Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/src/public/app-assets/js/scripts/pages/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/src/public/app-assets/js/scripts/pages/dashboard-crypto.js |
/*========================================================================================= File Name: dashboard-crypto.js Description: intialize dashboard crypto ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Modern Admin - Clean Bootstrap 4 Dashboard HTML Template Version: 1.0 Author: GeeksLabs Author URL: http://www.themeforest.net/user/geekslabs ==========================================================================================*/ (function(window, document, $) { 'use strict'; /******************************************** * BTC Card * ********************************************/ //Get the context of the Chart canvas element we want to select var btcChartjs = document.getElementById("btc-chartjs").getContext("2d"); // Create Linear Gradient var blue_trans_gradient = btcChartjs.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 100); blue_trans_gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(255, 145, 73,0.4)'); blue_trans_gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(255,255,255,0)'); // Chart Options var BTCStats = { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, datasetStrokeWidth : 3, pointDotStrokeWidth : 4, tooltipFillColor: "rgba(255, 145, 73,0.8)", legend: { display: false, }, hover: { mode: 'label' }, scales: { xAxes: [{ display: false, }], yAxes: [{ display: false, ticks: { min: 0, max: 85 }, }] }, title: { display: false, fontColor: "#FFF", fullWidth: false, fontSize: 30, text: '52%' } }; // Chart Data var BTCMonthData = { labels: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul"], datasets: [{ label: "BTC", data: [20, 18, 35, 60, 38, 40, 70], backgroundColor: blue_trans_gradient, borderColor: "#FF9149", borderWidth: 1.5, strokeColor : "#FF9149", pointRadius: 0, }] }; var BTCCardconfig = { type: 'line', // Chart Options options : BTCStats, // Chart Data data : BTCMonthData }; // Create the chart var BTCAreaChart = new Chart(btcChartjs, BTCCardconfig); /******************************************** * ETH Card * ********************************************/ //Get the context of the Chart canvas element we want to select var ethChartjs = document.getElementById("eth-chartjs").getContext("2d"); // Create Linear Gradient var blue_trans_gradient = ethChartjs.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 100); blue_trans_gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(120, 144, 156,0.4)'); blue_trans_gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(255,255,255,0)'); // Chart Options var ETHStats = { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, datasetStrokeWidth : 3, pointDotStrokeWidth : 4, tooltipFillColor: "rgba(120, 144, 156,0.8)", legend: { display: false, }, hover: { mode: 'label' }, scales: { xAxes: [{ display: false, }], yAxes: [{ display: false, ticks: { min: 0, max: 85 }, }] }, title: { display: false, fontColor: "#FFF", fullWidth: false, fontSize: 30, text: '52%' } }; // Chart Data var ETHMonthData = { labels: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul"], datasets: [{ label: "ETH", data: [40, 30, 60, 40, 45, 30, 60], backgroundColor: blue_trans_gradient, borderColor: "#78909C", borderWidth: 1.5, strokeColor : "#78909C", pointRadius: 0, }] }; var ETHCardconfig = { type: 'line', // Chart Options options : ETHStats, // Chart Data data : ETHMonthData }; // Create the chart var ETHAreaChart = new Chart(ethChartjs, ETHCardconfig); /******************************************** * XRP Card * ********************************************/ //Get the context of the Chart canvas element we want to select var xrpChartjs = document.getElementById("xrp-chartjs").getContext("2d"); // Create Linear Gradient var blue_trans_gradient = xrpChartjs.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 100); blue_trans_gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(30,159,242,0.4)'); blue_trans_gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(255,255,255,0)'); // Chart Options var XRPStats = { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, datasetStrokeWidth : 3, pointDotStrokeWidth : 4, tooltipFillColor: "rgba(30,159,242,0.8)", legend: { display: false, }, hover: { mode: 'label' }, scales: { xAxes: [{ display: false, }], yAxes: [{ display: false, ticks: { min: 0, max: 85 }, }] }, title: { display: false, fontColor: "#FFF", fullWidth: false, fontSize: 30, text: '52%' } }; // Chart Data var XRPMonthData = { labels: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul"], datasets: [{ label: "XRP", data: [70, 20, 35, 60, 20, 40, 30], backgroundColor: blue_trans_gradient, borderColor: "#1E9FF2", borderWidth: 1.5, strokeColor : "#1E9FF2", pointRadius: 0, }] }; var XRPCardconfig = { type: 'line', // Chart Options options : XRPStats, // Chart Data data : XRPMonthData }; // Create the chart var XRPAreaChart = new Chart(xrpChartjs, XRPCardconfig); })(window, document, jQuery); $(window).on("load", function(){ // Set paths // ------------------------------ require.config({ paths: { echarts: '../../../app-assets/vendors/js/charts/echarts' } }); // Configuration // ------------------------------ require( [ 'echarts', 'echarts/chart/line', 'echarts/chart/scatter', 'echarts/chart/k', ], // Charts setup function (ec) { // Initialize chart // ------------------------------ var myChart = ec.init(document.getElementById('btc-candlestick-control')); // Chart Options // ------------------------------ chartOptions = { legend:{ show: false, }, // Setup grid grid: { x: 40, x2: 0, borderColor: '#e3e3e3' }, // Add tooltip tooltip : { trigger: 'axis', formatter: function (params) { var res = params[0].seriesName + ' - ' + params[0].name; res += '<br/> Opening : ' + params[0].value[0]; res += '<br/> Closing : ' + params[0].value[1]; res += '<br/> Highest : ' + params[0].value[3]; res += '<br/> Lowest : ' + params[0].value[2]; return res; }, axisPointer: { type: 'line', lineStyle: { color: '#1E9FF2', width: 2, type: 'solid' }, } }, // Add legend legend: { show: false, data:['BTC'] }, // Data Zoom dataZoom : { show : true, realtime: true, start : 0, end : 50 }, // Add custom colors color: ['#24CB8C', '#1EC481', '#18BE77'], // Enable drag recalculate calculable: true, // Horizontal axis xAxis : [ { type : 'category', boundaryGap : true, axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: '#fff' } }, axisTick: {onGap:false}, splitLine: {show:false}, data : [ "2017/1/24", "2017/1/25", "2017/1/28", "2017/1/29", "2017/1/30", "2017/1/31", "2017/2/1", "2017/2/4", "2017/2/5", "2017/2/6", "2017/2/7", "2017/2/8", "2017/2/18", "2017/2/19", "2017/2/20", "2017/2/21", "2017/2/22", "2017/2/25", "2017/2/26", "2017/2/27", "2017/2/28", "2017/3/1", "2017/3/4", "2017/3/5", "2017/3/6", "2017/3/7", "2017/3/8", "2017/3/11", "2017/3/12", "2017/3/13", "2017/3/14", "2017/3/15", "2017/3/18", "2017/3/19", "2017/3/20", "2017/3/21", "2017/3/22", "2017/3/25", "2017/3/26", "2017/3/27", "2017/3/28", "2017/3/29", "2017/4/1", "2017/4/2", "2017/4/3", "2017/4/8", "2017/4/9", "2017/4/10", "2017/4/11", "2017/4/12", "2017/4/15", "2017/4/16", "2017/4/17", "2017/4/18", "2017/4/19", "2017/4/22", "2017/4/23", "2017/4/24", "2017/4/25", "2017/4/26", "2017/5/2", "2017/5/3", "2017/5/6", "2017/5/7", "2017/5/8", "2017/5/9", "2017/5/10", "2017/5/13", "2017/5/14", "2017/5/15", "2017/5/16", "2017/5/17", "2017/5/20", "2017/5/21", "2017/5/22", "2017/5/23", "2017/5/24", "2017/5/27", "2017/5/28", "2017/5/29", "2017/5/30", "2017/5/31", "2017/6/3", "2017/6/4", "2017/6/5", "2017/6/6", "2017/6/7", "2017/6/13" ] } ], // Vertical axis yAxis : [ { type : 'value', scale:true, boundaryGap: [0.01, 0.01], axisLine: { lineStyle: { color: '#fff' } }, splitLine: { lineStyle: { color: '#e3e3e3', } }, } ], // Add series series : [ { name:'BTC', type:'k', barMaxWidth: 20, itemStyle: { normal: { color: '#94E8CA', // Fill color candle color0: '#FFA4B0', // Yin fill color lineStyle: { width: 2, color: '#28D094', // Candle border color color0: '#FF4961' // Yin border color } }, emphasis: { color: '#28D094', // Fill color candle color0: '#FF4961' // Yin fill color } }, data:[ // Opening and closing, the minimum and maximum { value:[2320.26,2302.6,2287.3,2362.94], itemStyle: { normal: { color0: '#FFA4B0', // Yin fill color lineStyle: { width: 3, color0: '#FF4961' // Yin border color } }, emphasis: { color0: '#FF4961' // Yin fill color } } }, [2300,2291.3,2288.26,2308.38], [2295.35,2346.5,2295.35,2346.92], [2347.22,2358.98,2337.35,2363.8], [2360.75,2382.48,2347.89,2383.76], [2383.43,2385.42,2371.23,2391.82], [2377.41,2419.02,2369.57,2421.15], [2425.92,2428.15,2417.58,2440.38], [2411,2433.13,2403.3,2437.42], [2432.68,2434.48,2427.7,2441.73], [2430.69,2418.53,2394.22,2433.89], [2416.62,2432.4,2414.4,2443.03], [2441.91,2421.56,2415.43,2444.8], [2420.26,2382.91,2373.53,2427.07], [2383.49,2397.18,2370.61,2397.94], [2378.82,2325.95,2309.17,2378.82], [2322.94,2314.16,2308.76,2330.88], [2320.62,2325.82,2315.01,2338.78], [2313.74,2293.34,2289.89,2340.71], [2297.77,2313.22,2292.03,2324.63], [2322.32,2365.59,2308.92,2366.16], [2364.54,2359.51,2330.86,2369.65], [2332.08,2273.4,2259.25,2333.54], [2274.81,2326.31,2270.1,2328.14], [2333.61,2347.18,2321.6,2351.44], [2340.44,2324.29,2304.27,2352.02], [2326.42,2318.61,2314.59,2333.67], [2314.68,2310.59,2296.58,2320.96], [2309.16,2286.6,2264.83,2333.29], [2282.17,2263.97,2253.25,2286.33], [2255.77,2270.28,2253.31,2276.22], [2269.31,2278.4,2250,2312.08], [2267.29,2240.02,2239.21,2276.05], [2244.26,2257.43,2232.02,2261.31], [2257.74,2317.37,2257.42,2317.86], [2318.21,2324.24,2311.6,2330.81], [2321.4,2328.28,2314.97,2332], [2334.74,2326.72,2319.91,2344.89], [2318.58,2297.67,2281.12,2319.99], [2299.38,2301.26,2289,2323.48], [2273.55,2236.3,2232.91,2273.55], [2238.49,2236.62,2228.81,2246.87], [2229.46,2234.4,2227.31,2243.95], [2234.9,2227.74,2220.44,2253.42], [2232.69,2225.29,2217.25,2241.34], [2196.24,2211.59,2180.67,2212.59], [2215.47,2225.77,2215.47,2234.73], [2224.93,2226.13,2212.56,2233.04], [2236.98,2219.55,2217.26,2242.48], [2218.09,2206.78,2204.44,2226.26], [2199.91,2181.94,2177.39,2204.99], [2169.63,2194.85,2165.78,2196.43], [2195.03,2193.8,2178.47,2197.51], [2181.82,2197.6,2175.44,2206.03], [2201.12,2244.64,2200.58,2250.11], [2236.4,2242.17,2232.26,2245.12], [2242.62,2184.54,2182.81,2242.62], [2187.35,2218.32,2184.11,2226.12], [2213.19,2199.31,2191.85,2224.63], [2203.89,2177.91,2173.86,2210.58], [2170.78,2174.12,2161.14,2179.65], [2179.05,2205.5,2179.05,2222.81], [2212.5,2231.17,2212.5,2236.07], [2227.86,2235.57,2219.44,2240.26], [2242.39,2246.3,2235.42,2255.21], [2246.96,2232.97,2221.38,2247.86], [2228.82,2246.83,2225.81,2247.67], [2247.68,2241.92,2231.36,2250.85], [2238.9,2217.01,2205.87,2239.93], [2217.09,2224.8,2213.58,2225.19], [2221.34,2251.81,2210.77,2252.87], [2249.81,2282.87,2248.41,2288.09], [2286.33,2299.99,2281.9,2309.39], [2297.11,2305.11,2290.12,2305.3], [2303.75,2302.4,2292.43,2314.18], [2293.81,2275.67,2274.1,2304.95], [2281.45,2288.53,2270.25,2292.59], [2286.66,2293.08,2283.94,2301.7], [2293.4,2321.32,2281.47,2322.1], [2323.54,2324.02,2321.17,2334.33], [2316.25,2317.75,2310.49,2325.72], [2320.74,2300.59,2299.37,2325.53], [2300.21,2299.25,2294.11,2313.43], [2297.1,2272.42,2264.76,2297.1], [2270.71,2270.93,2260.87,2276.86], [2264.43,2242.11,2240.07,2266.69], [2242.26,2210.9,2205.07,2250.63], [2190.1,2148.35,2126.22,2190.1] ], markPoint : { symbol: 'star', //symbolSize:20, itemStyle:{ normal:{label:{position:'top'}} }, data : [ {name : 'highest', value : 2444.8, xAxis: '2017/2/18', yAxis: 2466} ] } } ] }; // Apply options // ------------------------------ myChart.setOption(chartOptions); // Resize chart // ------------------------------ $(function () { // Resize chart on menu width change and window resize $(window).on('resize', resize); $(".menu-toggle").on('click', resize); // Resize function function resize() { setTimeout(function() { // Resize chart myChart.resize(); }, 200); } }); } ); });