Direktori : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/underscore.deep/ |
Current File : /home/opti/workflow/node_modules/underscore.deep/underscore.deep.js |
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.3 var deepClone, deepDelete, deepExtend, deepFromFlat, deepKeys, deepMapValues, isPlainObject, mapKeys, mapValues, _; _ = require('underscore'); module.exports = { deepKeys: deepKeys = function(obj) { if (!isPlainObject(obj)) { throw new Error("deepKeys must be called on an object, not '" + obj + "'"); } return _.flatten(_.map(obj, function(v, k) { if (isPlainObject(v) && !_.isEmpty(v)) { return _.map(deepKeys(v), function(subkey) { return "" + k + "." + subkey; }); } else { return [k]; } })); }, deepClone: deepClone = function(object) { var type, _i, _len, _ref; if (object == null) { return object; } _ref = [Date, Number, String, Boolean]; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { type = _ref[_i]; if (object instanceof type) { return new type(object); } } if (_(object).isArray()) { return _(object).map(deepClone); } if (!_(object).isObject()) { return object; } if (object.nodeType && _(object.cloneNode).isFunction()) { return object.cloneNode(true); } if (object.constructor !== {}.constructor) { return object; } return mapValues(object, deepClone); }, deepHas: function(obj, keys) { var helper; helper = function(obj, keys) { if ((keys.length === 0) || (!_.isObject(obj))) { return false; } else if (keys.length === 1) { return _.first(keys) in obj; } else { return helper(obj[_.first(keys)], _.rest(keys)); } }; return helper(obj, _.isArray(keys) ? keys : keys.split('.')); }, deepOmit: function(obj, keys) { var deepOmitOne; if (!isPlainObject(obj)) { throw new Error("deepOmit must be called on an object, not '" + obj + "'"); } deepOmitOne = function(obj, key) { var helper; helper = function(obj, key_arr) { switch (false) { case !_.isEmpty(key_arr): return obj; case key_arr.length !== 1: return _.omit(obj, _.first(key_arr)); case !!isPlainObject(obj[_.first(key_arr)]): return obj; default: return _.extend({}, obj, _.object([_.first(key_arr)], [helper(obj[_.first(key_arr)], _.rest(key_arr))])); } }; return helper(obj, key.split('.')); }; return _.reduce(keys, deepOmitOne, obj); }, deepPick: (function() { var deepGet; deepGet = function(obj, key) { var helper; helper = function(obj, key_arr) { if (key_arr.length === 1) { return obj != null ? obj[_.first(key_arr)] : void 0; } else { return helper(obj[_.first(key_arr)], _.rest(key_arr)); } }; return helper(obj, key.split('.')); }; return function(obj, keys) { var flat_new_obj; if (!isPlainObject(obj)) { throw new Error("deepPick must be called on an object, not '" + obj + "'"); } flat_new_obj = _.reduce(keys, function(new_obj, key) { var val; val = deepGet(obj, key); if (val !== void 0) { new_obj[key] = val; } return new_obj; }, {}); return deepFromFlat(flat_new_obj); }; })(), deepDelete: deepDelete = function(obj, key) { if ((key == null) || (obj == null)) { return; } if (!_(key).isArray()) { key = key.split('.'); } if (key.length === 1) { delete obj[key]; return; } return deepDelete(obj[key[0]], key.slice(1, key.length)); }, deepExtend: deepExtend = function(obj, ext, mutate) { return _.reduce(ext, function(acc, val, key) { acc[key] = (key in obj) && isPlainObject(obj[key]) && isPlainObject(val) ? deepExtend(obj[key], val) : val; return acc; }, mutate ? obj : _.clone(obj)); }, isPlainObject: isPlainObject = function(value) { return (value != null ? value.constructor : void 0) === {}.constructor; }, deepToFlat: function(obj) { var recurse, res; res = {}; recurse = function(obj, current) { var key, newKey, value, _results; _results = []; for (key in obj) { value = obj[key]; newKey = (current ? current + "." + key : key); if (value && isPlainObject(value)) { _results.push(recurse(value, newKey)); } else { _results.push(res[newKey] = value); } } return _results; }; recurse(obj); return res; }, deepFromFlat: deepFromFlat = function(o) { var k, key, oo, part, parts, t; oo = {}; t = void 0; parts = void 0; part = void 0; for (k in o) { t = oo; parts = k.split("."); key = parts.pop(); while (parts.length) { part = parts.shift(); t = t[part] = t[part] || {}; } t[key] = o[k]; } return oo; }, mapValues: mapValues = function(obj, f_val) { if (!isPlainObject(obj)) { throw new Error("mapValues must be called on an object, not '" + obj + "'"); } return _.object(_.keys(obj), _.map(obj, f_val)); }, deepMapValues: deepMapValues = function(obj, f) { if (!isPlainObject(obj)) { throw new Error("deepMapValues must be called on an object, not '" + obj + "'"); } return mapValues(obj, function(v, k) { if (isPlainObject(v)) { return deepMapValues(v, function(subv, subk) { return f(subv, "" + k + "." + subk); }); } else { return f(v, k); } }); }, mapKeys: mapKeys = function(obj, f_val) { if (!isPlainObject(obj)) { throw new Error("mapKeys must be called on an object, not '" + obj + "'"); } return _.object(_.map(obj, function(v, k) { return f_val(k, v); }), _.values(obj)); } };