Direktori : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/src/surfaces/values/ |
Current File : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/src/surfaces/values/meta.php |
<?php namespace Yoast\WP\SEO\Surfaces\Values; use WPSEO_Replace_Vars; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Context\Meta_Tags_Context; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Exceptions\Forbidden_Property_Mutation_Exception; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Integrations\Front_End_Integration; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Models\Indexable; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Presenters\Abstract_Indexable_Presenter; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Presenters\Rel_Next_Presenter; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Presenters\Rel_Prev_Presenter; use Yoast\WP\SEO\Surfaces\Helpers_Surface; use YoastSEO_Vendor\Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface; /** * Meta value object. * * @property array $breadcrumbs The breadcrumbs array for the current page. * @property string $canonical The canonical URL for the current page. * @property string $company_name The company name from the Knowledge graph settings. * @property int $company_logo_id The attachment ID for the company logo. * @property string $description The meta description for the current page, if set. * @property int $estimated_reading_time_minutes The estimated reading time in minutes for posts. * @property Indexable $indexable The indexable object. * @property string $main_schema_id Schema ID that points to the main Schema thing on the page, usually the webpage or article Schema piece. * @property string $meta_description The meta description for the current page, if set. * @property string $open_graph_article_author The article:author value. * @property string $open_graph_article_modified_time The article:modified_time value. * @property string $open_graph_article_published_time The article:published_time value. * @property string $open_graph_article_publisher The article:publisher value. * @property string $open_graph_description The og:description. * @property bool $open_graph_enabled Whether OpenGraph is enabled on this site. * @property string $open_graph_fb_app_id The Facebook App ID. * @property array $open_graph_images The array of images we have for this page. * @property string $open_graph_locale The og:locale for the current page. * @property string $open_graph_publisher The OpenGraph publisher reference. * @property string $open_graph_site_name The og:site_name. * @property string $open_graph_title The og:title. * @property string $open_graph_type The og:type. * @property string $open_graph_url The og:url. * @property string $page_type The Schema page type. * @property array $robots An array of the robots values set for the current page. * @property string $rel_next The next page in the series, if any. * @property string $rel_prev The previous page in the series, if any. * @property array $schema The entire Schema array for the current page. * @property string $schema_page_type The Schema page type. * @property string $site_name The site name from the Yoast SEO settings. * @property string $site_represents Whether the site represents a 'person' or a 'company'. * @property array|false $site_represents_reference The schema reference ID for what this site represents. * @property string $site_url The site's main URL. * @property int $site_user_id If the site represents a 'person', this is the ID of the accompanying user profile. * @property string $title The SEO title for the current page. * @property string $twitter_card The Twitter card type for the current page. * @property string $twitter_creator The Twitter card author for the current page. * @property string $twitter_description The Twitter card description for the current page. * @property string $twitter_image The Twitter card image for the current page. * @property string $twitter_site The Twitter card site reference for the current page. * @property string $twitter_title The Twitter card title for the current page. * @property string $wordpress_site_name The site name from the WordPress settings. */ class Meta { /** * The container. * * @var ContainerInterface */ protected $container; /** * The meta tags context. * * @var Meta_Tags_Context */ protected $context; /** * The front end integration. * * @var Front_End_Integration */ protected $front_end; /** * The helpers surface. * * @var Helpers_Surface */ protected $helpers; /** * The replace vars helper * * @var WPSEO_Replace_Vars */ protected $replace_vars; /** * Collection of properties dynamically set via the magic __get() method. * * @var array<string, mixed> Key is the property name. */ private $properties_bin = []; /** * Create a meta value object. * * @param Meta_Tags_Context $context The indexable presentation. * @param ContainerInterface $container The DI container. */ public function __construct( Meta_Tags_Context $context, ContainerInterface $container ) { $this->container = $container; $this->context = $context; $this->helpers = $this->container->get( Helpers_Surface::class ); $this->replace_vars = $this->container->get( WPSEO_Replace_Vars::class ); $this->front_end = $this->container->get( Front_End_Integration::class ); } /** * Returns the output as would be presented in the head. * * @return object The HTML and JSON presentation of the head metadata. */ public function get_head() { $presenters = $this->get_presenters(); /** This filter is documented in src/integrations/front-end-integration.php */ $presentation = \apply_filters( 'wpseo_frontend_presentation', $this->context->presentation, $this->context ); $html_output = ''; $json_head_fields = []; foreach ( $presenters as $presenter ) { $presenter->presentation = $presentation; $presenter->replace_vars = $this->replace_vars; $presenter->helpers = $this->helpers; $html_output .= $this->create_html_presentation( $presenter ); $json_field = $this->create_json_field( $presenter ); // Only use the output of presenters that could successfully present their data. if ( $json_field !== null && ! empty( $json_field->key ) ) { $json_head_fields[ $json_field->key ] = $json_field->value; } } $html_output = \trim( $html_output ); return (object) [ 'html' => $html_output, 'json' => $json_head_fields, ]; } /** * Magic getter for presenting values through the appropriate presenter, if it exists. * * @param string $name The property to get. * * @return mixed The value, as presented by the appropriate presenter. */ public function __get( $name ) { if ( \array_key_exists( $name, $this->properties_bin ) ) { return $this->properties_bin[ $name ]; } /** This filter is documented in src/integrations/front-end-integration.php */ $presentation = \apply_filters( 'wpseo_frontend_presentation', $this->context->presentation, $this->context ); if ( ! isset( $presentation->{$name} ) ) { if ( isset( $this->context->{$name} ) ) { $this->properties_bin[ $name ] = $this->context->{$name}; return $this->properties_bin[ $name ]; } return null; } $presenter_namespace = 'Yoast\WP\SEO\Presenters\\'; $parts = \explode( '_', $name ); if ( $parts[0] === 'twitter' ) { $presenter_namespace .= 'Twitter\\'; $parts = \array_slice( $parts, 1 ); } elseif ( $parts[0] === 'open' && $parts[1] === 'graph' ) { $presenter_namespace .= 'Open_Graph\\'; $parts = \array_slice( $parts, 2 ); } $presenter_class = $presenter_namespace . \implode( '_', \array_map( 'ucfirst', $parts ) ) . '_Presenter'; if ( \class_exists( $presenter_class ) ) { /** * The indexable presenter. * * @var Abstract_Indexable_Presenter */ $presenter = new $presenter_class(); $presenter->presentation = $presentation; $presenter->helpers = $this->helpers; $presenter->replace_vars = $this->replace_vars; $value = $presenter->get(); } else { $value = $presentation->{$name}; } $this->properties_bin[ $name ] = $value; return $this->properties_bin[ $name ]; } /** * Magic isset for ensuring properties on the presentation are recognised. * * @param string $name The property to get. * * @return bool Whether or not the requested property exists. */ public function __isset( $name ) { if ( \array_key_exists( $name, $this->properties_bin ) ) { return true; } return isset( $this->context->presentation->{$name} ); } /** * Prevents setting dynamic properties and overwriting the value of declared properties * from an inaccessible context. * * @param string $name The property name. * @param mixed $value The property value. * * @return void * * @throws Forbidden_Property_Mutation_Exception Set is never meant to be called. */ public function __set( $name, $value ) { // @phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnusedFunctionParameter.FoundAfterLastUsed -- __set must have a name and value - PHPCS #3715. throw Forbidden_Property_Mutation_Exception::cannot_set_because_property_is_immutable( $name ); } /** * Prevents unsetting dynamic properties and unsetting declared properties * from an inaccessible context. * * @param string $name The property name. * * @return void * * @throws Forbidden_Property_Mutation_Exception Unset is never meant to be called. */ public function __unset( $name ) { throw Forbidden_Property_Mutation_Exception::cannot_unset_because_property_is_immutable( $name ); } /** * Strips all nested dependencies from the debug info. * * @return array */ public function __debugInfo() { return [ 'context' => $this->context ]; } /** * Returns all presenters. * * @return Abstract_Indexable_Presenter[] */ protected function get_presenters() { $presenters = $this->front_end->get_presenters( $this->context->page_type, $this->context ); if ( $this->context->page_type === 'Date_Archive' ) { /** * Define a filter that removes objects of type Rel_Next_Presenter or Rel_Prev_Presenter from a list. * * @param object $presenter The presenter to verify. * * @return bool True if the presenter is not a Rel_Next or Rel_Prev presenter. */ $callback = static function ( $presenter ) { return ! \is_a( $presenter, Rel_Next_Presenter::class ) && ! \is_a( $presenter, Rel_Prev_Presenter::class ); }; $presenters = \array_filter( $presenters, $callback ); } return $presenters; } /** * Uses the presenter to create a line of HTML. * * @param Abstract_Indexable_Presenter $presenter The presenter. * * @return string */ protected function create_html_presentation( $presenter ) { $presenter_output = $presenter->present(); if ( ! empty( $presenter_output ) ) { return $presenter_output . \PHP_EOL; } return ''; } /** * Converts a presenter's key and value to JSON. * * @param Abstract_Indexable_Presenter $presenter The presenter whose key and value are to be converted to JSON. * * @return object|null */ protected function create_json_field( $presenter ) { if ( $presenter->get_key() === 'NO KEY PROVIDED' ) { return null; } $value = $presenter->get(); if ( empty( $value ) ) { return null; } return (object) [ 'key' => $presenter->escape_key(), 'value' => $value, ]; } }