Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/features/elb/step_definitions/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/aws-sdk/features/elb/step_definitions/elb.js |
module.exports = function() { this.Before("@elb", function (callback) { this.service = new this.AWS.ELB(); callback(); }); this.Given(/^I create a load balancer with name prefix "([^"]*)"$/, function(prefix, callback) { this.loadBalancerName = prefix + '-' + new Date().getTime(); var params = { LoadBalancerName: this.loadBalancerName, Listeners: [{Protocol: 'TCP', LoadBalancerPort: 80, InstancePort: 80}], AvailabilityZones: ['us-east-1a'] }; this.request(null, 'createLoadBalancer', params, callback, false); }); this.Given(/^I describe load balancers with the load balancer name$/, function(callback) { var params = {LoadBalancerNames: [this.loadBalancerName]}; this.request(null, 'describeLoadBalancers', params, callback); }); this.Then(/^the load balancer should be in the list$/, function(callback) { var name = this.data.LoadBalancerDescriptions[0].LoadBalancerName; this.assert.equal(name, this.loadBalancerName); callback(); }); this.Then(/^I delete the load balancer$/, function(callback) { var params = {LoadBalancerName: this.loadBalancerName}; this.request(null, 'deleteLoadBalancer', params, callback); }); this.Given(/^I try to create a load balancer with no name$/, function(callback) { this.request(null, 'createLoadBalancer', {}, callback); }); };