Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/features/s3/step_definitions/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/features/s3/step_definitions/objects.js |
module.exports = function () { /** * Create a single bucket that will be shared by all s3 object scenarios. */ this.Before("@s3", "@objects", function (callback) { // execute only once if (this.sharedBucket) { callback(); return; } this.sharedBucket = this.uniqueName('aws-sdk-js-integration'); this.s3.createBucket({Bucket:this.sharedBucket}, function(err, data) { callback(); }); }); this.When(/^I write (buffer )?"([^"]*)" to the key "([^"]*)"$/, function(buffer, contents, key, next) { var params = {Bucket: this.sharedBucket, Key: key, Body: buffer ? new Buffer(contents) : contents}; this.request('s3', 'putObject', params, next); }); this.When(/^I write (buffer )?"([^"]*)" to the invalid key "([^"]*)"$/, function(buffer, contents, key, next) { var params = {Bucket: this.sharedBucket, Key: key, Body: buffer ? new Buffer(contents) : contents}; this.request('s3', 'putObject', params, next, false); }); this.When(/^I write "([^"]*)" to the key "([^"]*)" with ContentLength (\d+)$/, function(contents, key, contentLength, next) { var params = {Bucket: this.sharedBucket, Key: key, Body: contents, ContentLength: parseInt(contentLength)}; this.s3nochecksums = new this.AWS.S3({computeChecksums: false}); this.request('s3nochecksums', 'putObject', params, next); }); this.When(/^I write empty buffer to the key "([^"]*)"$/, function (key, next) { var params = {Bucket: this.sharedBucket, Key: key, Body: new Buffer(0)}; this.request('s3', 'putObject', params, next); }); this.Then(/^the object with the key "([^"]*)" should contain "([^"]*)"$/, function(key, contents, next) { this.assert.equal(this.data.Body.toString().replace("\n", ""), contents); next(); }); this.When(/^I copy an object with the key "([^"]*)" to "([^"]*)"$/, function(key1, key2, next) { var params = { Bucket: this.sharedBucket, Key: key2, CopySource: '/' + this.sharedBucket + '/' + key1 } this.request('s3', 'copyObject', params, next); }); this.When(/^I delete the object with the key "([^"]*)"$/, function(key, next) { var params = {Bucket:this.sharedBucket,Key:key}; this.request('s3', 'deleteObject', params, next); }); this.Then(/^the object with the key "([^"]*)" should (not )?exist$/, function(key, shouldNotExist, next) { var params = { Bucket:this.sharedBucket, Key:key }; this.eventually(next, function (retry) { retry.condition = function() { if (shouldNotExist) { return this.error && this.error.code == 'NoSuchKey'; } else { return !this.error; } }; this.request('s3', 'getObject', params, retry, false); }); }); this.When(/^I write file "([^"]*)" to the key "([^"]*)"$/, function(filename, key, next) { var fs = require('fs'); var params = {Bucket: this.sharedBucket, Key: key, Body: fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/../../extra/fixtures/' + filename)}; this.request('s3', 'putObject', params, next); }); this.When(/^I stream key "([^"]*)"$/, function(key, callback) { var params = {Bucket: this.sharedBucket, Key: key}; var world = this; this.result = ''; this.service.getObject(params).createReadStream(). on('end', function() { callback(); }). on('data', function(d) { world.result += d.toString(); }); }); this.When(/^I stream2 key "([^"]*)"$/, function(key, callback) { if (!require('stream').Readable) return callback(); var params = {Bucket: this.sharedBucket, Key: key}; var world = this; this.result = ''; var stream = this.service.getObject(params).createReadStream(); stream.on('end', function() { callback(); }); stream.on('readable', function() { var v = stream.read(); if (v) world.result += v; }); }); this.Then(/^the streamed data should contain "([^"]*)"$/, function(data, callback) { this.assert.equal(this.result.replace('\n', ''), data); callback(); }); this.When(/^I get a pre\-signed URL to GET the key "([^"]*)"$/, function(key, callback) { this.signedUrl = this.s3.getSignedUrl('getObject', {Bucket: this.sharedBucket, Key: key}); callback(); }); this.When(/^I access the URL via HTTP GET$/, function(callback, verb) { var world = this; this.data = ''; require('https').get(this.signedUrl, function (res) { res.on('data', function (chunk) { world.data += chunk.toString(); }).on('end', callback); }).on('error', callback.fail); }); this.Given(/^I get a pre\-signed URL to PUT the key "([^"]*)"(?: with data "([^"]*)")?$/, function(key, body, callback) { var params = {Bucket: this.sharedBucket, Key: key}; if (body) params.Body = body; this.signedUrl = this.s3.getSignedUrl('putObject', params); callback(); }); this.Given(/^I access the URL via HTTP PUT with data "([^"]*)"$/, function(body, callback) { var world = this; this.data = ''; var data = body; var options = require('url').parse(this.signedUrl); options.method = 'PUT'; options.headers = {'Content-Length': data.length}; var req = require('https').request(options, function (res) { res.on('data', function (chunk) { world.data += chunk.toString(); }).on('end', callback); }).on('error', callback.fail).end(data); }); this.Then(/^the HTTP response should equal "([^"]*)"$/, function(data, callback) { this.assert.equal(this.data, data); callback(); }); this.Then(/^the HTTP response should contain "([^"]*)"$/, function(data, callback) { this.assert.match(this.data, data); callback(); }); this.Given(/^I setup the listObjects request for the bucket$/, function(callback) { this.params = { Bucket: this.sharedBucket }; callback(); }); // progress events this.When(/^I write a (\d+)KB buffer to the key "([^"]*)" with progress events$/, function(kb, key, callback) { var self = this; var body = new Buffer(new Array(kb * 1024 + 1).join('x')); this.progress = []; var req = this.s3.putObject({Bucket: this.sharedBucket, Key: key, Body: body}); req.on('httpUploadProgress', function (p) { self.progress.push(p) }); req.send(callback); }); this.Then(/^more than (\d+) "([^"]*)" event should fire$/, function(numEvents, eventName, callback) { this.assert.compare(this.progress.length, '>', numEvents); callback(); }); this.Then(/^the "([^"]*)" value of the progress event should equal (\d+)KB$/, function(prop, kb, callback) { this.assert.equal(this.progress[0][prop], kb * 1024); callback(); }); this.Then(/^the "([^"]*)" value of the first progress event should be greater than (\d+) bytes$/, function(prop, bytes, callback) { this.assert.compare(this.progress[0][prop], '>', bytes); callback(); }); this.When(/^I read the key "([^"]*)" with progress events$/, function(key, callback) { var self = this; this.progress = []; var req = this.s3.getObject({Bucket: this.sharedBucket, Key: key}); req.on('httpDownloadProgress', function (p) { self.progress.push(p) }); req.send(callback); }); this.When(/^I write "([^"]*)" to the public key "([^"]*)"$/, function(data, key, next) { var params = {Bucket: this.sharedBucket, Key: key, Body: data, ACL: 'public-read'}; this.request('s3', 'putObject', params, next); }); this.Then(/^the unauthenticated request to read key "([^"]*)" should equal "([^"]*)"$/, function(key, body, next) { var params = {Bucket: this.sharedBucket, Key: key}; this.s3.makeUnauthenticatedRequest('getObject', params, function (err, data) { if (err) return next(err); this.assert.equal(data.Body.toString(), body); next(); }.bind(this)); }); };