Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/src/public/app-assets/js/scripts/charts/echarts/advance/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/src/public/app-assets/js/scripts/charts/echarts/advance/dynamic-data.js |
/*========================================================================================= File Name: tornado.js Description: echarts tornado chart ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Name: Modern Admin - Clean Bootstrap 4 Dashboard HTML Template Version: 1.0 Author: PIXINVENT Author URL: http://www.themeforest.net/user/pixinvent ==========================================================================================*/ // Tornado chart // ------------------------------ $(window).on("load", function(){ // Set paths // ------------------------------ require.config({ paths: { echarts: '../../../app-assets/vendors/js/charts/echarts' } }); // Configuration // ------------------------------ require( [ 'echarts', 'echarts/chart/bar', 'echarts/chart/line' ], // Charts setup function (ec) { // Initialize chart // ------------------------------ var myChart = ec.init(document.getElementById('dynamic-data')); // Chart Options // ------------------------------ chartOptions = { // Add Tooltip tooltip : { trigger: 'axis' }, // Add Legend legend: { data:['Latest price', 'Pre-order queue'] }, // Add custom colors color: ['#FF4558', '#00A5A8'], // Add Toolbook toolbox: { show : true, feature : { mark : {show: true}, dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false}, magicType : {show: true, type: ['line', 'bar']}, restore : {show: true}, saveAsImage : {show: true} } }, // Data Zoom dataZoom : { show : false, start : 0, end : 100 }, // Horizontal Axis xAxis : [ { type : 'category', boundaryGap : true, data : (function (){ var now = new Date(); var res = []; var len = 10; while (len--) { res.unshift(now.toLocaleTimeString().replace(/^\D*/,'')); now = new Date(now - 2000); } return res; })() }, { type : 'category', boundaryGap : true, data : (function (){ var res = []; var len = 10; while (len--) { res.push(len + 1); } return res; })() } ], // Vertical Axis yAxis : [ { type : 'value', scale: true, name : 'Price', boundaryGap: [0.2, 0.2] }, { type : 'value', scale: true, name : 'Futures volume', boundaryGap: [0.2, 0.2] } ], // Add series series : [ { name:'Pre-order queue', type:'bar', xAxisIndex: 1, yAxisIndex: 1, data:(function (){ var res = []; var len = 10; while (len--) { res.push(Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)); } return res; })() }, { name:'Latest price', type:'line', data:(function (){ var res = []; var len = 10; while (len--) { res.push((Math.random()*10 + 5).toFixed(1) - 0); } return res; })() } ] }; // Apply options // ------------------------------ myChart.setOption(chartOptions); // Resize chart // ------------------------------ $(function () { // Resize chart on menu width change and window resize $(window).on('resize', resize); $(".menu-toggle").on('click', resize); // Resize function function resize() { setTimeout(function() { // Resize chart myChart.resize(); }, 200); } var lastData = 11; var axisData; clearInterval(timeTicket); var timeTicket = setInterval(function (){ lastData += Math.random() * ((Math.round(Math.random() * 10) % 2) == 0 ? 1 : -1); lastData = lastData.toFixed(1) - 0; axisData = (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString().replace(/^\D*/,''); // Dynamic Data Interface addData myChart.addData([ [ 0, // Index Series Math.round(Math.random() * 1000), // Add data true, // If new data is inserted from the head of the queue false // Whether to increase the queue length, false then delete the original custom data, deleting the tail end into the team, the tail is inserted deleted teams head ], [ 1, // Index Series lastData, // Add data false, // If new data is inserted from the head of the queue false, // Whether to increase the queue length, false then delete the original custom data, deleting the tail end into the team, the tail is inserted deleted teams head axisData // Axis label ] ]); }, 2100); }); } ); });