Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/lib/util.js |
/* eslint guard-for-in:0 */ var cryptoLib = require('crypto'); var Buffer = require('buffer').Buffer; /** * A set of utility methods for use with the AWS SDK. * * @!attribute abort * Return this value from an iterator function {each} or {arrayEach} * to break out of the iteration. * @example Breaking out of an iterator function * AWS.util.each({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, function(key, value) { * if (key == 'b') return AWS.util.abort; * }); * @see each * @see arrayEach * @api private */ var util = { engine: function engine() { if (util.isBrowser() && typeof navigator !== 'undefined') { return navigator.userAgent; } else { return process.platform + '/' + process.version; } }, userAgent: function userAgent() { var name = util.isBrowser() ? 'js' : 'nodejs'; var agent = 'aws-sdk-' + name + '/' + require('./core').VERSION; if (name === 'nodejs') agent += ' ' + util.engine(); return agent; }, isBrowser: function isBrowser() { return process && process.browser; }, isNode: function isNode() { return !util.isBrowser(); }, nodeRequire: function nodeRequire(module) { if (util.isNode()) return require(module); }, multiRequire: function multiRequire(module1, module2) { return require(util.isNode() ? module1 : module2); }, uriEscape: function uriEscape(string) { var output = encodeURIComponent(string); output = output.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_.~\-%]+/g, escape); // AWS percent-encodes some extra non-standard characters in a URI output = output.replace(/[*]/g, function(ch) { return '%' + ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase(); }); return output; }, uriEscapePath: function uriEscapePath(string) { var parts = []; util.arrayEach(string.split('/'), function (part) { parts.push(util.uriEscape(part)); }); return parts.join('/'); }, urlParse: function urlParse(url) { return require('url').parse(url); }, urlFormat: function urlFormat(url) { return require('url').format(url); }, queryStringParse: function queryStringParse(qs) { return require('querystring').parse(qs); }, queryParamsToString: function queryParamsToString(params) { var items = []; var escape = util.uriEscape; var sortedKeys = Object.keys(params).sort(); util.arrayEach(sortedKeys, function(name) { var value = params[name]; var ename = escape(name); var result = ename; if (Array.isArray(value)) { var vals = []; util.arrayEach(value, function(item) { vals.push(escape(item)); }); result = ename + '=' + vals.sort().join('&' + ename + '='); } else if (value !== undefined && value !== null) { result = ename + '=' + escape(value); } items.push(result); }); return items.join('&'); }, readFileSync: function readFileSync(path) { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') return null; return util.nodeRequire('fs').readFileSync(path, 'utf-8'); }, base64: { encode: function encode64(string) { return new Buffer(string).toString('base64'); }, decode: function decode64(string) { return new Buffer(string, 'base64'); } }, Buffer: Buffer, buffer: { /** * Concatenates a list of Buffer objects. */ concat: function(buffers) { var length = 0, offset = 0, buffer = null, i; for (i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { length += buffers[i].length; } buffer = new Buffer(length); for (i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { buffers[i].copy(buffer, offset); offset += buffers[i].length; } return buffer; } }, string: { byteLength: function byteLength(string) { if (string === null || string === undefined) return 0; if (typeof string === 'string') string = new Buffer(string); if (typeof string.byteLength === 'number') { return string.byteLength; } else if (typeof string.length === 'number') { return string.length; } else if (typeof string.size === 'number') { return string.size; } else if (typeof string.path === 'string') { return util.nodeRequire('fs').lstatSync(string.path).size; } else { throw util.error(new Error('Cannot determine length of ' + string), { object: string }); } }, upperFirst: function upperFirst(string) { return string[0].toUpperCase() + string.substr(1); }, lowerFirst: function lowerFirst(string) { return string[0].toLowerCase() + string.substr(1); } }, ini: { parse: function string(ini) { var currentSection, map = {}; util.arrayEach(ini.split(/\r?\n/), function(line) { line = line.split(/(^|\s);/)[0]; // remove comments var section = line.match(/^\s*\[([^\[\]]+)\]\s*$/); if (section) { currentSection = section[1]; } else if (currentSection) { var item = line.match(/^\s*(.+?)\s*=\s*(.+)\s*$/); if (item) { map[currentSection] = map[currentSection] || {}; map[currentSection][item[1]] = item[2]; } } }); return map; } }, fn: { noop: function(){}, /** * Turn a synchronous function into as "async" function by making it call * a callback. The underlying function is called with all but the last argument, * which is treated as the callback. The callback is passed passed a first argument * of null on success to mimick standard node callbacks. */ makeAsync: function makeAsync(fn, expectedArgs) { if (expectedArgs && expectedArgs <= fn.length) { return fn; } return function() { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); var callback = args.pop(); var result = fn.apply(null, args); callback(result); }; } }, jamespath: { query: function query(expression, data) { if (!data) return []; var results = []; var expressions = expression.split(/\s+or\s+/); util.arrayEach.call(this, expressions, function (expr) { var objects = [data]; var tokens = expr.split('.'); util.arrayEach.call(this, tokens, function (token) { var match = token.match('^(.+?)(?:\\[(-?\\d+|\\*|)\\])?$'); var newObjects = []; util.arrayEach.call(this, objects, function (obj) { if (match[1] === '*') { util.arrayEach.call(this, obj, function (value) { newObjects.push(value); }); } else if (obj.hasOwnProperty(match[1])) { newObjects.push(obj[match[1]]); } }); objects = newObjects; // handle indexing (token[0], token[-1]) if (match[2] !== undefined) { newObjects = []; util.arrayEach.call(this, objects, function (obj) { if (Array.isArray(obj)) { if (match[2] === '*' || match[2] === '') { newObjects = newObjects.concat(obj); } else { var idx = parseInt(match[2], 10); if (idx < 0) idx = obj.length + idx; // negative indexing newObjects.push(obj[idx]); } } }); objects = newObjects; } if (objects.length === 0) return util.abort; }); if (objects.length > 0) { results = objects; return util.abort; } }); return results; }, find: function find(expression, data) { return util.jamespath.query(expression, data)[0]; } }, /** * Date and time utility functions. */ date: { /** * @return [Date] the current JavaScript date object. Since all * AWS services rely on this date object, you can override * this function to provide a special time value to AWS service * requests. */ getDate: function getDate() { return new Date(); }, /** * @return [String] the date in ISO-8601 format */ iso8601: function iso8601(date) { if (date === undefined) { date = util.date.getDate(); } return date.toISOString(); }, /** * @return [String] the date in RFC 822 format */ rfc822: function rfc822(date) { if (date === undefined) { date = util.date.getDate(); } return date.toUTCString(); }, /** * @return [Integer] the UNIX timestamp value for the current time */ unixTimestamp: function unixTimestamp(date) { if (date === undefined) { date = util.date.getDate(); } return date.getTime() / 1000; }, /** * @param [String,number,Date] date * @return [Date] */ from: function format(date) { if (typeof date === 'number') { return new Date(date * 1000); // unix timestamp } else { return new Date(date); } }, /** * Given a Date or date-like value, this function formats the * date into a string of the requested value. * @param [String,number,Date] date * @param [String] formatter Valid formats are: # * 'iso8601' # * 'rfc822' # * 'unixTimestamp' * @return [String] */ format: function format(date, formatter) { if (!formatter) formatter = 'iso8601'; return util.date[formatter](util.date.from(date)); }, parseTimestamp: function parseTimestamp(value) { if (typeof value === 'number') { // unix timestamp (number) return new Date(value * 1000); } else if (value.match(/^\d+$/)) { // unix timestamp return new Date(value * 1000); } else if (value.match(/^\d{4}/)) { // iso8601 return new Date(value); } else if (value.match(/^\w{3},/)) { // rfc822 return new Date(value); } else { throw util.error( new Error('unhandled timestamp format: ' + value), {code: 'TimestampParserError'}); } } }, crypto: { crc32Table: [ 0x00000000, 0x77073096, 0xEE0E612C, 0x990951BA, 0x076DC419, 0x706AF48F, 0xE963A535, 0x9E6495A3, 0x0EDB8832, 0x79DCB8A4, 0xE0D5E91E, 0x97D2D988, 0x09B64C2B, 0x7EB17CBD, 0xE7B82D07, 0x90BF1D91, 0x1DB71064, 0x6AB020F2, 0xF3B97148, 0x84BE41DE, 0x1ADAD47D, 0x6DDDE4EB, 0xF4D4B551, 0x83D385C7, 0x136C9856, 0x646BA8C0, 0xFD62F97A, 0x8A65C9EC, 0x14015C4F, 0x63066CD9, 0xFA0F3D63, 0x8D080DF5, 0x3B6E20C8, 0x4C69105E, 0xD56041E4, 0xA2677172, 0x3C03E4D1, 0x4B04D447, 0xD20D85FD, 0xA50AB56B, 0x35B5A8FA, 0x42B2986C, 0xDBBBC9D6, 0xACBCF940, 0x32D86CE3, 0x45DF5C75, 0xDCD60DCF, 0xABD13D59, 0x26D930AC, 0x51DE003A, 0xC8D75180, 0xBFD06116, 0x21B4F4B5, 0x56B3C423, 0xCFBA9599, 0xB8BDA50F, 0x2802B89E, 0x5F058808, 0xC60CD9B2, 0xB10BE924, 0x2F6F7C87, 0x58684C11, 0xC1611DAB, 0xB6662D3D, 0x76DC4190, 0x01DB7106, 0x98D220BC, 0xEFD5102A, 0x71B18589, 0x06B6B51F, 0x9FBFE4A5, 0xE8B8D433, 0x7807C9A2, 0x0F00F934, 0x9609A88E, 0xE10E9818, 0x7F6A0DBB, 0x086D3D2D, 0x91646C97, 0xE6635C01, 0x6B6B51F4, 0x1C6C6162, 0x856530D8, 0xF262004E, 0x6C0695ED, 0x1B01A57B, 0x8208F4C1, 0xF50FC457, 0x65B0D9C6, 0x12B7E950, 0x8BBEB8EA, 0xFCB9887C, 0x62DD1DDF, 0x15DA2D49, 0x8CD37CF3, 0xFBD44C65, 0x4DB26158, 0x3AB551CE, 0xA3BC0074, 0xD4BB30E2, 0x4ADFA541, 0x3DD895D7, 0xA4D1C46D, 0xD3D6F4FB, 0x4369E96A, 0x346ED9FC, 0xAD678846, 0xDA60B8D0, 0x44042D73, 0x33031DE5, 0xAA0A4C5F, 0xDD0D7CC9, 0x5005713C, 0x270241AA, 0xBE0B1010, 0xC90C2086, 0x5768B525, 0x206F85B3, 0xB966D409, 0xCE61E49F, 0x5EDEF90E, 0x29D9C998, 0xB0D09822, 0xC7D7A8B4, 0x59B33D17, 0x2EB40D81, 0xB7BD5C3B, 0xC0BA6CAD, 0xEDB88320, 0x9ABFB3B6, 0x03B6E20C, 0x74B1D29A, 0xEAD54739, 0x9DD277AF, 0x04DB2615, 0x73DC1683, 0xE3630B12, 0x94643B84, 0x0D6D6A3E, 0x7A6A5AA8, 0xE40ECF0B, 0x9309FF9D, 0x0A00AE27, 0x7D079EB1, 0xF00F9344, 0x8708A3D2, 0x1E01F268, 0x6906C2FE, 0xF762575D, 0x806567CB, 0x196C3671, 0x6E6B06E7, 0xFED41B76, 0x89D32BE0, 0x10DA7A5A, 0x67DD4ACC, 0xF9B9DF6F, 0x8EBEEFF9, 0x17B7BE43, 0x60B08ED5, 0xD6D6A3E8, 0xA1D1937E, 0x38D8C2C4, 0x4FDFF252, 0xD1BB67F1, 0xA6BC5767, 0x3FB506DD, 0x48B2364B, 0xD80D2BDA, 0xAF0A1B4C, 0x36034AF6, 0x41047A60, 0xDF60EFC3, 0xA867DF55, 0x316E8EEF, 0x4669BE79, 0xCB61B38C, 0xBC66831A, 0x256FD2A0, 0x5268E236, 0xCC0C7795, 0xBB0B4703, 0x220216B9, 0x5505262F, 0xC5BA3BBE, 0xB2BD0B28, 0x2BB45A92, 0x5CB36A04, 0xC2D7FFA7, 0xB5D0CF31, 0x2CD99E8B, 0x5BDEAE1D, 0x9B64C2B0, 0xEC63F226, 0x756AA39C, 0x026D930A, 0x9C0906A9, 0xEB0E363F, 0x72076785, 0x05005713, 0x95BF4A82, 0xE2B87A14, 0x7BB12BAE, 0x0CB61B38, 0x92D28E9B, 0xE5D5BE0D, 0x7CDCEFB7, 0x0BDBDF21, 0x86D3D2D4, 0xF1D4E242, 0x68DDB3F8, 0x1FDA836E, 0x81BE16CD, 0xF6B9265B, 0x6FB077E1, 0x18B74777, 0x88085AE6, 0xFF0F6A70, 0x66063BCA, 0x11010B5C, 0x8F659EFF, 0xF862AE69, 0x616BFFD3, 0x166CCF45, 0xA00AE278, 0xD70DD2EE, 0x4E048354, 0x3903B3C2, 0xA7672661, 0xD06016F7, 0x4969474D, 0x3E6E77DB, 0xAED16A4A, 0xD9D65ADC, 0x40DF0B66, 0x37D83BF0, 0xA9BCAE53, 0xDEBB9EC5, 0x47B2CF7F, 0x30B5FFE9, 0xBDBDF21C, 0xCABAC28A, 0x53B39330, 0x24B4A3A6, 0xBAD03605, 0xCDD70693, 0x54DE5729, 0x23D967BF, 0xB3667A2E, 0xC4614AB8, 0x5D681B02, 0x2A6F2B94, 0xB40BBE37, 0xC30C8EA1, 0x5A05DF1B, 0x2D02EF8D], crc32: function crc32(data) { var tbl = util.crypto.crc32Table; var crc = 0 ^ -1; if (typeof data === 'string') { data = new Buffer(data); } for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { var code = data.readUInt8(i); crc = (crc >>> 8) ^ tbl[(crc ^ code) & 0xFF]; } return (crc ^ -1) >>> 0; }, hmac: function hmac(key, string, digest, fn) { if (!digest) digest = 'binary'; if (digest === 'buffer') { digest = undefined; } if (!fn) fn = 'sha256'; if (typeof string === 'string') string = new Buffer(string); return cryptoLib.createHmac(fn, key).update(string).digest(digest); }, md5: function md5(data, digest) { if (!digest) { digest = 'binary'; } if (digest === 'buffer') { digest = undefined; } if (typeof data === 'string') data = new Buffer(data); return util.crypto.createHash('md5').update(data).digest(digest); }, sha256: function sha256(string, digest) { if (!digest) { digest = 'binary'; } if (digest === 'buffer') { digest = undefined; } if (typeof string === 'string') string = new Buffer(string); return util.crypto.createHash('sha256').update(string).digest(digest); }, toHex: function toHex(data) { var out = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { out.push(('0' + data.charCodeAt(i).toString(16)).substr(-2, 2)); } return out.join(''); }, createHash: function createHash(algorithm) { return cryptoLib.createHash(algorithm); } }, /** @!ignore */ /* Abort constant */ abort: {}, each: function each(object, iterFunction) { for (var key in object) { if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var ret = iterFunction.call(this, key, object[key]); if (ret === util.abort) break; } } }, arrayEach: function arrayEach(array, iterFunction) { for (var idx in array) { if (array.hasOwnProperty(idx)) { var ret = iterFunction.call(this, array[idx], parseInt(idx, 10)); if (ret === util.abort) break; } } }, update: function update(obj1, obj2) { util.each(obj2, function iterator(key, item) { obj1[key] = item; }); return obj1; }, merge: function merge(obj1, obj2) { return util.update(util.copy(obj1), obj2); }, copy: function copy(object) { if (object === null || object === undefined) return object; var dupe = {}; for (var key in object) { dupe[key] = object[key]; } return dupe; }, isEmpty: function isEmpty(obj) { for (var prop in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { return false; } } return true; }, isType: function isType(obj, type) { // handle cross-"frame" objects if (typeof type === 'function') type = util.typeName(type); return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object ' + type + ']'; }, typeName: function typeName(type) { if (type.hasOwnProperty('name')) return type.name; var str = type.toString(); var match = str.match(/^\s*function (.+)\(/); return match ? match[1] : str; }, error: function error(err, options) { var originalError = null; if (typeof err.message === 'string' && err.message !== '') { if (typeof options === 'string' || (options && options.message)) { originalError = util.copy(err); originalError.message = err.message; } } err.message = err.message || null; if (typeof options === 'string') { err.message = options; } else { util.update(err, options); } if (typeof Object.defineProperty === 'function') { Object.defineProperty(err, 'name', {writable: true, enumerable: false}); Object.defineProperty(err, 'message', {enumerable: true}); } err.name = err.name || err.code || 'Error'; err.time = new Date(); if (originalError) err.originalError = originalError; return err; }, /** * @api private */ inherit: function inherit(klass, features) { var newObject = null; if (features === undefined) { features = klass; klass = Object; newObject = {}; } else { var ctor = function ConstructorWrapper() {}; ctor.prototype = klass.prototype; newObject = new ctor(); } // constructor not supplied, create pass-through ctor if (features.constructor === Object) { features.constructor = function() { if (klass !== Object) { return klass.apply(this, arguments); } }; } features.constructor.prototype = newObject; util.update(features.constructor.prototype, features); features.constructor.__super__ = klass; return features.constructor; }, /** * @api private */ mixin: function mixin() { var klass = arguments[0]; for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { for (var prop in arguments[i].prototype) { var fn = arguments[i].prototype[prop]; if (prop !== 'constructor') { klass.prototype[prop] = fn; } } } return klass; }, /** * @api private */ hideProperties: function hideProperties(obj, props) { if (typeof Object.defineProperty !== 'function') return; util.arrayEach(props, function (key) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true }); }); }, /** * @api private */ property: function property(obj, name, value, enumerable, isValue) { var opts = { configurable: true, enumerable: enumerable !== undefined ? enumerable : true }; if (typeof value === 'function' && !isValue) { opts.get = value; } else { opts.value = value; opts.writable = true; } Object.defineProperty(obj, name, opts); }, /** * @api private */ memoizedProperty: function memoizedProperty(obj, name, get, enumerable) { var cachedValue = null; // build enumerable attribute for each value with lazy accessor. util.property(obj, name, function() { if (cachedValue === null) { cachedValue = get(); } return cachedValue; }, enumerable); } }; module.exports = util;