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# [**@ladjs/i18n**](https://github.com/ladjs/i18n) [](https://travis-ci.org/ladjs/i18n) [](https://codecov.io/gh/ladjs/i18n) [](https://github.com/sindresorhus/xo) [](https://github.com/prettier/prettier) [](https://lass.js.org) [](<>) > i18n wrapper and Koa middleware for Lad ## Table of Contents * [Install](#install) * [Usage](#usage) * [API](#api) * [i18n.translate(key, locale)](#i18ntranslatekey-locale) * [i18n.middleware(ctx, next)](#i18nmiddlewarectx-next) * [i18n.redirect(ctx, next)](#i18nredirectctx-next) * [Options](#options) * [Contributors](#contributors) * [License](#license) ## Install [npm][]: ```sh npm install @ladjs/i18n ``` [yarn][]: ```sh yarn add @ladjs/i18n ``` ## Usage ```js const I18N = require('@ladjs/i18n'); const phrases = { 'HELLO': 'Hello there!' }; const i18n = new I18N({ phrases }); // ... app.use(i18n.middleware); app.use(i18n.redirect); // ... routes go here ... app.listen(); ``` ## API ### i18n.translate(key, locale) Returns translation for phrase `key` with the given `locale`. ### i18n.middleware(ctx, next) This middleware uses custom locale detection (in order of priority): 1. Check URL (e.g. if `/de` or `/de/` then it's a `de` locale - as long as `de` is a supported locale) 2. Check the `"locale"` cookie value (or whatever the `cookie` option is defined as) 3. Check `Accept-Language` header It also exposes the following: * `ctx.pathWithoutLocale` - the `ctx.path` without the locale in it (this is used by [koa-meta][]) * `ctx.request` - with all of `i18n` API methods (e.g. `ctx.request.t`, `ctx.request.tn`, ...) * `ctx.locale` - set to the value of `ctx.request.locale` (the current user's locale) * `ctx.state` - with all of `i18n` API methods (e.g. `ctx.request.t`, `ctx.request.tn`, ...) * `ctx.state.l` - a shorthand method that accepts a path and returns a localized path (e.g. `ctx.state.l('/contact')` will output `/en/contact` if the locale is "en") * `ctx.state.availableLanguages` (Array) - which is useful for adding a dropdown to select from an available language * `ctx.state.currentLanguage` (String) - the current locale's language in native language using [country-language][]'s `getLanguage` method. * `ctx.translate` (Function) - a helper function for calling `i18n.api.t` to translate a given phrase by its property key name from the `phrases` object option (same as `i18n.translate` except it throws a `ctx.throw` error using [Boom][]) If the given locale was not available then it will redirect the user to the detected (or default/fallback) locale. ### i18n.redirect(ctx, next) > Inspired by [node][]'s [language support][language-support]. Redirects user with permanent `302` redirect to their detected locale if a valid language was not found for them. It also sets the cookie `locale` for future requests to their detected locale. This also stores the `last_locale` (or whatever you configure the property name to be in the config option `lastLocaleField`) for a user via `ctx.state.user.save()`. ## Options > We use [i18n][] options per <https://github.com/mashpie/i18n-node#list-of-all-configuration-options> Default options are as follows and can be overridden: ```js const i18n = new I18N({ phrases: {}, logger: console, directory: resolve('locales'), locales: ['en', 'es', 'zh'], cookie: 'locale', indent: ' ', defaultLocale: 'en', // `process.env.I18N_SYNC_FILES` syncFiles: true, // `process.env.I18N_AUTO_RELOAD` autoReload: false, // `process.env.I18N_UPDATE_FILES` updateFiles: true, api: { __: 't', __n: 'tn', __l: 'tl', __h: 'th', __mf: 'tmf' }, register: i18n.api, lastLocaleField: 'last_locale' }); ``` If you wish to bind `logDebugFn`, `logWarnFn`, and `logErrorFn` per [i18n][] options: ```js const i18n = new I18N({ logDebugFn: console.log, logWarnFn: console.log, logErrorFn: console.log }); ``` We recommend to use [CabinJS][cabin] for all your logging needs. For a list of all available locales see [i18n-locales][]. ## Contributors | Name | Website | | -------------- | -------------------------- | | **Nick Baugh** | <http://niftylettuce.com/> | ## License [MIT](LICENSE) © [Nick Baugh](http://niftylettuce.com/) ## [npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/ [yarn]: https://yarnpkg.com/ [i18n]: https://github.com/mashpie/i18n-node [i18n-locales]: https://github.com/ladjs/i18n-locales [koa-meta]: https://github.com/ladjs/koa-meta [country-language]: https://github.com/bdswiss/country-language [boom]: https://github.com/hapijs/boom [node]: https://nodejs.org [language-support]: https://github.com/nodejs/nodejs.org/commit/d6cdd942a8fc0fffcf6879eca124295e95991bbc#diff-78c12f5adc1848d13b1c6f07055d996eR59 [cabin]: https://cabinjs.com