Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/features/rds/step_definitions/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/features/rds/step_definitions/rds.js |
module.exports = function() { this.Before("@rds", function (callback) { this.service = new this.AWS.RDS(); callback(); }); this.Given(/^I create a RDS security group with prefix name "([^"]*)"$/, function(prefix, callback) { this.dbGroupName = this.uniqueName(prefix); var params = { DBSecurityGroupDescription: 'Description', DBSecurityGroupName: this.dbGroupName }; this.request(null, 'createDBSecurityGroup', params, callback, false); }); this.Given(/^the RDS security group name is in the result$/, function(callback) { var name = this.data.DBSecurityGroup.DBSecurityGroupName; this.assert.equal(name, this.dbGroupName); callback(); }); this.Given(/^I describe the RDS security group$/, function(callback) { var params = {DBSecurityGroupName: this.dbGroupName}; this.request(null, 'describeDBSecurityGroups', params, callback); }); this.Then(/^the RDS security group should be described$/, function(callback) { var item = this.data.DBSecurityGroups[0]; this.assert.equal(item.DBSecurityGroupName, this.dbGroupName); callback(); }); this.Then(/^I delete the RDS security group$/, function(callback) { var params = {DBSecurityGroupName: this.dbGroupName}; this.request(null, 'deleteDBSecurityGroup', params, callback); }); this.Given(/^I paginate the "([^"]*)" operation asynchronously with limit (\d+)$/, function (operation, limit, callback) { var maxPages = 3; limit = parseInt(limit); var world = this; this.numPages = 0; this.numMarkers = 0 this.operation = operation; this.paginationConfig = this.service.paginationConfig(operation); this.params = this.params || {}; this.finishedPagination = false; var marker = this.paginationConfig.outputToken; if (this.paginationConfig.limitKey) { this.params[this.paginationConfig.limitKey] = limit; } this.service[operation](this.params).eachPage(function (err, data, done) { process.nextTick(function() { if (err) callback.fail(err); else if (data === null || world.numPages === maxPages) { world.finishedPagination = true; callback(); } else { if (data[marker]) world.numMarkers++; world.numPages++; world.data = data; } done(); // start getting next page }); }); }); this.Then(/^I should be able to asynchronously paginate all pages$/, function (callback) { this.assert.equal(this.finishedPagination, true); callback(); }); };