid param: new Date()

    it 'accepts strings formatted like datetimes', ->
      expectValid param: '2012-01-02T10:11:12Z'
      expectValid param: '2012-01-02T10:11:12.0001Z'

    it 'accepts UNIX timestamps as number values', ->
      expectValid param: 12345

    it 'accepts null', ->
      expectValid param: null

    it 'rejects other param values', ->
      expectError param: 'abc'

  describe 'string', ->
    beforeEach ->
      input = members: param: type: 'string'

    it 'accepts strings', ->
      expectValid param: 'abc'

    it 'accepts empty string', ->
      expectValid param: ''

    it 'accepts null', ->
      expectValid param: null

    it 'rejects other objects', ->
      expectError param: 123
      expectError param: {}
      expectError param: []

  describe 'float', ->
    beforeEach ->
      input = members: param: type: 'float'

    it 'accepts floats', ->
      expectValid param: 1.23

    it 'accepts integers', ->
      expectValid param: 123

    it 'accepts floats formatted as strings', ->
      expectValid param: '1.23'

    it 'accepts null', ->
      expectValid param: null

    it 'rejects other objects', ->
      expectError param: 'NOTFLOAT'

  describe 'integer', ->
    beforeEach ->
      input = members: param: type: 'integer'

    it 'accepts integers', ->
      expectValid param: 123

    it 'accepts integers formatted as strings', ->
      expectValid param: '123'

    it 'accepts null', ->
      expectValid param: null

    it 'rejects other objects', ->
      expectError param: 'NOTINT'

  describe 'base64', ->
    beforeEach ->
      input = members: param: type: 'base64'

    it 'accepts strings', ->
      expectValid param: 'abc'

    it 'accepts Buffers', ->
      expectValid param: new Buffer(100)

    it 'accepts typed arrays', ->
      expectValid param: new Uint8Array(1, 2, 3)
      expectValid param: new Uint32Array(1, 2, 3)

    it 'accepts null', ->
      expectValid param: null

    it 'rejects other objects', ->
      expectError param: {}

    if AWS.util.isBrowser()
      it 'accepts Blob objects', ->
        try blob = new Blob
        if blob then expectValid param: blob

      it 'accepts ArrayBuffer objects', ->
        expectValid param: new ArrayBuffer

      it 'accepts DataView objects', ->
        expectValid param: new DataView(new ArrayBuffer)

  describe 'binary', ->
    beforeEach ->
      input = members: param: type: 'binary'

    it 'accepts strings', ->
      expectValid param: 'abc'

    it 'accepts Buffers', ->
      expectValid param: new Buffer(100)

    it 'accepts Streams', ->
      Stream = require('stream').Stream
      expectValid param: new Stream()

    it 'accepts null', ->
      expectValid param: null

    it 'rejects other objects', ->
      expectError param: {}

  describe 'payloads', ->
    it 'validates from payload key if input include an xml element', ->
      input =
        type: 'structure'
        required: ['body']
        payload: 'body'
          notbody: type: 'string'
            type: 'structure'
            members: enabled: type: 'boolean'

      expectValid body: { enabled: true }, notbody: 'true'

  describe 'error messages', ->
    beforeEach ->
      input =
            type: 'structure'
                type: 'structure'
                  enabled: type: 'boolean'

    it 'throws helpful messages for unknown params', ->
      msg = 'Unexpected key \'fake\' found in params'
      expectError msg, fake: 'value'

    it 'throws helpful messages for nested unknown params', ->
      msg = 'Unexpected key \'fake\' found in params.config.settings'
      expectError msg, config: settings: fake: 'value'

    it 'throws helpful messages for missing required params', ->
      msg = 'Missing required key \'needed\' in params.config.settings'
      input.members.config.members.settings.required = ['needed']
      expectError msg, config: settings: {}

    it 'throws helpul messages for invalid structures', ->
      msg = 'Expected params.config.settings to be a structure'
      expectError msg, config: settings: 'abc'

    it 'throws helpul messages for invalid lists', ->
      msg = 'Expected params.config.settings.tags to be an Array'
      input.members.config.members.settings.members.tags = type: 'list', member: {}
      expectError msg, config: settings: tags: 123

    it 'throws helpful messages for invalid list members', ->
      msg = 'Expected params.config.items[1].value to be a number'
      input.members.config.members.items =
        type: 'list',
          type: 'structure',
            value: type: 'integer'

      expectError msg, config: items:
        [{value: 123}, {value: 'abc'}, {value: 321}]

    it 'throws helpful messages for invalid maps', ->
      msg = 'Expected params.config.settings.tags to be a map'
      input.members.config.members.settings.members.tags =
        type: 'map',
        key: {}
        value: {}

      expectError msg, config: settings: tags: '123'

    it 'throws helpful messages for invalid map members', ->
      msg = 'Expected params.config.counts[\'red\'] to be a number'
      input.members.config.members.counts =
        type: 'map',
        value: type: 'integer'

      expectError msg, config: counts: red: true

    it 'throws helpful messages for invalid strings', ->
      msg = "Expected params.config.settings.name to be a string"
      input.members.config.members.settings.members.name = type: 'string'
      expectError msg, config: settings: name: 123

    it 'throws helpful messages for invalid integers', ->
      msg = "Expected params.config.settings.count to be a number"
      input.members.config.members.settings.members.count = type: 'integer'
      expectError msg, config: settings: count: 'invalid-integer'

    it 'throws helpful messages for invalid timestamps', ->
      msg = "Expected params.config.settings.when to be a " +
            "Date object, ISO-8601 string, or a UNIX timestamp"
      input.members.config.members.settings.members.when = type: 'timestamp'
      expectError msg, config: settings: when: 'invalid-date'

    it 'throws helpful messages for invalid booleans', ->
      msg = "Expected params.config.settings.enabled to be a boolean"
      expectError msg, config: settings: enabled: 'invalid-boolean'

    it 'throws helpful messages for invalid floats', ->
      msg = "Expected params.config.settings.value to be a number"
      input.members.config.members.settings.members.value = type: 'float'
      expectError msg, config: settings: value: 'invalid-float'

    it 'throws helpful messages for invalid base64 params', ->
      msg = "Expected params.config.settings.data to be a " +
            "string, Buffer, Stream, Blob, or typed array object"
      input.members.config.members.settings.members.data = type: 'base64'
      expectError msg, config: settings: data: 123

    it 'throws helpful messages for invalid binary params', ->
      msg = "Expected params.config.settings.data to be a " +
            "string, Buffer, Stream, Blob, or typed array object"
      input.members.config.members.settings.members.data = type: 'binary'
      expectError msg, config: settings: data: 123

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