Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/src/public/app-assets/vendors/js/tables/foo-table/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/src/public/app-assets/vendors/js/tables/foo-table/footable.editing.js |
/* * FooTable v3 - FooTable is a jQuery plugin that aims to make HTML tables on smaller devices look awesome. * @version 3.1.6 * @link http://fooplugins.com * @copyright Steven Usher & Brad Vincent 2015 * @license Released under the GPLv3 license. */ (function($, F){ F.Editing = F.Component.extend(/** @lends FooTable.Editing */{ /** * The editing component adds a column with edit and delete buttons to each row as well as a single add row button in the footer. * @constructs * @extends FooTable.Component * @param {FooTable.Table} table - The parent {@link FooTable.Table} object for the component. * @returns {FooTable.Editing} */ construct: function(table){ // call the base constructor this._super(table, table.o.editing.enabled); /** * Whether or not to automatically page to a new row when it is added to the table. * @type {boolean} */ this.pageToNew = table.o.editing.pageToNew; /** * Whether or not the editing column and add row button are always visible. * @type {boolean} */ this.alwaysShow = table.o.editing.alwaysShow; /** * The options for the editing column. @see {@link FooTable.EditingColumn} for more info. * @type {object} * @prop {string} classes="footable-editing" - A space separated string of class names to apply to all cells in the column. * @prop {string} name="editing" - The name of the column. * @prop {string} title="" - The title displayed in the header row of the table for the column. * @prop {boolean} filterable=false - Whether or not the column should be filterable when using the filtering component. * @prop {boolean} sortable=false - Whether or not the column should be sortable when using the sorting component. */ this.column = $.extend(true, {}, table.o.editing.column, {visible: this.alwaysShow}); /** * The position of the editing column in the table as well as the alignment of the buttons. * @type {string} */ this.position = table.o.editing.position; /** * The text that appears in the show button. This can contain HTML. * @type {string} */ this.showText = table.o.editing.showText; /** * The text that appears in the hide button. This can contain HTML. * @type {string} */ this.hideText = table.o.editing.hideText; /** * The text that appears in the add button. This can contain HTML. * @type {string} */ this.addText = table.o.editing.addText; /** * The text that appears in the edit button. This can contain HTML. * @type {string} */ this.editText = table.o.editing.editText; /** * The text that appears in the delete button. This can contain HTML. * @type {string} */ this.deleteText = table.o.editing.deleteText; /** * The text that appears in the view button. This can contain HTML. * @type {string} */ this.viewText = table.o.editing.viewText; /** * Whether or not to show the Add Row button. * @type {boolean} */ this.allowAdd = table.o.editing.allowAdd; /** * Whether or not to show the Edit Row button. * @type {boolean} */ this.allowEdit = table.o.editing.allowEdit; /** * Whether or not to show the Delete Row button. * @type {boolean} */ this.allowDelete = table.o.editing.allowDelete; /** * Whether or not to show the View Row button. * @type {boolean} */ this.allowView = table.o.editing.allowView; /** * Caches the row button elements to help with performance. * @type {(null|jQuery)} * @private */ this._$buttons = null; /** * This object is used to contain the callbacks for the add, edit and delete row buttons. * @type {object} * @prop {function} addRow * @prop {function} editRow * @prop {function} deleteRow * @prop {function} viewRow */ this.callbacks = { addRow: F.checkFnValue(this, table.o.editing.addRow), editRow: F.checkFnValue(this, table.o.editing.editRow), deleteRow: F.checkFnValue(this, table.o.editing.deleteRow), viewRow: F.checkFnValue(this, table.o.editing.viewRow) }; }, /* PROTECTED */ /** * Checks the supplied data and options for the editing component. * @instance * @protected * @param {object} data - The jQuery data object from the parent table. * @fires FooTable.Editing#"preinit.ft.editing" */ preinit: function(data){ var self = this; /** * The preinit.ft.editing event is raised before the UI is created and provides the tables jQuery data object for additional options parsing. * Calling preventDefault on this event will disable the component. * @event FooTable.Editing#"preinit.ft.editing" * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event. * @param {FooTable.Table} ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event. * @param {object} data - The jQuery data object of the table raising the event. */ this.ft.raise('preinit.ft.editing', [data]).then(function(){ if (self.ft.$el.hasClass('footable-editing')) self.enabled = true; self.enabled = F.is.boolean(data.editing) ? data.editing : self.enabled; if (!self.enabled) return; self.pageToNew = F.is.boolean(data.editingPageToNew) ? data.editingPageToNew : self.pageToNew; self.alwaysShow = F.is.boolean(data.editingAlwaysShow) ? data.editingAlwaysShow : self.alwaysShow; self.position = F.is.string(data.editingPosition) ? data.editingPosition : self.position; self.showText = F.is.string(data.editingShowText) ? data.editingShowText : self.showText; self.hideText = F.is.string(data.editingHideText) ? data.editingHideText : self.hideText; self.addText = F.is.string(data.editingAddText) ? data.editingAddText : self.addText; self.editText = F.is.string(data.editingEditText) ? data.editingEditText : self.editText; self.deleteText = F.is.string(data.editingDeleteText) ? data.editingDeleteText : self.deleteText; self.viewText = F.is.string(data.editingViewText) ? data.editingViewText : self.viewText; self.allowAdd = F.is.boolean(data.editingAllowAdd) ? data.editingAllowAdd : self.allowAdd; self.allowEdit = F.is.boolean(data.editingAllowEdit) ? data.editingAllowEdit : self.allowEdit; self.allowDelete = F.is.boolean(data.editingAllowDelete) ? data.editingAllowDelete : self.allowDelete; self.allowView = F.is.boolean(data.editingAllowView) ? data.editingAllowView : self.allowView; self.column = new F.EditingColumn(self.ft, self, $.extend(true, {}, self.column, data.editingColumn, {visible: self.alwaysShow})); if (self.ft.$el.hasClass('footable-editing-left')) self.position = 'left'; if (self.ft.$el.hasClass('footable-editing-right')) self.position = 'right'; if (self.position === 'right'){ self.column.index = self.ft.columns.array.length; } else { self.column.index = 0; for (var i = 0, len = self.ft.columns.array.length; i < len; i++){ self.ft.columns.array[i].index += 1; } } self.ft.columns.array.push(self.column); self.ft.columns.array.sort(function(a, b){ return a.index - b.index; }); self.callbacks.addRow = F.checkFnValue(self, data.editingAddRow, self.callbacks.addRow); self.callbacks.editRow = F.checkFnValue(self, data.editingEditRow, self.callbacks.editRow); self.callbacks.deleteRow = F.checkFnValue(self, data.editingDeleteRow, self.callbacks.deleteRow); self.callbacks.viewRow = F.checkFnValue(self, data.editingViewRow, self.callbacks.viewRow); }, function(){ self.enabled = false; }); }, /** * Initializes the editing component for the plugin using the supplied table and options. * @instance * @protected * @fires FooTable.Editing#"init.ft.editing" */ init: function(){ /** * The init.ft.editing event is raised before its UI is generated. * Calling preventDefault on this event will disable the component. * @event FooTable.Editing#"init.ft.editing" * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event. * @param {FooTable.Table} ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event. */ var self = this; this.ft.raise('init.ft.editing').then(function(){ self.$create(); }, function(){ self.enabled = false; }); }, /** * Destroys the editing component removing any UI generated from the table. * @instance * @protected * @fires FooTable.Editing#"destroy.ft.editing" */ destroy: function () { /** * The destroy.ft.editing event is raised before its UI is removed. * Calling preventDefault on this event will prevent the component from being destroyed. * @event FooTable.Editing#"destroy.ft.editing" * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event. * @param {FooTable.Table} ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event. */ var self = this; this.ft.raise('destroy.ft.editing').then(function(){ self.ft.$el.removeClass('footable-editing footable-editing-always-show footable-editing-no-add footable-editing-no-edit footable-editing-no-delete footable-editing-no-view') .off('click.ft.editing').find('tfoot > tr.footable-editing').remove(); }); }, /** * Creates the editing UI from the current options setting the various jQuery properties of this component. * @instance * @protected */ $create: function(){ var self = this, position = self.position === 'right' ? 'footable-editing-right' : 'footable-editing-left'; self.ft.$el.addClass('footable-editing').addClass(position) .on('click.ft.editing', '.footable-show', {self: self}, self._onShowClick) .on('click.ft.editing', '.footable-hide', {self: self}, self._onHideClick) .on('click.ft.editing', '.footable-edit', {self: self}, self._onEditClick) .on('click.ft.editing', '.footable-delete', {self: self}, self._onDeleteClick) .on('click.ft.editing', '.footable-view', {self: self}, self._onViewClick) .on('click.ft.editing', '.footable-add', {self: self}, self._onAddClick); self.$cell = $('<td/>').attr('colspan', self.ft.columns.visibleColspan).append(self.$buttonShow()); if (self.allowAdd){ self.$cell.append(self.$buttonAdd()); } self.$cell.append(self.$buttonHide()); if (self.alwaysShow){ self.ft.$el.addClass('footable-editing-always-show'); } if (!self.allowAdd) self.ft.$el.addClass('footable-editing-no-add'); if (!self.allowEdit) self.ft.$el.addClass('footable-editing-no-edit'); if (!self.allowDelete) self.ft.$el.addClass('footable-editing-no-delete'); if (!self.allowView) self.ft.$el.addClass('footable-editing-no-view'); var $tfoot = self.ft.$el.children('tfoot'); if ($tfoot.length == 0){ $tfoot = $('<tfoot/>'); self.ft.$el.append($tfoot); } self.$row = $('<tr/>', { 'class': 'footable-editing' }).append(self.$cell).appendTo($tfoot); }, /** * Creates the show button for the editing component. * @instance * @protected * @returns {(string|HTMLElement|jQuery)} */ $buttonShow: function(){ return '<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary footable-show">' + this.showText + '</button>'; }, /** * Creates the hide button for the editing component. * @instance * @protected * @returns {(string|HTMLElement|jQuery)} */ $buttonHide: function(){ return '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default footable-hide">' + this.hideText + '</button>'; }, /** * Creates the add button for the editing component. * @instance * @protected * @returns {(string|HTMLElement|jQuery)} */ $buttonAdd: function(){ return '<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary footable-add">' + this.addText + '</button> '; }, /** * Creates the edit button for the editing component. * @instance * @protected * @returns {(string|HTMLElement|jQuery)} */ $buttonEdit: function(){ return '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default footable-edit">' + this.editText + '</button> '; }, /** * Creates the delete button for the editing component. * @instance * @protected * @returns {(string|HTMLElement|jQuery)} */ $buttonDelete: function(){ return '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default footable-delete">' + this.deleteText + '</button>'; }, /** * Creates the view button for the editing component. * @instance * @protected * @returns {(string|HTMLElement|jQuery)} */ $buttonView: function(){ return '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default footable-view">' + this.viewText + '</button> '; }, /** * Creates the button group for the row buttons. * @instance * @protected * @returns {(string|HTMLElement|jQuery)} */ $rowButtons: function(){ if (F.is.jq(this._$buttons)) return this._$buttons.clone(); this._$buttons = $('<div class="btn-group btn-group-xs" role="group"></div>'); if (this.allowView) this._$buttons.append(this.$buttonView()); if (this.allowEdit) this._$buttons.append(this.$buttonEdit()); if (this.allowDelete) this._$buttons.append(this.$buttonDelete()); return this._$buttons; }, /** * Performs the drawing of the component. */ draw: function(){ this.$cell.attr('colspan', this.ft.columns.visibleColspan); }, /** * Handles the edit button click event. * @instance * @private * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event. * @fires FooTable.Editing#"edit.ft.editing" */ _onEditClick: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var self = e.data.self, row = $(this).closest('tr').data('__FooTableRow__'); if (row instanceof F.Row){ /** * The edit.ft.editing event is raised before its callback is executed. * Calling preventDefault on this event will prevent the callback from being executed. * @event FooTable.Editing#"edit.ft.editing" * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event. * @param {FooTable.Table} ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event. * @param {FooTable.Row} row - The row to be edited. */ self.ft.raise('edit.ft.editing', [row]).then(function(){ self.callbacks.editRow.call(self.ft, row); }); } }, /** * Handles the delete button click event. * @instance * @private * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event. * @fires FooTable.Editing#"delete.ft.editing" */ _onDeleteClick: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var self = e.data.self, row = $(this).closest('tr').data('__FooTableRow__'); if (row instanceof F.Row){ /** * The delete.ft.editing event is raised before its callback is executed. * Calling preventDefault on this event will prevent the callback from being executed. * @event FooTable.Editing#"delete.ft.editing" * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event. * @param {FooTable.Table} ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event. * @param {FooTable.Row} row - The row to be deleted. */ self.ft.raise('delete.ft.editing', [row]).then(function(){ self.callbacks.deleteRow.call(self.ft, row); }); } }, /** * Handles the view button click event. * @instance * @private * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event. * @fires FooTable.Editing#"view.ft.editing" */ _onViewClick: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var self = e.data.self, row = $(this).closest('tr').data('__FooTableRow__'); if (row instanceof F.Row){ /** * The view.ft.editing event is raised before its callback is executed. * Calling preventDefault on this event will prevent the callback from being executed. * @event FooTable.Editing#"view.ft.editing" * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event. * @param {FooTable.Table} ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event. * @param {FooTable.Row} row - The row to be viewed. */ self.ft.raise('view.ft.editing', [row]).then(function(){ self.callbacks.viewRow.call(self.ft, row); }); } }, /** * Handles the add button click event. * @instance * @private * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event. * @fires FooTable.Editing#"add.ft.editing" */ _onAddClick: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var self = e.data.self; /** * The add.ft.editing event is raised before its callback is executed. * Calling preventDefault on this event will prevent the callback from being executed. * @event FooTable.Editing#"add.ft.editing" * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event. * @param {FooTable.Table} ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event. */ self.ft.raise('add.ft.editing').then(function(){ self.callbacks.addRow.call(self.ft); }); }, /** * Handles the show button click event. * @instance * @private * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event. * @fires FooTable.Editing#"show.ft.editing" */ _onShowClick: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var self = e.data.self; /** * The show.ft.editing event is raised before its callback is executed. * Calling preventDefault on this event will prevent the callback from being executed. * @event FooTable.Editing#"show.ft.editing" * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event. * @param {FooTable.Table} ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event. */ self.ft.raise('show.ft.editing').then(function(){ self.ft.$el.addClass('footable-editing-show'); self.column.visible = true; self.ft.draw(); }); }, /** * Handles the hide button click event. * @instance * @private * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event. * @fires FooTable.Editing#"show.ft.editing" */ _onHideClick: function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var self = e.data.self; /** * The hide.ft.editing event is raised before its callback is executed. * Calling preventDefault on this event will prevent the callback from being executed. * @event FooTable.Editing#"hide.ft.editing" * @param {jQuery.Event} e - The jQuery.Event object for the event. * @param {FooTable.Table} ft - The instance of the plugin raising the event. */ self.ft.raise('hide.ft.editing').then(function(){ self.ft.$el.removeClass('footable-editing-show'); self.column.visible = false; self.ft.draw(); }); } }); F.components.register('editing', F.Editing, 850); })(jQuery, FooTable); (function($, F){ F.EditingColumn = F.Column.extend(/** @lends FooTable.EditingColumn */{ /** * The Editing column class is used to create the column containing the editing buttons. * @constructs * @extends FooTable.Column * @param {FooTable.Table} instance - The parent {@link FooTable.Table} this column belongs to. * @param {FooTable.Editing} editing - The parent {@link FooTable.Editing} component this column is used with. * @param {object} definition - An object containing all the properties to set for the column. * @returns {FooTable.EditingColumn} */ construct: function(instance, editing, definition){ this._super(instance, definition, 'editing'); this.editing = editing; this.internal = true; }, /** * After the column has been defined this ensures that the $el property is a jQuery object by either creating or updating the current value. * @instance * @protected * @this FooTable.Column */ $create: function(){ (this.$el = !this.virtual && F.is.jq(this.$el) ? this.$el : $('<th/>', {'class': 'footable-editing'})).html(this.title); }, /** * This is supplied either the cell value or jQuery object to parse. Any value can be returned from this method and * will be provided to the {@link FooTable.EditingColumn#format} function * to generate the cell contents. * @instance * @protected * @param {(*|jQuery)} valueOrElement - The value or jQuery cell object. * @returns {(jQuery)} */ parser: function(valueOrElement){ if (F.is.string(valueOrElement)) valueOrElement = $($.trim(valueOrElement)); if (F.is.element(valueOrElement)) valueOrElement = $(valueOrElement); if (F.is.jq(valueOrElement)){ var tagName = valueOrElement.prop('tagName').toLowerCase(); if (tagName == 'td' || tagName == 'th') return valueOrElement.data('value') || valueOrElement.contents(); return valueOrElement; } return null; }, /** * Creates a cell to be used in the supplied row for this column. * @param {FooTable.Row} row - The row to create the cell for. * @returns {FooTable.Cell} */ createCell: function(row){ var $buttons = this.editing.$rowButtons(), $cell = $('<td/>').append($buttons); if (F.is.jq(row.$el)){ if (this.index === 0){ $cell.prependTo(row.$el); } else { $cell.insertAfter(row.$el.children().eq(this.index-1)); } } return new F.Cell(this.ft, row, this, $cell || $cell.html()); } }); F.columns.register('editing', F.EditingColumn); })(jQuery, FooTable); (function($, F) { /** * An object containing the editing options for the plugin. Added by the {@link FooTable.Editing} component. * @type {object} * @prop {boolean} enabled=false - Whether or not to allow editing on the table. * @prop {boolean} pageToNew=true - Whether or not to automatically page to a new row when it is added to the table. * @prop {string} position="right" - The position of the editing column in the table as well as the alignment of the buttons. * @prop {boolean} alwaysShow=false - Whether or not the editing column and add row button are always visible. * @prop {function} addRow - The callback function to execute when the add row button is clicked. * @prop {function} editRow - The callback function to execute when the edit row button is clicked. * @prop {function} deleteRow - The callback function to execute when the delete row button is clicked. * @prop {function} viewRow - The callback function to execute when the view row button is clicked. * @prop {string} showText - The text that appears in the show button. This can contain HTML. * @prop {string} hideText - The text that appears in the hide button. This can contain HTML. * @prop {string} addText - The text that appears in the add button. This can contain HTML. * @prop {string} editText - The text that appears in the edit button. This can contain HTML. * @prop {string} deleteText - The text that appears in the delete button. This can contain HTML. * @prop {string} viewText - The text that appears in the view button. This can contain HTML. * @prop {boolean} allowAdd - Whether or not to show the Add Row button. * @prop {boolean} allowEdit - Whether or not to show the Edit Row button. * @prop {boolean} allowDelete - Whether or not to show the Delete Row button. * @prop {boolean} allowView - Whether or not to show the View Row button. * @prop {object} column - The options for the editing column. @see {@link FooTable.EditingColumn} for more info. * @prop {string} column.classes="footable-editing" - A space separated string of class names to apply to all cells in the column. * @prop {string} column.name="editing" - The name of the column. * @prop {string} column.title="" - The title displayed in the header row of the table for the column. * @prop {boolean} column.filterable=false - Whether or not the column should be filterable when using the filtering component. * @prop {boolean} column.sortable=false - Whether or not the column should be sortable when using the sorting component. */ F.Defaults.prototype.editing = { enabled: false, pageToNew: true, position: 'right', alwaysShow: false, addRow: function(){}, editRow: function(row){}, deleteRow: function(row){}, viewRow: function(row){}, showText: '<span class="fooicon fooicon-pencil" aria-hidden="true"></span> Edit rows', hideText: 'Cancel', addText: 'New row', editText: '<span class="fooicon fooicon-pencil" aria-hidden="true"></span>', deleteText: '<span class="fooicon fooicon-trash" aria-hidden="true"></span>', viewText: '<span class="fooicon fooicon-stats" aria-hidden="true"></span>', allowAdd: true, allowEdit: true, allowDelete: true, allowView: false, column: { classes: 'footable-editing', name: 'editing', title: '', filterable: false, sortable: false } }; })(jQuery, FooTable); (function($, F){ if (F.is.defined(F.Paging)){ /** * Holds a shallow clone of the un-paged {@link FooTable.Rows#array} value before paging occurs and superfluous rows are removed. Added by the {@link FooTable.Editing} component. * @instance * @public * @type {Array<FooTable.Row>} */ F.Paging.prototype.unpaged = []; // override the default predraw method with one that sets the unpaged property. F.Paging.extend('predraw', function(){ this.unpaged = this.ft.rows.array.slice(0); // create a shallow clone for later use this._super(); // call the original method }); } })(jQuery, FooTable); (function($, F){ /** * Adds the row to the table. * @param {boolean} [redraw=true] - Whether or not to redraw the table, defaults to true but for bulk operations this * can be set to false and then followed by a call to the {@link FooTable.Table#draw} method. * @returns {jQuery.Deferred} */ F.Row.prototype.add = function(redraw){ redraw = F.is.boolean(redraw) ? redraw : true; var self = this; return $.Deferred(function(d){ var index = self.ft.rows.all.push(self) - 1; if (redraw){ return self.ft.draw().then(function(){ d.resolve(index); }); } else { d.resolve(index); } }); }; /** * Removes the row from the table. * @param {boolean} [redraw=true] - Whether or not to redraw the table, defaults to true but for bulk operations this * can be set to false and then followed by a call to the {@link FooTable.Table#draw} method. * @returns {jQuery.Deferred} */ F.Row.prototype.delete = function(redraw){ redraw = F.is.boolean(redraw) ? redraw : true; var self = this; return $.Deferred(function(d){ var index = self.ft.rows.all.indexOf(self); if (F.is.number(index) && index >= 0 && index < self.ft.rows.all.length){ self.ft.rows.all.splice(index, 1); if (redraw){ return self.ft.draw().then(function(){ d.resolve(self); }); } } d.resolve(self); }); }; if (F.is.defined(F.Paging)){ // override the default add method with one that supports paging F.Row.extend('add', function(redraw){ redraw = F.is.boolean(redraw) ? redraw : true; var self = this, added = this._super(redraw), editing = self.ft.use(F.Editing), paging; if (editing && editing.pageToNew && (paging = self.ft.use(F.Paging)) && redraw){ return added.then(function(){ var index = paging.unpaged.indexOf(self); // find this row in the unpaged array (this array will be sorted and filtered) var page = Math.ceil((index + 1) / paging.size); // calculate the page the new row is on if (paging.current !== page){ // goto the page if we need to return paging.goto(page); } }); } return added; }); } if (F.is.defined(F.Sorting)){ // override the default val method with one that supports sorting and paging F.Row.extend('val', function(data, redraw){ redraw = F.is.boolean(redraw) ? redraw : true; var result = this._super(data); if (!F.is.hash(data)){ return result; } var self = this; if (redraw){ self.ft.draw().then(function(){ var editing = self.ft.use(F.Editing), paging; if (F.is.defined(F.Paging) && editing && editing.pageToNew && (paging = self.ft.use(F.Paging))){ var index = paging.unpaged.indexOf(self); // find this row in the unpaged array (this array will be sorted and filtered) var page = Math.ceil((index + 1) / paging.size); // calculate the page the new row is on if (paging.current !== page){ // goto the page if we need to return paging.goto(page); } } }); } return result; }); } })(jQuery, FooTable); (function(F){ /** * Adds a row to the underlying {@link FooTable.Rows#all} array. * @param {(object|FooTable.Row)} dataOrRow - A hash containing the row values or an actual {@link FooTable.Row} object. * @param {boolean} [redraw=true] - Whether or not to redraw the table, defaults to true but for bulk operations this * can be set to false and then followed by a call to the {@link FooTable.Table#draw} method. */ F.Rows.prototype.add = function(dataOrRow, redraw){ var row = dataOrRow; if (F.is.hash(dataOrRow)){ row = new FooTable.Row(this.ft, this.ft.columns.array, dataOrRow); } if (row instanceof FooTable.Row){ row.add(redraw); } }; /** * Updates a row in the underlying {@link FooTable.Rows#all} array. * @param {(number|FooTable.Row)} indexOrRow - The index to update or the actual {@link FooTable.Row} object. * @param {object} data - A hash containing the new row values. * @param {boolean} [redraw=true] - Whether or not to redraw the table, defaults to true but for bulk operations this * can be set to false and then followed by a call to the {@link FooTable.Table#draw} method. */ F.Rows.prototype.update = function(indexOrRow, data, redraw){ var len = this.ft.rows.all.length, row = indexOrRow; if (F.is.number(indexOrRow) && indexOrRow >= 0 && indexOrRow < len){ row = this.ft.rows.all[indexOrRow]; } if (row instanceof FooTable.Row && F.is.hash(data)){ row.val(data, redraw); } }; /** * Deletes a row from the underlying {@link FooTable.Rows#all} array. * @param {(number|FooTable.Row)} indexOrRow - The index to delete or the actual {@link FooTable.Row} object. * @param {boolean} [redraw=true] - Whether or not to redraw the table, defaults to true but for bulk operations this * can be set to false and then followed by a call to the {@link FooTable.Table#draw} method. */ F.Rows.prototype.delete = function(indexOrRow, redraw){ var len = this.ft.rows.all.length, row = indexOrRow; if (F.is.number(indexOrRow) && indexOrRow >= 0 && indexOrRow < len){ row = this.ft.rows.all[indexOrRow]; } if (row instanceof FooTable.Row){ row.delete(redraw); } }; })(FooTable);