Direktori : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/src/Libs/Snap/ |
Current File : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/src/Libs/Snap/SnapLog.php |
<?php /** * * @package Duplicator * @copyright (c) 2022, Snap Creek LLC */ namespace Duplicator\Libs\Snap; use Error; use Exception; class SnapLog { /** @var ?string */ public static $logFilepath = null; /** @var ?resource */ public static $logHandle = null; /** * Init log file * * @param string $logFilepath lof file path * * @return void */ public static function init($logFilepath) { self::$logFilepath = $logFilepath; } /** * write in PHP error log with DUP prefix * * @param string $message error message * @param int $type error type * * @return bool true on success or false on failure. * * @link https://php.net/manual/en/function.error-log.php */ public static function phpErr($message, $type = 0) { if (function_exists('error_log')) { return error_log('DUP:' . $message, $type); } else { return true; } } /** * Remove file log if exists * * @return void */ public static function clearLog() { if (file_exists(self::$logFilepath)) { if (self::$logHandle !== null) { fflush(self::$logHandle); fclose(self::$logHandle); self::$logHandle = null; } @unlink(self::$logFilepath); } } /** * Write in log passed object * * @param string $s log string * @param mixed $o object to print * @param boolean $flush if true flush log file * * @return void */ public static function logObject($s, $o, $flush = false) { self::log($s, $flush); self::log(print_r($o, true), $flush); } /** * Write in log file * * @param string $s string to write * @param boolean $flush if true flush log file * @param ?callable $callingFunctionOverride @deprecated 4.0.4 not used * * @return void */ public static function log($s, $flush = false, $callingFunctionOverride = null) { // echo "{$s}<br/>"; $lfp = self::$logFilepath; // echo "logging $s to {$lfp}<br/>"; if (self::$logFilepath === null) { throw new Exception('Logging not initialized'); } if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT'])) { $timepart = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']; } else { $timepart = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']; } $thread_id = sprintf("%08x", abs(crc32($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $timepart . $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT']))); $s = $thread_id . ' ' . date('h:i:s') . ":$s"; if (self::$logHandle === null) { self::$logHandle = fopen(self::$logFilepath, 'a'); } fwrite(self::$logHandle, "$s\n"); if ($flush) { fflush(self::$logHandle); fclose(self::$logHandle); self::$logHandle = fopen(self::$logFilepath, 'a'); } } /** * Get formatted string fo value * * @param mixed $var value to convert to string * @param bool $checkCallable if true check if var is callable and display it * * @return string */ public static function v2str($var, $checkCallable = false) { if ($checkCallable && is_callable($var)) { return '(callable) ' . print_r($var, true); } switch (gettype($var)) { case "boolean": return $var ? 'true' : 'false'; case "integer": case "double": return (string) $var; case "string": return '"' . $var . '"'; case "array": case "object": return print_r($var, true); case "resource": case "resource (closed)": case "NULL": case "unknown type": default: return gettype($var); } } /** * Get backtrace of calling line * * @param string $message message * * @return string */ public static function getCurrentbacktrace($message = 'getCurrentLineTrace') { $callers = debug_backtrace(); array_shift($callers); $file = $callers[0]['file']; $line = $callers[0]['line']; $result = 'BACKTRACE: ' . $message . "\n"; $result .= "\t[" . $file . ':' . $line . "]\n"; $result .= self::traceToString($callers, 1, true); return $result; } /** * Get trace string * * @param mixed[] $callers result of debug_backtrace * @param int $fromLevel level to start * @param bool $tab if true apply tab foreach line * * @return string */ public static function traceToString($callers, $fromLevel = 0, $tab = false) { $result = ''; for ($i = $fromLevel; $i < count($callers); $i++) { $result .= ($tab ? "\t" : ''); $trace = $callers[$i]; if (!empty($trace['class'])) { $result .= str_pad('TRACE[' . $i . '] CLASS___: ' . $trace['class'] . $trace['type'] . $trace['function'], 45, ' '); } else { $result .= str_pad('TRACE[' . $i . '] FUNCTION: ' . $trace['function'], 45, ' '); } if (isset($trace['file'])) { $result .= ' FILE: ' . $trace['file'] . '[' . $trace['line'] . ']'; } else { $result .= ' NO FILE'; } $result .= "\n"; } return $result; } /** * Get exception message file line trace * * @param Exception|Error $e exception object * @param bool $displayMessage if true diplay exception message * * @return string */ public static function getTextException($e, $displayMessage = true) { $result = ($displayMessage ? $e->getMessage() . "\n" : ''); return $result . "FILE:" . $e->getFile() . '[' . $e->getLIne() . "]\n" . "TRACE:\n" . $e->getTraceAsString(); } }