Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/features/importexport/step_definitions/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/features/importexport/step_definitions/importexport.js |
module.exports = function() { this.Before("@importexport", function (callback) { this.s3 = new this.AWS.S3(); this.service = new this.AWS.ImportExport(); callback(); }); this.When(/^I create an (Import|Export) job with manifest:$/, function(type, manifest, callback) { manifest = manifest.replace('{ACCESS_KEY_ID}', this.service.config.credentials.accessKeyId); manifest = manifest.replace('{BUCKET}', this.bucket); var params = {JobType: type, Manifest: manifest, ValidateOnly: false}; this.request(null, 'createJob', params, callback, false); }); this.When(/^I store the Import job ID$/, function(callback) { this.jobId = this.data.JobId; callback(); }); this.Then(/^the result should contain (\S+) with expression (.+)$/, function(property, expr, callback) { this.assert.equal(this.data[property], eval(expr)); callback(); }); this.Then(/^the result should contain (\S+) with string value "([^"]*)"$/, function(property, value, callback) { this.assert.equal(this.data[property], value); callback(); }); this.When(/^I get the Import job status$/, function(callback) { this.request(null, 'getStatus', {JobId: this.jobId}, callback); }); this.When(/^I cancel the Import job$/, function(callback) { var params = {JobId: this.jobId}; this.request(null, 'cancelJob', params, callback); }); this.When(/^I list Import\/Export jobs$/, function(callback) { this.request(null, 'listJobs', {}, callback); }); };