Mini Shell

Mini Shell

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use Duplicator\Libs\Snap\SnapUtil;

defined('ABSPATH') || defined('DUPXABSPATH') || exit;
// Exit if accessed directly
if (!defined('DUPLICATOR_VERSION')) {

 * Helper Class for logging
 * @package Duplicator\classes
abstract class Dup_ErrorBehavior
    const LogOnly        = 0;
    const ThrowException = 1;
    const Quit           = 2;

class DUP_Log
     * The file handle used to write to the package log file
    private static $logFileHandle = null;

     * Get the setting which indicates if tracing is enabled
    private static $traceEnabled = false;

    public static $profileLogs = null;

     * Init this static object
    public static function Init()
        self::$traceEnabled = (DUP_Settings::Get('trace_log_enabled') == 1);

     * Open a log file connection for writing to the package log file
     * @param string $nameHas The Name of the log file to create
     * @return nul
    public static function Open($nameHash)
        if (!isset($nameHash)) {
            throw new Exception("A name value is required to open a file log.");
        if ((self::$logFileHandle = @fopen(DUP_Settings::getSsdirPath() . "/{$nameHash}.log", "a+")) === false) {
            self::$logFileHandle = null;
            return false;
        } else {
             * By initializing the error_handler on opening the log, I am sure that when a package is processed, the handler is active.
            return true;

     * Close the package log file connection if is opened
     * @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
    public static function Close()
        $result = true;

        if (!is_null(self::$logFileHandle)) {
            $result              = @fclose(self::$logFileHandle);
            self::$logFileHandle = null;
        } else {
            $result = true;
        return $result;

     *  General information send to the package log if opened
     *  REPLACE TO DEBUG: Memory consumption as script runs
     *  $results = DUP_Util::byteSize(memory_get_peak_usage(true)) . "\t" . $msg;
     *  @fwrite(self::$logFileHandle, "{$results} \n");
     *  @param string $msg  The message to log
     *  @return null
    public static function Info($msg)
        if (self::$traceEnabled) {
        if (!is_null(self::$logFileHandle)) {
            @fwrite(self::$logFileHandle, $msg . "\n");

     *  General information send to the package log and trace log
     *  @param string $msg  The message to log
     *  @return null
    public static function infoTrace($msg, $calling_function_override = null)
        self::Trace($msg, $calling_function_override);

    public static function print_r_info($val, $name = '')
        $msg  = empty($name) ? '' : 'VALUE ' . $name . ': ';
        $msg .= print_r($val, true);

     * Does the trace file exists
     * @return bool Returns true if an active trace file exists
    public static function TraceFileExists()
        $file_path = self::getTraceFilepath();
        return file_exists($file_path);

     * Gets the current file size of the active trace file
     * @return string   Returns a human readable file size of the active trace file
    public static function getTraceStatus()
        $file_path   = DUP_Log::getTraceFilepath();
        $backup_path = DUP_Log::getBackupTraceFilepath();

        if (file_exists($file_path)) {
            $filesize = is_file($file_path) ? @filesize($file_path) : 0;

            //Its possible mulitple trace log files exist due to size
            if (is_file($backup_path)) {
                $filesize += @filesize($backup_path);

            $message = sprintf('%1$s', DUP_Util::byteSize($filesize));
        } else {
            $message = esc_html__('No Log', 'duplicator');

        return $message;

    // RSR TODO: Swap trace logic out for real trace later
    public static function Trace($message, $calling_function_override = null)

        if (self::$traceEnabled) {
            $unique_id = sprintf("%08x", abs(crc32($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] . $_SERVER['REMOTE_PORT'])));

            if ($calling_function_override == null) {
                $calling_function = SnapUtil::getCallingFunctionName();
            } else {
                $calling_function = $calling_function_override;

            if (is_object($message)) {
                $ov      = get_object_vars($message);
                $message = print_r($ov, true);
            } elseif (is_array($message)) {
                $message = print_r($message, true);

            $logging_message           = "{$unique_id}|{$calling_function} | {$message}";
            $ticks                     = time() + ((int) get_option('gmt_offset') * 3600);
            $formatted_time            = date('d-m-H:i:s', $ticks);
            $formatted_logging_message = "{$formatted_time}|DUP|{$logging_message} \r\n";

            // Always write to error log - if they don't want the info they can turn off WordPress error logging or tracing

            // Everything goes to the plugin log, whether it's part of package generation or not.

    public static function print_r_trace($val, $name = '', $calling_function_override = null)
        $msg  = empty($name) ? '' : 'VALUE ' . $name . ': ';
        $msg .= print_r($val, true);
        self::trace($msg, $calling_function_override);

    public static function errLog($message)
        $message = 'DUP:' . $message;

    public static function TraceObject($msg, $o, $log_private_members = true)
        if (self::$traceEnabled) {
            if (!$log_private_members) {
                $o = get_object_vars($o);
            self::Trace($msg . ':' . print_r($o, true));

    public static function GetDefaultKey()
        $auth_key  = defined('AUTH_KEY') ? AUTH_KEY : 'atk';
        $auth_key .= defined('DB_HOST') ? DB_HOST : 'dbh';
        $auth_key .= defined('DB_NAME') ? DB_NAME : 'dbn';
        $auth_key .= defined('DB_USER') ? DB_USER : 'dbu';
        return hash('md5', $auth_key);

     * Gets the current file size of the old trace file "1"
     * @return string   Returns a human readable file size of the active trace file
    public static function GetBackupTraceFilepath()
        $default_key         = self::getDefaultKey();
        $backup_log_filename = "dup_$default_key.log1";
        $backup_path         = DUP_Settings::getSsdirPath() . "/" . $backup_log_filename;
        return $backup_path;

     * Gets the active trace file path
     * @return string   Returns the full path to the active trace file (i.e. dup-pro_hash.log)
    public static function GetTraceFilepath()
        $default_key  = self::getDefaultKey();
        $log_filename = "dup_$default_key.log";
        $file_path    = DUP_Settings::getSsdirPath() . "/" . $log_filename;
        return $file_path;

     * Deletes the trace log and backup trace log files
     * @return null
    public static function DeleteTraceLog()
        $file_path   = self::GetTraceFilepath();
        $backup_path = self::GetBackupTraceFilepath();
        self::trace("deleting $file_path");
        self::trace("deleting $backup_path");

     *  Called when an error is detected and no further processing should occur
     * @param string $msg The message to log
     * @param string $detail Additional details to help resolve the issue if possible
     * @param int $behavior
    public static function error($msg, $detail = '', $behavior = Dup_ErrorBehavior::Quit)

        SnapUtil::errorLog($msg . ' DETAIL:' . $detail);
        $source = self::getStack(debug_backtrace());

        $err_msg  = "\n==================================================================================\n";
        $err_msg .= "DUPLICATOR ERROR\n";
        $err_msg .= "Please try again! If the error persists see the Duplicator 'Help' menu.\n";
        $err_msg .= "---------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
        $err_msg .= "MESSAGE:\n\t{$msg}\n";
        if (strlen($detail)) {
            $err_msg .= "DETAILS:\n\t{$detail}\n";
        $err_msg .= "TRACE:\n{$source}";
        $err_msg .= "==================================================================================\n\n";
        @fwrite(self::$logFileHandle, "{$err_msg}");

        switch ($behavior) {
            case Dup_ErrorBehavior::ThrowException:
                DUP_LOG::trace("throwing exception");
                throw new Exception($msg);

            case Dup_ErrorBehavior::Quit:
                die("DUPLICATOR ERROR: Please see the 'Backup Log' file link below.");

            // Nothing

     * The current stack trace of a PHP call
     * @param $stacktrace The current debug stack
     * @return string
    public static function getStack($stacktrace)
        $output = "";
        $i      = 1;
        foreach ($stacktrace as $node) {
            $output .= "\t $i. " . basename($node['file']) . " : " . $node['function'] . " (" . $node['line'] . ")\n";
        return $output;

     * Manages writing the active or backup log based on the size setting
     * @return null
    private static function WriteToTrace($formatted_logging_message)
        $log_filepath = self::GetTraceFilepath();

        if (@file_exists($log_filepath) && @filesize($log_filepath) > DUPLICATOR_MAX_LOG_SIZE) {
            $backup_log_filepath = self::GetBackupTraceFilepath();

            if (file_exists($backup_log_filepath)) {
                if (@unlink($backup_log_filepath) === false) {
                    self::errLog("Couldn't delete backup log $backup_log_filepath");

            if (@rename($log_filepath, $backup_log_filepath) === false) {
                self::errLog("Couldn't rename log $log_filepath to $backup_log_filepath");

        if (@file_put_contents($log_filepath, $formatted_logging_message, FILE_APPEND) === false) {
            // Not en error worth reporting

class DUP_Handler
    const MODE_OFF         = 0; // don't write in log
    const MODE_LOG         = 1; // write errors in log file
    const MODE_VAR         = 2; // put php errors in $varModeLog static var
    const SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT = 'tm';

     * @var bool
    private static $initialized = false;

     * @var array
    private static $shutdownReturns = array(
        'tm' => 'timeout'

     * @var int
    private static $handlerMode = self::MODE_LOG;

     * @var bool // print code reference and errno at end of php error line  [CODE:10|FILE:test.php|LINE:100]
    private static $codeReference = true;

     * @var bool // print prefix in php error line [PHP ERR][WARN] MSG: .....
    private static $errPrefix = true;

     * @var string // php errors in MODE_VAR
    private static $varModeLog = '';

     * This function only initializes the error handler the first time it is called
    public static function init_error_handler()
        if (!self::$initialized) {
            @set_error_handler(array(__CLASS__, 'error'));
            @register_shutdown_function(array(__CLASS__, 'shutdown'));
            self::$initialized = true;

     * Error handler
     * @param integer $errno   Error level
     * @param string  $errstr  Error message
     * @param string  $errfile Error file
     * @param integer $errline Error line
     * @return void
    public static function error($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
        switch (self::$handlerMode) {
            case self::MODE_OFF:
                if ($errno == E_ERROR) {
                    $log_message = self::getMessage($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline);
            case self::MODE_VAR:
                self::$varModeLog .= self::getMessage($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) . "\n";
            case self::MODE_LOG:
                switch ($errno) {
                    case E_ERROR:
                        $log_message = self::getMessage($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline);
                    case E_NOTICE:
                    case E_WARNING:
                        $log_message = self::getMessage($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline);

    private static function getMessage($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
        $result = '';

        if (self::$errPrefix) {
            $result = '[PHP ERR]';
            switch ($errno) {
                case E_ERROR:
                    $result .= '[FATAL]';
                case E_WARNING:
                    $result .= '[WARN]';
                case E_NOTICE:
                    $result .= '[NOTICE]';
                    $result .= '[ISSUE]';
            $result .= ' MSG:';

        $result .= $errstr;

        if (self::$codeReference) {
            $result .= ' [CODE:' . $errno . '|FILE:' . $errfile . '|LINE:' . $errline . ']';
            $result .= "\n" . wp_debug_backtrace_summary();

        return $result;

     * if setMode is called without params set as default
     * @param int $mode
     * @param bool $errPrefix // print prefix in php error line [PHP ERR][WARN] MSG: .....
     * @param bool $codeReference // print code reference and errno at end of php error line  [CODE:10|FILE:test.php|LINE:100]
    public static function setMode($mode = self::MODE_LOG, $errPrefix = true, $codeReference = true)
        switch ($mode) {
            case self::MODE_OFF:
            case self::MODE_VAR:
                self::$handlerMode = $mode;
            case self::MODE_LOG:
                self::$handlerMode = self::MODE_LOG;

        self::$varModeLog    = '';
        self::$errPrefix     = $errPrefix;
        self::$codeReference = $codeReference;

     * @return string // return var log string in MODE_VAR
    public static function getVarLog()
        return self::$varModeLog;

     * @return string // return var log string in MODE_VAR and clean var
    public static function getVarLogClean()
        $result           = self::$varModeLog;
        self::$varModeLog = '';
        return $result;

     * @param string $status // timeout
     * @param string
    public static function setShutdownReturn($status, $str)
        self::$shutdownReturns[$status] = $str;

     * Shutdown handler
     * @return void
    public static function shutdown()
        if (($error = error_get_last())) {
            if (preg_match('/^Maximum execution time (?:.+) exceeded$/i', $error['message'])) {
                echo self::$shutdownReturns[self::SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT];
            self::error($error['type'], $error['message'], $error['file'], $error['line']);

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0