Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/features/s3/step_definitions/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/features/s3/step_definitions/buckets.js |
module.exports = function() { this.When(/^I create a bucket$/, function(next) { this.bucket = this.uniqueName('aws-sdk-js-integration'); this.request('s3', 'createBucket', {Bucket:this.bucket}, next); }); this.When(/^I create a bucket with the location constraint "([^"]*)"$/, function(loc, next) { this.bucket = this.uniqueName('aws-sdk-js-integration'); var params = { Bucket: this.bucket, CreateBucketConfiguration: { LocationConstraint: loc }}; this.request('s3', 'createBucket', params, next); }); this.Then(/^the bucket should exist$/, function(next) { this.s3.waitFor('bucketExists', {Bucket:this.bucket}, next); }); this.When(/^I delete the bucket$/, function(next) { this.request('s3', 'deleteBucket', {Bucket:this.bucket}, next); }); this.Then(/^the bucket should not exist$/, function(next) { this.s3.waitFor('bucketNotExists', {Bucket:this.bucket}, next); }); this.Then(/^the bucket should have a location constraint of "([^"]*)"$/, function(loc, next) { var self = this; self.s3.getBucketLocation({Bucket:self.bucket}, function(err, data) { self.assert.equal(data.LocationConstraint, loc); next(); }); }); this.Then(/^I delete the bucket$/, function(next) { this.request('s3', 'deleteBucket', {Bucket:this.bucket}, next); }); this.When(/^I put a transition lifecycle configuration on the bucket with prefix "([^"]*)"$/, function(prefix, callback) { var params = { Bucket: this.bucket, LifecycleConfiguration: { Rules: [{ Prefix: prefix, Status: 'Enabled', Transition: {Days: 0, StorageClass: 'GLACIER'} }] } }; this.request('s3', 'putBucketLifecycle', params, callback); }); this.When(/^I get the transition lifecycle configuration on the bucket$/, function(callback) { this.eventually(callback, function(next) { this.request('s3', 'getBucketLifecycle', {Bucket: this.bucket}, next); }); }); this.Then(/^the lifecycle configuration should have transition days of (\d+)$/, function(days, callback) { this.assert.equal(this.data.Rules[0].Transition.Days, 0); callback(); }); this.Then(/^the lifecycle configuration should have transition storage class of "([^"]*)"$/, function(value, callback) { this.assert.equal(this.data.Rules[0].Transition.StorageClass, value); callback(); }); this.When(/^I put a bucket CORS configuration$/, function(callback) { var params = { Bucket: this.bucket, CORSConfiguration: { CORSRules: [{ AllowedMethods: ['DELETE', 'POST', 'PUT'], AllowedOrigins: ['http://example.com'], AllowedHeaders: ['*'], ExposeHeaders: ['x-amz-server-side-encryption'], MaxAgeSeconds: 5000 }] } } this.request('s3', 'putBucketCors', params, callback); }); this.When(/^I get the bucket CORS configuration$/, function(callback) { this.request('s3', 'getBucketCors', {Bucket: this.bucket}, callback); }); this.Then(/^the AllowedMethods list should inclue "([^"]*)"$/, function(value, callback) { this.assert.equal(this.data.CORSRules[0].AllowedMethods.sort().join(" "), "DELETE POST PUT"); callback(); }); this.Then(/^the AllowedOrigin value should equal "([^"]*)"$/, function(value, callback) { this.assert.equal(this.data.CORSRules[0].AllowedOrigins[0], value); callback(); }); this.Then(/^the AllowedHeader value should equal "([^"]*)"$/, function(value, callback) { this.assert.equal(this.data.CORSRules[0].AllowedHeaders[0], value); callback(); }); this.Then(/^the ExposeHeader value should equal "([^"]*)"$/, function(value, callback) { this.assert.equal(this.data.CORSRules[0].ExposeHeaders[0], value); callback(); }); this.Then(/^the MaxAgeSeconds value should equal (\d+)$/, function(value, callback) { this.assert.equal(this.data.CORSRules[0].MaxAgeSeconds, parseInt(value)); callback(); }); this.When(/^I put a bucket tag with key "([^"]*)" and value "([^"]*)"$/, function(key, value, callback) { var params = { Bucket: this.bucket, Tagging: { TagSet: [ {Key: key, Value: value} ] } }; this.request('s3', 'putBucketTagging', params, callback); }); this.When(/^I get the bucket tagging$/, function(callback) { this.request('s3', 'getBucketTagging', {Bucket: this.bucket}, callback); }); this.Then(/^the first tag in the tag set should have key and value "([^"]*)", "([^"]*)"$/, function(key, value, callback) { this.assert.equal(this.data.TagSet[0].Key, key); this.assert.equal(this.data.TagSet[0].Value, value); callback(); }); };