Direktori : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/ctrls/ |
Current File : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/ctrls/class.web.services.php |
<?php use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapUtil; use Duplicator\Views\AdminNotices; defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit; class DUP_Web_Services { /** * init ajax actions */ public static function init() { add_action('wp_ajax_duplicator_reset_all_settings', array(__CLASS__, 'ajax_reset_all')); add_action('wp_ajax_duplicator_set_admin_notice_viewed', array(__CLASS__, 'set_admin_notice_viewed')); add_action('wp_ajax_duplicator_admin_notice_to_dismiss', array(__CLASS__, 'admin_notice_to_dismiss')); add_action('wp_ajax_duplicator_download_installer', array(__CLASS__, 'duplicator_download_installer')); } /** * * @param DUP_Package $package */ public static function package_delete_callback($package) { $package->delete(); } /** * reset all ajax action * * the output must be json */ public static function ajax_reset_all() { ob_start(); try { DUP_Handler::init_error_handler(); if (!check_ajax_referer('duplicator_reset_all_settings', 'nonce', false)) { DUP_LOG::Trace('Security issue'); throw new Exception('Security issue'); } DUP_Util::hasCapability('export', DUP_Util::SECURE_ISSUE_THROW); /* Execute function * */ $error = false; $result = array( 'data' => array(), 'html' => '', 'message' => '' ); DUP_Package::by_status_callback(array(__CLASS__, 'package_delete_callback'), array( array('op' => '<', 'status' => DUP_PackageStatus::COMPLETE) )); /* reset active package id * */ DUP_Settings::Set('active_package_id', -1); DUP_Settings::Save(); /* Clean tmp folder * */ DUP_Package::not_active_files_tmp_cleanup(); //throw new Exception('force error test'); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = true; $result['message'] = $e->getMessage(); } /* Intercept output * */ $result['html'] = ob_get_clean(); /* check error and return json * */ if ($error) { wp_send_json_error($result); } else { wp_send_json_success($result); } } public static function duplicator_download_installer() { check_ajax_referer('duplicator_download_installer', 'nonce'); $packageId = SnapUtil::sanitizeIntInput(INPUT_GET, 'id'); $hash = SnapUtil::sanitizeTextInput(INPUT_GET, 'hash'); try { DUP_Util::hasCapability('export', DUP_Util::SECURE_ISSUE_THROW); if (!$packageId || !$hash) { throw new Exception(__('Invalid request.', 'duplicator')); } if (($package = DUP_Package::getByID($packageId)) == null) { throw new Exception(__('Invalid request.', 'duplicator')); } if ($hash !== $package->Hash) { throw new Exception(__('Invalid request.', 'duplicator')); } $fileName = $package->getInstDownloadName(); $realFileName = $package->Installer->File; $backupDir = DUP_Settings::getSsdirPath(); if (DUP_STR::endsWith($realFileName, '.php')) { $realFileName = basename($realFileName, '.php') . DUP_Installer::INSTALLER_SERVER_EXTENSION; } $filepath = "{$backupDir}/{$realFileName}"; // Process download if (!file_exists($filepath)) { throw new Exception(__('INVALID REQUEST: File not found, please check the backup folder for file.', 'duplicator')); } // Clean output buffer if (ob_get_level() !== 0 && @ob_end_clean() === false) { @ob_clean(); } header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $fileName . '"'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($filepath)); flush(); // Flush system output buffer try { $fp = @fopen($filepath, 'r'); if (false === $fp) { throw new Exception('Fail to open the file ' . $filepath); } while (!feof($fp) && ($data = fread($fp, DUPLICATOR_BUFFER_READ_WRITE_SIZE)) !== false) { echo $data; } @fclose($fp); } catch (Exception $e) { readfile($filepath); } exit; } catch (Exception $ex) { //Prevent brute force sleep(2); wp_die($ex->getMessage()); } } public static function set_admin_notice_viewed() { DUP_Handler::init_error_handler(); try { DUP_Util::hasCapability('export', DUP_Util::SECURE_ISSUE_THROW); if (!wp_verify_nonce($_REQUEST['nonce'], 'duplicator_set_admin_notice_viewed')) { DUP_Log::trace(__('Security issue', 'duplicator')); throw new Exception('Security issue'); } $notice_id = SnapUtil::sanitizeTextInput(SnapUtil::INPUT_REQUEST, 'notice_id', false); if ($notice_id === false) { throw new Exception(__('Invalid Request', 'duplicator')); } $notices = get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), DUPLICATOR_ADMIN_NOTICES_USER_META_KEY, true); if (empty($notices)) { $notices = array(); } if (!isset($notices[$notice_id])) { throw new Exception(__("Notice with that ID doesn't exist.", 'duplicator')); } $notices[$notice_id] = 'true'; update_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), DUPLICATOR_ADMIN_NOTICES_USER_META_KEY, $notices); } catch (Exception $ex) { wp_die($ex->getMessage()); } } public static function admin_notice_to_dismiss() { try { DUP_Util::hasCapability('export', DUP_Util::SECURE_ISSUE_THROW); $nonce = SnapUtil::sanitizeTextInput(INPUT_POST, 'nonce', false); if ($nonce === false || !wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'duplicator_admin_notice_to_dismiss')) { DUP_Log::trace('Security issue'); throw new Exception('Security issue'); } $noticeToDismiss = SnapUtil::sanitizeTextInput(INPUT_POST, 'notice', false); switch ($noticeToDismiss) { case AdminNotices::OPTION_KEY_ACTIVATE_PLUGINS_AFTER_INSTALL: case AdminNotices::OPTION_KEY_NEW_NOTICE_TEMPLATE: delete_option($noticeToDismiss); break; case AdminNotices::OPTION_KEY_IS_ENABLE_NOTICE_DISMISSED: case AdminNotices::OPTION_KEY_IS_MU_NOTICE_DISMISSED: update_option($noticeToDismiss, true); break; default: throw new Exception('Notice invalid'); } } catch (Exception $e) { wp_send_json_error($e->getMessage()); } wp_send_json_success(); } }