Direktori : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/ |
Current File : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/wfImportExportController.php |
<?php class wfImportExportController { /** * Returns the singleton wfImportExportController. * * @return wfImportExportController */ public static function shared() { static $_shared = null; if ($_shared === null) { $_shared = new wfImportExportController(); } return $_shared; } public function export() { $export = array(); //Basic Options $keys = wfConfig::getExportableOptionsKeys(); foreach ($keys as $key) { $export[$key] = wfConfig::get($key, ''); } //Serialized Options $export['scanSched'] = wfConfig::get_ser('scanSched', array()); //Table-based Options $export['blocks'] = wfBlock::exportBlocks(); //Make the API call try { $api = new wfAPI(wfConfig::get('apiKey'), wfUtils::getWPVersion()); $res = $api->call('export_options', array(), array('export' => json_encode($export))); if ($res['ok'] && $res['token']) { return array( 'ok' => 1, 'token' => $res['token'], ); } else if ($res['err']) { return array('err' => __("An error occurred: ", 'wordfence') . $res['err']); } else { throw new Exception(__("Invalid response: ", 'wordfence') . var_export($res, true)); } } catch (Exception $e) { return array('err' => __("An error occurred: ", 'wordfence') . $e->getMessage()); } } public function import($token) { try { $api = new wfAPI(wfConfig::get('apiKey'), wfUtils::getWPVersion()); $res = $api->call('import_options', array(), array('token' => $token)); if ($res['ok'] && $res['export']) { $totalSet = 0; $import = @json_decode($res['export'], true); if (!is_array($import)) { return array('err' => __("An error occurred: Invalid options format received.", 'wordfence')); } //Basic Options $keys = wfConfig::getExportableOptionsKeys(); $toSet = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (isset($import[$key])) { $toSet[$key] = $import[$key]; } } if (count($toSet)) { $validation = wfConfig::validate($toSet); $skipped = array(); if ($validation !== true) { foreach ($validation as $error) { $skipped[$error['option']] = $error['error']; unset($toSet[$error['option']]); } } $totalSet += count($toSet); wfConfig::save(wfConfig::clean($toSet)); } //Serialized Options if (isset($import['scanSched']) && is_array($import['scanSched'])) { wfConfig::set_ser('scanSched', $import['scanSched']); wfScanner::shared()->scheduleScans(); $totalSet++; } //Table-based Options if (isset($import['blocks']) && is_array($import['blocks'])) { wfBlock::importBlocks($import['blocks']); $totalSet += count($import['blocks']); } return array( 'ok' => 1, 'totalSet' => $totalSet, ); } else if ($res['err']) { return array('err' => sprintf(/* translators: Error message. */ __("An error occurred: %s", 'wordfence'), $res['err'])); } else { throw new Exception(sprintf(/* translators: Error message. */ __("Invalid response: %s", 'wordfence'), var_export($res, true))); } } catch (Exception $e) { return array('err' => sprintf(/* translators: Error message. */ __("An error occurred: %s", 'wordfence'), $e->getMessage())); } } }