Direktori : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/classes/utilities/ |
Current File : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/classes/utilities/class.u.zip.php |
<?php defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit; /** * Utility class for zipping up content * * Standard: PSR-2 * * @link http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2 * * @subpackage classes/utilities * @copyright (c) 2017, Snapcreek LLC * @license https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0 GNU Public License */ // Exit if accessed directly if (! defined('DUPLICATOR_VERSION')) { exit; } class DUP_Zip_U { /** * Add a directory to an existing ZipArchive object * * @param ZipArchive $zipArchive An existing ZipArchive object * @param string $directoryPath The full directory path to add to the ZipArchive * @param bool $retainDirectory Should the full directory path be retained in the archive * * @return bool Returns true if the directory was added to the object */ public static function addDirWithZipArchive($zipArchive, $directoryPath, $retainDirectory, $localPrefix, $isCompressed) { $directoryPath = rtrim(str_replace("\\", '/', $directoryPath), '/') . '/'; if (!is_dir($directoryPath) || !is_readable($directoryPath)) { $success = false; } elseif (!$fp = @opendir($directoryPath)) { $success = false; } else { $success = true; while (false !== ($file = readdir($fp))) { if ($file === '.' || $file === '..') { continue; } $objectPath = $directoryPath . $file; // Not used SnapIO::safePath(), because I would like to decrease max_nest_level // Otherwise we will get the error: // PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Maximum function nesting level of '512' reached, aborting! in ... // $objectPath = SnapIO::safePath($objectPath); $localName = ltrim(str_replace($directoryPath, '', $objectPath), '/'); if ($retainDirectory) { $localName = basename($directoryPath) . "/$localName"; } $localName = ltrim($localPrefix . $localName, '/'); if (is_readable($objectPath)) { if (is_dir($objectPath)) { $localPrefixArg = substr($localName, 0, strrpos($localName, '/')) . '/'; $added = self::addDirWithZipArchive($zipArchive, $objectPath, $retainDirectory, $localPrefixArg, $isCompressed); } else { $added = self::addFileToZipArchive($zipArchive, $objectPath, $localName, $isCompressed); } } else { $added = false; } if (!$added) { DUP_Log::error("Couldn't add file $objectPath to archive", '', false); $success = false; break; } } @closedir($fp); } if ($success) { return true; } else { DUP_Log::error("Couldn't add folder $directoryPath to archive", '', false); return false; } } public static function extractFiles($archiveFilepath, $relativeFilesToExtract, $destinationDirectory, $useShellUnZip) { // TODO: Unzip using either shell unzip or ziparchive if ($useShellUnZip) { $shellExecPath = DUPX_Server::get_unzip_filepath(); $filenameString = implode(' ', $relativeFilesToExtract); $command = "{$shellExecPath} -o -qq \"{$archiveFilepath}\" {$filenameString} -d {$destinationDirectory} 2>&1"; $stderr = shell_exec($command); if ($stderr != '') { $errorMessage = __("Error extracting {$archiveFilepath}): {$stderr}", 'duplicator'); throw new Exception($errorMessage); } } else { $zipArchive = new ZipArchive(); $result = $zipArchive->open($archiveFilepath); if ($result !== true) { throw new Exception("Error opening {$archiveFilepath} when extracting."); } $result = $zipArchive->extractTo($destinationDirectory, $relativeFilesToExtract); if ($result === false) { throw new Exception("Error extracting {$archiveFilepath}."); } } } /** * Add a directory to an existing ZipArchive object * * @param string $sourceFilePath The file to add to the zip file * @param string $zipFilePath The zip file to be added to * @param bool $deleteOld Delete the zip file before adding a file * @param string $newName Rename the $sourceFile if needed * * @return bool Returns true if the file was added to the zip file */ public static function zipFile($sourceFilePath, $zipFilePath, $deleteOld, $newName, $isCompressed) { if ($deleteOld && file_exists($zipFilePath)) { SnapIO::unlink($zipFilePath); } if (file_exists($sourceFilePath)) { $zip_archive = new ZipArchive(); $is_zip_open = ($zip_archive->open($zipFilePath, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) === true); if ($is_zip_open === false) { DUP_Log::error("Cannot create zip archive {$zipFilePath}"); } else { //ADD SQL if ($newName == null) { $source_filename = basename($sourceFilePath); DUP_Log::Info("adding {$source_filename}"); } else { $source_filename = $newName; DUP_Log::Info("new name added {$newName}"); } $in_zip = DUP_Zip_U::addFileToZipArchive($zip_archive, $sourceFilePath, $source_filename, $isCompressed); if ($in_zip === false) { DUP_Log::error("Unable to add {$sourceFilePath} to $zipFilePath"); } $zip_archive->close(); return true; } } else { DUP_Log::error("Trying to add {$sourceFilePath} to a zip but it doesn't exist!"); } return false; } public static function addFileToZipArchive($zipArchive, $filepath, $localName, $isCompressed) { $added = $zipArchive->addFile($filepath, $localName); return $added; } }