Direktori : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/src/Ajax/ |
Current File : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/src/Ajax/ServicesEducation.php |
<?php /** * @package Duplicator * @copyright (c) 2022, Snap Creek LLC */ namespace Duplicator\Ajax; use Duplicator\Ajax\AjaxWrapper; use Duplicator\Views\EducationElements; use Exception; use Duplicator\Libs\OneClickUpgrade\PluginSilentUpgrader; use Duplicator\Libs\OneClickUpgrade\ConnectSkin; use DUP_Log; use DUP_Settings; use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapJson; use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapUtil; class ServicesEducation extends AbstractAjaxService { const OPTION_KEY_ONE_CLICK_UPGRADE_OTH = 'duplicator_one_click_upgrade_oth'; const LICENSE_KEY_OPTION_AUTO_ACTIVE = 'duplicator_pro_license_auto_active'; const DUPLICATOR_STORE_URL = "https://duplicator.com"; const REMOTE_SUBSCRIBE_URL = 'https://duplicator.com/?lite_email_signup=1'; /** * Init ajax calls * * @return void */ public function init() { $this->addAjaxCall('wp_ajax_duplicator_settings_callout_cta_dismiss', 'dismissCalloutCTA'); $this->addAjaxCall('wp_ajax_duplicator_packages_bottom_bar_dismiss', 'dismissBottomBar'); $this->addAjaxCall('wp_ajax_duplicator_email_subscribe', 'setEmailSubscribed'); $this->addAjaxCall('wp_ajax_duplicator_one_click_upgrade_prepare', 'prepareForOneClickUpgrade'); $this->addAjaxCall('wp_ajax_duplicator_finalize_oneclick_upr', 'finalizeOneClickUpgrade'); $this->addAjaxCall('wp_ajax_nopriv_duplicator_lite_run_one_click_upgrade', 'oneClickUpgrade'); $this->addAjaxCall('wp_ajax_duplicator_lite_run_one_click_upgrade', 'oneClickUpgrade'); $this->addAjaxCall('wp_ajax_duplicator_enable_usage_stats', 'enableUsageStats'); } /** * Set email subscribed * * @return bool */ public static function setEmailSubscribedCallback() { if (EducationElements::userIsSubscribed()) { return true; } $email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email', FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE); if (is_null($email)) { throw new \Exception('Invalid email'); } $response = wp_remote_post(self::REMOTE_SUBSCRIBE_URL, array( 'method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 45, 'body' => array('email' => $email) )); if (is_wp_error($response) || 200 !== wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($response)) { $error_msg = $response->get_error_code() . ': ' . $response->get_error_message(); SnapUtil::errorLog($error_msg); throw new \Exception($error_msg); } return (update_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), EducationElements::DUP_EMAIL_SUBSCRIBED_OPT_KEY, true) !== false); } /** * Set recovery action * * @return void */ public function setEmailSubscribed() { AjaxWrapper::json( array(__CLASS__, 'setEmailSubscribedCallback'), 'duplicator_email_subscribe', $_POST['nonce'], 'export' ); } /** * Set dismiss callout CTA callback * * @return bool */ public static function dismissCalloutCTACallback() { return (update_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), EducationElements::DUP_SETTINGS_FOOTER_CALLOUT_DISMISSED, true) !== false); } /** * Dismiss callout CTA * * @return void */ public function dismissCalloutCTA() { AjaxWrapper::json( array(__CLASS__, 'dismissCalloutCTACallback'), 'duplicator_settings_callout_cta_dismiss', $_POST['nonce'], 'export' ); } /** * Dismiss bottom bar callback * * @return bool */ public static function dismissBottomBarCallback() { return (update_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), EducationElements::DUP_PACKAGES_BOTTOM_BAR_DISMISSED, true) !== false); } /** * Dismiss bottom bar * * @return void */ public function dismissBottomBar() { AjaxWrapper::json( array(__CLASS__, 'dismissBottomBarCallback'), 'duplicator_packages_bottom_bar_dismiss', $_POST['nonce'], 'export' ); } /** * Generate oth and save it into a db option, save also license key into a db option. * Returns all values necessary for creating a request to remote endpoint * * @throws Exception In case it failed to save data into db * @return array Contains: */ public static function prepareForOneClickUpgradeCallback() { DUP_Log::trace("User requested One Click Upgrade."); $oth = wp_generate_password(30, false, false); // Generate random oth $licenseKey = sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST["license_key"]); delete_option(self::OPTION_KEY_ONE_CLICK_UPGRADE_OTH); delete_option(self::LICENSE_KEY_OPTION_AUTO_ACTIVE); $ok1 = update_option(self::OPTION_KEY_ONE_CLICK_UPGRADE_OTH, $oth); $ok2 = update_option(self::LICENSE_KEY_OPTION_AUTO_ACTIVE, $licenseKey); if (!$ok1 || !$ok2) { throw new Exception("Problem saving new parameters into options table in prepareForOneClickUpgradeCallback."); } $returnData = array(); $returnData["success"] = true; $returnData["error_msg"] = ""; $returnData["oth"] = self::hashOth($oth); $returnData["license_key"] = $licenseKey; $returnData["version"] = DUPLICATOR_VERSION; $returnData["redirect"] = base64_encode(admin_url('admin-ajax.php?action=duplicator_finalize_oneclick_upr')); $returnData["endpoint"] = admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); $returnData["siteurl"] = admin_url(); $returnData["homeurl"] = home_url(); $returnData["response"] = ""; // Store response $returnData["file"] = ""; // Activate license for this home_url. We can't use download link // without first activating license. $api_params = array( 'edd_action' => 'activate_license', 'license' => $licenseKey, 'item_name' => "Duplicator Pro", // the name of our product in EDD, 'url' => home_url() ); global $wp_version; $agent_string = "WordPress/" . $wp_version; DUP_Log::trace("Wordpress agent string $agent_string"); $requestParam = array( 'timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => false, 'user-agent' => $agent_string, 'body' => $api_params ); if (($data = self::licenseUpgradeRequests($requestParam, $requestError)) === false) { $returnData["success"] = false; $returnData["error_msg"] = self::licenseUpgradeMessageError($requestError); return $returnData; } elseif (!isset($data->license) || $data->license != 'valid') { $returnData["success"] = false; $returnData["error_msg"] = self::licenseUpgradeMessageError(array( 'code' => 0, 'message' => 'License key in invalid', 'details' => '' )); return $returnData; } // Fetch direct url and set $returnData["file"]. It is a direct url to download Pro version. // It can be used only after license is activated for the given website. $api_params = array( 'edd_action' => 'get_version', 'license' => $licenseKey, 'item_name' => "Duplicator Pro", 'slug' => "duplicator-pro", 'author' => "Snap Creek Software", 'url' => home_url(), 'beta' => false, 'php_version' => phpversion(), 'wp_version' => get_bloginfo('version'), ); $requestParam = array( 'timeout' => 15, 'sslverify' => false, 'body' => $api_params, ); if (($data = self::licenseUpgradeRequests($requestParam, $requestError)) === false) { $returnData["success"] = false; $returnData["error_msg"] = self::licenseUpgradeMessageError($requestError); return $returnData; } elseif (!isset($data->download_link) || empty($data->download_link)) { $returnData["success"] = false; $returnData["error_msg"] = self::licenseUpgradeMessageError(array( 'code' => 0, 'message' => 'License key download URL is invalid', 'details' => '' )); return $returnData; } $returnData["file"] = base64_encode($data->download_link); return $returnData; } /** * Returh hashed OTH * * @param string $oth OTH * * @return string Hashed OTH */ protected static function hashOth($oth) { return hash_hmac('sha512', $oth, wp_salt()); } /** * License upgrade requests * * @param array $params Parameters * @param array $requestError Request error * * @return false|object False on error, array data on success */ protected static function licenseUpgradeRequests($params, &$requestError = array()) { try { $requestError = array( 'code' => -1, 'message' => '', 'details' => '', ); DUP_Log::traceObject("License request params:", $params); $response = wp_remote_post(self::DUPLICATOR_STORE_URL, $params); if (is_wp_error($response)) { /** @var WP_Error $response */ $requestError['code'] = $response->get_error_code(); $requestError['message'] = $response->get_error_message(); $requestError['details'] = SnapJson::jsonEncodePPrint($response->get_error_data()); } elseif ($response['response']['code'] < 200 || $response['response']['code'] >= 300) { $requestError['code'] = $response['response']['code']; $requestError['message'] = $response['response']['message']; $requestError['details'] = SnapJson::jsonEncodePPrint($response); } else { $data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($response)); if (!is_object($data)) { $requestError['code'] = -1; $requestError['message'] = __('Invalid license JSON data.', 'duplicator'); $requestError['details'] = 'Response: ' . wp_remote_retrieve_body($response); } else { return $data; } } } catch (Exception $e) { $requestError['code'] = -1; $requestError['message'] = 'Exception ' . $e->getMessage(); $requestError['details'] = $e->getTraceAsString(); } return false; } /** * License upgrade message error * * @param array $requestError Request error * * @return void */ protected static function licenseUpgradeMessageError($requestError) { ob_start(); ?> <p> <b><?php _e('Failed to activate license for this website.', 'duplicator'); ?></b> </p> <p> <?php echo __('Message:', 'duplicator') . ' ' . $requestError['message']; ?><br> <?php _e('Check the license key and try again, if the error persists proceed with manual activation.', 'duplicator'); ?> </p> <?php return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Enable usage stats * * @return void */ public function enableUsageStats() { AjaxWrapper::json( array(__CLASS__, 'enableUsageStatsCallback'), 'duplicator_enable_usage_stats', SnapUtil::sanitizeTextInput(INPUT_POST, 'nonce'), 'manage_options' ); } /** * Enable usage stats callback * * @return void */ public static function enableUsageStatsCallback() { $result = true; if (DUP_Settings::Get('usage_tracking') !== true) { DUP_Settings::setUsageTracking(true); $result = DUP_Settings::Save(); } return $result && self::setEmailSubscribedCallback(); } /** * Prepare for One Click Upgrade from Lite to Pro * * @return void */ public function prepareForOneClickUpgrade() { AjaxWrapper::json( array(__CLASS__, 'prepareForOneClickUpgradeCallback'), 'duplicator_one_click_upgrade_prepare', $_POST['nonce'], 'export' ); } /** * Accepts oth and file from remote endpoint, installs Pro if it's not already installed. * Prints json with error=true or success=true. * * @return void */ public function oneClickUpgrade() { DUP_Log::trace("Doing One Click Upgrade, license is valid."); $response["data"] = ""; // Optional data to be passed to final redirect url, but needs to be defined! $othReceived = sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST["oth"]); $oth = get_option(self::OPTION_KEY_ONE_CLICK_UPGRADE_OTH); if (self::hashOth($oth) !== $othReceived) { // Verify that oth is fine DUP_Log::trace("ERROR: Wrong oth token."); $response["error"] = true; print(json_encode($response)); die(); } DUP_Log::trace("Oth token verified."); // Here we know oth is fine, so we can continue delete_option(self::OPTION_KEY_ONE_CLICK_UPGRADE_OTH); // Verify Pro is not installed (check if directory exists) if (!is_dir(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/duplicator-pro")) { DUP_Log::trace("There is no Pro version in plugins directory, we need to download it!"); // There is no Pro version in plugins directory, we need to download it! $file = sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST["file"]); // Prepare variables. $url = esc_url_raw( add_query_arg( array( 'page' => 'duplicator-settings' ), admin_url('admin.php') ) ); $creds = request_filesystem_credentials($url, '', false, false, null); // Check for file system permissions. if (false === $creds || ! \WP_Filesystem($creds)) { DUP_Log::trace("ERROR: There was an error while installing an upgrade. " . "Please check file system permissions and try again. " . "Also, you can download the plugin from wpforms.com and install it manually."); $response["error"] = true; print(json_encode($response)); die(); } // We do not need any extra credentials if we have gotten this far, so let's install the plugin. // Do not allow WordPress to search/download translations, as this will break JS output. remove_action('upgrader_process_complete', array( 'Language_Pack_Upgrader', 'async_upgrade' ), 20); // Create the plugin upgrader with custom skin. $installer = new PluginSilentUpgrader(new ConnectSkin()); DUP_Log::trace("Starting Pro plugin installer..."); $installer->install( $file ); // phpcs:ignore DUP_Log::trace("Pro plugin installer finished."); // Flush the cache and return the newly installed plugin basename. wp_cache_flush(); $plugin_basename = $installer->plugin_info(); if ($plugin_basename) { $proDir = dirname($plugin_basename); if ( $proDir != "duplicator-pro" && !rename(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/" . $proDir, WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/duplicator-pro") ) { DUP_Log::trace("ERROR: ERROR: Failed renaming \"$proDir\" to \"duplicator-pro\"."); $response["error"] = true; print(json_encode($response)); die(); } // Here Pro is downloaded successfully } else { DUP_Log::trace("ERROR: Installation of Pro version failed."); $response["error"] = true; print(json_encode($response)); die(); } } DUP_Log::trace("SUCCESS: Duplicator Pro plugin exists and is ready to be activated."); $response["success"] = true; print(json_encode($response)); die(); } /** * Checks if duplicator-pro exists. If it does not, then it redirects to Lite settings license page. * Otherwise deactivates Lite and redirects to Pro plugin activation link. * * @return void */ public function finalizeOneClickUpgrade() { DUP_Log::trace("Running finalization of One Click Upgrade."); if (!is_dir(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/duplicator-pro")) { DUP_Log::trace("plugins/duplicator-pro folder does not exist, redirect to Lite settings license page."); $licensePageUrl = is_multisite() ? network_admin_url('admin.php?page=duplicator-settings&tab=license') : admin_url('admin.php?page=duplicator-settings&tab=license'); header("Location: $licensePageUrl"); die(); } // Here we know that plugins/duplicator-pro folder exists for sure. // Deactivate Lite deactivate_plugins(DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . "/duplicator.php"); DUP_Log::trace("Lite plugin is deactivated."); // Now to activate Pro plugin we need to create a separate request. DUP_Log::trace("Doing Pro activation."); $plugin = "duplicator-pro/duplicator-pro.php"; $pluginsAdminUrl = is_multisite() ? network_admin_url('plugins.php') : admin_url('plugins.php'); $activateProUrl = esc_url_raw( add_query_arg( array( 'action' => 'activate', 'plugin' => $plugin, '_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce("activate-plugin_$plugin") ), $pluginsAdminUrl ) ); header("Location: $activateProUrl"); die(); // $activated = activate_plugin($plugin, '', true, true); // This won't work } }