Mini Shell
Mini Shell
'use strict';
// Which Unicode version should be used?
var version = '9.0.0';
var start = require('unicode-' + version + '/Binary_Property/ID_Start/code-points.js')
.filter(function(ch) { return ch > 0x7f; });
var last = -1;
var cont = [0x200c, 0x200d].concat(require('unicode-' + version + '/Binary_Property/ID_Continue/code-points.js')
.filter(function(ch) { return ch > 0x7f && search(start, ch, last + 1) == -1; }));
function search(arr, ch, starting) {
for (var i = starting; arr[i] <= ch && i < arr.length; last = i++)
if (arr[i] === ch)
return i;
return -1;
function pad(str, width) {
while (str.length < width) str = "0" + str;
return str;
function esc(code) {
var hex = code.toString(16);
if (hex.length <= 2) return "\\x" + pad(hex, 2);
else return "\\u" + pad(hex, 4);
function generate(chars) {
var astral = [], re = "";
for (var i = 0, at = 0x10000; i < chars.length; i++) {
var from = chars[i], to = from;
while (i < chars.length - 1 && chars[i + 1] == to + 1) {
if (to <= 0xffff) {
if (from == to) re += esc(from);
else if (from + 1 == to) re += esc(from) + esc(to);
else re += esc(from) + "-" + esc(to);
} else {
astral.push(from - at, to - from);
at = to;
return {nonASCII: re, astral: astral};
var startData = generate(start), contData = generate(cont);
console.log("let nonASCIIidentifierStartChars = \"" + startData.nonASCII + "\"");
console.log("let nonASCIIidentifierChars = \"" + contData.nonASCII + "\"");
console.log("const astralIdentifierStartCodes = " + JSON.stringify(startData.astral));
console.log("const astralIdentifierCodes = " + JSON.stringify(contData.astral));
Zerion Mini Shell 1.0