Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/classes/package/
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Current File : /home/opti/public_html/stlc/wp-content/plugins/duplicator/classes/package/class.pack.database.php


use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapDB;
use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapIO;
use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapURL;
use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapUtil;
use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapWP;

defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit;
// Exit if accessed directly
if (!defined('DUPLICATOR_VERSION')) {

 * Class for gathering system information about a database
 * Standard: PSR-2
 * @link http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-2
class DUP_DatabaseInfo
     * The SQL file was built with mysqldump or PHP
    public $buildMode = 'PHP';
    /** @var string[] A unique list of all charsets table types used in the database */
    public $charSetList = array();
    /** @var string[] A unique list of all the collation table types used in the database */
    public $collationList = array();
    /** @var string[] engile list used in database tables */
    public $engineList = array();
     * Does any filtered table have an upper case character in it
    public $isTablesUpperCase = false;
     * Does the database name have any filtered characters in it
    public $isNameUpperCase = false;
     * The real name of the database
    public $name = '';
    /** @var int The full count of all tables in the database */
    public $tablesBaseCount = 0;
    /** @var int The count of tables after the tables filter has been applied */
    public $tablesFinalCount = 0;
    /** @var int multisite tables filtered count */
    public $muFilteredTableCount = 0;
    /** @var int The number of rows from all filtered tables in the database */
    public $tablesRowCount = 0;
    /** @var int The estimated data size on disk from all filtered tables in the database */
    public $tablesSizeOnDisk = 0;
    /** @var array */
    public $tablesList = array();

     * Gets the server variable lower_case_table_names
     * 0 store=lowercase;   compare=sensitive   (works only on case sensitive file systems )
     * 1 store=lowercase;   compare=insensitive
     * 2 store=exact;       compare=insensitive (works only on case INsensitive file systems )
     * default is 0/Linux ; 1/Windows
    public $lowerCaseTableNames = 0;
     * The database engine (MySQL/MariaDB/Percona)
     * @var     string
     * @example MariaDB
    public $dbEngine = '';
     * The simple numeric version number of the database server
     * @exmaple: 5.5
    public $version = 0;
     * The full text version number of the database server
     * @exmaple: 10.2 mariadb.org binary distribution
    public $versionComment = 0;

     * @var int Number of VIEWs in the database
    public $viewCount = 0;

     * @var int Number of PROCEDUREs in the database
    public $procCount = 0;

     * @var int Number of PROCEDUREs in the database
    public $funcCount = 0;

     * @var array List of triggers included in the database
    public $triggerList = array();
     * Integer field file structure of table, table name as key
    private $intFieldsStruct = array();
     * $currentIndex => processedSchemaSize
    private $indexProcessedSchemaSize = array();
    public function __construct()

    public function addTriggers()
        global $wpdb;
        if (!is_array($triggers = $wpdb->get_results("SHOW TRIGGERS", ARRAY_A))) {

        foreach ($triggers as $trigger) {
            $name                     = $trigger["Trigger"];
            $create                   = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW CREATE TRIGGER `{$name}`", ARRAY_N);
            $this->triggerList[$name] = array(
                "create" => "DELIMITER ;;\n" . $create[2] . ";;\nDELIMITER ;"

     * @param stirng $name              // table name
     * @param int $inaccurateRows       // This data is intended as a preliminary count and therefore not necessarily accurate
     * @param int $size                 // This data is intended as a preliminary count and therefore not necessarily accurate
     * @param int|bool $insertedRows    // This value, if other than false, is the exact line value inserted into the dump file
    public function addTableInList($name, $inaccurateRows, $size, $insertedRows = false)
        $this->tablesList[$name] = array(
            'inaccurateRows' => (int) $inaccurateRows,
            'insertedRows'   => (int) $insertedRows,
            'size'           => (int) $size

class DUP_Database
     * The mysqldump allowed size difference (50MB) to memory limit in bytes. Run musqldump only on DBs smaller than memory_limit minus this value.

    public $Type = 'MySQL';
    public $Size;
    public $File;
    public $Path;
    public $FilterTables;
    public $FilterOn;
    public $Name;
    public $Compatible;
    public $Comments;
     /** @var null|bool */
     public $sameNameTableExists = null;

     * @var DUP_DatabaseInfo
    public $info = null;
    protected $Package;
    private $tempDbPath;
    private $EOFMarker;
    private $networkFlush;
     *  Init this object
    public function __construct($package)
        $this->Package      = $package;
        $this->EOFMarker    = "";
        $package_zip_flush  = DUP_Settings::Get('package_zip_flush');
        $this->networkFlush = empty($package_zip_flush) ? false : $package_zip_flush;
        $this->info         = new DUP_DatabaseInfo();

     *  Build the database script
     *  @param DUP_Package $package A reference to the package that this database object belongs in
     *  @return null
    public function build($package, $errorBehavior = Dup_ErrorBehavior::ThrowException)
        try {
            $this->Package = $package;
            do_action('duplicator_lite_build_database_before_start', $package);
            $time_start = DUP_Util::getMicrotime();
            $this->tempDbPath         = DUP_Settings::getSsdirTmpPath() . "/{$this->File}";
            $package_mysqldump        = DUP_Settings::Get('package_mysqldump');
            $package_phpdump_qrylimit = DUP_Settings::Get('package_phpdump_qrylimit');
            $mysqlDumpPath            = DUP_DB::getMySqlDumpPath();
            $mode                     = DUP_DB::getBuildMode();
            $reserved_db_filepath     = duplicator_get_abs_path() . '/database.sql';
            $log                      = "\n********************************************************************************\n";
            $log                     .= "DATABASE:\n";
            $log                     .= "********************************************************************************\n";
            $log                     .= "BUILD MODE:   {$mode}";
            $log                     .= ($mode == 'PHP') ? "(query limit - {$package_phpdump_qrylimit})\n" : "\n";
            $log                     .= "MYSQLTIMEOUT: " . DUPLICATOR_DB_MAX_TIME . "\n";
            $log                     .= "MYSQLDUMP:    ";
            $log                     .= ($mysqlDumpPath) ? "Is Supported" : "Not Supported";
            $log = null;
            do_action('duplicator_lite_build_database_start', $package);
            switch ($mode) {
                case 'MYSQLDUMP':
                case 'PHP':

            DUP_Log::Info("SQL CREATED: {$this->File}");
            $time_end = DUP_Util::getMicrotime();
            $time_sum = DUP_Util::elapsedTime($time_end, $time_start);
//File below 10k considered incomplete
            $sql_file_size = is_file($this->tempDbPath) ? @filesize($this->tempDbPath) : 0;
            DUP_Log::Info("SQL FILE SIZE: " . DUP_Util::byteSize($sql_file_size) . " ({$sql_file_size})");
            if ($sql_file_size < 1350) {
                $error_message = "SQL file size too low.";
                DUP_Log::error($error_message, "File does not look complete.  Check permission on file and parent directory at [{$this->tempDbPath}]", $errorBehavior);
                do_action('duplicator_lite_build_database_fail', $package);
            } else {
                do_action('duplicator_lite_build_database_completed', $package);

            DUP_Log::Info("SQL FILE TIME: " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
            DUP_Log::Info("SQL RUNTIME: {$time_sum}");
            $this->Size = is_file($this->tempDbPath) ? @filesize($this->tempDbPath) : 0;
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            do_action('duplicator_lite_build_database_fail', $package);
            DUP_Log::error("Runtime error in DUP_Database::Build. " . $e->getMessage(), "Exception: {$e}", $errorBehavior);

     *  Get the database meta-data such as tables as all there details
     *  @return array Returns an array full of meta-data about the database
    public function getScannerData()
        global $wpdb;
        $filterTables              = isset($this->FilterTables) ? explode(',', $this->FilterTables) : array();
        $tblBaseCount              = 0;
        $tblCount                  = 0;
        $tables                    = $this->getBaseTables();
        $info                      = array();
        $info['Status']['Success'] = is_null($tables) ? false : true;
        //DB_Case for the database name is never checked on
        $info['Status']['DB_Case']  = 'Good';
        $info['Status']['DB_Rows']  = 'Good';
        $info['Status']['DB_Size']  = 'Good';
        $info['Status']['TBL_Case'] = 'Good';
        $info['Status']['TBL_Rows'] = 'Good';
        $info['Status']['TBL_Size'] = 'Good';
        $info['Size']               = 0;
        $info['Rows']               = 0;
        $info['TableCount']         = 0;
        $info['TableList']          = array();
        $tblCaseFound               = 0;
        $tblRowsFound               = 0;
        $tblSizeFound               = 0;
        //Grab Table Stats
        $filteredTables         = array();
        $this->info->tablesList = array();

        foreach ($tables as $table) {
            $name = $table["name"];
            if ($this->FilterOn && is_array($filterTables)) {
                if (in_array($name, $filterTables)) {

            $size                              = $table['size'];
            $rows                              = empty($table["rows"]) ? '0' : $table["rows"];
            $info['Size']                     += $size;
            $info['Rows']                     += $rows;
            $info['TableList'][$name]['Case']  = preg_match('/[A-Z]/', $name) ? 1 : 0;
            $info['TableList'][$name]['Rows']  = number_format($rows);
            $info['TableList'][$name]['Size']  = DUP_Util::byteSize($size);
            $info['TableList'][$name]['USize'] = $size;
            $filteredTables[]                  = $name;

            if (($qRes = $GLOBALS['wpdb']->get_var("SELECT Count(*) FROM `{$name}`")) === null) {
                $qRes = $rows;

            $row_count = (int) $qRes;
            $this->info->addTableInList($name, $rows, $size, $row_count);

            // Table Uppercase
            if ($info['TableList'][$name]['Case']) {
                if (!$tblCaseFound) {
                    $tblCaseFound = 1;

            //Table Row Count
            if ($rows > DUPLICATOR_SCAN_DB_TBL_ROWS) {
                if (!$tblRowsFound) {
                    $tblRowsFound = 1;

            //Table Size
            if ($size > DUPLICATOR_SCAN_DB_TBL_SIZE) {
                if (!$tblSizeFound) {
                    $tblSizeFound = 1;

        $info['Status']['DB_Case']                = preg_match('/[A-Z]/', $wpdb->dbname) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
        $info['Status']['DB_Rows']                = ($info['Rows'] > DUPLICATOR_SCAN_DB_ALL_ROWS) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
        $info['Status']['DB_Size']                = ($info['Size'] > DUPLICATOR_SCAN_DB_ALL_SIZE) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
        $info['Status']['TBL_Case']               = ($tblCaseFound) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
        $info['Status']['TBL_Rows']               = ($tblRowsFound) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
        $info['Status']['TBL_Size']               = ($tblSizeFound) ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
        $info['Status']['Triggers']               = count($this->info->triggerList) > 0 ? 'Warn' : 'Good';
        $info['Status']['mysqlDumpMemoryCheck']   = self::mysqldumpMemoryCheck($info['Size']);
        $info['Status']['requiredMysqlDumpLimit'] = DUP_Util::byteSize(self::requiredMysqlDumpLimit($info['Size']));

        $info['RawSize']               = $info['Size'];
        $info['TableList']             = $info['TableList'] or "unknown";
        $info['TableCount']            = $tblCount;
        $this->info->isTablesUpperCase = $tblCaseFound;
        $this->info->tablesBaseCount   = $tblBaseCount;
        $this->info->tablesFinalCount  = $tblCount;
        $this->info->tablesRowCount    = (int) $info['Rows'];
        $this->info->tablesSizeOnDisk  = (int) $info['Size'];
        $this->info->dbEngine          = SnapDB::getDBEngine($wpdb->dbh);
        $info['EasySize']              = DUP_Util::byteSize($info['Size']) or "unknown";

        $this->info->viewCount = count($wpdb->get_results("SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_Type = 'VIEW'", ARRAY_A));
        $this->info->procCount = count($wpdb->get_results("SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS WHERE `Db`='" . DB_NAME . "'", ARRAY_A));
        $this->info->funcCount = count($wpdb->get_results("SHOW FUNCTION STATUS WHERE `Db`='" . DB_NAME . "'", ARRAY_A));

        return $info;

     * @param array &$filteredTables Filtered names of tables to include in collation search.
     *        Parameter does not change in the function, is passed by reference only to avoid copying.
     * @return void
    public function setInfoObj($filteredTables)
        global $wpdb;
        $this->info->buildMode           = DUP_DB::getBuildMode();
        $this->info->version             = DUP_DB::getVersion();
        $this->info->versionComment      = DUP_DB::getVariable('version_comment');
        $this->info->lowerCaseTableNames = DUP_DB::getLowerCaseTableNames();
        $this->info->name                = $wpdb->dbname;
        $this->info->isNameUpperCase     = preg_match('/[A-Z]/', $wpdb->dbname) ? 1 : 0;
        $this->info->charSetList         = DUP_DB::getTableCharSetList($filteredTables);
        $this->info->collationList       = DUP_DB::getTableCollationList($filteredTables);
        $this->info->engineList          = DUP_DB::getTableEngineList($filteredTables);

     * Return list of base tables to dump
     * @return array
    protected function getBaseTables($nameOnly = false)
        /** @var \wpdb $wpdb */
        global $wpdb;

        // (TABLE_NAME REGEXP '^rte4ed_(2|6)_' OR TABLE_NAME NOT REGEXP '^rte4ed_[0-9]+_')
        $query = 'SELECT  `TABLE_NAME` as `name`, `TABLE_ROWS` as `rows`, DATA_LENGTH + INDEX_LENGTH as `size` FROM `information_schema`.`tables`';

        $where = array(
            'TABLE_SCHEMA = "' . esc_sql($wpdb->dbname) . '"',
            'TABLE_TYPE != "VIEW"'

        $query .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where);
        $query .= ' ORDER BY TABLE_NAME';

        if ($nameOnly) {
            return $wpdb->get_col($query, 0);
        } else {
            return $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);

     *  Build the database script using mysqldump
     *  @return bool  Returns true if the sql script was successfully created
    private function mysqlDump($exePath)
        global $wpdb;
        require_once(DUPLICATOR_PLUGIN_PATH . 'classes/utilities/class.u.shell.php');
        $host = SnapURL::parseUrl(DB_HOST, PHP_URL_HOST);
        if (($port = SnapURL::parseUrl(DB_HOST, PHP_URL_PORT)) == false) {
            $port = '';
        $name           = DB_NAME;
        $mysqlcompat_on = isset($this->Compatible) && strlen($this->Compatible);
//Build command
        $cmd  = escapeshellarg($exePath);
        $cmd .= ' --no-create-db';
        $cmd .= ' --single-transaction';
        $cmd .= ' --hex-blob';
        $cmd .= ' --skip-add-drop-table';
        $cmd .= ' --routines';
        $cmd .= ' --quote-names';
        $cmd .= ' --skip-comments';
        $cmd .= ' --skip-set-charset';
        $cmd .= ' --skip-triggers';
        $cmd .= ' --allow-keywords';
        $cmd .= ' --no-tablespaces';
//Compatibility mode
        if ($mysqlcompat_on) {
            DUP_Log::Info("COMPATIBLE: [{$this->Compatible}]");
            $cmd .= " --compatible={$this->Compatible}";

        //Filter tables
        $res        = $wpdb->get_results('SHOW FULL TABLES', ARRAY_N);
        $tables     = array();
        $baseTables = array();
        foreach ($res as $row) {
            if (DUP_Util::isTableExists($row[0])) {
                $tables[] = $row[0];
                if ('BASE TABLE' == $row[1]) {
                    $baseTables[] = $row[0];
        $filterTables = isset($this->FilterTables) ? explode(',', $this->FilterTables) : null;
        $tblAllCount  = count($tables);

        //$tblFilterOn  = ($this->FilterOn) ? 'ON' : 'OFF';
        if (is_array($filterTables) && $this->FilterOn) {
            foreach ($tables as $key => $val) {
                if (in_array($tables[$key], $filterTables)) {
                    $cmd .= " --ignore-table={$name}.{$tables[$key]} ";

        $cmd           .= ' -u ' . escapeshellarg(DB_USER);
        $cmd           .= (DB_PASSWORD) ?
            ' -p' . DUP_Shell_U::escapeshellargWindowsSupport(DB_PASSWORD) : '';
        $cmd           .= ' -h ' . escapeshellarg($host);
        $cmd           .= (!empty($port) && is_numeric($port) ) ?
            ' -P ' . $port : '';
        $isPopenEnabled = DUP_Shell_U::isPopenEnabled();
        if (!$isPopenEnabled) {
            $cmd .= ' -r ' . escapeshellarg($this->tempDbPath);

        $cmd .= ' ' . escapeshellarg(DB_NAME);
        $cmd .= ' 2>&1';
        if ($isPopenEnabled) {
            $needToRewrite = false;
            foreach ($tables as $tableName) {
                $rewriteTableAs = $this->rewriteTableNameAs($tableName);
                if ($tableName != $rewriteTableAs) {
                    $needToRewrite = true;

            if ($needToRewrite) {
                $findReplaceTableNames = array();
        // orignal table name => rewrite table name

                foreach ($tables as $tableName) {
                    $rewriteTableAs = $this->rewriteTableNameAs($tableName);
                    if ($tableName != $rewriteTableAs) {
                        $findReplaceTableNames[$tableName] = $rewriteTableAs;

            $firstLine = '';
            DUP_LOG::trace("Executing mysql dump command by popen: $cmd");
            $handle = popen($cmd, "r");
            if ($handle) {
                $sql_header = "/* DUPLICATOR-LITE (MYSQL-DUMP BUILD MODE) MYSQL SCRIPT CREATED ON : " . @date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " */\n\n";
                file_put_contents($this->tempDbPath, $sql_header, FILE_APPEND);
                while (!feof($handle)) {
                    $line = fgets($handle);
                //get ony one line
                    if ($line) {
                        if (empty($firstLine)) {
                            $firstLine = $line;
                            if (false !== stripos($line, 'Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure')) {

                        if ($needToRewrite) {
                            $replaceCount = 1;
                            if (preg_match('/CREATE TABLE `(.*?)`/', $line, $matches)) {
                                $tableName = $matches[1];
                                if (isset($findReplaceTableNames[$tableName])) {
                                    $rewriteTableAs = $findReplaceTableNames[$tableName];
                                    $line           = str_replace('CREATE TABLE `' . $tableName . '`', 'CREATE TABLE `' . $rewriteTableAs . '`', $line, $replaceCount);
                            } elseif (preg_match('/INSERT INTO `(.*?)`/', $line, $matches)) {
                                $tableName = $matches[1];
                                if (isset($findReplaceTableNames[$tableName])) {
                                    $rewriteTableAs = $findReplaceTableNames[$tableName];
                                    $line           = str_replace('INSERT INTO `' . $tableName . '`', 'INSERT INTO `' . $rewriteTableAs . '`', $line, $replaceCount);
                            } elseif (preg_match('/LOCK TABLES `(.*?)`/', $line, $matches)) {
                                $tableName = $matches[1];
                                if (isset($findReplaceTableNames[$tableName])) {
                                    $rewriteTableAs = $findReplaceTableNames[$tableName];
                                    $line           = str_replace('LOCK TABLES `' . $tableName . '`', 'LOCK TABLES `' . $rewriteTableAs . '`', $line, $replaceCount);

                        file_put_contents($this->tempDbPath, $line, FILE_APPEND);
                        $output = "Ran from {$exePath}";
                $mysqlResult = pclose($handle);
            } else {
                $output = '';

            // Password bug > 5.6 (@see http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=66546)
            if (empty($output) && trim($firstLine) === 'Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.') {
                $output = '';
        } else {
            DUP_LOG::trace("Executing mysql dump command $cmd");
            exec($cmd, $output, $mysqlResult);
            $output = implode("\n", $output);
        // Password bug > 5.6 (@see http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=66546)
            if (trim($output) === 'Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.') {
                $output = '';
            $output         = (strlen($output)) ? $output : "Ran from {$exePath}";
            $tblCreateCount = count($tables);
            $tblFilterCount = $tblAllCount - $tblCreateCount;
            //DUP_Log::Info("COMMAND: {$cmd}");
            DUP_Log::Info("FILTERED: [{$this->FilterTables}]");
            DUP_Log::Info("RESPONSE: {$output}");
            DUP_Log::Info("TABLES: total:{$tblAllCount} | filtered:{$tblFilterCount} | create:{$tblCreateCount}");

        $sql_footer  = "\n\n/* Duplicator WordPress Timestamp: " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "*/\n";
        $sql_footer .= "/* " . DUPLICATOR_DB_EOF_MARKER . " */\n";
        file_put_contents($this->tempDbPath, $sql_footer, FILE_APPEND);
        if ($mysqlResult !== 0) {
                     * -1 error command shell
                     * mysqldump return
                     * 0 - Success
                     * 1 - Warning
                     * 2 - Exception
            DUP_Log::Info('MYSQL DUMP ERROR ' . print_r($mysqlResult, true));
                __('Shell mysql dump error. Change SQL Mode to the "PHP Code" in the Duplicator > Settings > Backups.', 'duplicator'),
                implode("\n", SnapIO::getLastLinesOfFile(
            return false;

        return true;

     * Checks if database size is within the mysqldump size limit
     * @param int $dbSize Size of the database to check
     * @return bool Returns true if DB size is within the mysqldump size limit, otherwise false
    protected static function mysqldumpMemoryCheck($dbSize)
        $mem        = SnapUtil::phpIniGet('memory_limit', false);
        $memInBytes = SnapUtil::convertToBytes($mem);

        // If the memory limit is unknown or unlimited (-1), return true
        if ($mem === false || $memInBytes <= 0) {
            return true;

        return (self::requiredMysqlDumpLimit($dbSize) <= $memInBytes);

     * Return mysql required limit
     * @param int $dbSize Size of the database to check
     * @return int
    protected static function requiredMysqlDumpLimit($dbSize)
        return $dbSize + self::MYSQLDUMP_ALLOWED_SIZE_DIFFERENCE;

     *  Build the database script using php
     *  @return bool  Returns true if the sql script was successfully created
    private function phpDump($package)
        global $wpdb;
        $wpdb->query("SET session wait_timeout = " . DUPLICATOR_DB_MAX_TIME);
        if (($handle = fopen($this->tempDbPath, 'w+')) == false) {
            DUP_Log::error('[PHP DUMP] ERROR Can\'t open sbStorePath "' . $this->tempDbPath . '"', Dup_ErrorBehavior::ThrowException);
        $tables       = $wpdb->get_col("SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_Type != 'VIEW'");
        $filterTables = isset($this->FilterTables) ? explode(',', $this->FilterTables) : null;
        $tblAllCount  = count($tables);
//$tblFilterOn  = ($this->FilterOn) ? 'ON' : 'OFF';
        $qryLimit = DUP_Settings::Get('package_phpdump_qrylimit');
        if (is_array($filterTables) && $this->FilterOn) {
            foreach ($tables as $key => $val) {
                if (in_array($tables[$key], $filterTables)) {
        $tblCreateCount = count($tables);
        $tblFilterCount = $tblAllCount - $tblCreateCount;
        DUP_Log::Info("TABLES: total:{$tblAllCount} | filtered:{$tblFilterCount} | create:{$tblCreateCount}");
        DUP_Log::Info("FILTERED: [{$this->FilterTables}]");
//Added 'NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' at plugin version 1.2.12 to fix :
        //**ERROR** database error write 'Invalid default value for for older mysql versions
        $sql_header  = "/* DUPLICATOR-LITE (PHP BUILD MODE) MYSQL SCRIPT CREATED ON : " . @date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " */\n\n";
        $sql_header .= "/*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE='NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO' */;\n\n";
        $sql_header .= "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;\n\n";
        fwrite($handle, $sql_header);
        //All creates must be created before inserts do to foreign key constraints
        foreach ($tables as $table) {
            $rewrite_table_as   = $this->rewriteTableNameAs($table);
            $create             = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW CREATE TABLE `{$table}`", ARRAY_N);
            $count              = 1;
            $create_table_query = str_replace($table, $rewrite_table_as, $create[1], $count);
            @fwrite($handle, "{$create_table_query};\n\n");

        $procedures = $wpdb->get_col("SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS WHERE `Db` = '{$wpdb->dbname}'", 1);
        if (count($procedures)) {
            foreach ($procedures as $procedure) {
                @fwrite($handle, "DELIMITER ;;\n");
                $create = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE `{$procedure}`", ARRAY_N);
                @fwrite($handle, "{$create[2]} ;;\n");
                @fwrite($handle, "DELIMITER ;\n\n");

        $functions = $wpdb->get_col("SHOW FUNCTION STATUS WHERE `Db` = '{$wpdb->dbname}'", 1);
        if (count($functions)) {
            foreach ($functions as $function) {
                @fwrite($handle, "DELIMITER ;;\n");
                $create = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW CREATE FUNCTION `{$function}`", ARRAY_N);
                @fwrite($handle, "{$create[2]} ;;\n");
                @fwrite($handle, "DELIMITER ;\n\n");

        $views = $wpdb->get_col("SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_Type = 'VIEW'");
        if (count($views)) {
            foreach ($views as $view) {
                $create = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW CREATE VIEW `{$view}`", ARRAY_N);
                @fwrite($handle, "{$create[1]};\n\n");

        @fwrite($handle, self::TABLE_CREATION_END_MARKER . "\n");

        $table_count  = count($tables);
        $table_number = 0;
        //Create Insert in 100 row increments to better handle memory
        foreach ($tables as $table) {
            if ($table_number % 2 == 0) {
                $this->Package->Status = SnapUtil::getWorkPercent(DUP_PackageStatus::DBSTART, DUP_PackageStatus::DBDONE, $table_count, $table_number);

            $row_count        = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT Count(*) FROM `{$table}`");
            $rewrite_table_as = $this->rewriteTableNameAs($table);

            if ($row_count > $qryLimit) {
                $row_count = ceil($row_count / $qryLimit);
            } elseif ($row_count > 0) {
                $row_count = 1;

            if ($row_count >= 1) {
                fwrite($handle, "\n/* INSERT TABLE DATA: {$table} */\n");

            for ($i = 0; $i < $row_count; $i++) {
                $sql               = "";
                $limit             = $i * $qryLimit;
                $query             = "SELECT * FROM `{$table}` LIMIT {$limit}, {$qryLimit}";
                $rows              = $wpdb->get_results($query, ARRAY_A);
                $select_last_error = $wpdb->last_error;
                if ('' !== $select_last_error) {
                    $fix          = esc_html__('Please contact your DataBase administrator to fix the error.', 'duplicator');
                    $errorMessage = $select_last_error . ' ' . $fix . '.';
                    $package->BuildProgress->failed = true;
                    $package->failed                = true;
                    $package->Status                = DUP_PackageStatus::ERROR;
                    DUP_Log::error($select_last_error, $fix, Dup_ErrorBehavior::ThrowException);

                if (is_array($rows)) {
                    foreach ($rows as $row) {
                        $sql        .= "INSERT INTO `{$rewrite_table_as}` VALUES(";
                        $num_values  = count($row);
                        $num_counter = 1;
                        foreach ($row as $value) {
                            if (is_null($value) || !isset($value)) {
                                            ($num_values == $num_counter) ? $sql .= 'NULL' : $sql .= 'NULL, ';
                            } else {
                                    ($num_values == $num_counter) ? $sql .= '"' . DUP_DB::escSQL($value, true) . '"' : $sql .= '"' . DUP_DB::escSQL($value, true) . '", ';
                        $sql .= ");\n";
                    fwrite($handle, $sql);

            //Flush buffer if enabled
            if ($this->networkFlush) {
            $sql  = null;
            $rows = null;

        $sql_footer  = "\nSET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1; \n\n";
        $sql_footer .= "/* Duplicator WordPress Timestamp: " . date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "*/\n";
        $sql_footer .= "/* " . DUPLICATOR_DB_EOF_MARKER . " */\n";
        fwrite($handle, $sql_footer);

    private function rewriteTableNameAs($table)
        $table_prefix = $this->getTablePrefix();
        if (!isset($this->sameNameTableExists)) {
            global $wpdb;
            $this->sameNameTableExists = false;
            $all_tables                = $wpdb->get_col("SHOW FULL TABLES WHERE Table_Type != 'VIEW'");
            foreach ($all_tables as $table_name) {
                if (strtolower($table_name) != $table_name && in_array(strtolower($table_name), $all_tables)) {
                    $this->sameNameTableExists = true;
        if (false === $this->sameNameTableExists && 0 === stripos($table, $table_prefix) && 0 !== strpos($table, $table_prefix)) {
            $post_fix           = substr($table, strlen($table_prefix));
            $rewrite_table_name = $table_prefix . $post_fix;
        } else {
            $rewrite_table_name = $table;
        return $rewrite_table_name;

    private function getTablePrefix()
        global $wpdb;
        $table_prefix = (is_multisite() && !defined('MULTISITE')) ? $wpdb->base_prefix : $wpdb->get_blog_prefix(0);
        return $table_prefix;

    public function getUrl()
        return DUP_Settings::getSsdirUrl() . "/" . $this->File;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0