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<span class="github-only"> The stable release documentation can be found here https://epeli.github.io/underscore.string/ </span> # Underscore.string [](http://travis-ci.org/epeli/underscore.string) # Javascript lacks complete string manipulation operations. This is an attempt to fill that gap. List of build-in methods can be found for example from [Dive Into JavaScript][d]. Originally started as an Underscore.js extension but is a full standalone library nowadays. Upgrading from 2.x to 3.x? Please read the [changelog][c]. [c]: https://github.com/epeli/underscore.string/blob/master/CHANGELOG.markdown#300 ## Usage ### For Node.js, Browserify and Webpack Install from npm npm install underscore.string Require individual functions ```javascript var slugify = require("underscore.string/slugify"); slugify("Hello world!"); // => hello-world ``` or load the full library to enable chaining ```javascript var s = require("underscore.string"); s(" epeli ").trim().capitalize().value(); // => "Epeli" ``` but especially when using with [Browserify][] the individual function approach is recommended because using it you only add those functions to your bundle you use. [Browserify]: http://browserify.org/ ### In Meteor From your [Meteor][] project folder ```shell meteor add underscorestring:underscore.string ``` and you'll be able to access the library with the ***s*** global from both the server and the client. ```javascript s.slugify("Hello world!"); // => hello-world s(" epeli ").trim().capitalize().value(); // => "Epeli" ``` [Meteor]: http://www.meteor.com/ ### Others The `dist/underscore.string.js` file is an [UMD][] build. You can load it using an AMD loader such as [RequireJS][] or just stick it to a web page and access the library from the ***s*** global. [UMD]: https://github.com/umdjs/umd [RequireJS]: http://requirejs.org/ ### Underscore.js/Lo-Dash integration It is still possible use as Underscore.js/Lo-Dash extension ```javascript _.mixin(s.exports()); ``` But it's not recommended since `include`, `contains`, `reverse` and `join` are dropped because they collide with the functions already defined by Underscore.js. ### Lo-Dash-FP/Ramda integration If you want to use underscore.string with [ramdajs](http://ramdajs.com/) or [Lo-Dash-FP](https://github.com/lodash/lodash-fp) you can use [underscore.string.fp](https://github.com/stoeffel/underscore.string.fp). npm install underscore.string.fp ```javascript var S = require('underscore.string.fp'); var filter = require('lodash-fp').filter; var filter = require('ramda').filter; filter(S.startsWith('.'), [ '.vimrc', 'foo.md', '.zshrc' ]); // => ['.vimrc', '.zshrc'] ``` ## Download * [Development version](https://npmcdn.com/underscore.string/dist/underscore.string.js) *Uncompressed with Comments* * [Production version](https://npmcdn.com/underscore.string/dist/underscore.string.min.js) *Minified* ## API ### Individual functions #### numberFormat(number, [ decimals=0, decimalSeparator='.', orderSeparator=',']) => string Formats the numbers. ```javascript numberFormat(1000, 2); // => "1,000.00" numberFormat(123456789.123, 5, ".", ","); // => "123,456,789.12300" ``` #### levenshtein(string1, string2) => number Calculates [Levenshtein distance][ld] between two strings. [ld]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance ```javascript levenshtein("kitten", "kittah"); // => 2 ``` #### capitalize(string, [lowercaseRest=false]) => string Converts first letter of the string to uppercase. If `true` is passed as second argument the rest of the string will be converted to lower case. ```javascript capitalize("foo Bar"); // => "Foo Bar" capitalize("FOO Bar", true); // => "Foo bar" ``` #### decapitalize(string) => string Converts first letter of the string to lowercase. ```javascript decapitalize("Foo Bar"); // => "foo Bar" ``` #### chop(string, step) => array ```javascript chop("whitespace", 3); // => ["whi", "tes", "pac", "e"] ``` #### clean(string) => string Trim and replace multiple spaces with a single space. ```javascript clean(" foo bar "); // => "foo bar" ``` #### cleanDiacritics(string) => string Replace [diacritic][dc] characters with closest ASCII equivalents. Check the [source][s] for supported characters. [Pull requests][p] welcome for missing characters! [dc]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diacritic [s]: https://github.com/epeli/underscore.string/blob/master/cleanDiacritics.js [p]: https://github.com/epeli/underscore.string/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.markdown ```javascript cleanDiacritics("ääkkönen"); // => "aakkonen" ``` #### chars(string) => array ```javascript chars("Hello"); // => ["H", "e", "l", "l", "o"] ``` #### swapCase(string) => string Returns a copy of the string in which all the case-based characters have had their case swapped. ```javascript swapCase("hELLO"); // => "Hello" ``` #### include(string, substring) => boolean Tests if string contains a substring. ```javascript include("foobar", "ob"); // => true ``` #### count(string, substring) => number Returns number of occurrences of substring in string. ```javascript count("Hello world", "l"); // => 3 ``` #### escapeHTML(string) => string Converts HTML special characters to their entity equivalents. This function supports cent, yen, euro, pound, lt, gt, copy, reg, quote, amp, apos. ```javascript escapeHTML("<div>Blah blah blah</div>"); // => "<div>Blah blah blah</div>" ``` #### unescapeHTML(string) => string Converts entity characters to HTML equivalents. This function supports cent, yen, euro, pound, lt, gt, copy, reg, quote, amp, apos, nbsp. ```javascript unescapeHTML("<div>Blah blah blah</div>"); // => "<div>Blah blah blah</div>" ``` #### insert(string, index, substring) => string ```javascript insert("Hellworld", 4, "o "); // => "Hello world" ``` #### replaceAll(string, find, replace, [ignorecase=false]) => string ```javascript replaceAll("foo", "o", "a"); // => "faa" ``` #### isBlank(string) => boolean ```javascript isBlank(""); // => true isBlank("\n"); // => true isBlank(" "); // => true isBlank("a"); // => false ``` #### join(separator, ...strings) => string Joins strings together with given separator ```javascript join(" ", "foo", "bar"); // => "foo bar" ``` #### lines(str) => array Split lines to an array ```javascript lines("Hello\nWorld"); // => ["Hello", "World"] ``` #### wrap(str, options) => string Splits a line `str` (default '') into several lines of size `options.width` (default 75) using a `options.seperator` (default '\n'). If `options.trailingSpaces` is true, make each line at least `width` long using trailing spaces. If `options.cut` is true, create new lines in the middle of words. If `options.preserveSpaces` is true, preserve the space that should be there at the end of a line (only works if options.cut is false). ```javascript wrap("Hello World", { width:5 }) // => "Hello\nWorld" wrap("Hello World", { width:6, seperator:'.', trailingSpaces: true }) // => "Hello .World " wrap("Hello World", { width:5, seperator:'.', cut:true, trailingSpaces: true }) // => "Hello. Worl.d " wrap("Hello World", { width:5, seperator:'.', preserveSpaces: true }) // => "Hello .World" ``` #### dedent(str, [pattern]) => string Dedent unnecessary indentation or dedent by a pattern. Credits go to @sindresorhus. This implementation is similar to https://github.com/sindresorhus/strip-indent ```javascript dedent(" Hello\n World"); // => "Hello\n World" dedent("\t\tHello\n\t\t\t\tWorld"); // => "Hello\n\t\tWorld" dedent(" Hello\n World", " "); // Dedent by 2 spaces // => " Hello\n World" ``` #### reverse(string) => string Return reversed string: ```javascript reverse("foobar"); // => "raboof" ``` #### splice(string, index, howmany, substring) => string Like an array splice. ```javascript splice("https://edtsech@bitbucket.org/edtsech/underscore.strings", 30, 7, "epeli"); // => "https://edtsech@bitbucket.org/epeli/underscore.strings" ``` #### startsWith(string, starts, [position]) => boolean This method checks whether the string begins with `starts` at `position` (default: 0). ```javascript startsWith("image.gif", "image"); // => true startsWith(".vimrc", "vim", 1); // => true ``` #### endsWith(string, ends, [position]) => boolean This method checks whether the string ends with `ends` at `position` (default: string.length). ```javascript endsWith("image.gif", "gif"); // => true endsWith("image.old.gif", "old", 9); // => true ``` #### pred(string) => string Returns the predecessor to str. ```javascript pred("b"); // => "a" pred("B"); // => "A" ``` #### succ(string) => string Returns the successor to str. ```javascript succ("a"); // => "b" succ("A"); // => "B" ``` #### titleize(string) => string ```javascript titleize("my name is epeli"); // => "My Name Is Epeli" ``` #### camelize(string, [decapitalize=false]) => string Converts underscored or dasherized string to a camelized one. Begins with a lower case letter unless it starts with an underscore, dash or an upper case letter. ```javascript camelize("moz-transform"); // => "mozTransform" camelize("-moz-transform"); // => "MozTransform" camelize("_moz_transform"); // => "MozTransform" camelize("Moz-transform"); // => "MozTransform" camelize("-moz-transform", true); // => "mozTransform" ``` #### classify(string) => string Converts string to camelized class name. First letter is always upper case ```javascript classify("some_class_name"); // => "SomeClassName" ``` #### underscored(string) => string Converts a camelized or dasherized string into an underscored one ```javascript underscored("MozTransform"); // => "moz_transform" ``` #### dasherize(string) => string Converts a underscored or camelized string into an dasherized one ```javascript dasherize("MozTransform"); // => "-moz-transform" ``` #### humanize(string) => string Converts an underscored, camelized, or dasherized string into a humanized one. Also removes beginning and ending whitespace, and removes the postfix '_id'. ```javascript humanize(" capitalize dash-CamelCase_underscore trim "); // => "Capitalize dash camel case underscore trim" ``` #### trim(string, [characters]) => string Trims defined characters from begining and ending of the string. Defaults to whitespace characters. ```javascript trim(" foobar "); // => "foobar" trim("_-foobar-_", "_-"); // => "foobar" ``` #### ltrim(string, [characters]) => string Left trim. Similar to trim, but only for left side. #### rtrim(string, [characters]) => string Right trim. Similar to trim, but only for right side. #### truncate(string, length, [truncateString = '...']) => string ```javascript truncate("Hello world", 5); // => "Hello..." truncate("Hello", 10); // => "Hello" ``` #### prune(string, length, pruneString) => string Elegant version of truncate. Makes sure the pruned string does not exceed the original length. Avoid half-chopped words when truncating. ```javascript prune("Hello, world", 5); // => "Hello..." prune("Hello, world", 8); // => "Hello..." prune("Hello, world", 5, " (read a lot more)"); // => "Hello, world" (as adding "(read a lot more)" would be longer than the original string) prune("Hello, cruel world", 15); // => "Hello, cruel..." prune("Hello", 10); // => "Hello" ``` #### words(str, delimiter=/\s+/) => array Split string by delimiter (String or RegExp), /\s+/ by default. ```javascript words(" I love you "); // => ["I", "love", "you"] words("I_love_you", "_"); // => ["I", "love", "you"] words("I-love-you", /-/); // => ["I", "love", "you"] words(" ") // => [] ``` #### sprintf(string format, ...arguments) => string C like string formatting. Makes use of the [sprintf-js](https://npmjs.org/package/sprintf-js) package. **This function will be removed in the next major release, use the [sprintf-js](https://npmjs.org/package/sprintf-js) package instead.** ```javascript sprintf("%.1f", 1.17); // => "1.2" ``` #### pad(str, length, [padStr, type]) => string pads the `str` with characters until the total string length is equal to the passed `length` parameter. By default, pads on the **left** with the space char (`" "`). `padStr` is truncated to a single character if necessary. ```javascript pad("1", 8); // => " 1" pad("1", 8, "0"); // => "00000001" pad("1", 8, "0", "right"); // => "10000000" pad("1", 8, "0", "both"); // => "00001000" pad("1", 8, "bleepblorp", "both"); // => "bbbb1bbb" ``` #### lpad(str, length, [padStr]) => string left-pad a string. Alias for `pad(str, length, padStr, "left")` ```javascript lpad("1", 8, "0"); // => "00000001" ``` #### rpad(str, length, [padStr]) => string right-pad a string. Alias for `pad(str, length, padStr, "right")` ```javascript rpad("1", 8, "0"); // => "10000000" ``` #### lrpad(str, length, [padStr]) => string left/right-pad a string. Alias for `pad(str, length, padStr, "both")` ```javascript lrpad("1", 8, '0'); // => "00001000" ``` #### toNumber(string, [decimals]) => number Parse string to number. Returns NaN if string can't be parsed to number. ```javascript toNumber("2.556"); // => 3 toNumber("2.556", 1); // => 2.6 toNumber("999.999", -1); // => 990 ``` #### strRight(string, pattern) => string Searches a string from left to right for a pattern and returns a substring consisting of the characters in the string that are to the right of the pattern or all string if no match found. ```javascript strRight("This_is_a_test_string", "_"); // => "is_a_test_string" ``` #### strRightBack(string, pattern) => string Searches a string from right to left for a pattern and returns a substring consisting of the characters in the string that are to the right of the pattern or all string if no match found. ```javascript strRightBack("This_is_a_test_string", "_"); // => "string" ``` #### strLeft(string, pattern) => string Searches a string from left to right for a pattern and returns a substring consisting of the characters in the string that are to the left of the pattern or all string if no match found. ```javascript strLeft("This_is_a_test_string", "_"); // => "This"; ``` #### strLeftBack(string, pattern) => string Searches a string from right to left for a pattern and returns a substring consisting of the characters in the string that are to the left of the pattern or all string if no match found. ```javascript strLeftBack("This_is_a_test_string", "_"); // => "This_is_a_test"; ``` #### stripTags(string) => string Removes all html tags from string. ```javascript stripTags("a <a href=\"#\">link</a>"); // => "a link" stripTags("a <a href=\"#\">link</a><script>alert(\"hello world!\")</script>"); // => "a linkalert("hello world!")" ``` #### toSentence(array, [delimiter, lastDelimiter]) => string Join an array into a human readable sentence. ```javascript toSentence(["jQuery", "Mootools", "Prototype"]); // => "jQuery, Mootools and Prototype"; toSentence(["jQuery", "Mootools", "Prototype"], ", ", " unt "); // => "jQuery, Mootools unt Prototype"; ``` #### toSentenceSerial(array, [delimiter, lastDelimiter]) => string The same as `toSentence`, but adjusts delimeters to use [Serial comma](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_comma). ```javascript toSentenceSerial(["jQuery", "Mootools"]); // => "jQuery and Mootools" toSentenceSerial(["jQuery", "Mootools", "Prototype"]); // => "jQuery, Mootools, and Prototype" toSentenceSerial(["jQuery", "Mootools", "Prototype"], ", ", " unt "); // => "jQuery, Mootools, unt Prototype" ``` #### repeat(string, count, [separator]) => string Repeats a string count times. ```javascript repeat("foo", 3); // => "foofoofoo" repeat("foo", 3, "bar"); // => "foobarfoobarfoo" ``` #### surround(string, wrap) => string Surround a string with another string. ```javascript surround("foo", "ab"); // => "abfooab" ``` #### quote(string, quoteChar) or q(string, quoteChar) => string Quotes a string. `quoteChar` defaults to `"`. ```javascript quote("foo", '"'); // => '"foo"'; ``` #### unquote(string, quoteChar) => string Unquotes a string. `quoteChar` defaults to `"`. ```javascript unquote('"foo"'); // => "foo" unquote("'foo'", "'"); // => "foo" ``` #### slugify(string) => string Transform text into an ascii slug which can be used in safely in URLs. Replaces whitespaces, accentuated, and special characters with a dash. Limited set of non-ascii characters are transformed to similar versions in the ascii character set such as `ä` to `a`. ```javascript slugify("Un éléphant à l\'orée du bois"); // => "un-elephant-a-l-oree-du-bois" ``` ***Caution: this function is charset dependent*** #### naturalCmp(string1, string2) => number Naturally sort strings like humans would do. None numbers are compared by their [ASCII values](http://www.asciitable.com/). Note: this means "a" > "A". Use `.toLowerCase` if this isn't to be desired. Just past it to `Array#sort`. ```javascript ["foo20", "foo5"].sort(naturalCmp); // => ["foo5", "foo20"] ``` #### toBoolean(string) => boolean Turn strings that can be commonly considered as booleas to real booleans. Such as "true", "false", "1" and "0". This function is case insensitive. ```javascript toBoolean("true"); // => true toBoolean("FALSE"); // => false toBoolean("random"); // => undefined ``` It can be customized by giving arrays of truth and falsy value matcher as parameters. Matchers can be also RegExp objects. ```javascript toBoolean("truthy", ["truthy"], ["falsy"]); // => true toBoolean("true only at start", [/^true/]); // => true ``` #### map(string, function) => string Creates a new string with the results of calling a provided function on every character of the given string. ```javascript map("Hello world", function(x) { return x; }); // => "Hello world" map(12345, function(x) { return x; }); // => "12345" map("Hello world", function(x) { if (x === 'o') x = 'O'; return x; }); // => "HellO wOrld" ``` ### Library functions If you require the full library you can use chaining and aliases #### s(string) => chain Start a chain. Returns an immutable chain object with the string functions as methods which return a new chain object instead of the plain string value. The chain object includes also following native Javascript string methods: - [toUpperCase](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/toUpperCase) - [toLowerCase](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/toLowerCase) - [split](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/split) - [replace](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/replace) - [slice](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/slice) - [substring](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/substring) - [substr](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/substr) - [concat](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String/concat) #### chain.value() Return the string value from the chain ```javascript s(" foo ").trim().capitalize().value(); // => "Foo" ``` When calling a method which does not return a string the resulting value is immediately returned ```javascript s(" foobar ").trim().startsWith("foo"); // => true ``` #### chain.tap(function) => chain Tap into the chain with a custom function ```javascript s("foo").tap(function(value){ return value + "bar"; }).value(); // => "foobar" ``` #### Aliases ```javascript strip = trim lstrip = ltrim rstrip = rtrim center = lrpad rjust = lpad ljust = rpad contains = include q = quote toBool = toBoolean camelcase = camelize ``` ## Maintainers ## This library is maintained by - Esa-Matti Suuronen – ***[@epeli](https://github.com/epeli)*** - Christoph Hermann – ***[@stoeffel](https://github.com/stoeffel)*** ## Licence ## The MIT License Copyright (c) 2011 Esa-Matti Suuronen esa-matti@suuronen.org Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. [d]: http://www.diveintojavascript.com/core-javascript-reference/the-string-object