Direktori : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/ |
Current File : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/vendor/wordfence/wf-waf/src/lib/xmlrpc.php |
<?php if (defined('WFWAF_VERSION') && !defined('WFWAF_RUN_COMPLETE')) { /** * Adaptation of WordPress's XML-RPC message parser so we can use it without loading the full environment * */ class wfXMLRPCBody { var $header; var $doctype; var $message; var $messageType; // methodCall / methodResponse / fault var $faultCode; var $faultString; var $methodName; var $params; // Current variable stacks var $_arraystructs = array(); // The stack used to keep track of the current array/struct var $_arraystructstypes = array(); // Stack keeping track of if things are structs or array var $_currentStructName = array(); // A stack as well var $_param; var $_value; var $_currentTag; var $_currentTagContents; // The XML parser var $_parser; static function canParse() { return function_exists('xml_parser_create'); } /** * PHP5 constructor. */ function __construct( $message ) { $this->message =& $message; } function __toString() { $output = ''; if (isset($this->header)) { $output .= $this->header . "\n"; } if (isset($this->doctype)) { $output .= $this->doctype . "\n"; } $output .= '<methodCall><methodName>' . htmlentities($this->methodName, ENT_XML1) . '</methodName><params>' . $this->_paramsToString($this->params) . '</params></methodCall>'; return $output; } function _paramsToString($params, $parentType = false) { $output = ''; if (is_array($params)) { foreach ($params as $key => $p) { if (!$parentType) { //Top level $output .= '<param><value>'; } else if ($parentType == 'array') { $output .= '<value>'; } else if ($parentType == 'struct') { $output .= '<member><name>' . htmlentities($key, ENT_XML1) . '</name><value>'; } if ($p['tag'] == 'data') { $output .= '<array><data>' . $this->_paramsToString($p['value'], 'array') . '</data></array>'; } else if ($p['tag'] == 'struct') { $output .= '<struct>' . $this->_paramsToString($p['value'], 'struct') . '</struct>'; } else if ($p['tag'] == 'base64') { $output .= '<base64>' . base64_encode($p['value']) . '</base64>'; } else if ($p['tag'] == 'value') { $output .= htmlentities($p['value'], ENT_XML1); } else if ($p['tag'] == 'dateTime.iso8601') { $output .= $p['value']->getXml(); } else { $output .= '<' . $p['tag'] . '>' . htmlentities($p['value'], ENT_XML1) . '</' . $p['tag'] . '>'; } if (!$parentType) { //Top level $output .= '</value></param>'; } else if ($parentType == 'array') { $output .= '</value>'; } else if ($parentType == 'struct') { $output .= '</value></member>'; } } } return $output; } function parse() { if (!function_exists( 'xml_parser_create')) { return false; } // first remove the XML declaration if (preg_match('/<\?xml.*?\?'.'>/s', substr( $this->message, 0, 100 ), $matches)) { $this->header = $matches[0]; } $replacement = preg_replace( '/<\?xml.*?\?'.'>/s', '', substr( $this->message, 0, 100 ), 1 ); $this->message = trim( substr_replace( $this->message, $replacement, 0, 100 ) ); if ( '' == $this->message ) { return false; } // Then remove the DOCTYPE if (preg_match('/^<!DOCTYPE[^>]*+>/i', substr( $this->message, 0, 100 ), $matches)) { $this->doctype = $matches[0]; } $replacement = preg_replace( '/^<!DOCTYPE[^>]*+>/i', '', substr( $this->message, 0, 200 ), 1 ); $this->message = trim( substr_replace( $this->message, $replacement, 0, 200 ) ); if ( '' == $this->message ) { return false; } // Check that the root tag is valid $root_tag = substr( $this->message, 0, strcspn( substr( $this->message, 0, 20 ), "> \t\r\n" ) ); if ( '<!DOCTYPE' === strtoupper( $root_tag ) ) { return false; } if ( ! in_array( $root_tag, array( '<methodCall', '<methodResponse', '<fault' ) ) ) { return false; } // Bail if there are too many elements to parse $element_limit = 30000; if ( $element_limit && 2 * $element_limit < substr_count( $this->message, '<' ) ) { return false; } $this->_parser = xml_parser_create(); // Set XML parser to take the case of tags in to account xml_parser_set_option($this->_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false); // Set XML parser callback functions xml_set_object($this->_parser, $this); xml_set_element_handler($this->_parser, 'tag_open', 'tag_close'); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->_parser, 'cdata'); // 256Kb, parse in chunks to avoid the RAM usage on very large messages $chunk_size = 262144; $final = false; do { if (strlen($this->message) <= $chunk_size) { $final = true; } $part = substr($this->message, 0, $chunk_size); $this->message = substr($this->message, $chunk_size); if (!xml_parse($this->_parser, $part, $final)) { return false; } if ($final) { break; } } while (true); xml_parser_free($this->_parser); // Grab the error messages, if any if ($this->messageType == 'fault') { $this->faultCode = $this->params[0]['faultCode']; $this->faultString = $this->params[0]['faultString']; } return true; } function tag_open($parser, $tag, $attr) { $this->_currentTagContents = ''; $this->_currentTag = $tag; switch($tag) { case 'methodCall': case 'methodResponse': case 'fault': $this->messageType = $tag; break; /* Deal with stacks of arrays and structs */ case 'data': // data is to all intents and puposes more interesting than array $this->_arraystructstypes[] = 'array'; $this->_arraystructs[] = array(); break; case 'struct': $this->_arraystructstypes[] = 'struct'; $this->_arraystructs[] = array(); break; } } function cdata($parser, $cdata) { $this->_currentTagContents .= $cdata; } function tag_close($parser, $tag) { $valueFlag = false; switch($tag) { case 'int': case 'i4': $value = (int)trim($this->_currentTagContents); $valueFlag = true; break; case 'double': $value = (double)trim($this->_currentTagContents); $valueFlag = true; break; case 'string': $value = (string)trim($this->_currentTagContents); $valueFlag = true; break; case 'dateTime.iso8601': $value = new wfXMLRPCDate(trim($this->_currentTagContents)); $valueFlag = true; break; case 'value': // "If no type is indicated, the type is string." if (trim($this->_currentTagContents) != '') { $value = (string)$this->_currentTagContents; $valueFlag = true; } break; case 'boolean': $value = (boolean)trim($this->_currentTagContents); $valueFlag = true; break; case 'base64': $value = base64_decode($this->_currentTagContents); $valueFlag = true; break; /* Deal with stacks of arrays and structs */ case 'data': case 'struct': $value = array_pop($this->_arraystructs); array_pop($this->_arraystructstypes); $valueFlag = true; break; case 'member': array_pop($this->_currentStructName); break; case 'name': $this->_currentStructName[] = trim($this->_currentTagContents); break; case 'methodName': $this->methodName = trim($this->_currentTagContents); break; } if ($valueFlag) { if (count($this->_arraystructs) > 0) { // Add value to struct or array if ($this->_arraystructstypes[count($this->_arraystructstypes)-1] == 'struct') { // Add to struct $this->_arraystructs[count($this->_arraystructs)-1][$this->_currentStructName[count($this->_currentStructName)-1]] = array('tag' => $tag, 'value' => $value); } else { // Add to array $this->_arraystructs[count($this->_arraystructs)-1][] = array('tag' => $tag, 'value' => $value); } } else { // Just add as a parameter $this->params[] = array('tag' => $tag, 'value' => $value); } } $this->_currentTagContents = ''; } } class wfXMLRPCDate { var $year; var $month; var $day; var $hour; var $minute; var $second; var $timezone; function __construct( $time ) { // $time can be a PHP timestamp or an ISO one if (is_numeric($time)) { $this->parseTimestamp($time); } else { $this->parseIso($time); } } function parseTimestamp($timestamp) { $this->year = date('Y', $timestamp); $this->month = date('m', $timestamp); $this->day = date('d', $timestamp); $this->hour = date('H', $timestamp); $this->minute = date('i', $timestamp); $this->second = date('s', $timestamp); $this->timezone = ''; } function parseIso($iso) { $this->year = substr($iso, 0, 4); $this->month = substr($iso, 4, 2); $this->day = substr($iso, 6, 2); $this->hour = substr($iso, 9, 2); $this->minute = substr($iso, 12, 2); $this->second = substr($iso, 15, 2); $this->timezone = substr($iso, 17); } function getIso() { return $this->year.$this->month.$this->day.'T'.$this->hour.':'.$this->minute.':'.$this->second.$this->timezone; } function getXml() { return '<dateTime.iso8601>'.$this->getIso().'</dateTime.iso8601>'; } function getTimestamp() { return mktime($this->hour, $this->minute, $this->second, $this->month, $this->day, $this->year); } } }