Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/src/public/app-assets/vendors/js/forms/toggle/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/src/public/app-assets/vendors/js/forms/toggle/bootstrap-checkbox.js |
/*! * Bootstrap-checkbox v1.4.0 (https://vsn4ik.github.io/bootstrap-checkbox/) * Copyright 2013-2016 Vasily A. (https://github.com/vsn4ik) * Licensed under the MIT license */ /** * $.inArray: friends with IE8. Use Array.prototype.indexOf in future. * Use this.element.hidden in future. * $.proxy: friends with IE8. Use Function.prototype.bind in future. */ 'use strict'; (function(factory) { if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) { // AMD. Register as an anonymous module define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports == 'object') { // Node/CommonJS module.exports = factory(require('jquery')); } else { // Browser globals factory(jQuery); } })(function($) { $.create = function() { return $($.map(arguments, $.proxy(document, 'createElement'))); }; function Checkboxpicker(element, options) { this.element = element; this.$element = $(element); var data = this.$element.data(); // <... data-reverse> if (data.reverse === '') { data.reverse = true; } // <... data-switch-always> if (data.switchAlways === '') { data.switchAlways = true; } // <... data-html> if (data.html === '') { data.html = true; } this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.checkboxpicker.defaults, options, data); if (this.$element.closest('label').length) { console.warn(this.options.warningMessage); return; } this.$group = $.create('div'); // .btn-group-justified works with <a> elements as the <button> doesn't pick up the styles this.$buttons = $.create('a', 'a'); this.$off = this.$buttons.eq(this.options.reverse ? 1 : 0); this.$on = this.$buttons.eq(this.options.reverse ? 0 : 1); this.init(); } Checkboxpicker.prototype = { init: function() { var fn = this.options.html ? 'html' : 'text'; this.$element.addClass('hidden'); this.$group.addClass(this.options.baseGroupCls).addClass(this.options.groupCls); this.$buttons.addClass(this.options.baseCls).addClass(this.options.cls); if (this.options.offLabel) { this.$off[fn](this.options.offLabel); } if (this.options.onLabel) { this.$on[fn](this.options.onLabel); } if (this.options.offIconCls) { if (this.options.offLabel) { // -- whitespace (or wrap into span) this.$off.prepend(' '); } // $.addClass for XSS check $.create('span').addClass(this.options.iconCls).addClass(this.options.offIconCls).prependTo(this.$off); } if (this.options.onIconCls) { if (this.options.onLabel) { // -- whitespace (or wrap into span) this.$on.prepend(' '); } // $.addClass for XSS check $.create('span').addClass(this.options.iconCls).addClass(this.options.onIconCls).prependTo(this.$on); } if (this.element.checked) { this.$on.addClass('active'); this.$on.addClass(this.options.onActiveCls); this.$off.addClass(this.options.offCls); } else { this.$off.addClass('active'); this.$off.addClass(this.options.offActiveCls); this.$on.addClass(this.options.onCls); } if (this.element.title) { this.$group.attr('title', this.element.title); } else { // Attribute title (offTitle, onTitle) on this.$buttons not work (native) if this.element.disabled, fine! if (this.options.offTitle) { this.$off.attr('title', this.options.offTitle); } if (this.options.onTitle) { this.$on.attr('title', this.options.onTitle); } } // Keydown event only trigger if set tabindex, fine! this.$group.on('keydown', $.proxy(this, 'keydown')); // Don't trigger if <a> element has .disabled class, fine! this.$buttons.on('click', $.proxy(this, 'click')); this.$element.on('change', $.proxy(this, 'toggleChecked')); $(this.element.labels).on('click', $.proxy(this, 'focus')); $(this.element.form).on('reset', $.proxy(this, 'reset')); this.$group.append(this.$buttons).insertAfter(this.element); // Necessarily after this.$group.append() (autofocus) if (this.element.disabled) { this.$buttons.addClass('disabled'); if (this.options.disabledCursor) { this.$group.css('cursor', this.options.disabledCursor); } } else { this.$group.attr('tabindex', this.element.tabIndex); if (this.element.autofocus) { this.focus(); } } }, toggleChecked: function() { // this.$group not focus (incorrect on form reset) this.$buttons.toggleClass('active'); this.$off.toggleClass(this.options.offCls); this.$off.toggleClass(this.options.offActiveCls); this.$on.toggleClass(this.options.onCls); this.$on.toggleClass(this.options.onActiveCls); }, toggleDisabled: function() { this.$buttons.toggleClass('disabled'); if (this.element.disabled) { this.$group.attr('tabindex', this.element.tabIndex); this.$group.css('cursor', ''); } else { this.$group.removeAttr('tabindex'); if (this.options.disabledCursor) { this.$group.css('cursor', this.options.disabledCursor); } } }, focus: function() { // Original behavior this.$group.trigger('focus'); }, click: function(event) { // Strictly event.currentTarget. Fix #19 var $button = $(event.currentTarget); if (!$button.hasClass('active') || this.options.switchAlways) { this.change(); } }, change: function() { this.set(!this.element.checked); }, set: function(value) { // Fix #12 this.element.checked = value; this.$element.trigger('change'); }, keydown: function(event) { if ($.inArray(event.keyCode, this.options.toggleKeyCodes) != -1) { // Off vertical scrolling on Spacebar event.preventDefault(); this.change(); } else if (event.keyCode == 13) { $(this.element.form).trigger('submit'); } }, reset: function() { // this.element.checked not used (incorect on large number of form elements) if ((this.element.defaultChecked && this.$off.hasClass('active')) || (!this.element.defaultChecked && this.$on.hasClass('active'))) { this.set(this.element.defaultChecked); } } }; // Be hooks friendly var oldPropHooks = $.extend({}, $.propHooks); // Support $.fn.prop setter (checked, disabled) $.extend($.propHooks, { checked: { set: function(element, value) { var data = $.data(element, 'bs.checkbox'); if (data && element.checked != value) { data.change(value); } if (oldPropHooks.checked && oldPropHooks.checked.set) { oldPropHooks.checked.set(element, value); } } }, disabled: { set: function(element, value) { var data = $.data(element, 'bs.checkbox'); if (data && element.disabled != value) { data.toggleDisabled(); } if (oldPropHooks.disabled && oldPropHooks.disabled.set) { oldPropHooks.disabled.set(element, value); } } } }); var old = $.fn.checkboxpicker; // For AMD/Node/CommonJS used elements (optional) // http://learn.jquery.com/jquery-ui/environments/amd/ $.fn.checkboxpicker = function(options, elements) { var $elements; if (this instanceof $) { $elements = this; } else if (typeof options == 'string') { $elements = $(options); } else { $elements = $(elements); } return $elements.each(function() { var data = $.data(this, 'bs.checkbox'); if (!data) { data = new Checkboxpicker(this, options); $.data(this, 'bs.checkbox', data); } }); }; // HTML5 data-*. // <input data-on-label="43"> --> $('input').data('onLabel') == '43'. $.fn.checkboxpicker.defaults = { baseGroupCls: 'btn-group', baseCls: 'btn', groupCls: null, cls: null, offCls: 'btn-default', onCls: 'btn-default', offActiveCls: 'btn-danger', onActiveCls: 'btn-success', offLabel: 'No', onLabel: 'Yes', offTitle: false, onTitle: false, iconCls: 'glyphicon', disabledCursor: 'not-allowed', // Event key codes: // 13: Return // 32: Spacebar toggleKeyCodes: [13, 32], warningMessage: 'Please do not use Bootstrap-checkbox element in label element.' }; $.fn.checkboxpicker.Constructor = Checkboxpicker; $.fn.checkboxpicker.noConflict = function() { $.fn.checkboxpicker = old; return this; }; return $.fn.checkboxpicker; });