Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/test/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/test/config.spec.coffee |
helpers = require('./helpers') AWS = helpers.AWS configure = (options) -> new AWS.Config(options) describe 'AWS.Config', -> describe 'constructor', -> it 'should be able to pass in a Config object as parameter', -> config = new AWS.Config(sslEnabled: false, maxRetries: 0) copyConfig = new AWS.Config(config) expect(copyConfig).not.toBe(config) expect(copyConfig.sslEnabled).toEqual(false) expect(copyConfig.maxRetries).toEqual(0) it 'should be able to pass credential values directly', -> config = new AWS.Config( accessKeyId: 'akid', secretAccessKey: 'secret', sessionToken: 'session') expect(config.credentials.accessKeyId).toEqual('akid') expect(config.credentials.secretAccessKey).toEqual('secret') expect(config.credentials.sessionToken).toEqual('session') describe 'region', -> oldEnv = process.env beforeEach -> process.env = {} afterEach -> process.env = oldEnv it 'defaults to undefined', -> expect(configure().region).toEqual(undefined) if AWS.util.isNode() it 'grabs AWS_REGION from the env', -> process.env.AWS_REGION = 'us-west-2' config = new AWS.Config() expect(config.region).toEqual('us-west-2') it 'also grabs AMAZON_REGION from the env', -> process.env.AMAZON_REGION = 'us-west-1' config = new AWS.Config() expect(config.region).toEqual('us-west-1') it 'prefers AWS_REGION to AMAZON_REGION', -> process.env.AWS_REGION = 'us-west-2' process.env.AMAZON_REGION = 'us-west-1' config = new AWS.Config() expect(config.region).toEqual('us-west-2') it 'can be set to a string', -> expect(configure(region: 'us-west-1').region).toEqual('us-west-1') describe 'maxRetries', -> it 'defaults to unefined', -> expect(configure().maxRetries).toEqual(undefined) it 'can be set to an integer', -> expect(configure(maxRetries: 2).maxRetries).toEqual(2) describe 'paramValidation', -> it 'defaults to true', -> expect(configure().paramValidation).toEqual(true) describe 'computeChecksums', -> it 'defaults to true', -> expect(configure().computeChecksums).toEqual(true) describe 'sslEnabled', -> it 'defaults to true', -> expect(configure().sslEnabled).toEqual(true) it 'can be set to false', -> expect(configure(sslEnabled: false).sslEnabled).toEqual(false) describe 'httpOptions', -> it 'defaults to {}', -> expect(configure().httpOptions).toEqual({}) describe 'set', -> it 'should set a default value for a key', -> config = new AWS.Config() config.set('maxRetries', undefined, 'DEFAULT') expect(config.maxRetries).toEqual('DEFAULT') it 'should execute default value if it is a function', -> mock = jasmine.createSpy() config = new AWS.Config() config.set('maxRetries', undefined, mock) expect(mock).toHaveBeenCalled() it 'should not expand default value function if value is present', -> mock = jasmine.createSpy() config = new AWS.Config() config.set('maxRetries', 'VALUE', mock) expect(mock).not.toHaveBeenCalled() describe 'clear', -> it 'should be able to clear all key values from a config object', -> config = new AWS.Config(credentials: {}, maxRetries: 300, sslEnabled: 'foo') expect(config.maxRetries).toEqual(300) expect(config.sslEnabled).toEqual('foo') expect(config.credentials).not.toEqual(undefined) config.clear() expect(config.maxRetries).toEqual(undefined) expect(config.sslEnabled).toEqual(undefined) expect(config.credentials).not.toBe(undefined) expect(config.credentialProvider).not.toBe(undefined) describe 'update', -> it 'should be able to update keyed values', -> config = new AWS.Config() expect(config.maxRetries).toEqual(undefined) config.update(maxRetries: 10) expect(config.maxRetries).toEqual(10) it 'should ignore non-keyed values', -> config = new AWS.Config() config.update(foo: 10) expect(config.foo).toEqual(undefined) it 'allows unknown keys if allowUnknownKeys is set', -> config = new AWS.Config() config.update(foo: 10, true) expect(config.foo).toEqual(10) it 'should be able to update literal credentials', -> config = new AWS.Config() config.update( accessKeyId: 'akid', secretAccessKey: 'secret', sessionToken: 'session') expect(config.credentials.accessKeyId).toEqual('akid') expect(config.credentials.secretAccessKey).toEqual('secret') expect(config.credentials.sessionToken).toEqual('session') describe 'getCredentials', -> spy = null config = null beforeEach -> spy = jasmine.createSpy('getCredentials callback') expectValid = (options, key) -> if options instanceof AWS.Config config = options else config = new AWS.Config(options) config.getCredentials(spy) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(spy.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual(null) if key expect(config.credentials.accessKeyId).toEqual(key) expectError = (options, message) -> if options instanceof AWS.Config config = options else config = new AWS.Config(options) config.getCredentials(spy) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(spy.argsForCall[0][0].code).toEqual('CredentialsError') expect(spy.argsForCall[0][0].message).toEqual(message) it 'should check credentials for static object first', -> expectValid credentials: accessKeyId: '123', secretAccessKey: '456' it 'should error if static credentials are not available', -> expectError(credentials: {}, 'Missing credentials') it 'should check credentials for async get() method', -> expectValid credentials: get: (cb) -> cb() it 'should error if credentials.get() cannot resolve', -> options = credentials: constructor: name: 'CustomCredentials' get: (cb) -> cb(new Error('Error!'), null) expectError options, 'Could not load credentials from CustomCredentials' it 'should check credentialProvider if no credentials', -> expectValid credentials: null, credentialProvider: resolve: (cb) -> cb(null, accessKeyId: 'key', secretAccessKey: 'secret') it 'should error if credentialProvider fails to resolve', -> options = credentials: null, credentialProvider: resolve: (cb) -> cb(new Error('Error!'), null) expectError options, 'Could not load credentials from any providers' it 'should error if no credentials or credentialProvider', -> options = credentials: null, credentialProvider: null expectError options, 'No credentials to load' describe 'AWS.config', -> it 'should be a default Config object', -> expect(AWS.config.sslEnabled).toEqual(true) expect(AWS.config.maxRetries).toEqual(undefined) it 'can set default config to an object literal', -> oldConfig = AWS.config AWS.config = {} expect(AWS.config).toEqual({}) AWS.config = oldConfig