Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/src/routes/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/src/routes/flow.js

var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var bcrypt = require('bcrypt')

var formidable = require('formidable');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');

var con = require('../../config');

var secured = require('../middleware/login');
var db = require('../models');

//get all structures, it could be a get request but, post works fine
router.post('/get', function(req, res, next) {
     .then( structures=>{

  //get method/route for sll flow list/view,
router.get('/', secured, function(req, res, next) {

    // var orgId = 0;
    var user = req.user;
    let orgId = user.orgId ;
    db.Flow.findAll({ where: {orgId: orgId}, include: [{ all: true, nested: true }]/*, order: [['parentId','ASC']]*/ } ).then(flows => {

	// console.log(structures[3])
      res.render('flow/index', { user, flows});

	.catch(error => {
		// Ooops, do some error-handling


router.get('/add', secured, function(req, res, next) {

    // var orgId = 0;
    var user = req.user;
    let orgId = user.orgId ;
    db.CompanyStructure.findAll({ where: {orgId: orgId}, include: [{ all: true, nested: true }]/*, order: [['parentId','ASC']]*/ } ).then(structures => {

      res.render('flow/addFlow', { user, structures});

	.catch(error => {
		// Ooops, do some error-handling


//post method for creating new flow
router.post('/add', secured, async(req, res, next) => {
	var user = req.user;

	db.Flow.create({companyStructureId:req.body.companyStructureId, title:req.body.flowName, description:req.body.description, orgId: user.orgId, createdBy:user.id})
	.then(flow => {

router.post('/addFlowColumns', secured, async(req, res, next) => {
	var user = req.user;
	// var form = new formidable.IncomingForm();
    // await form.parse(req, async(err, fields, files) =>{

	// console.log(req.body)

	 columns = req.body['columns[]'];
	 title = req.body.title;
	 flowId = req.body.flowId;
	 stage = req.body.currentStage;
	// })

	// console.log(columns.le)

	await db.FlowTitle.findOrCreate({where:{flowId, title, stage, orgId: user.orgId, createdBy:user.id}})
		.spread((flowTitle, created) => {

				// it sometimes throe columns.foreach is not a function when the column is just 1 item
				//so i check first
					columns.forEach(async column => {
						await db.FlowFields.create({flowId, flowTitleId:flowTitle.id, stage, label: column, createdBy: user.id})
					db.FlowFields.create({flowId, flowTitleId:flowTitle.id, stage, label: columns, createdBy: user.id})


			//return res.redirect(`/workflow/request/${request.uuid}`);



//finish entering flow and mark flow active
router.post('/addFlowFinish', secured, async(req, res, next) => {
	var user = req.user;

	.then(flow => {
		flow.active = 1;
				res.json({status: "success"});


router.get('/view/:uuid', secured, async(req, res, next) => {
	var user = req.user;

	const [ flow ] = await Promise.all([
		db.Flow.findOne({where:{uuid:req.params.uuid}, include:[ /*{ model: db.CompanyStructure, as: */'structure' /*} */, {model:db.FlowTitle, as:'flowTitles', include:['flowFields']},]}),

	return res.render('flow/viewFlow', {user, flow});


router.get('/create/:uuid', secured, async(req, res, next) => {
	var user = req.user;

	const [ flow ] = await Promise.all([
		//TODO::fix the parentStructureId of CompanyStructure  model and then reduce the include[{include[{include}]}] below
		db.Flow.findOne({where:{uuid:req.params.uuid}, include:[ { model: db.CompanyStructure, as: 'structure' , include:[{model:db.OrganisationStructure, as : 'orgStructure', include:[{model:db.Structure, as : "structure"}]}]} , {model:db.FlowTitle, as:'flowTitles', include:['flowFields']},]}),

	// const [ requests ] = await Promise.all([
	// 	db.Request.findAll({where:{owner:user.id}, workflowId:workflow.id, include:[{ all: true, nested: true }]}),
	// 	]);

		//the page/view needs the processReference to check if its aa new process or not, cause the view is been used for two routes, 'process/create/uuid' and 'process/continue/uuid'
	return res.render('flow/createProcess', {user, flow, processReference : null});


router.post('/create/:uuid', secured, async(req, res, next) => {
	var user = req.user;
	// console.log(req.body)

	let fields = req.body['fields[]'];
	let flowTitleId = req.body.flowTitleId;
	let processId = req.body.processId;
	let stage = req.body.currentStage;
	let comment = req.body.comment;

	 const [flowTitle] = await Promise.all([
		 db.FlowTitle.findOne({where:{id:flowTitleId}, include:['flow', 'flowFields']}),

		 return res.json({status:"error", msg:"Stage not found!", title:"Error"});

	 let processReference;
	 if(processId == 0 ||  isNaN(processId) ){ //new processReference
		// console.log(req.body);
		var ref1 = Math.round(Math.random() * 10000)
		var ref2 = Math.round(Math.random() * 10000)
		processReference = await db.ProcessReference.build({flowId:flowTitle.flowId, companyStructureId:flowTitle.flow.companyStructureId, orgId:flowTitle.flow.orgId, createdBy: user.id, status:"In Progress"});

		processReference.reference = ref1 + ref2;
		// processReference.currentStage = stage;
		[processReference] = await Promise.all([processReference.save()]);


	else{ //not a new process ref, so find ref using id
		[processReference] = await Promise.all([db.ProcessReference.findOne({where:{id:processId}})]);


	// it sometimes throws fields.foreach is not a function when the column is just 1 item
	//so i check first
		fields.forEach(async field => {
			await db.FlowProcess.create({flowId: processReference.flowId, flowProcessId: processReference.id ,flowTitleId:flowTitle.id, stage, flowFieldId: field, value :"true", createdBy: user.id, comment})

		await db.FlowProcess.create({flowId: processReference.flowId, flowProcessId: processReference.id, flowTitleId:flowTitle.id, stage, flowFieldId: fields, value :"true", createdBy: user.id})

	processReference.currentStage = stage;
	[processReference] = await Promise.all([processReference.save()]);

		//need to send the next stage fields/columns to view to
		//lets increment stage and find the fields for new stage

	const [nextStage] = await Promise.all([
		db.FlowTitle.findOne({where:{flowId:flowTitle.flowId, stage, orgId:user.orgId}, include:['flow', 'flowFields']}), //orgId does matter at all, just put it there.


	if(nextStage == null){
		processReference.status = "Completed";
		await processReference.save();

	res.json({status:"success", processId:processReference.id, nextStage});

	//return res.redirect(`/workflow/request/${request.uuid}`);


router.get('/:uuid', secured, async(req, res, next)=>{
	const user = req.user;
	const [ flow, processes ] = await Promise.all([
		db.Flow.findOne({where:{uuid:req.params.uuid}, include:[ /*{ model: db.CompanyStructure, as: */'structure' /*} */, {model:db.FlowTitle, as:'flowTitles', include:['flowFields']},]}),

	return res.render('flow/employee/viewProcess', {user, flow, processes})


//uuid is processReference.uuid not flow.uuid
router.get('/continue/:uuid', secured, async(req, res, next) => {
	var user = req.user;

	const [processReference] = await Promise.all([


	const [ flow ] = await Promise.all([
		//TODO::fix the parentStructureId of CompanyStructure  model and then reduce the include[{include[{include}]}] below
		db.Flow.findOne({where:{id:processReference.flowId}, include:[ { model: db.CompanyStructure, as: 'structure' , include:[{model:db.OrganisationStructure, as : 'orgStructure', include:[{model:db.Structure, as : "structure"}]}]} , {model:db.FlowTitle, as:'flowTitles', include:['flowFields']},]}),

	// const [ requests ] = await Promise.all([
	// 	db.Request.findAll({where:{owner:user.id}, workflowId:workflow.id, include:[{ all: true, nested: true }]}),
	// 	]);

	return res.render('flow/createProcess', {user, flow, processReference});


//uuid is flow.uuid
router.get('/records/:uuid', secured, async(req, res, next) => {
	var user = req.user;

	const [ flow ] = await Promise.all([
		db.Flow.findOne({where:{uuid:req.params.uuid}, include:[ /*{ model: db.CompanyStructure, as: */'structure' /*} */, {model:db.FlowTitle, as:'flowTitles', include:['flowFields']},]}),

		req.flash('error', 'Business Process Flow not found' );
		return res.redirect('/flow');

	const [processReference] = await Promise.all([
		db.ProcessReference.findAll({where:{flowId:flow.id, orgId:user.orgId}, include:['user']})

	return res.render('flow/viewRecords', {user, flow, processReference});


//uuid is process.uuid
router.get('/records/view/:uuid', secured, async(req, res, next) => {
	var user = req.user;

	const [ processReference ] = await Promise.all([
	db.ProcessReference.findOne({where:{uuid:req.params.uuid}, include:[ {model:db.Flow, as: 'flow', include:['structure'/*, 'flowTitles'*/]}, 'user', {model:db.FlowProcess, as:'processes', order:['stage'], include:['field', 'title','user']},]}),

		req.flash('error', 'Process Record not found' );
		return res.redirect('/flow');

	return res.render('flow/viewProcess', {user, process:processReference, flow: processReference.flow});


router.get('/request/:uuid', secured, async(req, res, next) => {
	var user = req.user;

	// var [nextOfficer =
	const [request] = await Promise.all([
		db.Request.findOne({where:{uuid: req.params.uuid}, include:[{ all: true, nested: true }]})
console.log(request.id + "    hegehehe")
		case 1:
			return res.render('workflow/itRequestView', {user, request})
		case 25:
			return res.render('workflow/capitalExpenditureRequestView', {user, request})

	// return res.render('workflow/itRequestView', {user, request})

	// switch(req.params.id){
	// 	case "1":
	// 		db.Request.create({serviceType:req.body.serviceType, description:req.body.description, owner:user.id, targetedStructure:targetedStructure.id, nextOfficer:targetedStructure.headId, status:"New", workflowId:workflow.id})
	// 		.then(request=>{
	// 			// console.log(request);

	// 			//lets keep it in history
	// 			db.RequestHistory.create({requestId:request.id,updatedBy:user.id,status:request.status,message:user.firstName+" "+user.lastName+" made a new IT Service Request"});

	// 			//lets send  notification
	// 			db.Notification.create({senderId:user.id,receiverId:targetedStructure.headId,type:"IT Service Request",message:user.firstName+" "+user.lastName+" has made an IT Service Request and needs your review",url:"/workflow/"+workflow.id,seen:0})
	// 			.then(notification =>console.log(notification))
	// 			// oh lets notify the assistant head also
	// 			db.Notification.create({senderId:user.id,receiverId:targetedStructure.assistantId,type:"IT Service Request",message:user.firstName+" "+user.lastName+" has made an IT Service Request and needs your review",url:"/workflow/"+workflow.id+"/"+request.uuid,seen:0})
	// 			.then(notification =>console.log(notification))

	// 		})
	// 		.catch(error=>console.log(error))
	// 		return res.render('workflow', {user, workflow});

	// }


router.get('/request/:uuid/:action', secured, async(req, res, next) => {
	var user = req.user;

	// var [nextOfficer =
	const [request] = await Promise.all([
		db.Request.findOne({where:{uuid: req.params.uuid}, include:[{ all: true, nested: true }]})

	const [workflow] = await Promise.all([
		db.Workflow.findOne({where:{id: request.workflowId}, include:[{ all: true, nested: true }]})

	request.supervisorComment = req.body.supervisorComment;

		case "1": //reject
			request.status = "Rejected";
			request.nextOfficer = request.owner;
				db.RequestHistory.create({requestId:request.id,updatedBy:user.id,status:request.status,message:user.firstName+" "+user.lastName+" rejected "+workflow.name});

				//lets send  notification
				db.Notification.create({senderId:user.id,receiverId:request.owner,type:"Re: IT Service Request",message:user.firstName+" "+user.lastName+" has rejected your "+workflow.name,url:"/workflow/request/"+request.uuid,seen:0})
				.then(notification =>console.log(notification));

				req.flash('success', 'Request has been rejected!' );


		// case 2: //rework
		// 	request.status = "To be reworked";
		// 	request.save({fields:['supervisorComment','status']})
		// 	.then(()=>{
		// 		db.RequestHistory.create({requestId:request.id,updatedBy:user.id,status:request.status,message:user.firstName+" "+user.lastName+" returned IT Service Request for rework"});

		// 		//lets send  notification
		// 		db.Notification.create({senderId:user.id,receiverId:request.owner,type:"IT Service Request",message:user.firstName+" "+user.lastName+" has returned your IT Service Request for rework",url:"/workflow/"+workflow.id+"/"+request.uuid,seen:0})
		// 		.then(notification =>console.log(notification));

		// 		req.flash('success', 'Request has been returned for rework!' );

		// 	});
		// 	break;

		case "3": //approve
			request.status = "Approved";
			request.nextOfficer = request.structure.headId;
				db.RequestHistory.create({requestId:request.id,updatedBy:user.id,status:request.status,message:user.firstName+" "+user.lastName+" Approved the Request!"});

				//lets send  notification
				db.Notification.create({senderId:user.id,receiverId:request.owner,type:"IT Service Request",message:user.firstName+" "+user.lastName+" has Approved your IT Service Request and it's now forwarded to "+request.structure.name+"!",url:"/workflow/request/"+request.uuid,seen:0})
				.then(notification =>console.log(notification));

				db.Notification.create({senderId:user.id,receiverId:request.structure.headId,type:"IT Service Request",message:user.firstName+" "+user.lastName+" has forwarded an IT Service Request approval to your office for review",url:"/workflow/request/"+request.uuid,seen:0})
				.then(notification =>console.log(notification));

				req.flash('success', `Request has been Approved and now forwarded to ${request.structure.name} !` );




	// switch(req.params.id){
	// 	case "1":
	// 		db.Request.create({serviceType:req.body.serviceType, description:req.body.description, owner:user.id, targetedStructure:targetedStructure.id, nextOfficer:targetedStructure.headId, status:"New", workflowId:workflow.id})
	// 		.then(request=>{
	// 			// console.log(request);

	// 			//lets keep it in history
	// 			db.RequestHistory.create({requestId:request.id,updatedBy:user.id,status:request.status,message:user.firstName+" "+user.lastName+" made a new IT Service Request"});

	// 			//lets send  notification
	// 			db.Notification.create({senderId:user.id,receiverId:targetedStructure.headId,type:"IT Service Request",message:user.firstName+" "+user.lastName+" has made an IT Service Request and needs your review",url:"/workflow/"+workflow.id,seen:0})
	// 			.then(notification =>console.log(notification))
	// 			// oh lets notify the assistant head also
	// 			db.Notification.create({senderId:user.id,receiverId:targetedStructure.assistantId,type:"IT Service Request",message:user.firstName+" "+user.lastName+" has made an IT Service Request and needs your review",url:"/workflow/"+workflow.id+"/"+request.uuid,seen:0})
	// 			.then(notification =>console.log(notification))

	// 		})
	// 		.catch(error=>console.log(error))
	// 		return res.render('workflow', {user, workflow});

	// }


module.exports = router;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0