Direktori : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/src/Libs/Snap/ |
Current File : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/src/Libs/Snap/SnapIO.php |
<?php /** * * @package Duplicator * @copyright (c) 2022, Snap Creek LLC */ namespace Duplicator\Libs\Snap; use Error; use Exception; class SnapIO { // Real upper bound of a signed int is 214748364. // The value chosen below, makes sure we have a buffer of ~4.7 million. const FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_32BIT = 1900000000; const FWRITE_CHUNK_SIZE = 4096; // bytes /** * Return include file in a string * * @param string $path inclue path * @param array<string, mixed> $args array key/val where key is the var name in include * @param bool $required if true is required * * @return string * * @throws Exception // thorw exception if is $required and file can't be read */ public static function getInclude($path, $args = array(), $required = true) { if (!is_readable($path)) { if ($required) { throw new Exception('Can\'t read required file ' . $path); } else { return ''; } } foreach ($args as $var => $value) { ${$var} = $value; } ob_start(); if ($required) { require($path); } else { include($path); } return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Copy file * * @param string $source source path * @param string $dest detination path * @param boolean $overwriteIfExists if true and file exists the file is overwritten * * @return boolean Returns true on success or false on failure. */ public static function copy($source, $dest, $overwriteIfExists = true) { if (file_exists($dest)) { if ($overwriteIfExists) { self::rm($dest); } else { return false; } } return copy($source, $dest); } /** * Copy part of file, if offset is 0 anf to file exists is truncated * * @param string|resource $from file name or resource * @param string|resource $to file name or resource * @param int<0, max> $offset copy offset * @param int<-1, max> $length copy if -1 copy ot the end of file * * @return bool true on success or false on fail. */ public static function copyFilePart($from, $to, $offset = 0, $length = -1) { $closeFrom = false; $closeTo = false; $fromStream = null; $toStream = null; if (is_resource($from)) { $fromStream = $from; } else { if (!is_file((string) $from)) { return false; } if (($fromStream = self::fopen($from, 'r')) === false) { return false; } $closeFrom = true; } if (is_resource($to)) { $toStream = $to; } else { $mode = ($offset == 0 ? 'w+' : 'c+'); if (($toStream = SnapIO::fopen($to, $mode)) === false) { return false; } $closeTo = true; } if ($offset === 0) { if (ftruncate($toStream, 0) === false) { return false; } } if (fseek($toStream, $offset) === -1) { return false; } if ($closeFrom && is_resource($fromStream)) { fclose($fromStream); } if ($closeTo && is_resource($toStream)) { fclose($toStream); } return (stream_copy_to_stream($fromStream, $toStream, ($length < 0 ? null : $length), $offset) !== false); } /** * Copy recursive folder content * * @param string $source source path * @param string $dest detination path * * @return boolean Returns true on success or false on failure. */ public static function rcopy($source, $dest) { if (!is_readable($source)) { return false; } if (is_dir($source)) { if (!file_exists($dest)) { if (!self::mkdir($dest)) { return false; } } if (($handle = opendir($source)) == false) { return false; } while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if ($file == "." || $file == "..") { continue; } if (!self::rcopy($source . '/' . $file, $dest . '/' . $file)) { closedir($handle); return false; } } closedir($handle); return true; } else { return copy($source, $dest); } } /** * Untrailingslashit path * * @param string $path file path * * @return string */ public static function untrailingslashit($path) { return rtrim($path, '/\\'); } /** * Trailingslashit path * * @param string $path file path * * @return string */ public static function trailingslashit($path) { return self::untrailingslashit($path) . '/'; } /** * Normalize path * * @param string $path file path * @param boolean $real if true apply realpath function * * @return string */ public static function safePath($path, $real = false) { if ($real) { if (($res = realpath($path)) === false) { $res = $path; } } else { $res = $path; } return self::normalizePath($res); } /** * Untrailingslashit and normalize path * * @param string $path file path * @param boolean $real if true apply realpath function * * @return string */ public static function safePathUntrailingslashit($path, $real = false) { if ($real) { if (($res = realpath($path)) === false) { $res = $path; } } else { $res = $path; } return rtrim(self::normalizePath($res), '/'); } /** * Trailingslashit and normalize path * * @param string $path file path * @param boolean $real if true apply realpath function * * @return string */ public static function safePathTrailingslashit($path, $real = false) { return self::safePathUntrailingslashit($path, $real) . '/'; } /** * Remove file path * * @param string $file path * * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public static function unlink($file) { try { if (!file_exists($file)) { return true; } if (!function_exists('unlink') || is_dir($file)) { return false; } self::chmod($file, 'u+rw'); return @unlink($file); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } catch (Error $e) { return false; } } /** * Rename file from old name to new name * * @param string $oldname path * @param string $newname path * @param bool $removeIfExists if true remove exists file * * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public static function rename($oldname, $newname, $removeIfExists = false) { try { if (!file_exists($oldname) || !function_exists('rename')) { return false; } if ($removeIfExists && file_exists($newname)) { if (!self::rrmdir($newname)) { return false; } } return @rename($oldname, $newname); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } catch (Error $e) { return false; } } /** * Open file * * @param string $filepath File path * @param string $mode The mode parameter specifies the type of access you require to the stream. * @param boolean $throwOnError thorw exception on error * * @return boolean|resource Returns a file pointer resource on success, or false on failure */ public static function fopen($filepath, $mode, $throwOnError = true) { if (strlen($filepath) > PHP_MAXPATHLEN) { throw new Exception('Skipping a file that exceeds allowed max path length [' . PHP_MAXPATHLEN . ']. File: ' . $filepath); } if (SnapString::startsWith($mode, 'w') || SnapString::startsWith($mode, 'c') || file_exists($filepath)) { $file_handle = @fopen($filepath, $mode); } else { if ($throwOnError) { throw new Exception("$filepath doesn't exist"); } else { return false; } } if (!is_resource($file_handle)) { if ($throwOnError) { throw new Exception("Error opening $filepath"); } else { return false; } } else { return $file_handle; } } /** * Touch file * * @param string $filepath File path * @param int $time The touch time. If time is not supplied, the current system time is used. * * @return bool Returns true on success or false on failure. */ public static function touch($filepath, $time = null) { if (!function_exists('touch')) { return false; } if ($time === null) { $time = time(); } return @touch($filepath, $time); } /** * Remove folder * * @param string $dirname dir path * @param boolean $mustExist if true and folder don't esist thorw error * * @return void */ public static function rmdir($dirname, $mustExist = false) { if (file_exists($dirname)) { self::chmod($dirname, 'u+rwx'); if (self::rrmdir($dirname) === false) { throw new Exception("Couldn't remove {$dirname}"); } } elseif ($mustExist) { throw new Exception("{$dirname} doesn't exist"); } } /** * Remove file * * @param string $filepath file path * @param boolean $mustExist if true and folder don't esist thorw error * * @return void */ public static function rm($filepath, $mustExist = false) { if (file_exists($filepath)) { self::chmod($filepath, 'u+rw'); if (@unlink($filepath) === false) { throw new Exception("Couldn't remove {$filepath}"); } } elseif ($mustExist) { throw new Exception("{$filepath} doesn't exist"); } } /** * string string in file * * @param resource $handle file handle * @param string $string fwrite string * * @return int bytes written */ public static function fwrite($handle, $string) { $bytes_written = @fwrite($handle, $string); if ($bytes_written != strlen($string)) { throw new Exception('Error writing all bytes to file.'); } else { return $bytes_written; } } /** * Wrinte file in chunk mode. For big data. * * @param resource $handle file handle * @param string $content fwrite string * * @return int bytes written * * @throws Exception */ public static function fwriteChunked($handle, $content) { if (strlen($content) == 0) { return 0; } $pieces = str_split($content, self::FWRITE_CHUNK_SIZE); $written = 0; foreach ($pieces as $piece) { if (($fwResult = @fwrite($handle, $piece, self::FWRITE_CHUNK_SIZE)) === false) { throw new Exception('Error writing to file.'); } $written += $fwResult; } if ($written != strlen($content)) { throw new Exception('Error writing all bytes to file.'); } return $written; } /** * Append file $from to file $to, if $to file don't exits create it. * In case of error throw exceptions. * * @param string $from file path * @param string $to file path * * @return int writte bytes */ public static function appendFileToFile($from, $to) { try { $written = 0; $fromHd = false; $toHd = false; if (!file_exists($from) || !is_readable($from)) { throw new Exception('File: ' . $from . ' don\'t exists os isn\'t readable'); } if (file_exists($to) && !is_writable($to)) { throw new Exception('File: ' . $to . ' isn\'t writeable'); } if (($fromHd = @fopen($from, "rb")) === false) { throw new Exception('Could not open file: ' . $from); } if (($toHd = @fopen($to, "ab")) === false) { throw new Exception('Could not open file: ' . $to); } if (($fromStat = fstat($fromHd)) == false) { throw new Exception('Can\t stat file: ' . $from); } while ($buffer = fread($fromHd, self::FWRITE_CHUNK_SIZE)) { if (($fwResult = @fwrite($toHd, $buffer)) === false) { throw new Exception('Error writing to file ' . $to); } $written += $fwResult; } if ($written != $fromStat['size']) { throw new Exception('Error on file append, written bytes ' . $written . ' expected ' . $fromStat['size']); } } catch (Exception $e) { if ($fromHd !== false) { fclose($fromHd); } if ($toHd !== false) { fclose($toHd); } throw $e; } fclose($fromHd); fclose($toHd); return $written; } /** * File get * * @param resource $handle file handle * @param int $length max num bytes * * @return string */ public static function fgets($handle, $length) { $line = fgets($handle, $length); if ($line === false) { throw new Exception('Error reading line.'); } return $line; } /** * File close * * @param resource $handle file handle * @param boolean $exception_on_fail if true thorw exception on fail * * @return void */ public static function fclose($handle, $exception_on_fail = true) { if ((@fclose($handle) === false) && $exception_on_fail) { throw new Exception("Error closing file"); } } /** * Exec a flock, thow exception on failure * * @param resource $handle file handle * @param int $operation flock openration * * @return void */ public static function flock($handle, $operation) { if (@flock($handle, $operation) === false) { throw new Exception("Error locking file"); } } /** * Returns the current position of the file read/write pointer * throw exception on failure * * @param resource $file_handle file handle * * @return int */ public static function ftell($file_handle) { $position = @ftell($file_handle); if ($position === false) { throw new Exception("Couldn't retrieve file offset."); } else { return $position; } } /** * Safely remove a directory and recursively files and directory upto multiple sublevels * * @param string $path The full path to the directory to remove * * @return bool Returns true if all content was removed */ public static function rrmdir($path) { if (is_dir($path)) { if (($dh = opendir($path)) === false) { return false; } while (($object = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($object == "." || $object == "..") { continue; } if (!self::rrmdir($path . "/" . $object)) { closedir($dh); return false; } } closedir($dh); return @rmdir($path); } else { if (is_writable($path)) { return @unlink($path); } else { return false; } } } /** * Return files size, throw eception on failure * * @param string $filename file path * * @return int */ public static function filesize($filename) { $file_size = @filesize($filename); if ($file_size === false) { throw new Exception("Error retrieving file size of $filename"); } return $file_size; } /** * Fseek on file, throw exception on failure * * @param resource $handle file handle * @param int $offset The offset. * @param int $whence whence values are: SEEK_SET * - Set position equal to offset bytes. SEEK_CUR * - Set position to current location plus offset. SEEK_END * - Set position to end-of-file plus offset. * * @return void */ public static function fseek($handle, $offset, $whence = SEEK_SET) { $ret_val = @fseek($handle, $offset, $whence); if ($ret_val !== 0) { $filepath = stream_get_meta_data($handle); $filepath = $filepath["uri"]; $filesize = self::filesize($filepath); if ( abs($offset) > self::FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_32BIT || $filesize > self::FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_32BIT || ($offset <= 0 && ($whence == SEEK_SET || $whence == SEEK_END)) ) { //This check is not strict, but in most cases 32 Bit PHP will be the issue throw new Snap32BitSizeLimitException("Trying to seek on a file beyond the capability of 32 bit PHP. offset=$offset filesize=$filesize"); } else { throw new Exception("Error seeking to file offset $offset. Retval = $ret_val"); } } } /** * Gets file modification time * * @param string $filename file path * * @return int|false the time the file was last modified, or false on failure. * The time is returned as a Unix timestamp, which is suitable for the date function */ public static function filemtime($filename) { $mtime = filemtime($filename); if ($mtime === false) { throw new Exception("Cannot retrieve last modified time of $filename"); } return $mtime; } /** * File put content, thorw exception on failure * * @param string $filename file path * @param mixed $data The data to write. Can be either a string, an array or a stream resource. * @return bool */ public static function filePutContents($filename, $data) { if (($dirFile = realpath(dirname($filename))) === false) { throw new Exception('FILE ERROR: put_content for file ' . $filename . ' failed [realpath fail]'); } if (!is_dir($dirFile)) { throw new Exception('FILE ERROR: put_content for file ' . $filename . ' failed [dir ' . $dirFile . ' doesn\'t exist]'); } if (!is_writable($dirFile)) { throw new Exception('FILE ERROR: put_content for file ' . $filename . ' failed [dir ' . $dirFile . ' exists but isn\'t writable]'); } $realFileName = $dirFile . basename($filename); if (file_exists($realFileName) && !is_writable($realFileName)) { throw new Exception('FILE ERROR: put_content for file ' . $filename . ' failed [file exist ' . $realFileName . ' but isn\'t writable'); } if (file_put_contents($filename, $data) === false) { throw new Exception('FILE ERROR: put_content for file ' . $filename . ' failed [Couldn\'t write data to ' . $realFileName . ']'); } return true; } /** * this function make a chmod only if the are different from perms input and if chmod function is enabled * * this function handles the variable MODE in a way similar to the chmod of lunux * So the MODE variable can be * 1) an octal number (0755) * 2) a string that defines an octal number ("644") * 3) a string with the following format [ugoa]*([-+=]([rwx]*)+ * * examples * u+rw add read and write at the user * u+rw,uo-wx add read and write ad the user and remove wx at groupd and other * a=rw is equal at 666 * u=rwx,go-rwx is equal at 700 * * @param string $file file path * @param int|string $mode permission mode * * @return boolean */ public static function chmod($file, $mode) { if (!file_exists($file)) { return false; } $octalMode = 0; if (is_int($mode)) { $octalMode = $mode; } elseif (is_numeric($mode)) { $octalMode = intval((($mode[0] === '0' ? '' : '0') . $mode), 8); } elseif (is_string($mode) && preg_match_all('/(a|[ugo]{1,3})([-=+])([rwx]{1,3})/', $mode, $gMatch, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { if (!function_exists('fileperms')) { return false; } // start by file permission $octalMode = (fileperms($file) & 0777); foreach ($gMatch as $matches) { // [ugo] or a = ugo $group = $matches[1]; if ($group === 'a') { $group = 'ugo'; } // can be + - = $action = $matches[2]; // [rwx] $gPerms = $matches[3]; // reset octal group perms $octalGroupMode = 0; // Init sub perms $subPerm = 0; $subPerm += strpos($gPerms, 'x') !== false ? 1 : 0; // mask 001 $subPerm += strpos($gPerms, 'w') !== false ? 2 : 0; // mask 010 $subPerm += strpos($gPerms, 'r') !== false ? 4 : 0; // mask 100 $ugoLen = strlen($group); if ($action === '=') { // generate octal group permsissions and ugo mask invert $ugoMaskInvert = 0777; for ($i = 0; $i < $ugoLen; $i++) { switch ($group[$i]) { case 'u': $octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm << 6; // mask xxx000000 $ugoMaskInvert = $ugoMaskInvert & 077; break; case 'g': $octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm << 3; // mask 000xxx000 $ugoMaskInvert = $ugoMaskInvert & 0707; break; case 'o': $octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm; // mask 000000xxx $ugoMaskInvert = $ugoMaskInvert & 0770; break; } } // apply = action $octalMode = $octalMode & ($ugoMaskInvert | $octalGroupMode); } else { // generate octal group permsissions for ($i = 0; $i < $ugoLen; $i++) { switch ($group[$i]) { case 'u': $octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm << 6; // mask xxx000000 break; case 'g': $octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm << 3; // mask 000xxx000 break; case 'o': $octalGroupMode = $octalGroupMode | $subPerm; // mask 000000xxx break; } } // apply + or - action switch ($action) { case '+': $octalMode = $octalMode | $octalGroupMode; break; case '-': $octalMode = $octalMode & ~$octalGroupMode; break; } } } } else { return true; } // if input permissions are equal at file permissions return true without performing chmod if (function_exists('fileperms') && $octalMode === (fileperms($file) & 0777)) { return true; } if (!function_exists('chmod')) { return false; } return @chmod($file, $octalMode); } /** * Return file perms in string * * @param int|string $perms permssions * * @return string|false false if fail */ public static function permsToString($perms) { if (is_int($perms)) { return decoct($perms); } elseif (is_numeric($perms)) { return ($perms[0] === '0' ? '' : '0') . $perms; } elseif (is_string($perms)) { return $perms; } else { return false; } } /** * this function creates a folder if it does not exist and performs a chmod. * it is different from the normal mkdir function to which an umask is applied to the input permissions. * * this function handles the variable MODE in a way similar to the chmod of lunux * So the MODE variable can be * 1) an octal number (0755) * 2) a string that defines an octal number ("644") * 3) a string with the following format [ugoa]*([-+=]([rwx]*)+ * * @param string $path folder path * @param int|string $mode mode permissions * @param bool $recursive Allows the creation of nested directories specified in the pathname. Default to false. * @param resource $context not used for windows bug * * @return boolean bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. * * @todo check recursive true and multiple chmod */ public static function mkdir($path, $mode = 0777, $recursive = false, $context = null) { if (strlen($path) > PHP_MAXPATHLEN) { throw new Exception('Skipping a file that exceeds allowed max path length [' . PHP_MAXPATHLEN . ']. File: ' . $path); } if (!file_exists($path)) { if (!function_exists('mkdir')) { return false; } if (!@mkdir($path, 0777, $recursive)) { return false; } } return self::chmod($path, $mode); } /** * this function call snap mkdir if te folder don't exists od don't have write or exec permissions * * this function handles the variable MODE in a way similar to the chmod of lunux * The mode variable can be set to have more flexibility but not giving the user write and read and exec permissions doesn't make much sense * * @param string $path folder path * @param int|string $mode mode permissions * @param bool $recursive Allows the creation of nested directories specified in the pathname. Default to false. * @param resource $context not used for windows bug * * @return boolean bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. */ public static function dirWriteCheckOrMkdir($path, $mode = 'u+rwx', $recursive = false, $context = null) { if (!file_exists($path)) { return self::mkdir($path, $mode, $recursive, $context); } elseif (!is_writable($path) || (function_exists('is_executable') && !is_executable($path))) { return self::chmod($path, $mode); } else { return true; } } /** * Create an empty index.php file in dir. * * @param string $dir Dir where create index.php * * @return bool true on success, false on failure */ public static function createSilenceIndex($dir) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { return false; } $path = self::trailingslashit($dir) . 'index.php'; if (!file_exists($path)) { $fileContent = <<<INDEXPHP <?php // silence INDEXPHP; return (file_put_contents($path, $fileContent) !== false); } return true; } /** * from wordpress function wp_is_stream * * @param string $path The resource path or URL. * * @return bool True if the path is a stream URL. */ public static function isStream($path) { $scheme_separator = strpos($path, '://'); if (false === $scheme_separator) { // $path isn't a stream return false; } $stream = substr($path, 0, $scheme_separator); return in_array($stream, stream_get_wrappers(), true); } /** * From Wordpress function: wp_mkdir_p * * Recursive directory creation based on full path. * * Will attempt to set permissions on folders. * * @param string $target Full path to attempt to create. * * @return bool Whether the path was created. True if path already exists. */ public static function mkdirP($target) { $wrapper = null; // Strip the protocol. if (self::isStream($target)) { list( $wrapper, $target ) = explode('://', $target, 2); } // From php.net/mkdir user contributed notes. $target = str_replace('//', '/', $target); // Put the wrapper back on the target. if ($wrapper !== null) { $target = $wrapper . '://' . $target; } /* * Safe mode fails with a trailing slash under certain PHP versions. * Use rtrim() instead of untrailingslashit to avoid formatting.php dependency. */ $target = rtrim($target, '/'); if (empty($target)) { $target = '/'; } if (file_exists($target)) { return @is_dir($target); } // We need to find the permissions of the parent folder that exists and inherit that. $target_parent = dirname($target); while ('.' != $target_parent && !is_dir($target_parent) && dirname($target_parent) !== $target_parent) { $target_parent = dirname($target_parent); } // Get the permission bits. if ($stat = @stat($target_parent)) { $dir_perms = $stat['mode'] & 0007777; } else { $dir_perms = 0777; } if (@mkdir($target, $dir_perms, true)) { /* * If a umask is set that modifies $dir_perms, we'll have to re-set * the $dir_perms correctly with chmod() */ if ($dir_perms != ( $dir_perms & ~umask() )) { $folder_parts = explode('/', substr($target, strlen($target_parent) + 1)); for ($i = 1, $c = count($folder_parts); $i <= $c; $i++) { @chmod($target_parent . '/' . implode('/', array_slice($folder_parts, 0, $i)), $dir_perms); } } return true; } return false; } /** * This function returns the relative path to mainPath * * @param string $path file path * @param string $mainPath main path * @param bool $real if true check real path * * @return bool|string false if path isn't a sub path of main path or return the relative path */ public static function getRelativePath($path, $mainPath, $real = false) { if (strlen($mainPath) == 0) { return ltrim(self::safePathUntrailingslashit($path, $real), '/'); } $safePath = self::safePathUntrailingslashit($path, $real); $safeMainPath = self::safePathUntrailingslashit($mainPath, $real); if ($safePath === $safeMainPath) { return ''; } elseif (strpos($safePath, self::trailingslashit($safeMainPath)) === 0) { return ltrim(substr($safePath, strlen($safeMainPath)), '/'); } else { return false; } } /** * Check if path is child of mainPath * * @param string $path file path * @param string $mainPath main path * @param boolean $reverseCheck if true check if path is child of mainpath and if mainPash is child of path * @param boolean $trueIfEquals if paths are equals and is true return true else false * * @return boolean */ public static function isChildPath($path, $mainPath, $reverseCheck = false, $trueIfEquals = true) { if (strlen($mainPath) == 0) { return true; } if ($reverseCheck && strlen($path) == 0) { return true; } $safePath = self::safePathUntrailingslashit($path); $safeMainPath = self::safePathUntrailingslashit($mainPath); if ($safePath === $safeMainPath) { return $trueIfEquals; } elseif (strpos($safePath, self::trailingslashit($safeMainPath)) === 0) { return true; } elseif ($reverseCheck && strpos($safeMainPath, self::trailingslashit($safePath)) === 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Return sorted array by subfolders count * * @param string[] $paths paths lists * @param boolean $childsFirst if true put childs before parents * @param boolean $maintainIndex if true maintain array indexes * @param boolean $sortKeys if true sort by keys * * @return string[] */ public static function sortBySubfoldersCount($paths, $childsFirst = false, $maintainIndex = false, $sortKeys = false) { if ($sortKeys) { $function = 'uksort'; } elseif ($maintainIndex) { $function = 'uasort'; } else { $function = 'usort'; } $function($paths, function ($a, $b) use ($childsFirst) { $lenA = count(preg_split('/[\\\\\/]+/', $a)); $lenB = count(preg_split('/[\\\\\/]+/', $b)); if ($lenA === $lenB) { return strcmp($a, $b) * ($childsFirst ? -1 : 1); } elseif ($lenA > $lenB) { return ($childsFirst ? -1 : 1); } else { return ($childsFirst ? 1 : -1); } }); return $paths; } /** * from wp_normalize_path * * @param string $path Path to normalize. * * @return string Normalized path. */ public static function normalizePath($path) { $wrapper = ''; if (self::isStream($path)) { list( $wrapper, $path ) = explode('://', $path, 2); $wrapper .= '://'; } // Standardise all paths to use / $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path); // Replace multiple slashes down to a singular, allowing for network shares having two slashes. $path = preg_replace('|(?<=.)/+|', '/', $path); if (strpos($path, '//') === 0) { $path = substr($path, 1); } // Windows paths should uppercase the drive letter if (':' === substr($path, 1, 1)) { $path = ucfirst($path); } return $wrapper . $path; } /** * Get common parent path from given paths * * @param string[] $paths list of paths * * @return string common parent path */ public static function getCommonPath($paths = array()) { if (empty($paths)) { return ''; } if (!is_array($paths)) { $paths = array($paths); } else { $paths = array_values($paths); } $pathAssoc = array(); $numPaths = count($paths); $minPathCouts = PHP_INT_MAX; for ($i = 0; $i < $numPaths; $i++) { $pathAssoc[$i] = explode('/', self::safePathUntrailingslashit($paths[$i])); $pathCount = count($pathAssoc[$i]); if ($minPathCouts > $pathCount) { $minPathCouts = $pathCount; } } for ($partIndex = 0; $partIndex < $minPathCouts; $partIndex++) { $currentPart = $pathAssoc[0][$partIndex]; for ($currentPath = 1; $currentPath < $numPaths; $currentPath++) { if ($pathAssoc[$currentPath][$partIndex] != $currentPart) { break 2; } } } $resultParts = array_slice($pathAssoc[0], 0, $partIndex); return implode('/', $resultParts); } /** * remove root path transforming the current path into a relative path * * ex. /aaa/bbb become aaa/bbb * ex. C:\aaa\bbb become aaa\bbb * * @param string $path file path * * @return string */ public static function removeRootPath($path) { return preg_replace('/^(?:[A-Za-z]:)?[\/](.*)/', '$1', $path); } /** * Returns the last N lines of a file. Simular to tail command * * @param string $filepath The full path to the file to be tailed * @param int $lines The number of lines to return with each tail call * * @return false|string The last N parts of the file, flse on failure */ public static function tailFile($filepath, $lines = 2) { // Open file $f = @fopen($filepath, "rb"); if ($f === false) { return false; } // Sets buffer size $buffer = 256; // Jump to last character fseek($f, -1, SEEK_END); // Read it and adjust line number if necessary // (Otherwise the result would be wrong if file doesn't end with a blank line) if (fread($f, 1) != "\n") { $lines -= 1; } // Start reading $output = ''; $chunk = ''; // While we would like more while (ftell($f) > 0 && $lines >= 0) { // Figure out how far back we should jump $seek = min(ftell($f), $buffer); // Do the jump (backwards, relative to where we are) fseek($f, -$seek, SEEK_CUR); // Read a chunk and prepend it to our output $output = ($chunk = fread($f, $seek)) . $output; // Jump back to where we started reading fseek($f, -mb_strlen($chunk, '8bit'), SEEK_CUR); // Decrease our line counter $lines -= substr_count($chunk, "\n"); } // While we have too many lines // (Because of buffer size we might have read too many) while ($lines++ < 0) { // Find first newline and remove all text before that $output = substr($output, strpos($output, "\n") + 1); } fclose($f); return trim($output); } /** * @param string $filepath path to file to be downloaded * @param string $downloadName name to be downloaded as * @param int $bufferSize file chunks to be served * @param bool $limitRate if set to true the download rate will be limited to $bufferSize/seconds * * @return void */ public static function serveFileForDownload($filepath, $downloadName, $bufferSize = 0, $limitRate = false) { // Process download if (!file_exists($filepath)) { throw new Exception("File does not exist!"); } if (!is_file($filepath)) { throw new Exception("'$filepath' is not a file!"); } // Clean output buffers SnapUtil::obCleanAll(false); header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $downloadName . '"'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filepath)); flush(); // Flush system output buffer if ($bufferSize <= 0) { readfile($filepath); exit; } $fp = @fopen($filepath, 'r'); if (!is_resource($fp)) { throw new Exception('Fail to open the file ' . $filepath); } while (!feof($fp) && ($data = fread($fp, $bufferSize)) !== false) { echo $data; if ($limitRate) { sleep(1); } } @fclose($fp); exit; } /** * Serve error 500 and exit * * @return never */ public static function serverError500() { header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); exit; } /** * Return lasts fine of file * * @param string $path Path to the file * @param int $n Number of lines to get * @param int $charLimit Number of chars to include in each line * * @return bool|string[] Last $n lines of file */ public static function getLastLinesOfFile($path, $n, $charLimit = null) { if (!is_readable($path)) { return false; } if (($handle = self::fopen($path, 'r', false)) === false) { return false; } $result = array(); $pos = -1; $currentLine = ''; $counter = 0; while ($counter < $n && -1 !== fseek($handle, $pos, SEEK_END)) { $char = fgetc($handle); if (PHP_EOL == $char) { $trimmedValue = trim($currentLine); if (is_null($charLimit)) { $currentLine = substr($currentLine, 0); } else { $currentLine = substr($currentLine, 0, (int) $charLimit); if (strlen($currentLine) == $charLimit) { $currentLine .= '...'; } } if (!empty($trimmedValue)) { $result[] = $currentLine; $counter++; } $currentLine = ''; } else { $currentLine = $char . $currentLine; } $pos--; } self::fclose($handle, false); return array_reverse($result); } /** * Thif function scan a folder filter by regex * * Options * regexFile: [bool|string|array] if is bool alrays or never match, if is string o array of string check if rexeses match file name * regexFolder: [bool|string|array] if is bool alrays or never match, if is string o array of string check if rexeses match file name * checkFullPath: bool if false only current file/folder name is passed at regex if true is passed the full path * recursive: bool if false check only passed folder or all sub folder recursively * invert: bool if false pass invert the result * childFirst: bool if false is parsed parent folters first or child folders first * * @param string $dir dir to scan * @param array<string, bool|string|string[]> $options array{ * regexFile?: bool|string, * regexFolder?: bool|string, * checkFullPath?: bool, * recursive?: bool, * invert?: bool, * childFirst?: bool * } * * @return string[] paths lists */ public static function regexGlob($dir, $options) { $result = array(); self::regexGlobCallback($dir, function ($path) use (&$result) { $result[] = $path; }, $options); return $result; } /** * Execute the callback function foreach right element, private function for optimization * * Options * regexFile: [bool|string|array] if is bool alrays or never match, if is string o array of string check if rexeses match file name * regexFolder: [bool|string|array] if is bool alrays or never match, if is string o array of string check if rexeses match file name * checkFullPath: bool if false only current file/folder name is passed at regex if true is passed the full path * recursive: bool if false check only passed folder or all sub folder recursively * invert: bool if false pass invert the result * childFirst: bool if false is parsed parent folters first or child folders first * symlinks: string[] list a symblink parsed * * @param string $dir dir to scan * @param callable $callback callback function * @param array<string, bool|string|string[]> $options array{ * regexFile?: bool|string, * regexFolder?: bool|string, * checkFullPath?: bool, * recursive?: bool, * invert?: bool, * childFirst?: bool, * symlinks?: string[] * } * * @return boolean Returns true on success or false on failure. */ protected static function regexGlobCallbackPrivate($dir, $callback, &$options) { if (($dh = opendir($dir)) == false) { return false; } while (($elem = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($elem === '.' || $elem === '..') { continue; } $fullPath = $dir . $elem; $isDir = is_dir($fullPath); if (($regex = $isDir ? $options['regexFolder'] : $options['regexFile']) === false) { continue; } if ($isDir && is_link($fullPath)) { $realPath = self::safePathUntrailingslashit($fullPath, true); if (in_array($realPath, $options['symlinks'])) { continue; } $options['symlinks'][] = $realPath; } if (is_bool($regex)) { $match = $regex; } else { $match = false; $pathCheck = $options['checkFullPath'] ? $fullPath : $elem; foreach ($regex as $currentRegex) { if (preg_match($currentRegex, $pathCheck) === 1) { $match = true; break; } } if ($options['invert']) { $match = !$match; } } if ($match) { if ($isDir && $options['execChildFirst']) { self::regexGlobCallbackPrivate($fullPath . '/', $callback, $options); } call_user_func($callback, $fullPath); if ($isDir && $options['execChildAfter']) { self::regexGlobCallbackPrivate($fullPath . '/', $callback, $options); } } } closedir($dh); return true; } /** * Execute the callback function foreach right element (folder or files) * * Options * regexFile: [bool|string|array] if is bool alrays or never match, if is string o array of string check if rexeses match file name * regexFolder: [bool|string|array] if is bool alrays or never match, if is string o array of string check if rexeses match file name * checkFullPath: bool if false only current file/folder name is passed at regex if true is passed the full path * recursive: bool if false check only passed folder or all sub folder recursively * invert: bool if false pass invert the result * childFirst: bool if false is parsed parent folters first or child folders first * * @param string $dir dir to scan * @param callable $callback callback function * @param array<string, bool|string|string[]> $options array{ * regexFile?: bool|string, * regexFolder?: bool|string, * checkFullPath?: bool, * recursive?: bool, * invert?: bool, * childFirst?: bool * } * * @return boolean Returns true on success or false on failure. */ public static function regexGlobCallback($dir, $callback, $options = array()) { $dir = self::safePathTrailingslashit($dir); if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_readable($dir)) { return false; } if (!is_callable($callback)) { return false; } $options = array_merge(array( 'regexFile' => true, 'regexFolder' => true, 'checkFullPath' => false, 'recursive' => false, 'invert' => false, 'childFirst' => false, 'symlinks' => array() ), (array) $options); if (is_bool($options['regexFile'])) { $options['regexFile'] = ($options['regexFile'] xor $options['invert']); } elseif (is_scalar($options['regexFile'])) { $options['regexFile'] = array($options['regexFile']); } if (is_bool($options['regexFolder'])) { $options['regexFolder'] = ($options['regexFolder'] xor $options['invert']); } elseif (is_scalar($options['regexFolder'])) { $options['regexFolder'] = array($options['regexFolder']); } // optimizization $options['execChildFirst'] = ($options['recursive'] && $options['childFirst'] === true); $options['execChildAfter'] = ($options['recursive'] && $options['childFirst'] === false); return self::regexGlobCallbackPrivate($dir, $callback, $options); } /** * Empty passed dir * * @param string $dir folder to empty * @param string[] $filter childs name to skip * * @return boolean Returns true on success or false on failure. */ public static function emptyDir($dir, $filter = array()) { $dir = self::safePathTrailingslashit($dir); if (!is_dir($dir) || !is_readable($dir)) { return false; } if (($dh = opendir($dir)) == false) { return false; } $listToDelete = array(); while (($elem = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($elem === '.' || $elem === '..') { continue; } if (in_array($elem, $filter)) { continue; } $fullPath = $dir . $elem; if (self::chmod($fullPath, 'ugo+rwx')) { $listToDelete[] = $fullPath; } } closedir($dh); foreach ($listToDelete as $path) { self::rrmdir($path); } return true; } /** * Returns a path to the base root folder of path taking into account the * open_basedir setting. * * @param string $path file path * * @return bool|string Base root path of $path if it's accessible, otherwise false; */ public static function getMaxAllowedRootOfPath($path) { $path = self::safePathUntrailingslashit($path, true); if (!self::isOpenBaseDirEnabled()) { $parts = explode("/", $path); return $parts[0] . "/"; } else { return self::getOpenBaseDirRootOfPath($path); } } /** * Check if php.ini open_basedir is enabled * * @return bool true if open_basedir is set */ public static function isOpenBaseDirEnabled() { $iniVar = ini_get("open_basedir"); return (strlen($iniVar) > 0); } /** * Get open_basedir list paths * * @return string[] Paths contained in the open_basedir setting. Empty array if the setting is not enabled. */ public static function getOpenBaseDirPaths() { if (!($openBase = ini_get("open_basedir"))) { return array(); } return explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $openBase); } /** * Get open base dir root path of path * * @param string $path file path * * @return bool|string Path to the base dir of $path if it exists, otherwise false */ public static function getOpenBaseDirRootOfPath($path) { foreach (self::getOpenBaseDirPaths() as $allowedPath) { $allowedPath = $allowedPath !== "/" ? self::safePathUntrailingslashit($allowedPath) : "/"; if (strpos($path, $allowedPath) === 0) { return $allowedPath; } } return false; } /** * this function is similar at dirname but if empty path return empty value not . * and is SO indipendent so work on not normalized path * * @param string $path file path * * @return string */ public static function getRelativeDirname($path) { if (preg_match('/^(.*)[\/]+/', $path, $matches) !== 1) { return ''; } return $matches[1]; } /** * Set full user permissions on folder (rwx) * * @param string $path dir path * * @return boolean // return false if folder don't have read write permission on folder */ public static function dirAddFullPermsAndCheckResult($path) { if (!SnapIO::chmod($path, 'u+rwx')) { return false; } if (!is_readable($path) || !is_writable($path)) { return false; } if (function_exists('is_executable') && !is_executable($path) && !SnapOS::isWindows()) { return false; } return true; } /** * set full user permissions on file (rwx) * * @param string $path file path * * @return boolean // return false if folder don't have read write permission on folder */ public static function fileAddFullPermsAndCheckResult($path) { if (!SnapIO::chmod($path, 'u+rw')) { return false; } if (!is_readable($path) || !is_writable($path)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns the total size of a filesystem or disk partition in bytes * * @param string $directory path * * @return int rturn number of bytes or -1 on failure */ public static function diskTotalSpace($directory) { if (!function_exists('disk_total_space')) { return -1; } if (($space = disk_total_space($directory)) === false) { return -1; } return (int) round($space); } /** * Returns available space in directory in bytes * * @param string $directory path * * @return int rturn number of bytes or -1 on failure */ public static function diskFreeSpace($directory) { if (!function_exists('disk_free_space')) { return -1; } if (($space = disk_free_space($directory)) === false) { return -1; } return (int) round($space); } }