Direktori : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/themes/twentynineteen/js/ |
Current File : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/themes/twentynineteen/js/touch-keyboard-navigation.js |
/** * Touch & Keyboard navigation. * * Contains handlers for touch devices and keyboard navigation. */ (function() { /** * Debounce. * * @param {Function} func * @param {number} wait * @param {boolean} immediate */ function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { 'use strict'; var timeout; wait = (typeof wait !== 'undefined') ? wait : 20; immediate = (typeof immediate !== 'undefined') ? immediate : true; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) { func.apply(context, args); } }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) { func.apply(context, args); } }; } /** * Add class. * * @param {Object} el * @param {string} cls */ function addClass(el, cls) { if ( ! el.className.match( '(?:^|\\s)' + cls + '(?!\\S)') ) { el.className += ' ' + cls; } } /** * Delete class. * * @param {Object} el * @param {string} cls */ function deleteClass(el, cls) { el.className = el.className.replace( new RegExp( '(?:^|\\s)' + cls + '(?!\\S)' ),'' ); } /** * Has class? * * @param {Object} el * @param {string} cls * * @returns {boolean} Has class */ function hasClass(el, cls) { if ( el.className.match( '(?:^|\\s)' + cls + '(?!\\S)' ) ) { return true; } } /** * Toggle Aria Expanded state for screenreaders. * * @param {Object} ariaItem */ function toggleAriaExpandedState( ariaItem ) { 'use strict'; var ariaState = ariaItem.getAttribute('aria-expanded'); if ( ariaState === 'true' ) { ariaState = 'false'; } else { ariaState = 'true'; } ariaItem.setAttribute('aria-expanded', ariaState); } /** * Open sub-menu. * * @param {Object} currentSubMenu */ function openSubMenu( currentSubMenu ) { 'use strict'; // Update classes. // classList.add is not supported in IE11. currentSubMenu.parentElement.className += ' off-canvas'; currentSubMenu.parentElement.lastElementChild.className += ' expanded-true'; // Update aria-expanded state. toggleAriaExpandedState( currentSubMenu ); } /** * Close sub-menu. * * @param {Object} currentSubMenu */ function closeSubMenu( currentSubMenu ) { 'use strict'; var menuItem = getCurrentParent( currentSubMenu, '.menu-item' ); // this.parentNode var menuItemAria = menuItem.querySelector('a[aria-expanded]'); var subMenu = currentSubMenu.closest('.sub-menu'); // If this is in a sub-sub-menu, go back to parent sub-menu. if ( getCurrentParent( currentSubMenu, 'ul' ).classList.contains( 'sub-menu' ) ) { // Update classes. // classList.remove is not supported in IE11. menuItem.className = menuItem.className.replace( 'off-canvas', '' ); subMenu.className = subMenu.className.replace( 'expanded-true', '' ); // Update aria-expanded and :focus states. toggleAriaExpandedState( menuItemAria ); // Or else close all sub-menus. } else { // Update classes. // classList.remove is not supported in IE11. menuItem.className = menuItem.className.replace( 'off-canvas', '' ); menuItem.lastElementChild.className = menuItem.lastElementChild.className.replace( 'expanded-true', '' ); // Update aria-expanded and :focus states. toggleAriaExpandedState( menuItemAria ); } } /** * Find first ancestor of an element by selector. * * @param {Object} child * @param {String} selector * @param {String} stopSelector */ function getCurrentParent( child, selector, stopSelector ) { var currentParent = null; while ( child ) { if ( child.matches(selector) ) { currentParent = child; break; } else if ( stopSelector && child.matches(stopSelector) ) { break; } child = child.parentElement; } return currentParent; } /** * Remove all off-canvas states. */ function removeAllFocusStates() { 'use strict'; var siteBranding = document.getElementsByClassName( 'site-branding' )[0]; var getFocusedElements = siteBranding.querySelectorAll(':hover, :focus, :focus-within'); var getFocusedClassElements = siteBranding.querySelectorAll('.is-focused'); var i; var o; for ( i = 0; i < getFocusedElements.length; i++) { getFocusedElements[i].blur(); } for ( o = 0; o < getFocusedClassElements.length; o++) { deleteClass( getFocusedClassElements[o], 'is-focused' ); } } /** * Matches polyfill for IE11. */ if (!Element.prototype.matches) { Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector; } /** * Toggle `focus` class to allow sub-menu access on touch screens. */ function toggleSubmenuDisplay() { document.addEventListener('touchstart', function(event) { if ( event.target.matches('a') ) { var url = event.target.getAttribute( 'href' ) ? event.target.getAttribute( 'href' ) : ''; // Open submenu if URL is #. if ( '#' === url && event.target.nextSibling.matches('.submenu-expand') ) { openSubMenu( event.target ); } } // Check if .submenu-expand is touched. if ( event.target.matches('.submenu-expand') ) { openSubMenu(event.target); // Check if child of .submenu-expand is touched. } else if ( null != getCurrentParent( event.target, '.submenu-expand' ) && getCurrentParent( event.target, '.submenu-expand' ).matches( '.submenu-expand' ) ) { openSubMenu( getCurrentParent( event.target, '.submenu-expand' ) ); // Check if .menu-item-link-return is touched. } else if ( event.target.matches('.menu-item-link-return') ) { closeSubMenu( event.target ); // Check if child of .menu-item-link-return is touched. } else if ( null != getCurrentParent( event.target, '.menu-item-link-return' ) && getCurrentParent( event.target, '.menu-item-link-return' ).matches( '.menu-item-link-return' ) ) { closeSubMenu( event.target ); } // Prevent default mouse/focus events. removeAllFocusStates(); }, false); document.addEventListener('touchend', function(event) { var mainNav = getCurrentParent( event.target, '.main-navigation' ); if ( null != mainNav && hasClass( mainNav, '.main-navigation' ) ) { // Prevent default mouse events. event.preventDefault(); } else if ( event.target.matches('.submenu-expand') || null != getCurrentParent( event.target, '.submenu-expand' ) && getCurrentParent( event.target, '.submenu-expand' ).matches( '.submenu-expand' ) || event.target.matches('.menu-item-link-return') || null != getCurrentParent( event.target, '.menu-item-link-return' ) && getCurrentParent( event.target, '.menu-item-link-return' ).matches( '.menu-item-link-return' ) ) { // Prevent default mouse events. event.preventDefault(); } // Prevent default mouse/focus events. removeAllFocusStates(); }, false); document.addEventListener('focus', function(event) { if ( event.target !== window.document && event.target.matches( '.main-navigation > div > ul > li a' ) ) { // Remove Focused elements in sibling div. var currentDiv = getCurrentParent( event.target, 'div', '.main-navigation' ); var currentDivSibling = currentDiv.previousElementSibling === null ? currentDiv.nextElementSibling : currentDiv.previousElementSibling; var focusedElement = currentDivSibling.querySelector( '.is-focused' ); var focusedClass = 'is-focused'; var prevLi = getCurrentParent( event.target, '.main-navigation > div > ul > li', '.main-navigation' ).previousElementSibling; var nextLi = getCurrentParent( event.target, '.main-navigation > div > ul > li', '.main-navigation' ).nextElementSibling; if ( null !== focusedElement && null !== hasClass( focusedElement, focusedClass ) ) { deleteClass( focusedElement, focusedClass ); } // Add .is-focused class to top-level li. if ( getCurrentParent( event.target, '.main-navigation > div > ul > li', '.main-navigation' ) ) { addClass( getCurrentParent( event.target, '.main-navigation > div > ul > li', '.main-navigation' ), focusedClass ); } // Check for previous li. if ( prevLi && hasClass( prevLi, focusedClass ) ) { deleteClass( prevLi, focusedClass ); } // Check for next li. if ( nextLi && hasClass( nextLi, focusedClass ) ) { deleteClass( nextLi, focusedClass ); } } }, true); document.addEventListener('click', function(event) { // Remove all focused menu states when clicking outside site branding. if ( event.target !== document.getElementsByClassName( 'site-branding' )[0] ) { removeAllFocusStates(); } else { // Nothing. } }, false); } /** * Run our sub-menu function as soon as the document is `ready`. */ document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { toggleSubmenuDisplay(); }); /** * Run our sub-menu function on selective refresh in the customizer. */ document.addEventListener( 'customize-preview-menu-refreshed', function( e, params ) { if ( 'menu-1' === params.wpNavMenuArgs.theme_location ) { toggleSubmenuDisplay(); } }); /** * Run our sub-menu function every time the window resizes. */ var isResizing = false; window.addEventListener( 'resize', function() { isResizing = true; debounce( function() { if ( isResizing ) { return; } toggleSubmenuDisplay(); isResizing = false; }, 150 ); } ); })();